Chapter 17
After settling down in the city, Eseosa was taken to the hospital for a routine check up. The verdict was very good, she was faring quite nicely.
Lucky for me, my company had carved out a day care for women who had babies. It was way of helping us look after our young one's by having them near, and at the same time making us productive at our jobs too. A doctor came in once a week to check all the babies and a full time nurse was on stand by. It was a genius move on the part of the directors of the company. This helped them retain staff. As a result, the staff were very loyal to their organisation because they were treated very well.
All I had to do, was drop Eseosa off on the ground floor where the day care was situated, with some instructions for the care givers, and walk up a flight of stairs to my office. I made sure I checked on her at intervals when I had some spare time, but most especially during break time.
As I sat at my desk, I was beside myself with nervousness. How I was going to raise ten million naira, I didn't know.
Eyare and I had started a savings trust fund for Eseosa, but the money there wasn't even up to a million naira. Even if it were up to the money Geoffrey asked for, I couldn't touch it without informing Eyare about it. The bank would immediately ask for his signature and I couldn't very well tell him why I needed it.
It was just ten in the morning and I already had the beginnings of a headache. I rubbed my temples gingerly. Ever since that call, I had not gotten much sleep. Everything could go to hell if those pictures Geoffrey claimed he had were shown to Eyare. I couldn't handle anymore stress.
Question is, what was I going to do?
My mind suddenly flashed back to what the old woman said.
What were her words again:
Disgrace, evil manipulation and treachery. I visibly shuddered.
The company offered loans. I would find out if I could loan up to ten million. If not, I would just have to borrow the remaining from the bank.
But what if he asks me for more money?
I would definitely be done for. I don't even know if I'll get up to the ten million naira.
I put my head in my hands.
I felt I had come full circle once again. I couldn't concentrate on anything at all today. It was already twelve noon and I hadn't done a stitch of work. Last time that happened, I found out I was pregnant with Eseosa.
While she wasn't prepared for, I was absolutely overjoyed that my little bundle had come into the world. Her birth was a quick one. Looks like my baby couldn't wait to come into the world, I mused, smiling slightly.
And look what was waiting for you, my darling daughter; a terrible Illness.
Thank God it's all over now!
My eyes began to water and I mentally shook myself. Cleaning them, I stood up. I would go check on her first, as I was having a meeting with some investors in the next thirty minutes. Holding her always made me much calmer.
I smiled as I walked out of my office. I was intercepted by my secretary, who informed me that the client was here and the team was already in the conference room waiting on me.
I frowned, looking at the time.
They're twenty five minutes early. What gives?
I changed direction, sighing audibly.
I picked up my pace and got to the door of the conference room, only to remember I had forgotten the file in my office, so I made an about turn and walked back to my office, my heels clicking sharply on the marble floor. I picked up the file and walked out quickly. I got into the conference room a little flustered and breathless.
I had run a little on my way there so as not to keep them waiting. As I was the head of the team, they had waited for me to come. All my team members comprising of ten men, were there. I was the only female.
I was shocked to see only two people that comprised of the investors. A man in a dark grey suit and a woman who wore a black dress, with a dark wide brimmed hat that covered half of her face. She had on dark glasses. On her hands, were black suede gloves that went up to her elbows. She looked very Victorian in her dressing. Or she's probably trying to hide something.
The man in the suit stood up with a big smile on his face. He introduced himself as Mr. Black.
I smiled brightly at him and shook the hand he proffered. I turned to the woman who was still sitting. "Good day to you, madam."
The woman just nodded without saying a word.
The smile on my face faltered, but returned brightly, and with a curt nod of my head, I sat down.
Mr. Black also sat down, too. He wasted no time by saying he would like to be introduced to the prototype of the simless phone.
I nodded to one of my team members and he got up and clicked on the projector on the table and the screen came to life. Images of the phone were shown on the screen, rotating from different sides.
I began to talk, explaining the technology behind the phone. I knew every aspect of it and and as I spoke, I gestured with my hands as my eyes lit up. ". . .. and no need for the registration of a sim. All you need to do is just put your phone on and it automatically begins to transmit because the sim is in-built." I finished, smiling.
