Chapter 34
I was shocked to my bone marrow and my mouth hung open. I couldn't believe what he had just said.
Eseosa was bawling like it was going out of fashion, yet I couldn't move. Beside me, Imade was equally shocked into silence, not a squeak could be heard from her. Geoffrey on the other hand, was staring at me with a steely look in his eyes. All forms of sadness ebbed away, replaced with a certain determination on his face.
Suddenly there was an eerie silence and I realised Eseosa had stopped crying. This could only mean one thing --- she had seen something to distract her and that usually didn't end well. Last time that happened, the whole jar of cream I'd just bought, was dumped on the bed, smearing the clean sheets I had just put on the bed. I caught her just in the nick of time as she was about to dip some into her mouth.
That's what happened when she was left alone without adult supervision.
Adrenaline pushed me into action and Geoffrey's confession was momentarily forgotten as I made my way up the stairs, two at a time. I only slowed down when I felt a pain in my side. I got to the room to see her lying down quietly on the bed. She looked at me solemnly as I moved close to her.
That was odd. She normally smiled at me when she woke up from sleep. I liked to think children were perceptive and my one here seemed to know something bad had happened to her dad. She held her arms out to me and I lifted her up. She immediately burrowed into my neck and I inhaled her sweet smell. This comforted me to no end.
I took her to the toilet thereafter so she could relieve herself, and when she was done, we both trotted downstairs. On getting to the sitting room, I saw Imade standing up directly in front of Geoffrey. When I glanced at him, I noticed he had hand cuffs around his wrists. I opened my mouth to protest, but he shook his head.
"I deserve this!" He looked at me keenly. "What I have done and intended to do is not forgivable. This is the right thing to do, it's justice."
Imade rolled her eyes and then noticed Eseosa peeking behind me. She smiled and bent to her level. "Hello there. How are you, sweetie?" She smiled and extended her hand out for a shake, but Eseosa scooted behind me and I smiled.
I looked up to see Geoffrey looking at us sadly. He had a look of total adoration on his face as he gazed at Eseosa.
"May I?" I glanced away from Geoffrey, to see Imade looking at me enquiringly. I didn't understand what she was asking of me, but then I saw the lollipop in her hand and realisation dawned on me.
"Yes, you may." I replied, nodding my head. I felt Eseosa's hands leave my legs and I looked towards Eyare. He still lay prone, on the couch, he hadn't moved a muscle. I needed to get him to a hospital now. No more wasting time.
Imade felt the shift in my mood and stood up. "I've sent for one of my men to come drive you to the hospital. I figured in your state, it wouldn't be fair for you to drive."
I smiled at her, gratitude evident in my eyes. I was about to ask her what would happen to Geoffrey, but she beat me to it.
"I'll be taking Geoffrey in for questioning. If what he says is as damning as he makes it out to be, then I will have no option but to arrest him." She gave him a stern look.
I nodded tiredly at her. I just hoped this whole nightmare would be over soon.
* * *
The doctor checked all Eyare's vital statistics. After running certain tests, his verdict was exhaustion. He said he was just extremely tired and would come around soon enough.
But what kind of exhaustion was this that he hadn't even woken up? It had been five hours already.
He told me with a stern look to allow him to sleep. I was taken aback at his statement.
Was he implying I was a troublesome woman that didn't give her husband peace?
I let it slide and made no comment. He said a specialist was coming in from the city the next day and will be available from seven in the morning and I should make sure to come see him if Eyare's condition had not improved by then. This gladdened my heart as I'd rather deal with a specialist and get a thorough examination done, than deal with this misplaced - thinking doctor.
We got back home in the evening and I found Imade waiting with a familiar - looking young girl at the gate. She told me her name was Rita and she brought her to aid me with chores so I don't over stress myself.
The girl looked to be about fifteen years old. She was quite tall too and.seemed very courteous and polite as she genuflected and smiled shyly at me.
I took to her instantly!
I was grateful to Imade. She was such a lovely, humane woman and I hoped I would be able to do something for her when all these problems were over. With Imade and Rita's help, Eyare was taken to the bedroom and I settled down to feed, bath and change Eseosa. She fell asleep, not long after and I was left with my thoughts.
I settled down on the bed to rest my aching joints but not long after, I heard a buzzing sound and I lazily swatted at my ear. Pesky mosquitoes won't let one be, even with the air-conditioning on. I settled into a more comfortable position but just as I was dozing off, I heard someone groaning.
I jerked awake with a start and I realised I had drifted off to sleep. Someone was shaking me but I couldn't see who because the room was swarthed in darkness. I switched on the bedside lamp and the soft glow illuminated the room, leaving certain parts in shadow.
