Chapter 22
I tried valiantly to get myself under control.
I didn't want Osagiede to see the diary, so I pocketed it. I didn't even want her to know I had already read the contents of it.
I was still feeling light-headed so I went to take a shower, leaving the diary in the pocket of my Jeans.
After I got out, I laid down on the bed, tossing and turning. I couldn't sleep, neither had I come to any conclusion on what to do yet.
Did it mean he snuck into the house while we were away?
Was it Geoffrey or someone else trying to play a sick trick?
Had he been watching us all this time?
Watching Osagiede?
Watching our baby?
All these questions begged for answers but none was forthcoming.
An involuntary shudder ran through me at the thought of him watching Osagiede and out baby. I couldn't take it anymore so I got up. I couldn't think of anyone else to call except Gboyega. "Hey man, where are you?" I tried to keep the tremors out of my voice but failed miserably.
"On my way to your place, I'll soon be there. Is everything okay?" Concern laced his voice.
"My place?" I asked incredulously. Then it hit me. I hit my forehead in consternation. I had forgotten I'd invited him over for lunch today.
Today was not a good day. A lot was going on.
What was I to do now?
My parents in law were here and I wasn't in the mood to host anyone.
"Hello! Incase you hadn't noticed, I'm driving. Can we talk when I get to your place?"
"Yeah, okay!" And I cut the call.
I told Osagiede I was going to meet with some clients, and she shouldn't expect me back for lunch and dinner too. She was in the kitchen sitting on one of the stools. She looked at me but said nothing, so I took my car keys and went outside to wait for Gboyega.
He drove into the compound some few minutes later. By then my nerves were already stretched thin. He took one look at me and understood instantly. "That bad, huh?"
I nodded. "Listen! I'm very sorry. I'm not in the right frame of mind to host anyone right now. I've got a lot going on and I need to talk to someone."
He must have seen the raw desperation on my face, because he nodded and told me to drive behind him in his car. He drove to a bar and ordered drinks for both of us. Scotch for him and tequila for me. After two shots, I poured out my heart to him, starting from when I had first discovered the diary, how I was suffering with loving my wife, and my love not being reciprocated. I talked about when she got pregnant and how she started realizing her love for me. I finally ended with seeing the diary resurfacing and the new words written in it.
I dug it out of my pocket and showed him. He was silent throughout, listening. When I finished talking, I felt a great burden lift from my chest.
It was really therapeutic.
"What else do you know about this guy apart from his name?" He looked at the words on the diary, a frown on his face.
"That he's a slime ball!" I responded immediately.
He laughed at that, but then took on a serious pensive look. That rattled me a bit. Gboyega was never pensive, he was always smiling and carefree. "You need a detective and I know just the one. He's very good at his job too. Very discreet. He's like a blood hound. He'll dig up all the dirt on anyone, even details that have been hidden in the past."
I looked at him, understanding hit me at his words. I knew exactly what he was talking about. He probably used him to get dirt about people he did business with.
"Yes, I've used him before. In the world of business, you need to know your opponent's and how to deal with them." His eyes took on a steely glint.
I didn't want to be on the wrong side of this guy anytime soon. Scratch that, anytime at all.
He was a good ally and he was proving to also be a good friend.
My mind swung back to the matter at hand. I needed to know everything about this Geoffrey guy. What he does. Who he is. What he wants. Why he would think it was okay to come back into a woman's life, my woman's life if I might add. A married woman at that. How can he think it was okay to toy with her feelings, willy nilly?
"So, you ready for this guy?" Gboyega intercepted my thoughts.
"I'm so ready!" I replied, determinedly.
"One more question." He raised a finger. "When you find out who he is. What next? What do you intend to do about it?"
I had thought about that. I intended to get in touch with him and threaten him to back off.
"Something tells me this guy has done his homework on your whole family, so you might need to do more than threaten him."
"How do you mean?" I wasn't quite sure what he meant.
"This is not a matter for the police. Let's talk to the detective first, then we'll take it up from there." He whipped out his phone and dialed a number. He talked for some few minutes, his words quiet and coded. I couldn't decipher what he was saying. All I heard were 'job and now.'
When he finished, he cut the call and settled back into his chair once more.
"Are you sure you are ready for this?" He looked at me keenly.
"I've never been more ready for anything, next to my wedding, of course." I laughed nervously.
"While we're on this topic. I'm curious about something. Why don't you want to take up the mantle of leadership in your home town?" He looked at me quizzically.
I felt myself stiffening. This was a touchy subject for me. He noticed and sighed. "You don't have to reply if you don't want to talk about it."
"Actually, I do." I leaned forward. The tequila was already making me loose-tongued. What the heck, I'll go for it. "I feel my dad's shoes are too big for me to fill. I mean, the man was a force to be reckoned with. How can anyone contend with that?" I finished, leaning back in my seat.
Gboyega looked at me like I had just grown a second head. "Is that all? So you're scared? You're actually scared and because of that, you're going to seat back and not take over your father's legacy? Are you for real right now?"
