Dedicated to Angeldreams2811
Chapter 33
I slapped him so hard across the face, I saw large red welts appear.
They looked angry.
Yes. My anger!
How could he think I would leave my husband and run away with him?
"Now, get out, and don't ever come close to me again. I warn you, I will inform Eyare of your many indiscretions, you can be sure of that." My hand stung from where I slapped him. I cradled it to my chest.
He looked crestfallen as he stood looking uncertainly at me for a bit, and then he nodded and shuffled out.
Did he think I would change my mind?
I was going to have a bath before this charade with Geoffrey, but I decided against it. I had to tell Eyare everything I ever had with him. Problem with that, is, I didn't know how Eyare would take it.
Better he heard it from me than someone else.
I sneaked a glance at Eseosa, she was still fast asleep. Thankfully, she'd slept throughout the whole altercation with Geoffrey.
That was a real blessing.
I left the room quickly in search of Eyare. He told me he was going to warm up some food for me, so I headed to the kitchen where I knew he would be, but when I peeped inside, he was not there.
I saw a tray with a plate of spaghetti on it. Steam rose from it and the aroma was scintillating. I immediately begin to salivate and was tempted to sit and eat, but I had to go look for Eyare. I had to get this off my chest once and for all and start a clean slate with him. A new beginning.
It was time for confessions!
I touched my stomach and smiled to myself.
This house was so big, that by the time I walked round the west pillar alone, I was already panting.
Thirty minutes had passed already, and I was yet to see Eyare. I called out his name, but only the resounding echo of my voice answered me.
Could he have gone out?
He wouldn't do so without letting me know, or would he?
I frowned and paused to lean against a column outside the compound. My breath was coming out shallowly. I reckon I should have taken my phone to call him, so I turned around to go back inside through the main door, making sure to walk at a slow pace, because I felt a stitch in my side. As I rounded the corner that led to the main entrance, I heard someone shouting my name.
That's strange!
I heard the shouting of my name again, this time closer than before. I recognised Geoffrey's voice, so I began quickening my steps to the main entrance, supposing he was there.
As I crossed the threshold of the foyer, I heard my name being shouted yet again, this time, much closer. I turned round to see Geoffrey carrying someone. Not just anyone, it was Eyare.
Panic clenched my insides and twisted, as my heart did a serious jig. I was shocked into inertia. My mouth hung open and I tried valiantly to wrap my head around what was going on. Geoffrey got to me with Eyare in his arms and I saw his eyes were closed, his head thrown back. I snapped out of my stupor and immediately held on to Eyare.
"Wh . . . what happened?" I saw a flash of white just then and realised if care was not taken, I would faint right on my feet. I couldn't allow that to happen, so I clenched my fists tightly and dug my nails into my palm. The searing pain anchored me back to reality.
Geoffrey gently nudged me to the side and moved into the sitting room. I followed him inside quickly, where I saw him laying Eyare on a couch. I rushed to Eyare, white spots beginning to dance in my periphery.. "Wake up, baby, wake up, my love." I shook him with all the force I could muster.
"He won't hear you." Geoffrey said from behind me.
I checked for a pulse. It was faint, but it was there. Beads of sweat gleamed on his forehead, and his face looked ashen and contorted, as if he was in pain. I swung my eyes to Geoffrey and stood up slowly. "What did you do to him?" I spoke calmly, but inside, I was in turmoil.
Could Geoffrey have harmed him?
I walked closer to him and griped the front of his shirt as tightly as I could. "What did you do to Eyare?" My voice began to rise and I asked him over and over again. I began screaming and begging him to tell me what he did to my husband, but he just looked down at me sadly, unshed tears in his eyes. The shrill sound of a phone rang just then, stunning me into silence.
I froze, my hands still on Geoffrey's shirt. We both looked at each other and then around us, wondering where the noise was coming from. When it stopped, I resumed shaking him. He took a hold of my two hands in his much bigger one's and gently removed them with ease, then he sunk to the floor at the feet of Eyare, put his head into his hands and began to speak. "I. . . I saw him in the compound lying on the ground, I didn't do anything to him, I promise you. He was like a brother to me, I wouldn't hurt him for anything in the world."
