Chapter 27
She broke the silence first. "The name's Imade." Her eyes flicked from the road and landed on me. Piercing eyes that assessed me. I knew she was waiting for me to reciprocate in kind, so I had to say something.
"That's a great name you have. How's it working out for you?"
She smiled. "It means I did not fall."
I nodded. "Yes, I know." And I fell silent. I realised she was waiting for me to introduce myself. This was evident as her eyes left the road once more and settled on me, with raised brows.
"I'm sorry Imade, my name is Eyare Osazuwa. I'm not just in a good place right now, please forgive me."
There was a pause before she tentatively replied. "Are you by any chance related to the Osazuwa family? You know --- the great king of Ozala town?"
As soon as she asked the question, I expected to feel the familiar tightness in my chest as I normally would when it popped up. Instead, I felt peace and I knew just what it was.
I had finally come to terms with who my father was. Yes! He was great indeed, and his legacy still lived on in me, in the town, on people's lips and in their hearts.
I suddenly felt sad I hadn't been around him more often. I was more interested in studying and hiding my head in books and my life.
I could have learnt a lot from him. The ropes of kingship, how to rule, learning the ways of my people and the culture of my tradition.
The sudden realisation I would eventually rule Ozala town sometime soon, didn't seem daunting anymore.
In fact, it felt pleasant -- quite pleasant. I was really looking forward to it.
I was completely lost in thought and smiling to myself when she interrupted.
"A penny for your thoughts?"
I turned towards her with a wide smile. I must have looked funny, what with my goofy smile, because she looked at me weirdly before turning her attention back to the road.
"Yes! I'm the son of the great king Osazuwa of Ozala town." I was so proud of him and I was ready to shout it out to the whole world.
She swung her head towards me, her eyes widening in surprise, then she swung it back to the road. "Wow!" She whispered reverently. She braked suddenly and the car screeched in protest.
"Be careful!" I was fearful we would have an accident. I noticed her hands were shaking.
She slowed down, parked the car on the side of the road, took a deep breath and turned to face me. There was a reverent look on her face. "You are a prince!" she breathed heavily. "The sole heir to the Osazuwa throne. You are the next king." She whispered it, the realisation of her words making her eyes widen and wrapping us up in a mysterious bubble.
She looked at me, bent her head suddenly and lifted her hands up in the air. Exactly the same pose as the high chiefs used to greet my dad. This was getting very surreal. I suddenly felt like Eddie Murphy in Coming to America.
You know the film he acted when he took up the character as a prince? Yup! That one.
I expected the familiar tightness to settle itself in my chest, but, nothing. I tried to summon it, but it still didn't come.
Euphoria swept through me.
I was free -- free to reign as the next king. Finally!
I would not let my father down. I would not let his great memory go down the drain. I would definitely not let my mother down either, she who had brought me up with so much love. She showed me how to care for others. She was the reason I was still alive.
No! I would definitely not let her down either!
I turned to Imade. My eyes misty with unshed tears. "Please, rise!" Authority laced my voice.
She did so slowly, looked at me from head to toe, her eyes still filled with awe.
"You are so, so. . . "
"Different?" I proffered, a smile playing on my lips.
"You are so humble, so simple, so. . ."
"Okay, okay, I get it." I said, raising my hands in the air and laughing.
"I am at your service, my king." She bowed, yet again.
I breathed in deeply.
Is this what it would be like after ascending the throne?
To be revered?
I didn't want that weirdly enough. I decided to do something about it. "Okay, let's get something straight. My name is Eyare, so please call me that."
Her eyes widened considerably and she shook her head until I thought it would become unhinged from her shoulders.
"No, no! I can never do that." Her eyes took on a fearful look.
I sighed and rubbed my face.
This was going to be difficult.
"Look! I need to tell you something. I'm here because I was told my mother was kidnapped and I need to make sure she is okay. I'm assuming you're from Ozala town?" I asked enquiringly.
She bobbed her head.
"Okay! So that's why I'm going there now. I don't even know why I'm telling you this, but I feel I can trust you. But please, do not call me your king. . . at least not until I ascend the throne. Is that a deal?"
The fearful look in her eyes eased to one of concern. "Yes my ki--- I mean Ey---"
"Don't worry. You'll get used to calling my name. I smiled reassuringly at her and she smiled back at me.
"Now, are you composed enough to drive, or should I?"
She looked at me, the fearful look taking precedence in her eyes once more.
"Never, my king." We looked at each other and burst out laughing.
She started the car, checked the rear view mirror and we were on our way once more.
Enough time spent chit - chatting. I needed to know my mum was okay. I was glad I had an ally in Imade, she would be of great help soon. I felt it.