"When is he coming?" I asked, changing the subject.
"He'll be here soon. He's on his way as we speak. Eyare you need to let it out. I know I sound like a fucking shrink right now, but, it will eat you out if you don't tell someone. And I'm here, spill it." His swept his hand out in an arc to enunciate his statement.
"Hmm!" I sighed. "My business." I started. "Am I going to leave everything behind? I've built it from scratch. It's what I love to do. I don't want to stop my own legacy in order to fulfill my dad's."
He looked at me strangely once again and shook his head. "For a highly intelligent man, you're really quite dumb." He quipped. "No offence, really, but don't you know you can still run your business and be the fucking head of state if you want to? You can run it concurrently. You can hire more people. You can expand. You can be better, be the best version of yourself with that much power. You can do whatever the hell you want to do."
He was correct.
I hadn't looked at it that way. I just felt I would be stuck in the town having endless meetings all day long with the high chiefs, and being limited to town issues only. It doesn't have to be that way at all. I just realised it. The possibilities were endless, actually. My mind was already reeling with them. I looked at him. I couldn't believe this same guy, Gboyega --- a guy I had just barely met, had made me see the light, literally.
I grinned at him. "Thanks man, I really appreciate it."
"Cheers!" He raised his glass and I did, mine. We clinked glasses and I threw my drink down my throat, my eyes watering immediately.
He lit a stick of cigarette and sat back to look at me. I wondered what he saw in smoking those cancer sticks.
"So what are you going to do about this new information?"
"I'm still trying to wrap my head around the possibilities. Cut me some slack, please. It's just a little much for me to take in now. I need to think about it first."
"Well, think about it fast, because that throne won't stay empty forever. You never can tell who's scheming to sit on it."
I stilled on hearing those words. Mother said father had political enemies. Could one of them be plotting to take over the throne? That means mother might not be safe all alone. And I hadn't thought to call her since we left town. I've been so selfish, thinking only of myself, of my wants and my needs. I'm her only child, for crying out loud.
Her husband, my father, is dead and she's all alone and I'm here, living my life with my family, away from her. I didn't even know I was crying until I felt tears spill unto my bare hands. With my head in my hands, I wept, racking sobs that shook my whole frame.
Gboyega said nothing, thankfully. I just wanted to cry in peace. When I didn't have any more tears to shed, I went to the toilet, splashed some water on my face and came back out. We sat in silence for some time before he finally broke it. "Feeling better now?" He looked at me with concern in his eyes.
I just nodded, not trusting myself to speak, yet.
"He's here!"
I looked at him.
"Whe --- "
"I didn't want to disturb you. You needed to let it all out. Feel better now?"
I smiled at him. Who would have thought he would be instrumental in my pursuit of happiness and justice. "Thanks man. I'm ready to meet him." My voice came out hoarse. I cleared my throat and sat up straight.
He signaled with his head and a man stepped into view. I had to crane my neck to look up at him. He was that tall. He pulled up a chair and sat beside Gboyega. Then I got a good look at his face. It was hard and lined. He had the look of experience and something else. I just couldn't put a finger to. He also had an alert look about him, as if waiting for something to happen for him to spring into action. He was slightly bulky in size, but wiry at the same time. I was already getting a good feeling just looking at him. Gboyega introduced us and we shook hands. His hand shake was like a steel band.
"So, Mr ---- "
"Eyare. Just call me Eyare." I replied with a smile.
We got talking and I showed him the diary. He started from the beginning, from when Osagiede had started writing.
I squirmed in my chair a bit, because I didn't want anyone seeing it. It was private, so I put my hand on it and shook my head.
"You can't read that. . . please. It's private."
He smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. "Nothing is private in investigative work. Nothing at all." And he firmly removed my hand from the diary.
I hung my head in shame.
I should have guessed. My whole life would be open for him to see. He would also know my wife didn't initially love me.
He cleared his throat after what seemed like a long time. When I looked up, the diary was nowhere to be seen. I frowned at him.
"I need that diary to go over the evidence. I will get it across to you when I don't need it anymore. Is that the only evidence you have?"
"Sadly, yes." I replied.
He nodded and stood up.
"But . . . but when next will I hear from you?" I was confused.
Why was he leaving so soon?
What was the next step?
"You will hear from me today, that's a promise.' He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes, once again.
I nodded my thanks and he walked off.
I turned to Gboyega. He had been silent throughout the brief meeting with the detective, watching everything keenly.
"So, what now?" I asked, clasping my hands together.
"Now. We wait." He replied.
"I don't even know his name." What was wrong with me? I'm usually more detailed about such things. I guess the shame about him going through Osagiede's diary got to me.
"Just call him Red. Here! that's his number." He gave me his phone and I punched in the digits on my phone and saved it as Red.
"Do not tell your wife about this, ever. Some things are better left secret."
I nodded. I didn't like to keep secrets from Osagiede, but this was absolutely necessary. As I raised my glass to my lips, I heard someone call my name.
