.-. Valentine's Day - The day of (almost forgotten) love .-.
Request: Yes!!
Mcyt: Karl Jacobs, Sapnap, Quackity
Type: Angsty but goes to fluff :))
Ages: Sap: 22 | Karl & Q: 23
AU: Minecraft 🤩
A/N: This technically is a request and it is by the wonderful @lexist_congrats from my announcements. I love this idea you've come up with so it can be both and I don't have to choose lmaoo anyway enjoy <3 AND HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!
TW: mentions of getting sick w/ no description
*third person*
Karl woke up with a smile on his face. That's literally, by the way, not figuratively.
The only issue was that he didn't know why he was so happy.
Maybe he had a good dream - he could never really remember those at all anymore - or possibly he had plans that his body was remembering but not his brain?
It doesn't add up, but he couldn't think of anything else.
Sitting up without wasting a second, Karl bolted up and ran to the bathroom. He made a ruckus on his way there, unaware that he had disturbed his other sleeping roommate.
He proceeded to get ready - shower, dry his hair and fluff it up to his iconic style, get dressed, brush his teeth and wash his face.
Looking at himself in the mirror, he smiled. He was happy with today.
It had just started, but everything was going right.
*sapnap's pov*
I got startled awake by a giant thump and pounding footsteps. At first, I thought it might've been Quackity, but I remembered he said he would come over later today to celebrate Valentine's Day with myself and Karl.
Getting up slowly, as I was still tired, I made my way over to his bedroom door. Only then did I realize the possibilities on how he might've gotten to - assuming it was - the bathroom so fast.
One, he fell and got up really aggressively. Quackity did it sometimes, and we did like to mock him for it.
Or two, he was sick. Throw up sick.
That one made the most sense because usually we only mocked Quackity when he was with and near us.
I knocked on the bedroom door. "Karl?!" I called out, not noticing how panicked I must've sounded.
I heard his small padded feet come to the door, before he opened it. He looked confused and I immediately recognized the look in his eyes.
He couldn't remember me.
"W-who are you? Why- why are-"
"Sh, sh, Karl," I said calmly, ignoring how bad my heart was hurting. "It's me, your boyfriend."
He furrowed his eyebrows more, eyes scanning my - very messy from sleep - figure.
This has happened many many times before where he didn't remember me and we had to look through photos and videos until he remembered.
Sometimes it took only twenty minutes, other times it took hours - once it took four months.
Four months to remember the first year of our relationship. One year out of three.
He's still remembering things from the second year and now he doesn't seem to remember me all over again.
It's back at square one and I don't know how or why.
"Sapnap," My throat felt dry. "Y-your boyfriend. It's Sapnap." My eyes were stinging with tears.
Karl slowly nodded, eyes still fixed on me. "Okay.... yeah, sorry-"
"No, no, darling don't apologize. You're still remembering things, it's okay." I assured him.
I told him it was okay a lot, even though it wasn't. I hated lying to him but Karl would break if I told him the truth everyday.
Everyday he forgets Quackity exists. It breaks my heart to know Karl might never fully remember our other third.
With a nod, he opened the door wider and asked what the problem was. I could tell he was still confused who I was. Ignored the pang in my heart.
"You made quite the ruckus going into the bathroom, and I figured I would ask if everything was alright? Usually you're not that loud in the mornings and I got worried." I explained.
He nodded. "I'm okay. Promise." He said. I couldn't help but smile a bit. "I just woke up and I was really excited about something but I have no idea what. I couldn't wait to get ready for something I can't remember." He quickly explained, fiddling with his hair like he always did when he was nervous.
I was shocked. He was excited for something but he couldn't remember what.
I knew what he was excited for. Valentine's Day with us. Except he couldn't remember us which is why he couldn't remember the cause for the excitement he was feeling.
Although exciting that he understood he was excited, it was still upsetting because he couldn't remember me - let alone Quackity. There's no way he'll remember Quackity.
"It's uh..It's Valentine's Day..today.." I slowly said, walking into his room more. He froze.
"Is that why I'm excited?" He questioned. "Do we usually do something together..or?" He left his question opened.
I nodded. "Yeah. Usually it's you, me and..uh our other- other..boyfriend."
He went to speak up, but I'm assuming what I had said made him freeze up more. His eyes widened and his hand gestures paused.
time skip :] also it's third person now!!
