.-. "YOU HAVE A SON?!" "I mean, you could say that, yeah" .-. part 1
Request: No
Mcyt: Sbi
Type: Fluff
Ages: Tommy: 6/16 | Tech/Wil/Phil: Irl ages
AU: Irl
A/N: Yo. How's it going? Anyways I don't have anything to say so please enjoy :))
*tommy's pov*
I waited outside the school, rocking on my heels. I had a super awesome day at school today, and I couldn't wait to tell him about it!
I saw him pull up and get out, walking over to me with a smile on his face. I couldn't stay in one spot so I ran out to him, despite hearing my dumb teacher yell out for me.
Oh yeah, I was supposed to wait. Whatever.
I jumped into his arms and he chuckled and spun me around like he always did. He pulled back from the hug so we could look at each other.
"Hey Tom!" He said, "How was your day, big man?"
I giggled, liking the nickname he had given me.
"Good! I drew something for you too!" I shouted. I was excited so I was going to shout. I'm such a big man and six and a half years old, so I can shout.
He chuckled again, picking me up again, "I'm super excited to see it. Wait till we get home, then I'll look at it."
I nodded as he waved to my teacher and turned to walk back to the vehicle.
When we got home, I rushed out to the kitchen, sitting down on the tiles to pull out my drawing.
It was me and him at our favourite spot. It was a cool park with a water spraying thingy and slides and a cool bench.
(A 'water spraying thingy' is a fountain by the way. Just young Tommy not knowing the name of things lmao)
He found me, and I giggled and hid the drawing. I heard his footsteps come closer to me and then they stopped. I assumed he had crouched down to me. Not like he needed to as I was such a big man.
"Can I see it?" He asked. I nodded and pulled it out from behind my back. He took it in his hands and I saw a smile creep up on his face.
He looked at me, fully smiling.
"It's super awesome, Tommy!" He said, "I love it!"
"You better keep it forever!" I laughed, jumping up on my feet so I was eye level with him.
"I will, Tommy. Don't worry." He smiled and stuck it to our fridge with some metal thing that looked like a music disc.
I smiled, hugging his legs. He looked down and started tickling me.
I liked him.
your yearly time skip- yeah tommy's older now
Most of my friend group - and fans - knew that I was pretty vocal about having claiming to have the best father ever.
I mean, before I met him, I was thrown around a lot.
Literally thrown, and thrown around from house to house.
You see, my biological parents weren't the best, per say. They were abusive and just overall horrible.
Being and living at the orphanage for a year wasn't the best. I know some people had basically spent their whole lives there, and I feel very fortunate to have only spent a year there - despite being as young as I was.
Sometimes good people took you home, only to send you back because of a minor inconvenience that happened with their biological child.
Or some bad people took you in, pretending to be nice and then showing their true, horrible, nasty self. Those people hurt. You trusted them, saw the good in them only for them to betray you.
Then you go back, and the cycle repeats.
When I first got adopted by him, I didn't trust what he was doing. I thought he would be like everyone else, no matter how many good things he would give me and how many times he would reassure me I was safe.
I couldn't let him get into my heart, make me show him vulnerability, only for him to turn out like the others.
Years past, and I had realized he wasn't like the others - he was different. He was laid back, let me do things I never thought I would ever be able to do.
Turns out, he was really into gaming like I was and he was really good at PVP. I'd never seen skills like his before. He taught me some of what he knew and it was fun to actually play with someone other than the dinky kids at my school who only liked blowing up villages in creative mode.
(I can NOT be the only one who would do that with my friends like grade two-)
I picked up gaming all over again and finding Discord and Twitch. I started streaming and discovered a new hobby. Turns out, he was also into streaming - although he streamed on YouTube.
I met a whole new group of people, and it was as if I never had a terrible life before.
One friend in particular, his name is Wilbur and we have a brother type of bond. Along with Phil and my adopter, we were like a fake online family.
Though they didn't have to know two of us were actually family.
We weren't able to meetup as a group of four, considering I was in California with him and Wilbur and Phil were in the UK.
The restrictions were too strict and we could barely go outside without risking something.
But then, restrictions lifted. We would be able to see each other.
Wilbur and Phil made a plan and told me about it, claiming they would pick me up and bring me. Of course with the consent of my "parents."
I told him about it, he laughed, but agreed.
Holy shit. I was going to meet my best friends with Technoblade.