I asked if they had any questions and Mr. Black asked a few which I answered very well. I turned to the woman who had remained mum all this while, just nodding and taking everything in. She sat there with the ridiculous looking outfit on. She had never removed her dark sun glasses. Strange. She looked a bit familiar. I leaned towards her, peering at her, but just then Mr. Black cleared his throat and stood up.
But I was not deterred. I asked the woman if she had any questions, but she just wove her hands in dismissal.
Why isn't she speaking?
The man coughed again and said they had both seen enough. The woman stood up then. From the silent actions between them, it seemed the man deferred to the woman in status and rank. His hand was on the small of her back as they walked towards the door with me in tow. There, we exchanged good bye's with promises of further talks, and they left thereafter.
There were congratulations all around as we discussed the implications for all of us, if we actually agreed to invest in the phone. It would mean a big break for us. Not only would we be forerunners of a brand new technology, we would be trend setters and our individual names would go down in history as influential people. I was all smiles. My earlier nervousness forgotten, until my phone rang. Not looking at it, I answered on the second ring, a lightness in my tone.
"Someone sounds cheerful." His deep baritone voice rang out, clear in the silence of the corridor.
My fingers tightened on the phone. My breath hitched and my heart began to race.
Silence reigned from his end, and then he chuckled. "Tick tock! Time is going, sugar. You have until tomorrow, don't say I haven't been fair with you." And the line went dead.
I tried to get it together, but I was already panicking. I had to get to the HR office to ask for a loan this instance. My steps quickened as I hurried there.
Thirty minutes later and with a lot of begging, I was no way near getting any money.
I had been told that loans were closed to staff, till further notice. I begged the head HR, even used my car as collateral but to no avail.
I walked back morosely to my office, my shoulders slumped and defeated. I couldn't cry even if I wanted to. My eyes were dry and gritty, my earlier happiness forgotten.
Would he really reveal the nudes?
After all we had shared?
I carried a baby in my womb for this man for crying out loud. Is he that heartless?
I angrily tossed a hand carelessly through my hair. I knew I looked disheveled, but I just couldn't be bothered about that at this point in time. If I didn't do something and fast, my marriage would crumble --- scratch that, my whole life would be over.
I thought about things for a few more minutes and decided to give it a try. I didn't have anything to loose, so getting up, I picked up my bag and phone and left my office. I told my secretary she should stop all my meetings for the rest of the day. I wouldn't be coming back to the office.
I stopped at the day care to kiss Eseosa and leave some instructions with the care givers that I might come back a bit later than usual to pick her up. I had made extra milk and food and there were enough diapers for her. I held her for a bit just then, drawing strength from her. She was sleeping peacefully, so giving her a kiss on the forehead gently so as not to wake her up, I put her back in the cot and walked out.
I went home first, removed all my clothes and had a luxurious bath. I stepped out and got dresssed, spraying on some perfume at particular places of my body. I put on a long black coat to finish off my appearance and let my long, curly brown hair loose, letting it trail across my back. After putting a dash of red lipstick on, I finished my look with six inch kitten heels.
I was ready to go.
Twenty minutes later, I stood in front of a door and knocked. I heard footsteps approach from inside. It opened to reveal a man. He frowned, uncertainty lacing his eyes.
"Wha . . . what are you doing here." He stammered.
"Aren't you going to invite me in, baby?" I crooned.
He opened the door wider and moved away for me to enter.
I slipped by him, touching him lightly on his chest as I passed him. I knew I had hit my mark, when he gasped, so I walked right into the sitting room and sat down on the chair, crossing my legs and revealing long slim calves.
He stood in front of me and visibly swallowed. I noticed how his eyes traced their way up my exposed legs. I knew he was mentally relieving our time together. He willed himself to look away, but cleared his throat. "What are you doing here?"
I didn't reply him. Instead, I stood up, and walked past him to the bedroom and he followed me like a zombie. I already knew he would. Pausing at the door way of his room, I looked back to see him following me, a lost expression on his face. I smiled coyly at him and extended my index finger, beckoning him to follow.
Getting into the room, I went straight for his compact disc and slotted in a slow song, backing him in the process, then I turned round to him just then, a small smile on my lips.