It was a bit later in the day - around 2:00pm - and Sapnap was getting worried. He'd spent his time showing Karl photos and videos of them two together, but every time he tried to bring Quackity into it, Karl would pay attention for a few minutes but would always find a way to awkwardly move on.
It was even more worrying because Quackity was supposed to be coming over at 3:30pm so they could go and have their annual Valentine's Day picnic and arcade date.
Karl couldn't even remember Sapnap well, let alone be interested enough to check Quackity out again.
It was only getting worse and Sapnap was starting to have a hard time keeping his tears in. There was nothing more heartbreaking than Karl forgetting them. Every time it happened - this time being the fifth - it was never easier than the last.
Sapnap tried so hard - Quackity as well - to convince Karl that time travelling wasn't a good idea. Karl said it would all be fine and he wouldn't be reckless. He would be careful.
But being careful wasn't enough because Karl couldn't remember Sapnap and Quackity was coming over in nearly minutes now and Karl doesn't seem interested in the idea of another boyfriend and-
The doorbell rang. Quackity was here.
"Who's that?" Karl asked, looking up from the photo he was looking at. It was a photo of him and Sapnap on one of their dates a while back - before they'd met Quackity. They were sitting on the back of Sapnap's truck with blankets and snacks and all their favourite drinks.
That night was unforgettable. For Sapnap, at least.
Sapnap awkwardly cleared his throat. "Uh- it- it's our other boyfriend. The- the one I briefly mentioned earlier."
That you moved on from was unspoken in the air but they were both thinking it.
Karl nodded, "Okay. Are you two gonna go out or something?"
"No, actually." Sapnap admitted. "The three of us were going to go out and celebrate our third Valentine's Day together as a throuple."
The brunette nodded. He swallowed. He didn't seem as uncomfortable as he did about it minutes ago.
"Get the door, then. I can just pretend I remember or something. I don't want to ruin this- or whatever it is- or was." Karl corrected himself.
Sapnap ignored the crack that grew in his heart as he stood up. He felt his eyes well up with tears, but he cleared his throat and fixed his hair, determined to not cry.
He can't cry on Valentine's Day.
He opened the door, and suddenly every bad thing suddenly didn't feel as bad anymore. That's the affect Quackity had on him. Everything just felt good and happy looking at the duck hybrid.
"Hey! Happy Valentine's Day, mi amour!" He said, hugging Sapnap and planting multiple, over the top dramatic kisses on his cheeks. Sapnap couldn't help but turn red and laugh.
He nearly forgot Karl couldn't remember anything.
"Yeah! I'm super excited for it." Sapnap said, cupping the shorter's face with one hand - leaving the other on his waist - and leaning in for a short kiss.
Quackity nodded once he pulled away. "Same! This date never gets old! Where's Karl? I wanna see mi ángel bonito!" He walked deeper into the house.
(translation is 'my pretty angel' btw :))
Sapnap caught his sleeve. "There's something I have to tell you really quick." He whispered. He knew Karl wouldn't eavesdrop, but it was easier to stay quiet about this. It was easier to keep himself together if he was quiet.
Quackity looked confused. "What? What's wrong, mi amour? You look like you're going to cry." He held the other's face in his hands like the latter had done to him moments before. "Who hurt you? I swear to God I will kill them for hurting my-"
"Karl has no memory again. It's all back at square one and I'm scared, Quackity." Sapnap spat the truth out.
The life nearly drained from Quackity's eyes. "What?" His voice cracked in horror.
Sapnap's bottom lip quivered. "I- I don't know. He woke up excited about something, but when I knocked on his bedroom door, he asked who I was and said he didn't know why he was excited. He was just getting back into remembering you and now- and now it's all-"
The younger didn't even finish his sentence before he hung his head down and his forehead landed on Quackity's. He willed himself not to cry, but it proved useless as tears fell from his eyes anyways.
"Is he looking at photos?" Quackity asked.
Sapnap nodded.
"Does he know who I am as a general idea?"
"I bit. He dodged the topic of you a few times but when you knocked on the door, he said to answer it and he'd pretend so he wouldn't ruin what this was."
Quackity pulled away. "Was? What does he- what does he mean was? This isn't a was and it never will be." He said confidently. Sapnap smiled at how he was still so optimistic during a situation like this.
