.-. There's a difference .-.
Request: No
Mcyt: Tommy, Philza, Awesamdude, mentions of Technoblade, Wilbur, Captain Puffy, Eret and Karl Jacobs
Type: Angst to fluff
Age: Tommy: 16 | Sam: 22 | Phil: 29
Au: Minecraft
A/N: AWESAMDAD IS MY FAVOURITE! As bad as this is going to sound, I've gotten so used to reading stuff with Philza's really bad canon dad arc-the one with Tommy being neglected and lots of favouritism being played. Now, whenever I read a story where Phil is a good dad, it makes me feel unsettled cause I'm not used to it lmao. This is gonna be a long one. Have fun reading, dear reader!
TW: small mentions of suicide and bleeding out
*tommy's pov*
I think it's fair to say that I am not as loved in my family as I should be. It's obvious that Technoblade is the favoured child. He gets more food on his plate, gets longer curfews, gets more attention, gets to go wherever he pleases. Things like that.
This all started after my "dad" killed Wilbur. I don't even know if I should even consider Phil as my father. It certainly doesn't feel like it. Even before Wilbur died and we even built L'Manburg, Phil still had that hatred for Wil and I. We didn't do anything either.
Techno did try to include us. I could tell he felt bad but he didn't have the heart to call Philza out. The thing is though, is that I could. I had the heart to. I would've done it if I could've.
But our argument got in the way and I never got the chance to tell him how much of a horrible father he was.
"BUT PHIL! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!" Tommy screamed, tears dripping down his face as he tried to prove his point.
He wanted to tell Phil that he played favourites, but Phil wouldn't listen. He was sure that he was a great father. But he wasn't.
"No, Tommy! YOU are the one who doesn't understand! YOU ARE JUST A CHILD WHO IS A BRAT!" Phil shouted back, just as furious as Tommy.
Wilbur and Technoblade were off in the hallway, eavesdropping when they knew they shouldn't have been. But it was hard to not listen when they were shouting as loud as they were.
"You just proved me right!" Tommy said, his hand out to Phil. "Calling me a brat! A child who doesn't know anything! A good father wouldn't speak to his own kid like that!"
Phil huffed and rolled his eyes. "You don't get to tell me how to teach and talk to my kids. Why can't you just follow in your brothers footsteps. Be quieter, less problematic, less annoying and more skillful. That is a good kid. Maybe your so bad because you look like your mother!"
It felt like time stopped as Tommy froze in shock. Phil realized his mistake and tried to reach out to Tommy. Tommy flinched back.
Tommy's mother had died because of a sickness she had at birth. She couldn't make it and Tommy still felt guilty to this day. He knows it isn't his fault. Wilbur-not Phil-has reassured him that it wasn't his fault on multiple occasions. Everyone had promised to not speak of his mother's death in front of him.
But Phil broke his promise, like all his other ones.
"Ok then.." Tommy sniffled. "Now it's my mum's fault. I see how it is. Maybe I should've died instead." Tommy stormed to his room and cried for days.
In a strange way, I'm glad I never told him. I'll wait for him to figure it out himself. He might be on his death bed and still think he made a good father figure. I don't know what will prove to him that I am right, but I'll find the answer eventually.
But the answer found me first.
*third person*
Tommy happily walked over to his Big Innit Hotel. Sam Nook had told him to collect even more red dye. Not that he was complaining, he loved Sam Nook (and Sam) with all his heart. He would never admit it out loud, but he wished Sam was his father figure instead of Phil.
"HELLO TOMMYINNIT! DO YOU HAVE THE RED DYE?.." Sam Nook asked, his Animal Crossing chirps making Tommy even more happy.
"I do have it!" Tommy said, pulling it out of his inventory. Sam Nook took it and put it in his inventory. He looked at Tommy.
Tommy nodded and smiled. "Thanks dad!"
Tommy realized what he had said and immediately blushed from embarrassment. He didn't mean to say that out loud.
"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that-" Tommy sputtered our quickly, trying to ignore the feeling of Sam looking at him.