* * *
Imade had been horning for the past ten minutes at the imposing gates but someone was yet to come out.
That was when I actually believed things were amiss.
I got down from the car, my bones popping with stiffness.
The car was small and I had crammed all of my 6'1 height inside it. I threw some punches in front of me as I walked towards the massive black gate.
As I was about to start knocking on it, it swung open and a man I had never seen before, came out.
"Can I help you?" He looked behind me at the car.
I scratched my head, wondering how to answer him when he looked at me and his eyes suddenly widened.
"M . . . m . . . m . . ."
I frowned in consternation, wondering at the sudden stuttering.
I heard Imade coming down from the car and banging it shut. I winced at the loud sound but didn't turn around. She was breathing heavily as she got closer.
"What do you mean who is he, don't you realise he's our king? How dare you keep him out of his own home?"
I turned to look at her. She was like a different person altogether. Her eyes practically spat fire.
"Please, Imade, let me handle this." I said quietly, not looking at her.
"No, my king, please let me handle this for you." She turned to the man in front of us, seeming to grow some inches taller.
Was that even possible?
"Open this gate in the name of king Osazuwa, let his royal highness pass through into his royal home immediately."
Her tone was authoritative. It brooked no nonsense. The man seemed to shrink before us as he immediately fell to the ground, grovelling. She pushed past him and opened the huge gates, scoffing at him in the process.
When the man noticed no one paid him any attention, he quickly jumped up and took over the reigns of opening the gate.
I shook my head and walked into the compound. The once bountiful flowers that bloomed prettily were wilting. The fountain that spouted with water had dried up.
There were unswept dried leaves everywhere my eyes could see.
Alarm bells flared inside me.
What happened here?
Where were the gardeners? They normally kept the place clean.
What was going on here? I had never seen the compound this way before. It looked unkempt.
I got back into the car and Imade moved us forward. More dead flowers and wilted trees lined both side of the cobblestoned road. Even the paint on the walls seemed to have faded.
We rolled by the different wings, each one looking more dismal than the last. Even the air was heavy with foreboding.
After giving her directions, we arrived at the West wing and came to a grinding halt in front of the huge bricked house. The atmosphere reeked of dullness and imperceptible darkness.
Before Imade put the car off, I swung the door open and jumped out. I hurried to the large oak doors, took a hold of the handle and pulled.
Locked. That's what it was.
I tried again, jiggling and jiggling, but it didn't budge.
I began banging on it.
"Mother! Mother!" With each shout, my heart beat faster.
I heard footsteps behind me and turned round to see Imade running towards me, concern in her eyes. The man who opened the gate was fast at her heels. I lunged at him, grabbing him by the scruff of his shirt as adrenaline coursing through my body.
"Where is my mother? If anything happens to her, so help me God, I'll kill you. Answer me, where is she?"
I had never been this angry in my entire life as I was now. I felt gentle hands on me and Imade's face came into focus, but I still didn't release him. "He must answer me now, Imade, please do not stop me."
I shook him with more force, noticing how he was going limp under my onslaught. I even thought I heard his teeth rattle. His eyes began to roll back in his head, so I loosened my hold on his shirt but did not release him.
He began to regain some semblance of life and his eyes opened a bit. He still breathed harshly, what with running all the way from the gate and my ill treatment of him.
"Now speak, because I won't release you. Where is my mother, the queen?" His mouth opened and a squeak came out.
I shook him harder, more forcefully. This time I felt Imade's hands more insistently on my shoulder.
"My king, please! You need to release him. He can not talk this way." Some sanity returned to me as I looked at her before I slowly released him.
He stumbled a bit, and I watched as he held his throat, taking in great gulps of air. When I felt he had gotten in enough, I moved towards him once more, but Imade stood in front of me.
That was when I noticed her eyes were red.
Had she been crying?
I didn't have time to comfort any damsel in distress right now, but I wasn't an asshole either. "What's wrong?" My voice came out gruff.
She said nothing, except to turn to the man who was huddled on the floor. "You heard the king, now answer him. Where is the queen?" She stood like an avenging angel, hands akimbo and I found myself smiling in the midst of the chaos.
The man cringed and moved away from her, but he began to talk. "M . . . my k . . . king, I do not know where the queen is. I was told to come here by Chief 'bazuaye. He drove everyone out of the palace and told them to go. He said I . . . I ---"
"Speak now, or else I'll cut off your tongue." Imade shouted, once more taking up a threatening tone while advancing toward him.
'"I . . . I have the key to the house." He finished.
He brought out a big bunch of keys from his trousers. I recognised it as the bunch mum used to lock up the house with anytime we travelled out of town.
Fond memories flashed in my head.