"This is bad, duckie. This is the worst I've seen it. I thought him forgetting everything four months ago was bad, and I thought it maybe wasn't because of how much progress he was making-"
"Besides forgetting me everyday..." Quackity whispered.
"Okay, okay. That hurts me too." Sapnap admitted. "But we all thought he was getting somewhere. I don't know what happened, Q. I wish I did."
The short ravenette sighed, muttering an 'it's okay' before making his was to the living room. He knew Karl was in there, and figured it would be best to get the bad part over with first. Sapnap followed right behind him, hand gently on his back as comfort.
Karl looked up when we saw Sapnap and another guy walk in the room. From context clues of who Sapnap said was at the door, and the fact his hand was on the other's guy's back in a more-than-friends way, he guessed it was their other boyfriend.
He didn't know how he felt about dating two men. Clearly him who remembered thought it was a good idea, and based on the few stories Sapnap shared and the several photos he saw of the three of them, he guessed they were happy.
Were happy. Not anymore. He ruined it because he couldn't remember for a reason he didn't even know anymore. He forgot what took his memory. He tried to get Sapnap to tell him, but the latter only sighed a bit, glanced at him with sorrow in his features before showing another photo. It was irritating.
Sapnap wasn't telling him because he knew what Karl would do. He would time travel again to a time when he did remember. He would do the thing that took his memory to try and get it back. Sapnap couldn't physically let him do that. He loves Karl too much to let him hurt himself more when he thinks he's doing something good.
Karl locked eyes with the shorter ravenette. He got a small smile and a wave. The brunette was starting to learn the looks in their eyes. They seemed familiar. The looks in the other's eyes were looks of defeat, and utter sadness. Karl was guessing they were sad because of his loss of memory.
Them being sad because of him made him angry. He hated people feeling large amounts of negative emotions because of him. He wanted people to think about and look at him and be happy. This? This was sadness and darkness.
"Hello.." The beanie-wearing man said. His voice reminded Karl of smiley faces and staying up late when you're supposed to be sleeping during a sleepover as a kid with your best friend. It reminded him of that despite the fact his voice was low and heartbroken. "I'm Quackity.."
Karl nodded. "Sapnap told me about you. Sorry about my memory and stuff. It must be a big downer considering what our history was and the fact it's Valentine's Day.." He trailed off apologetically.
"Don't worry about it," Quackity excused. It seemed forced. Like he did worry about it. "Our history isn't a 'was.' We'll get through this. Why not start today? If that's okay with you?.."
The latter nodded. "Sure! Maybe it'll kickstart my memory? I don't know- I'm sorry I feel really bad about this-"
"Karl, mi ángel (my angel), stop worrying so much. Don't be sorry." Quackity kneeled down to be at Karl's eye level. He took his hands in his own and looked him in the eye, making eye contact with his gorgeous, blue eyes.
"You won't remember but this isn't the first time you've forgotten, and you will pick yourself back up. Sap and I will be right here. If you feel uncomfortable at any point, tell us, and go do what makes you feel okay." He ran his thumbs along the back of Karl's hands - something he knew the other found calming, whether or not he remembered that about himself.
He knew the other was shocked about how accepting he was about the memory loss. Quackity wasn't nearly at the stage of acceptance yet at all. He was just good at pretending he was.
But he wasn't lying - he and Sapnap would be there every step of the way. Lord knows it'll be hard as ever, but they have experience with it. They know what to do regardless of the reset.
"Okay, I can do that. Thanks." He said, smiling a little to show how grateful he was. Quackity nodded.
He poked Karl's cheek twice. "Give a kiss?" He asked. The last thing he wanted to do was give Karl a kiss when he didn't remember him. He wanted to be liked again, not feared.
Surprisingly, Karl nodded.
Quackity cupped the brunette's face with one hand, and pulled his cheek towards him. He planted a soft kiss on Karl's left cheek. When he pulled away, Karl had a soft smile on his face.
Little did the two men watching know, was that Karl noticed that the lips on his face felt familiar. He knew those lips like the back of his hand. He was realizing that maybe he almost knew Quackity like the back of his hand as well.
Sapnap cut through the silence. "Let's go, shall we?" The two others looked at him with smiles.
"Yes! Let's go!!" Quackity said, pulling Karl up with him. Karl laughed, the noise sounding like music to the other's ears.
time skip wowo at the date place :]
The three arrived at the arcade, bouncing with excitement. They'd had their picnic already, and that seemed to get Karl to loosen up a bit. He seemed comfortable.