My father.
That no one knew about.
*techno's pov*
Parents always say that they'll never forget they say their son or daughter was born or the day they got married.
But I'll never forget the day I decided to adopt Tommy.
It was absolutely chaos, first of all. No, it wasn't because Tommy was bouncing off the walls, it was quite the opposite.
The kids at the orphanage I went to were all craving attention. I sort of felt bad.
The way they did it was they'd have all the kids in one room, and then the kids just had to go along with their day in that room while someone looking to adopt would just...observe.
I felt mildly uncomfortable watching children whisper, colour and laugh.
A lot of the kids - as in all of them - tried to get my attention. They would call me over, shout at me, tug on my pants and just overall being very annoying.
But then there was Tommy.
He was in the corner, muttering to himself while he coloured in a book.
When he looked up, we made eye contact. Normally the kids would then smile widely and call me over, begging for me to talk with them.
Tommy didn't.
He waved, smiled gently, then went back to his colouring.
I didn't want a overly obnoxious kid running around in my house while I tried streaming or recording. Sure, adopting a little kid while being a streamer probably wasn't the smartest move but I wanted company and I wasn't about to go download Tinder and adopt a second dog.
I told the worker how I was thinking about adopting Tommy. She looked slightly scared before agreeing.
Then she got Tommy, and we went home. Obviously I got information on his past homes and his files but I decided to focus on that at a later time.
Before you say something, yes, my whole joke is hating kids and murdering orphans. I will admit, I do have a slight soft spot for kids. That's off camera.
Other than that, the next few years were rough. He was learning to trust again, but I'll never forget picking him up from school when he was six.
So much energy, oh my gosh.
It was really exciting to watch him grow up. He basically did with me. From age six to now he's been with me. I honestly don't regret it.
He told me that I got him back into gaming and he even found streaming on his own. I already was streaming, but then we both got into the Dream SMP and everything grew from there.
As far as everyone knew, I was in California and Tommy was in the UK. I was impressed at the amount of stories he could come up with to get out of meet ups.
One day, he sprinted into my office, a wide smile on his face.
What now?
*third person*
When Tommy got the notification that Wilbur and Phil were planning on coming to California to surprise Techno, he new he just had to tell him.
Sure, it wouldn't be a surprise anymore, but how were they going to get his address?
Tommy burst out of his room after telling his friends he was going to go ask his "parents." He gently opened Techno's door, knowing how the other hated him barging in aggressively.
"Oh dear father of mine." He said in a very bad American accent. Techno laughed and turned around.
"Yes, Tommy?"
"Wilbur and Phil are coming to California and want to know if they can pick me up and bring me there." He said, holding back a laugh.
Techno smirked, clearly doing the same.
"They have my permission, Tom."
Tommy hollered before being shushed by Techno. He didn't want another noise complaint.
"Anyways I need to go back to Wilbur and Phil BYE!"
The loud blondie shut the door and stomped his way back to his PC and Techno could hear his loud shouts of excitement.
How did he get stuck with this kid? Sometimes he doesn't even have the answer to that.
time skip brought to you by what the fuck-
"So Tommy you're sure you can come?" Phil confirmed.
It was two days before Wilbur and Phil were coming to America, and Tommy had run into a bit of a problem.
How was he going to explain and he doesn't even live in the UK?
"Oh- I- uh yeaahhh...." He dragged out, trying to come up with something believable.
On his screen, Wilbur and Phil had very confused looks on their faces. Well, of course they were confused, it made sense.
"You don't sound sure mate." [p]
Tommy chuckled dryly, pulling up his school calendar.
He took one look and realized that when Techno would normally be picking him up from school, the two others would've already surprised him.
"Oh fuck-"
"What?" Both males replied, nervous something had happened.
"I have school! I can't even go now! By time you guys and the fucking plane are gone, I'm going to be at school!"
"Can't you skip school?" Wilbur asked.
Tommy laughed, "Not this time around. There's a fuck ton of big tests n shit right now. I can only skip school if it's a serious medical problem."
(I don't even know okay it's like 8:30am and I'm at school-)
"Awe, mate," Phil said, "If you come late that's alright. We are staying there for the month anyways."
Tommy nodded, smiling, "Alright then Philza. I'll be late to the coolest meetup ever!"
The others laughed at how energetic he was. Sometimes they didn't even know where he got energy from. He was such a wild kid.