My hands tightly clasped in-between my parent's one's.
My dad looked fondly at me. "My ukpomopa!" '
I looked up into kind smiling eyes. "What does it mean, father?"
He looked pensive, but then leaned down and whispered into my ears. "It means you are special!
I felt like a very special seven year old child, one that was loved by his parents.
But that was not the true meaning of the word. He had lied to me. I was the only child, still am. He had felt pity for me then, probably foreseeing what was ahead of me.
I pushed the bitter sweet memories from my head and turned my mind to the present as I snatched the bunch of keys from his hands before he could hand them over to Imade, and turned round with jerky steps back to the door.
It took about three trials before I could open it, but I had to heft it with the help of my leg and body before it opened with a loud squeak. I made a mental note to have the hinges oiled after all this drama was over.
Where were all the servants. The maids. The cooks?
I was still pondering when the musty smell hit my nostrils. Everywhere was dark. I turned round as I heard curtains being drawn, and I realised Imade was trying to bring some light into the foyer.
I walked through the rooms in the house; the one's that mattered the most. I started with the throne room. It was unlocked. Everything seemed intact, save for the staff which normally sat on the throne.
I guessed mother must have put it away for safe keeping but I didn't believe that.
She said it was customary for the staff of office to remain seated on the throne in the absence of the king. I remembered the high chiefs said after dad's burial, it must never be removed from the throne except by the next king.
Something was definitely not right, so I lingered, taking pictures of every little detail. I had decided to invite the police. I needed to get a move on as it was already past 2pm.
The beaded head gear for the king winked at me from it's perch on the throne chair. I felt it mocking me, telling me I did this to myself.
I slunk away.
Before I knew it, I was in mother's room. Nothing seemed amiss. Everything was still in place. Mother had always been a neat freak. I swept every corner with my eyes, photographing it in my memory, cherishing the very essence of the room and caressing every inch and corner of the room with my entire being.
Her scent was in the air. It was in every crevice of the walls and on every wisp of fabric that lay in her wardrobe. It was in the whole palace, but mostly at its peak here. I could feel her presence so strongly here and I ached for her, ached to be in her arms. I wanted her to hold me and tell me everything would be fine, but most importantly, I wanted to tell her everything would be alright now.
I wanted --- no, needed to tell her I was ready to be the next king, to rule over the people of Ozala. I would warn her though, that I might not be as great a king as my dad, but I would try my best to make it work. I would make sure to continue on the path my father started. To lead my people to further heights, and to make this town a great city one day.
It was funny how life was. Not until your loved one's were taken from you, would you actually know their true worth and value.
I willed the tears to come, but I guess my body and soul wanted me to remain strong, instead I slumped on the bed and sat there staring into space.
I heard a shout from outside the compound. It sounded distant, but I heard it nonetheless.
I shot up and rushed out. I was so out of shape, as every step I ran, led me to breathlessness. I rushed out to the maid's section at the back, where I heard the shouting more prominently. I got there in time to see Imade cuffing the man's hands.
My mouth fell open.
The poor man was practically sputtering. He was shouting and begging to be let loose from his restraints.
I stood there wondering what the hell was going on, as sounds of heavy boots thundered close. It was coming towards our direction. They became louder as they rounded the corner and came into full view, then I caught sight of them. There were ten men in number, all wearing the black police uniform.
What on earth was going on here?
They saluted Imade and stayed that way --- with their hands against the side of their heads until she did the same too, then they fell at ease and surrounded the handcuffed man.
She turned to me just then, a rueful smile on her face. "My king, let me re-introduce myself. I'm Sergeant Imade. I was recently posted here to head the division of the police force in Ozala town. It's officially nice to meet you."
I was still in shock. No wonder she had carried such authority in her dealings with the man who opened the gates.
She took in my shocked look and smiled ruefully. "I understand how you feel, but I needed to make sure you were not in the same gang with the culprits. As I speak to you, I have sent some people to round up chief 'bazuaye and his cohorts. This man right here . . ." She pointed behind her to the man. "He finally sang like a canary, so we'll be needing you at the station now, your highness."
I nodded. "Do you happen to know where my mother is?" I became hopeful. I waited with bated breath to finally hear good news.
"Well. . . we are still working on that, but I promise you I will do my very best to find her." She had that concerned look in her eyes again.
I nodded, deflated at the news.
I hoped it won't be long till mother was found. I was not going back to the city until she was found, same with the staff of office too. Matter of fact, I didn't plan on going back to the city except to inform my family we were relocating.
Something niggled at the back of my mind just then. I was missing something. I just couldn't put a finger to what exactly it was.
I remained positive as I followed them out of the compound.
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