And he was. He just didn't tell them.
It was at their usual spot under an peach tree by a big pond. It was honestly stunning with the water and the sun, combined with the large variety of flowers that covered the gorgeous green grass around them.
Karl really seemed to be enjoying himself and their company. At some point, he put his hand on Sapnap's and didn't move it when the two others thought he would.
He'd even bumped his forehead on Quackity's shoulder when he was laughing. That was something he always did when he was laughing super hard. It was subconsciously done when he couldn't control himself and his laughter. It was adorable - and relieving to see it had never left.
Quackity immediately dropped Sapnap's hand and ran over to Pac-Man.
"Is that his favourite?" Karl asked, looking at Sapnap. His blue eyes never got old. Sapnap nodded nonetheless.
"Yeah. I'm pretty sure he has the highest score on that-"
"-machine.." Sapnap finished, smiling when Karl laughed at the situation that just unfolded. The two watched as Quackity aggressively muttered insults under his breathe as he pushed a quarter into the slot and started playing.
The Mexican continued playing for a few rounds, before he only had three quarters left. He'd started with thirteen. Sapnap cut him off before he had nothing.
They moved to other machines - the claw machine filled with stuffed animals, the rigged cup-toss game, the water gun game where you knock cups off and get a prize.
(I haven't been to an arcade since before COVID so forgive me for knowing nothing about arcade games. I'm going based off other games I remember seeing in other fics LMAOO)
Sapnap found himself stationary at the claw machine. He knew it was a dangerous battle to get stuck standing in front of the stupid fucking plexiglass filled with stuffed animals, but he wanted to get one for both his boyfriends.
He did it every year and just because Karl forgot everything doesn't mean he's not going to this date. Maybe it'll even help him remember because of the tradition he made.
After twenty minutes, he got a frog for Karl. It was green with blue spots and had purple eyes. Perfect for Karl Jacobs.
Then, fifteen agonizing minutes later, he finally got the duck for Quackity. It looked like your average duck, besides the fact it had a sombrero on. Perfect for Quackity.
He found his two lovers at an air hockey table, and by the looks of it, Karl was winning. He was always really good at air hockey, and there was only a few select times Sapnap or Quackity won instead.
Sapnap cleared his throat. "Gentlemen? My wonderful partners in crime?" He greeted with a lopsided, silly smile. Both sets of eyes looked at him.
"What's up, mi amor?" Quackity said, stepping away from the table. Karl followed suit.
"I uh...I got you guys some- something.." Sapnap stuttered out.
He was usually a super confident guy, but something about Karl and Quackity looking at him with their full attention made him really nervous and he would stutter. It was their favourite thing about him.
Karl perked up. He loved gifts and surprises.
He still did. He never didn't like them.
He didn't remember liking them before but Sapnap and Quackity looked at one another when Karl jumped up on his toes a bit and tried to peek behind Sapnap's back.
Quackity laughed. "What is it! I'm just as eager as Karl!"
"It's uh..this!" He pulled both stuffed animals out from behind his back, "I got one for the both of you. The frog is for- for Karl and you get the duck!" He smiled.
Both men grabbed their respective animal with smiles. Quackity expected it to be a stuffed animals - again, Sapnap always got them a stuffed animal from the claw machine. He just acted surprised and shocked for Karl.
Karl himself was blown away. He didn't really remember anything about their relationship. There was something that would happen every once and a while that would be kind of familiar, but nothing wild enough to help him remember fully.
This unlocked a core memory.
"Come on guys! The games won't play themselves!" Quackity laughed, pulling them farther into the arcade by their hands.
Sapnap and Karl didn't disagree, and they watched Quackity play Pac-Man. The date always started like this. Get pulled in, watch Pac-Man.
Eventually, Karl went off to the ring-toss game, wanting to get a giant goose stuffed animal he saw as a prize. He wanted it.
Probably spending far to much money on the rigged game, he got the goose after almost twenty-five minutes.
By the time he found Sapnap and Quackity, they were drop dead worried. They practically ran at him and bundled him in their arms again.
"Karl?!" Sapnap said. "Where the hell did you go? I thought we lost you!?"
"¡Amor mío, no puedes huir así!" Quackity said, panicking and not realizing he wasn't speaking English. It was a subconscious habit he had. He had Karl's face in his hands, checking his face to make sure nothing was there.