*time skip brought to you by i'm at school rn*
Wilbur nervously walked around the airport with Phil. He didn't mind tightly packed spaces but airports definitely crossed his line.
"Go that way mate." Phil said from behind him, pointing in which direction. Wilbur nodded, tightening his grin on Phil's arm. The last thing he wanted to do was lose this old man in the airport (/lh)
They finally got out, sighing in relief as they were no longer compacted with random crying strangers.
"So," Wilbur started, turning to Phil, "Where to now?"
"Well Kristen got his dad's number so we got his address-"
"And Kristen did this how?" Wilbur cut him off
Phil shrugged, walking over to a taxi. They got in, giving the address to the driver and waited in silence to the Technoblade's house.
Wilbur and Phil got out, paying the driver and walking up the driveway. The house was nice, the grass was much greener than they thought it would be - despite the fact a monotone gamer lived there.
They stopped at the door and Wilbur turned to the older.
"Who's knocking?"
Phil smirked.
"You." He replied.
"You know I hate knocking!"
"Then why'd you ask?" [p]
"Because I thought you'd say you would-"
"You nerds don't even need to knock for someone to open the door."
They looked up at the sight of their dear friend. He looked how they honestly expected him to.
He wore a simple plain white shirt, grey jeans and already had shoes on like he was going to go somewhere.
And for his hair?
It was literally pink and long as hell. Although it was in two french braids and out of his way.
(I love imagining Techno with french braids or two space buns it's amazing we need more fan art of it)
Then on his face were a pair of glasses. They suited him nicely.
"Hello Technoblade." Wilbur said, Phil starting to laugh.
"Techno it's-"
Phil cut them off, knowing where the conversation was going to end up like. (what?-)
Techno stepped out of the house, pulling keys out of his back pocket.
"Going somewhere?" Wilbur asked, following Techno down to his already opened garage door. When did he open that?
Techno nodded, humming quietly and getting into his vehicle, "Yup and you're coming with me because you chose to show up now. Also welcome to America."
(I know jack shit about vehicles so just accept that for an answer. It's like 12:30am and I'm in a hotel just roll with it again)
"Sucks ass here." Wilbur commented, getting a light scolding from Phil as he was in the backseat.
"Dude I know right?" Techno went along with the bit, his friends laughing. He smiled.
What some friends he has.
time skip wowowo i hate driving and i can't do it
They drove around aimlessly - well, to the British it seemed random - until Techno turned into a high school parking lot.
Wilbur and Phil looked at each other, confusion written all over their faces.
"Why are we at a high school, Technoblade?" Wilbur asked as the driver pulled into a parking spot.
He got a shrug in reply, before Techno pulled his phone out and started very aggressively texting someone.
Phil peeked over the seat at the younger's phone, but before he could properly read anything, Techno shoved his head back gently. Phil laughed.
"You're so nosy, Phil."
"I'm you're father! Do not disrespect me!"
Normally the "Phil is our dad" joke was okay for Techno, but the fact that he knew they were in the parking lot of his son's high school, made the joke a bit more unsettling to him.
"I- you're not but sure, I suppose."
Wilbur looked over at the pinkette with concern flashing in his eyes. Normally Techno never retaliated with the joke like that.
Techno noticed and sent him a look that told him to drop it.
He did.
For now, that is.
Techno's phone buzzed again, and his picked it up with a smile. He sighed.
"Well, might as well tell you that we are picking someone up, if it wasn't obvious." He said, slowly making his way up to gathering the courage to tell his friends that their best friend was his fucking son.
"Yeah, we are. Everything alright?" Phil said, starting to get scared. Techno was normally never nervous with his words.
Techno nodded, although the action looked unsure.
"Are we picking up your sister or something?" Wilbur asked. Techno shook his head, saying 'no.'
"Then who are we picking up?" Phil asked.
Both the British leaned slightly closer to Techno, making him shrink back into his seat cautiously. The two noticed and sat back into their seats properly.
Techno took a deep breath, then let out a chuckle.
"Just my son."
Then there was a loud and aggressive pounding on Wilbur's window.
*tommy's pov*
I walked out of the classroom, sighing to myself.
I never knew one teacher could be so annoying for so long. It's like she hated me today! I didn't do anything either!
I only threw a paper ball at her while she was writing on the board but it was funny! It got the class chuckling.