Eseosa was sitting up on the bed looking at me wide - eyed. She pointed to the other side of the bed and I followed the direction of her finger. There was nothing on the bed so I turned back to cradle her in my arms as I sat up straight.
Then it hit me.
Where was Eyare?
I knew for a fact I had put him on the bed. I got up quickly --- too quickly, because I felt instantly dizzy. As I walked to the other side of the bed, I saw him face down on the floor.
Could he have rolled over?
My pulse quickened at the realisation he could be coming around. I was still pondering on this fact when I remembered he was still face down on the floor, so I quickly got to work by turning him around. His pulse was steady and he seemed to be breathing well. His lips were parted. Maybe he was thirsty, after all, he hadn't eaten or drunk anything since yesterday.
I rushed to the bedside where a pitcher of water stood. After pouring a glass, I lifted his head for him to drink. At first, it just dribbled down the corners of his mouth and my heart plummeted in disappointment, then suddenly he responded with a groan and began to drink, slowly at first, then thirstily, until he emptied every drop in the glass.
I was smiling widely now. I was so happy, my heart practically bursting with joy. When his thirst has been sated, he lolled back into his comatose state and my happy burble busted. I was left staring at him, confused as to what just happened.
I turned to see Eseosa standing behind me, staring too.
"Dada!" She pointed. I nodded sadly at her and quickly swallowed the the lump in my throat. Tears threatened to let loose, but I couldn't afford that, not right now, not in front of Eseosa either.
I smiled shakily and put her back to bed, and then began the arduous task of getting Eyare back unto the bed. After a long struggle, I checked the time. It was past four in the morning. I couldn't sleep now, might as well put it to good use, so I give him a sponge bath and shaved his beard. I couldn't help but lean in for a kiss on his lips. I felt a tremor and pulled back, searching for signs of responsiveness on his face.
There was none!
That put me in an unhappy state and I couldn't stop the tears that flowed from my eyes. I came here to be with my husband, yet this was what I got ---- a kidnapped mother in law, and a comatose husband.
I looked at the time again. It was five o'clock in the morning. I had been itching to know the confessions Geoffrey divulged to Imade. She would be at the police station, or awake, or something.
I couldn't wait anymore. I picked up my phone from the bedside table and dialed her number. She picked up on the first ring, sounding exhausted and I felt a twinge of guilt for calling her so early in the day.
"I . . . I'm so sorry for calling you at this inopportune time, I just ----"
"No, no no. It's fine." She quickly cut in. "I understand your anxiety and what you must be going through. What I have to tell you can't be said on the phone. I'm coming over now, I just finished the interrogation with Geoffrey."
I took a quick shower, dressed up in a loose shift and went downstairs to wait for her. Time flew by, and just as I was beginning to get restlessness, she called to tell me she was at the gate.
I snatched up one of the car keys and rushed out. Thankfully, the first car I slotted the key into, fit. I drove like a mad person to the gate. Don't blame me, I was curious to know what confessions Geoffrey had to divulge.
Minutes later, I picked her up and I drove in silence, back to the West pillar. We walked somberly into the sitting room, seconds later and I sank into one of the seats while she remained standing. She looked at me solemnly for some seconds, then sighed.
"That bad?" My heart literally jumped into my mouth. My palms were suddenly sweaty.
She went ahead to paint a tale of juju and jazz at its worst. Of how Geoffrey was prepared, rather, forced at a tender age, into usurping the throne by swearing oath upon oath by his father.
His life was turned upside down as a result of this. She further told a tale of woe. Of manipulation, beatings, threats, kidnappings and also murder.
"Chief 'bazuaye, that is, Geoffrey's father, killed your father in law." She looked sadly at me. "Geoffrey still doesn't even know his father's motive, neither does he know the reason for all this, except that he's extremely greedy and powerful."
"Powerful?" I spat, unhappily. "What is powerful about using jazz to take what's not yours?"
I was shocked into silence, yet again. My heart went out to Geoffrey who had to bear so much from a wicked, overbearing father.
I asked the only logical thing that came to my mind. "What is going to happen to him now?"
"What do you think?" She counter - asked me. "This is the first time in my police career that I have come across this type of case. I'm honestly at a loss as to what to do. One thing is for sure though, he will have to wait in jail for the mean time, at least until we find the queen." She looked at me with red, tired eyes.
I stood up from my seat and hugged her. She stiffened at first, but slowly responded, giving me a tight squeeze. We moved apart and smiled tiredly at each other.
"What did the doctor say about Eyare?"
I told her what happened and also how I had to meet with the specialist in the next couple of hours, make that less than an hour.
We had talked for so long now, it was thirty minutes to seven in the morning.