(Real quick, it says "My love, you can't run away like that!" so you don't have to :))
Their panicking made Karl panic. "I- I'm sorry, guys, uhm- I- I got distracted and-"
Sapnap gently shushed him. "No, darling, breathe. We're not mad at you," He took Karl's hand, "You just scared us. We turned around and you were gone."
"Sorry.." Karl apologized, making Quackity giggle. The brunette followed Quackity's eyes and his orbs (I am so sorry for that BAHA not the orbs) lit up. He giggled as well.
He lifted the stuffed goose up with a proud smile. "I got this, though!"
Sapnap burst into laughter, triggering Quackity and Karl to as well. The animal was ridiculously large and it looked rather heavy for a goose.
"What're you gonna name it, mi amor?" Quackity asked through his giggles. He seemed fascinated by how soft it was.
Karl shrugged, "I don't know-"
As soon as Karl said that, Sapnap and Quackity both shouted a name.
They all froze. Karl cracked a smile. "Goose and Bruce? Guys- w-what?" He finally chuckled.
"It's already a goose, so just name it Goose!" Sapnap said, trying to persuade Karl. Quackity shook his head. "No shot,"
"Name it Bruce! It has class, and it already rhymes with goose anyways!"
Karl hummed, showing he was thinking super hard about which option to chose. He wasn't thinking super hard in the first place, as he knew what he wanted to do already.
"I'm naming him Ronald."
The two boys groaned while Karl laughed at them.
Karl came back to his senses to someone shaking his shoulder gently, and two blurry faces in front of him. He was crying.
A hand landed on his cheek. "Are you okay? Karl, what's wrong? Do you want to leave?" It was Quackity.
He shook his head aggressively. "I wanna s-stay.."
"Are you sure-"
"The goose."
Both men froze. They didn't know what he was talking about with a goose. At least they couldn't remember at this moment.
Karl elaborated. "One time, we- we uh- we went here a-and I got a big- big stuffed g-goose."
The other two's eyes widened.
"You wanted to name- name it Goose," He pointed at Sapnap, "A-and you wanted to name it Bruce. You argued that it- it rhymes anyways." Karl wetly laughed, wiping under his eyes with his hand that wasn't holding the frog he'd just gotten.
Sapnap's own eyes welled up with tears. Karl was remembering. It was working. He could only hope this would stick and they wouldn't be back at square one again tomorrow.
Quackity was hugging Karl, leaving a small trail of soft kisses where ever he could. He was ecstatic. Even though he wasn't there when they woke up and Karl couldn't remember, there wasn't a day where he would be sad that Karl remembered.
This was even more exciting because Karl forgot who Quackity was every. Single. Day.
And he just remembered something Quackity had said a year and a half ago.
Progress. They were making progress.
time skip two years later also Quackity's pov :))
It was two years later after the incident with Karl forgetting everything on Valentine's Day. The three of us were happier than ever.
(Insert Billie Eilish's album :D I'm in love with that album holy shit lol)
So far, he remembered everything from Sapnap and his relationship when it started - before they met me. That's three years of memory back out of five.
So far, with me being added, he's remembered two of the years out of four. He's got two years of memories to remember, plus he knows everything that's happened within these two years of remembering the past, and making new memories.
Sapnap and I couldn't be more proud of him. He's come so far.
I thought the world was ending when I entered the door two years ago, and Sapnap was close to tears. There was nothing scarier.
But now things are better. It's all good - well, as good as it can get.
End A/N: Happy Valentine's Day! I'm so glad I get to post a chapter today :) I finished this on the 13th so you guys are super lucky ngl lol. Valentine's Day doesn't have to be a day for couples - it could be a day where you spend time with family, or simply hang out with friends or even pets! It's simply a day of appreciating the people or things in your life!! I'm spending it in Mexico as I came here for a family members wedding. Wish I could spend it with friends ngl but I guess gorgeous Mexico will do smh /s. I might add photos below later when I get home on the 17th. Anyway, love Karlnapity, see you guys when I post next :))) Also sorry for any typos and mistakes, lemme know if you catch any! Thanks for 16k on this book - you're all fucking insane lol <333
-Starby (Phaser) <3
((PS — the word count is just over 4.4k 😵💫 That's longer than my other Karlnapity one shot 'Until I remember they love me' that's at 4k exactly. Oh gosh lol))
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