Chapter 92- Congratulations. It's a boy! 😾(SplitVerse)
Corrupted is exhausted and Ink is thrilled! Sun is still judging everyone around them and his suspicious of 'Cross' keep rising
"Good job tiring them out, Corrupted! I knew you would get along with them in no time"
Ink said cheerily as he crouched down where Corrupted was squished underneath the napping large kitty. He hummed in curiosity when he realised how colourful the AU had become, intrigued by how some of the trees looked like a rainbow puked on them.
"I've never seen magic like that neat!"
"Are you insane?!"
"Not officially! Dream said i just missed the mark due to 'technicalities' whatever that meant"
"That was a rhetorical question, you absolute idiot! How is any of this a good thing?! And why aren't you helping me right now?!"
"Of course its a good thing. It's something new!"
Corrupted felt his eye twitch when Ink began rambling at 'how much fun' this would be and felt his own tentacles flinch away from a neon pink stone nearby, something terribly wrong with the magic that turned it that colour and was growing more annoyed that Ink couldn't see how unnatural this all was.
"Dont poke it! Who knows what it is-INK! Are you even listening to me?!"
"Wow. It feels oddly tingly to the touch. I wonder if I can replicate this.."
He watched in resignation when Ink kept poking the unnaturally coloured stone and cringed when he saw them put a rainbow leaf in their mouth, twitching as their emotions went crazy to his senses for a second, feeling a headache coming on.
He wished he was more surprised when Ink did it again to another leaf, giving up trying to push off the 'animal' laying on top of him and slumping on the ground in sheer resignation. Error was so going to dust him for not updating him right away of this issue and at this point he might even thank them for it. He knew the Destroyer wouldn't care for any excuses for delaying on relaying vital information that could potentially make their job harder and very much felt this weird rainbow magic was going to do that.
Now if only he could reach his phone but his arms were sadly trapped under a mound of fluff and was unable to budge an inch, it somewhat terrifying considering he wasn't exactly a weak monster.
He tried to push back the fear of 'what' exactly this creature was to the back of his mind, knowing he didn't have time for a panic attack just yet and compartmentalised like a champ, planning to offload on the other Guardians much later.
Everyone had learned that the hard way with Ink being the main recipient of Error's displeasure it only a lesson you needed once before you got the message to not mess with Error's work..apart from Ink of course who sometimes did it for 'fun', another thing that made him question their intelligence some days.
Corrupted watched with a dead expression when Ink began licking every coloured object like an excited toddler, unsure how the idiot hadnt dusted themselves years ago with such faulty self preservation instincts.
"Huh, my gloves turned purple..i wonder if other clothes will change if i keep touching this!"
...he still couldn't believe that this was the Creator, when they could be dumber then a bag of rock some days.
He had never been happier when he realised he could leave most interactions with them up to the more positive Guardians, already exhausted being around them after only an hour. Although, that could be due to running for his life from the 'feline' who he was convinced kept growing by the second, grimacing when his only free tentacle was suddenly pinned when a large paw landed on top of it.
His day truly was getting worse by the minute...
"Need some help, Boss?"
"How many times have i told you that you don't have to call me that, Cross"
"Of course, Boss, my mistake. Can i help in any way?"
He sighed inwardly at their words and if he couldn't feel how oblivious they were and that weird puppy-like devotion that he couldn't dissuade them from no matter what he did, he might have thought they were doing it to wind him up on purpose.
"It's probably better if you dont. You dont want Ink annoyed with you because you 'disturbed the precious kitty'"
The sad thing was that this was hardly the first time he had been personally forced to deal with something dangerous when around Ink and yet he still held onto the futile hope that Ink would have a different reaction the next time.
Maybe he was an idiot expecting something to change and doing the same thing over and over again.
He was still planning to make the other three Guardians life hell after this, betting they were all avoiding coming where he was on purpose due to sensing his emotions. It was a stupid thing how easily they could sense each other now, after the weird magic Ink used on them, unsure if he preferred this life or the constant fights of before.
"Look at this, Cross! My magic has gone funny!"
Corrupted was almost too scared to look over at Ink but braved himself to do so and instantly regretted it when he saw how Inks right hand was bright blue and their magic had turned an alarmingly bright yellow.
...he couldn't wait until he could go home and forget Ink existed again.
Sun decided to stop faking his nap and let out an exaggerated yawn while 'accidently' laying further on Corrupted in the process. It still took everything in him not to bristle at how close Cross was, truly thinking everyone was an idiot for how casually they were treating them.
He eventually slinked off of Corrupted when he grew bored of their complaints, his tail lashing in agitation when he noted he had grown again and feeling the familiar painful ache in his body. He let out an unhappy growl when he couldn't even open up his Inventory anymore, sitting down on his haunches with his ears flat on his head.
He really didnt want to go through this whole process of trying to drain his magic, worried if he would even be able to do that with how endless it felt right now. Whoever thought that more magic was a gift was an absolute idiot, barely able to control his magic and shuddering when his form shifted to what it was when he ran through the AntiVoid.
It was far too large and cumbersome, the teeth long but all he could focus on was the ache in his bones.
Just when he felt he was about to explode with the magic a hand touched his back and it felt like his magic was drained like a plug pulled out of a bath, feeling deep relief followed by panic when his form shifted far too quickly to control.
He didnt have enough time to growl at being in his babybones form again when he saw how he was plummeting to the ground far too fast for his liking, yelping when hands grabbed him and growing pale when he saw who had done so.
"What?! It was a child all along? What the hell is happening?!"
"Ooo! What did you do, Cross? I didnt even realise that was their base form at all. What a tricksy babybones."
Sun was far too stressed to try and snap at the other two, his eyelights refusing to move from Cross and trembling when he got a better feel just how much magic they had at their disposal. He didn't even make a noise when he was pulled to their chest or when they pulled out his favourite gold cat plushy rather rudely out of his Inventory and handed it over to him.
He focused on cuddling his plushy and hiding his face in their fluffy material, absolutely terrified of what was happening and would happily take his brother over this any day.
"No need to be so stressed, little chaos. We have lots to talk about"
He shivered at Cross's whispered words to the side of his skull, silently praying he hadnt bumped into yet another stalker.
*The usual black and white trees now being neon colours*
Ink: *Looking mesmerised* How neat! What a cool magic the kitty has 🤩
Corrupted: *Feeling even more anxiety about this strange creature* Why are you getting excited?! How is this a good thing?!
Cross: *Acting puppy like towards Corrupted* Can i help you with anything, Boss?
Corrupted: *Resisting the urge to cry or shout at them to stop acting like that* No! I am fine. Please call me by my name!
Sun: *Listening in and spotting the mischief in Cross's eyelights*..this place is so weird
Cross: *Seemingly to simple poke the 'feline' and holding a babybones in the end, looking 'innocently' at the other two* It's a boy!
Ink: *Impressed at the 'magic trick'* Wow! How did you do that?
Corrupted: *Mind melting even more at the seemingly impossible thing*
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