"Was?" I asked incredulously. "What do you mean, was? You better pray nothing happens to him, because so help me God, I swear I will kill you." I was beginning to feel faint again. The doctor had warned me against any form of stress, especially in my present condition.
I started crying --- bawling, more like. I felt helpless and didn't know what to do. This wasn't supposed to happen. My coming here was supposed to be a reconciliation, not this fiasco it was quickly turning out to be. I crept close to Eyare. He was still out cold. I checked for outward signs of any injury or trauma to his body. I unbuttoned his shirt and rolled his sleeves up, and did same with his jeans as far as they were able to go, but there was no wound as far as I could see.
I breathed a sigh of relief and got up slowly. I began to walk away in search of Eyare's mum.
"Where are you going?" Geoffrey's voice was low, but I didn't turn around, I kept walking.
I threw some words over my shoulder. "To look for my mother in law, of course." I was sick and tired of his nonchalant attitude.
"Don't you know?" His voice pierced the still, quiet air. The curtains were drawn back, and I could see dust motes floating in the air. I envied them. They were free to fly and soar, whereas I felt trapped in my own body. I quickly sat back down as I was feeling faint once again.
Geoffrey had been sitting down on the floor at the feet of Eyare with his head in his hands and I felt a stirring of pity for him. I closed my eyes and sighed as my back hit the edge of the couch Eyare was lying on.
"Know what?" I asked in a tired voice.
"Mother has been kidnapped."
He intoned dully.
My head shot up very fast and an ache settled in my chest.
Was he telling the truth, or not?
How come Eyare never told me about it?
I opened my eyes and saw Geoffrey staring at me. I know he was trying to gauge how I was taking his statement.
"He probably didn't want to burden you with the news. He's very considerate." He glanced at Eyare with sorrow in his eyes and looked back to me. A tear slid down his cheek.
My own tears had began to fall helplessly once more, as sobs racked my entire being. It felt like my soul was crying. I felt pity for the man at my husband's feet. I feel pity for myself, and I felt terrible sorrow for my mother in law that had been kidnapped.
Fear and dread clawed it's way to my throat. I had barely gotten here and all this was thrown at me. It was too much for me to handle. I wondered what other surprise was in store for me. I had been wondering ever since I got here, why the house was so quiet.
No servants. No cooks. No gateman.
Something serious must have taken place here.
The shrill sound of a phone rang once again, renting the stillness of the air. Geoffrey cleaned his cheeks and searched through Eyare's pocket. He brought out his phone and handed it to me with shaky hands and I reluctantly took it from him. I was honestly not in the mood to talk to anyone right now. Nevertheless, I took a look at it. It was an unlisted number.
As I wondered who it could be and if I should pick it or not, it stopped ringing. It started ringing again, seconds later and I had no option but to pick the call. A female voice flooded my ears, making me glance at the unmoving Eyare with a frown. His bottom lip was hanging slightly open and I put my attention back on the call.
"Hello, hello!"
"This is Eyare's wife. Who is this?" I mustered, in my most frosty voice.
There was suddenly a pause at the other end. It was my turn to say hello. "Oh it's wonderful to finally hear you speak. You must obviously have arrived. Silly me, I'm rambling. My name is Imade and I'm a police woman and I'm trying to solve the puzzle of the kidnapped queen with Eyare.
On hearing this, the damn was let loose once more and I burst into tears all over again. I felt my fingers being pried from the phone as I slumped into a huddle on the floor. I heard as Geoffrey speaking assuringly to her.
Some long minutes passed and I still sat on the floor. I was exhausted and my tears had dried up, but my mind was strangely clear and alert.
I knew what I would do now.
I looked towards the couch where Eyare still lay -- inert and unmoving. I didn't see any sign of Geoffrey anywhere in the expansive sitting room. Suddenly he came in, followed closely by a small, petite woman.
I struggled to seat up, to get myself into some semblance of togetherness. I knew my face and hair were a mess, but I didn't care, that was the least of my problems. I watched as she moved close to Eyare, a confused look on her face. Her eyes moved to Geoffrey and then she saw me, tucked in the corner.