How time flew when you were not having fun. I just wished things could go back to normal.
Imade told me to go see what the specialist had to say and come back so we could know the next move to take.
Hours later
I was left staring at the plate of pounded yam and sweet smelling egusi soup in front of me.
I had tried. I really had tried to taste it, even if it was just a morsel, but I couldn't seem to summon up any appetite.
What the doctor said had put me in an almost comatose state, myself.
How on earth was I going to handle this situation?
I was just recovering from a health scare and my husband was termed a . . .
Your husband is a schizophrenic! You have to bring him in soon, otherwise he will only get worse.
I would take my chances. I couldn't honestly believe that out of the blues, he would develop this mental illness. The doctor said stress could actually instigate the disease. I felt so guilty because of all the problems I caused Eyare. He still didn't know I had something to do with Geoffrey, so how could it have instigated this mental illness?
Worse still, how was I going to get past this situation, in my condition and with Eseosa, too?
And then there was the matter of my mother-in- law who was still AWOL.
I didn't even know how he would take it. I didn't know if he would ever come back to normalcy.
I pushed the plate of sweet smelling food that Rita had prepared with so much love, away. She had single handedly wielded the heavy pestle into the mortar, over and over again.
I was, mesmerized as her tiny muscles strained as she brought the pestle down and raised it up again. The pounded yam had come out smooth, devoid of seeds.
I caught her looking at me across the long table, a worried look on her face. Her own plate had been polished clean and Eseosa was sitting beside her, the corners of her mouth tinted with soup. I knew she liked Rita, I'd seen the way Rita played with her. I smiled at her and she grinned back at me, showing mashed food.
My phone rung, startling me. It was Imade. "Hi! Please send Rita to open the gate for me. I've got some serious news to give you."
It would take Rita almost ten minutes to walk to the gate on foot. Instead I vaulted up, grabbed a key from the care-key tray and ran out to one of the cars. I heard Rita calling out to me, but I didn't reply.
Minutes later when I opened the gate for Imade, she hugged me tightly. This was quite strange because I knew she wasn't prone to such show of affection.
What terrifying news had she brought for me now?
"Let's go." She said, motioning for us to get into the car. Her eyes were red, as if she had been crying.
"I'm not going anywhere, so whatever news you have for me, you'd better tell me here and now."
"Please. Let's go ---- "
I raised an eyebrow at her and she sighed. I don't think she realised I could be quite adamant when I wanted to be.
"Okay, okay!" She took a deep breath and began to spill a huge can of worms. My mouth hung open and I staggered, about to fall, but she held me steady.
"Yes! Eyare is under the influence of jazz, not just any type, too. It's a deadly one, and it kills anyone it comes in contact with." She raised sad eyes to me. "Let me drive." This time I didn't complain as she sat behind the wheel and deftly moved us forward.
When we got to the sitting room, she sat close to me and continued from where she stopped. I hadn't said a word. What could I say? I was still in shock.
"Listen to me!" She tilted my downcast head towards her. I had not been able to look up since she delivered the terrible news.
"There's only one thing to be done now." She paused and looked at me gravely. "We have to visit mama on the outskirts of town."
What mama is she talking about?
I lifted enquiring eyes to her and she nodded and kept talking.
"She's a herbalist. She works with all forms of herbs and she has helped many a person, ranging from snake bites to epilepsies. Most importantly, she's a visionary, a seer. So with these two attributes, I'm quite positive something good will come out of it."
"Who is this woman?" At this point, I would grasp at anything to help bring back my husband back to life, once more.
"The late king knows about her. She helped him in the affairs of the town."
"But. . . how, though?" I was confused as to how she could have helped the king.
Maybe she treated the high chiefs who had some diseases?
"She's my mother. She made this last statement with pride. She looked like a peacock spreading it's wings proudly.
Then it struck me. She was the woman Eyare's mum took me to meet, the last time Eyare and I were here.
Yes, right on the outskirts of the town. A strange woman she was, but her predictions were right on track. I was scared she would divulge my relationship with Geoffrey that day.
That fear had been re - ignited now and I stood up suddenly.
"I . . . I can't go." I looked at everywhere, but at her. I couldn't risk her getting to know about my relationship with Geoffrey.
How would she see me?
Would her respect for me dwindle?
Of course it would.
These thoughts were making me have major anxiety and my heart beat faster in fear and trepidation. I heard her getting up, but I turned my back to her.
"I already know why you don't want to see her. You're scared she will expose the affair you had with Geoffrey."
I was shocked into silence as I turned round, my mouth agape.
There, Rita stood, holding Eseosa. Her mouth was shaped into a perfect o.
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