Maybe her humour sucks? Yeah.
I put my binder away in my locker, locking it after taking my bag out. I swung my backpack onto my back, sitting on a little bench inside the school.
I pulled my phone out, going to my dad's contact.
I texted him;
oh dear father😌🔪🔫
are you here yet?
I got an answer quicker than I thought I would. He is on his phone a lot so I suppose I shouldn't be that surprised.
oh dear father😌🔪🔫
are you here yet?
yes, i am. also have phil and wil in the vehicle so please scare them.
totally. ALSO AM ON MY WAY
okay, i hear you nerd. i'm waiting
I chuckled, putting my phone away in my back pocket. I left the building, quietly excusing myself as I brushed past some other students. I wasn't going to be a dick.
I need to set a good example for the British people in this American school. Gross.
I walked down the front door stairs, looking around to hopefully spot my dad's vehicle.
It wasn't very difficult to find him, considering not many people have pink hair.
I spotted Wilbur in the passenger seat and so I assumed Phil got the back. Ha, loser.
I ran up to Wilbur's side and started pounding on the window. I normally sat in the passengers side anyways. I wanted my seat.
"OPEN UP, BITCH!" I shouted.
*third person*
Wilbur and Phil were shocked to turn and see none other than Tommyinnit himself pounding on the window.
They stared at him shocked, watching as he laughed at their expressions.
"I- when-" Wilbur stuttered, pointing at a laughing Tommy while looking at Techno.
"I told you."
Techno rolled the window down, ignoring Wilbur's question to listen to Tommy's shouting.
"Wilbur get out I want my seat."
Wilbur stared.
His eye twitched.
"...What the fuck?" He whispered, still completely confused on how his best friend - the one he thought was in the UK - was chilling in America after leaving school.
Technoblade sighed.
"Quickly explaining this situation: when Tommy was six I found him at an orphanage- don't even comment." He said, holding up a finger when Wilbur opened his mouth to retaliate with his "hatred" for orphans.
"I took this hyper six year old home and he's been living with me for like...ten years?" Techno finished off, looking at Tommy for confirmation.
"He isn't lying, now Wil I want the front seat." Tommy said, opening the door.
Wilbur didn't make a move as Phil started laughing from the back.
Tommy tried grabbing Wilbur's arm to pull him out, successfully making Techno laugh and Phil wheeze harder.
The two continued their arguing, Techno and Phil watching. Phil spoke up over the two arguing.
"So he's your son?" Phil said. Techno looked back at him for a second, before hesitantly nodding.
"Mhm. Do I regret it? No- OKAY TOMMY SIT IN THE BACK!"
Techno interrupted his own sentence as he was getting tired of Wil and Tommy fighting. Mans just wanted some quiet.
Although, the scolding was more so directed towards Tommy, rather than Wilbur.
The two fighting froze, looking at Techno. Tommy knew that tone he used fairly well - and it scared him every time secretly - but Wilbur had never heard Techno that loud before.
It honestly terrified him, whether or not it was directed at him.
"Go to the back, Tommy," Techno said, "It's literally only for the ride home."
Tommy shook his head, "But it's my seat! I always have the front. I thought you'd side with me, not against me!"
"It's like lore irl." Wilbur quietly commented, getting a slap from Tommy.
"Back." Techno said, staring at Tommy. Kinda like a staring contest.
"Front." Tommy squinted at the other.
"One week no phone."
Tommy's eyes widened. Wilbur and Phil's jaws dropped and both let out a quiet shocked noise.
"I- bu- streaming!" Tommy complained.
"Two weeks? Or the back?"
Tommy huffed, slamming Wilbur's door shut and opened the back to sit with Phil.
"Not that hard to listen, huh?" Techno said, looking into the rear view mirror at Tommy. He got an eye roll.
Wilbur and Phil had never seen an interaction like this between their two friends, but honestly, they didn't mind.
It was kinda funny.
Techno started driving back to the house, the only sounds being the vehicles humming and the light music playing from the radio.
He already knew there would be questions. But, he'll focus on that later.
End A/N: K IM SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG! I'm splitting into two parts because y'all deserve this tbh. Double post, you're welcome. Anyways, part two...I dunno when it'll be done so bare with me :D wowowow have a lovely day/afternoon/night (sorry for any mistakes I didn't spell check)
-Starby (Phaser) <3
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