She hurried towards me and introduced herself as Imade, the police woman that called some minutes ago.
"Please!" I said, struggling to get up. "I have to take my husband to a hospital, please help me."
I extended my hands out to her and she gently pulled me up. I staggered a bit, but I held the edge of the couch for support. I honestly didn't know what I had been thinking, sitting down crying, when I should have taken Eyare to the hospital. I didn't even know what was wrong with him. He hadn't moved a muscle since Geoffrey laid him on the couch.
Imade patted me awkwardly on the back, at the same time telling me everything would be fine. I was still making up my mind on what to do, when Geoffrey cleared his throat and spoke out. "I have a confession to make."
My head snapped up. I was taken back at the sorrow and guilt filtering across his face. He was wringing his fingers together. Clearly what he had to say was making him become agitated. I knew for a fact that when anyone put words together with the words 'confession' in them, it wasn't good news.
I should know, I had some confessions of my own. I glanced at Eyare and noticed his head lolled to the side.
"Please, your confession can wait. I have to take my husband to the hospital." I pointed to him and saw Imade nodding her head solemnly.
"This is beyond the doctor's capabilities." Geoffrey piped up, suddenly looked shifty. He couldn't meet my eyes. He looked at everywhere; the floor, the chairs, Eyare, but not at me, nor Imade.
From the corner of my eyes, I saw Imade rearing up from her seat as she spoke in a steely voice. "You better speak now, mister. If there's something you have to say, say it now and don't beat around the bush. This young man needs medical attention and fast too." She pointed to Eyare.
Geoffrey sighed deeply and indicated with his hands for us to seat, but I was restless and couldn't waste a moment more.
"If you are both going to sit around and listen to tales by noon - light, I'm not. As you can see, I don't have that kind of luxury. I'm taking my husband to see a doctor now." I stood up with the intention of walking upstairs to get Eseosa, but Imade touched my arm.
"Please! let's hear him out.
If what he has to say is not important to Eyare's present condition, I will personally arrest him.'
I turned heavy - lidded eyes back to Geoffrey. He was pacing now and I followed him with my eyes. Back and forth he went, left and right he walked, still he said nothing. I was getting dizzy just staring at him. I couldn't keep up with his silence anymore.
"Geoffrey, for God's sake, talk now and stop pacing please." My head was in my hands and I felt the beginnings of a headache.
He stopped pacing and his eyes settled on me for some seconds.
This was unnerving.
He came close and stooped to my level. He took my hands in his and I felt myself tense. I stole a glance at Imade, wondering what she must be thinking of the show he was putting up. I saw her looking at him intently like a hawk watching it's chicks. I felt the pressure of his hands as they squeezed mine lightly and I looked down at my hands tightly clasped in his.
"I want you to know that whatever happened, whatever I did was not intentional. I never meant to hurt you . . . or him." He jutted his chin in the direction of Eyare, then continued talking. "I found love with you." He looked at me, piercing me with his green eyes, and a ghost of a smile laced his lips, but vanished immediately. It was so fast, I thought I imagined it. "Eyare is. . ." He choked up and was unable to continue, but when next he spoke, his voice sounded muffled, like he was trying not to cry. "He's my brother, just not the same blood, but my brother, nonetheless."
He stared at our entwined hands. I noticed his were much bigger than mine and they enveloped mine fully. I realised how this must look to Imade, so I tugged at my hand and he let go and looked up at me, hurt evident in his eyes. I was not interested in his feelings right now, anytime soon, or ever.
"Will you please get to the point." I was beyond exasperated at that moment. The headache was a painful knot at the nape of my neck.
"Yes!" Imade echoed beside me. "Cut the crap and talk." Her voice brooked no nonsense, and I sighed in agreement.
Geoffrey got up, turned round, and whispered something. The muscles in his back bunched up. It was mesmerizing to watch because they kept rippling. I had come to realise this was as a result of nerves. He was nervous and I couldn't begin to imagine the damning confession that was making him get that way. Suddenly, he turned round.
"I was sent to kill Eyare!"
My mouth dropped open and my eyes bulged, almost out of my head.
Beside me, Imade gasped and Eseosa began to cry.
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