Loosening the belt of my coat, I dropped it to the floor to reveal . . .
His sharp intake of breath was pleasing to my ears. I knew I had his full attention. I rifled through my hand bag and took out a camcoder. Spotting a good position, I set it up to film. Satisfied that the angle was right and it was facing the bed, I walked back to him.
His mouth hung open, slack.
His green eyes widened in astonishment. "Wha. . . what are you doing?" He stammered.
Without stopping what I was doing, I answered him. "I do believe this is the second time you're stammering. It's quite unbecoming of you." I smiled as I continued rifling through my bag. "But if you must know," I shrugged, bringing out a pair of red cuffs and throwing them on the bed.
"We are going to do a little film show." I smiled up at him coyly. "If I'm going to show myself, I need to look good at the very least, don't you think?" I raised an eye brow enquiringly.
His mouth fell open once more.
"I. . . I don't understand what you're doing."
"Come on!" I said, gesticulating wildly. "You're killing my vibes now. Just stop stammering already. Maybe you should just keep quiet and enjoy the show. I'm in charge now." I moved purposely towards him and he backed away from me, unsure of what was going on. I giggled, holding my hands to my lips. "You can't escape me, Geoffrey."
I pushed him back on the bed and began undressing him.
When he was only in his boxers, I got a hold of the cuffs and cuffed his two hands together. He couldn't move now.
I looked down at the bulge in his boxers. "Nutty boy." I drawled.
I traced a finger from his face and down to his bare chest. I kept my fingers moving, until I stopped at the edge of his shorts. He groaned, his eyes closing tightly. Then I slapped him, hard, across his cheek. I took up my coat from the floor and draped it around myself and tied it tightly round me, then I sighed audibly.
"Now! Be a good boy and just stay here until I decide to release you. Only I have the keys. I smiled at him and made to walk out the door.
"Wait! Are you going to leave me here, like this?" He squeaked.
I turned back to him.
"Of course! Did you think I came here to have sex with you, after you wanted to destroy my home?" My voice had begun to rise.
"Sugar please don't leave me like this, please." He begged, his voice came out as a whine.
"This is how I like to see you, begging me." I said, my eyes spitting fire.
His next words stopped me in my tracks.
"I love you." It came out quietly, so quiet, I almost didn't hear it.
I turned round and looked at him, an incredulous look on my face.
"I guess I started loving you even back then when we were in school. I just didn't want to be tied down with a child." He looked so small and forlorn.
I didn't believe him, couldn't believe him. This was the same slime ball who had almost messed up my life in school, until Eyare came along and wiped away my tears. I was just happy that I had realised my love for him before it was too late. "Don't say another word or you'll be sorry. I'll leave you like this and you'll be forced to stay here this way, until someone comes along to save you."
"I'm telling the truth." He stated quietly. "I won't lie just to hurt myself in the process. Sugar, believe me please." He begged, struggling to get up to a sitting position. "I know that you love me too."
I threw back my head and laughed. When I was done, I spat out at him. "How can you sit there and spew those things from your dirt trap of a mouth?"
I threw my bag at him and rushed at him, beating and slapping him feebly on his chest. When I was spent, I collapsed on him, crying heartfelt tears.
"I'm sorry! I'm very sorry." He kept repeating over and over again. "Please let me go from these constraints and I'll show you how much I care. Please!" He pleaded with me.
I nodded and picked up my bag from the floor. All the contents had spilled unto it when I threw my bag at him. I picked them all up, sniffling slightly.
I got out the keys from my purse and with shaky hands, made to open them, but all the threats he threw at me over the phone, came washing back into my memory. The filthy words he threw at me --- at my daughter.
Nobody threatened my daughter.
Absolutely inexcusable.
I straightened up and threw the keys back into my bag.
"Sorry, but, no deal."
Picking up my bag, I walked out of his room and out of his house without a backward glance.
Well, well, well!!!
Looks like Geoffrey is genuinely in love with Osagiede.
What do you think she's going to do next?
Do you think his threats will continue?
You'll need to find out in upcoming chapters ....
You know what to do, lovelies..
Sound off in the comments please.
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Until next time, peace and love 💞💕💞💟💋
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