Turning round I saw my best friend and brother from another mother. We had grown up in the town together and gotten up to a lot of mischief as children.
As he came close, I saw a myriad of emotions pass across his face, but it went as quickly as it came.
Was that pity and fear? I wasn't sure.
We hugged it out and we both laughed.
He was built up. His muscles were straining against his shirt.
"Where on earth have you been, Osaze? And look at all these muscles. Are you per chance training to be a boxer?"
"What! These?" He touched his bulging muscles. "Well you know it's only to charm the pants off women." He laughed gaily.
"Ah! I can imagine. Poor women." I shook my head as we both laughed once more.
Osaze was my childhood friend. We grew up together at the palace. We were so close as to be almost brothers. We had parted when I left for the university and lost touch thereafter.
"So where are you staying now and are you married?" We were still standing and I totally forgot to introduce him to Gboyega. "Excuse my manners. This is my friend Gboyega." Turning to Gboyega. "This is Osaze, my brother from another mother." They exchanged hand shakes and he sat down on the same chair the detective had vacated. He pulled it towards me, grinning from ear to ear.
"Look at you man, still as handsome as ever." He looked at the ring on my finger. "And you're married too, I see. Who's the lucky lady?"
I brought out my wallet and showed him a picture of Osagiede and my baby. Something flickered across his features yet again, but he quickly brushed it away.
He whistled instead. "You caught yourself a real big fish here."
I laughed and took back my wallet.
"You've got yourself a lovely wife and beautiful baby. You've always been lucky." His face was sombre.
"Really! If I remember, it was you, all them girls were practically panting after back then in secondary school. You were a bad boy."
We laughed yet again, as we kept relieving our times as children.
"What would you like to drink?" I finally asked.
"Whatever you're taking, Eyare," he replied. He squinted at the bottle and asked. "Is that tequila?"
"Yeah, it is. Want some?" He took the bottle and drank straight from it.
"Since when did you start drinking, Eyare? You were a goody two shoes before, always so saintly." He laughed and looked at Gboyega, trying to drag him into the conversation.
"Well, life bro. When life hits you, you try to stay afloat, somehow." I shrugged.
He laughed then, shaking his head.
"Seriously bro, what could life do to you. You're rich, dude. you're the fucking heir to the throne. How's mummy doing? Been ages since I've seen her. I've missed her cookies." He said this all in one breath, like he was trying to rush out his words. I sensed he wanted to get them all out there so he won't talk about it again. "I heard about your dad. May his soul rest in peace." I nodded, suddenly solemn. I had done enough crying for the day, not about to go down that road once more.
We went quiet then, it was intermittently spilt with soft music from the speakers in the bar. I looked around me, I hadn't noticed how full it had gotten since we got here. A lot of noise suddenly filtered into my consciousness from the chattering of people around us.
We laughed and drank for awhile and I noticed Gboyega remained mostly silent, watching Osaze. I sensed some underlying emotions as Osaze spoke, but the atmosphere was charged with excitement, because we had just seen each other after such a long time so I didn't dwell on it.
After some mundane discussion, we exchanged numbers and I promised to call him soon.
I finally decided to call it a night. I'd made sure I drank lots of water and was sober so I could drive back home.
Gboyega had left an hour earlier. He probably felt like a third wheel. I felt really bad because I had not talked to him ever since Osaze showed up. I would call him once I got home. He had helped me so much today and I was almost certain on what I was going to do.
I got home at past ten o'clock and used my key to get in. Everywhere was silent, surprisingly. I went to the nursery, to check on Eseosa. She was fast asleep on her stomach, so I planted a kiss on her neck and put the lights off.
When I got to the room, Osagiede was sitting up in bed, looking straight ahead of her. "Where have you been?" Her voice sounded hoarse, as if she had been crying.
"I ---- "
"Don't say another word. You waltz in here at this late hour, reeking of alcohol. I had to give excuses to my parents about your absence."
She was practically shouting then. I deliberately said nothing because I didn't want to unleash all my pent up emotions on her. I also didn't have time for her tantrums either, I was just so damn tired and needed to sleep. I stood up, removed my clothes and took a shower. The warm bath made me feel sleepy, so I laid down on the bed. As I was drifting off to sleep, I heard soft sobs coming from her and soothing fingers on my back. I struggled to stay awake, but my eye lids were not having it.
Forgive me my love, forgive me for all the wrongs I've caused you... two times over...
It was said faintly, but I heard it. I welcomed the warm hands of sleep just then.
A/N: And finally... Geoffrey and Eyare meet after some long years.
Do you think Eyare will eventually figure it out before Geoffrey can harm him?
Do you think Eyare's mum is in danger?
So now you know Gboyega is on Eyare's side.
We are half way through, guys. A whole lot of drama is coming up in subsequent chapters...
Watch out!!
As usual, my besties, please comment and vote. I'd really love to hear what you all think!!! 💞💕💋
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