Sam was going to be disappointed, wasn't he? He was going to drop Sam Nook and stay away from Tommy. Tommy was sure he'd ruined it all.
"Hey, Tommy it's alright. You're like a son to me anyways. I don't mind." Sam smiled, putting his hand on Tommy's shoulder. He smiled internally when Tommy didn't flinch at the action like he used to do months prior.
Tommy was beyond relieved. Sam felt the same way. Maybe he would have a chance at a good childhood. Have the childhood Phil refuses to give him, simply because he looked like his mother. Tommy could've cried at that moment, but like he says, Big Men don't cry.
*another time skip brought to you by ranboo picking flowers*
Tommy sadly had to leave Sam and go "home" to Phil and his brothers. He really didn't want to leave. He would do anything to stay with Sam for a few more hours.
"Tommy, you have to go home." Sam said, trying to pry Tommy's hand off of his forearm. Tommy violently shook his head.
"No, no no no Sam I really can't!" Tommy begged. "Let me stay with you for a little bit longer please!"
"What's so bad about Phil? You've lived with him your whole life, why is it so bad suddenly?"
Tommy stopped trying to beg and looked down. "I just don't want to go the place where Phil is.." Tommy whispered. It was very unlike him to whisper something, so this told Sam it was more serious than he originally realized.
"It's alright, Tommy. I'll be glad to have you over longer. Maybe you can sleepover?" Sam suggested, hope rushing through his body as jumped up with excitement.
"Yes! We can do so much together dad!" Tommy exclaimed, this time having no embarrassment with calling Sam, dad.
Sam could've cried. Tommy was like a son to him and was so happy to know Tommy loved him like a dad. He would do anything to keep Tommy safe. Whether that meant fighting Dream or Technoblade. Or protecting him from the egg. As long as Tommy is around Sam, no one can harm him under Sam's protection.
"Well," Sam said, looking down at Tommy. "Let's make a fort, son."
*time skip brought to you by phil's bad parenting: few months pass*
It was no secret that after these few passing months, Tommy had gotten fairly close to Sam and even Captain Puffy. Puffy took on the mother role in Tommy's life, considering Tommy never really had a mother. He was experiencing it for the first time, and it was very grounding to Tommy to have two parental figures.
Everyone in the SMP had never seen Tommy that happy in a long time. Besides the few interactions with Dream here and there (Sam was always around for those so Tommy was never injured) or a few rude glares from
Jack Manifold or even Philza and Technoblade, Tommy stayed relatively happy.
Until Phil wanted to...step in about his son not being very much of a son to him.
*big moment time*
Tommy was with Sam, which was no shocker. They were walking towards Tommy's just finished hotel. It was very tall and the colours screamed Tommy. Which Sam Nook planned for that.
Since Tommy and Sam hung out so much, Tommy started calling him 'dad' more than 'Sam'. He still said 'Sam' around other people, except Puffy. He was extra careful about what he said about Sam when he was having dinner at Phil's. Or his real dad's.
They were chatting happily, talking about this and that, before they were very rudely cut off by none other than Philza Minecraft.
"Excuse me," He said, seemingly mad. "I need my son home. We're going to be busy tonight." He tried to grab at Tommy harshly, but his wrist was grabbed by Sam.
"I'm sorry, Philza. As long as Tommy is by my side, he is under my protection. You can not harm him." Sam said, grasping Phil's wrist so hard his knuckles were nearly white. You could see the pain and discomfort in Phil's eyes.
"He is my son and is under my protection, Sam. Therefore, you will let me take my son home." Phil snapped, getting more frustrated by the second.
Tommy chuckled, tapping Sam's forearm, signalling for him to let go of Phil. Which he did. He moved out from behind Sam. "I'm terribly not sorry Phil but-but where's the protection? I've looked all my life and I haven't found it." He said, holding back laughter at Phil's paled face.
"I looked through the house, in my heart, in your eyes, in your words, in your actions, but I only found a man who plays favourites and likes to pretend his youngest is invisible." Tommy said, truth and pride shining in his posture and tone as he talked.
"Tommy, I always protected you. I-I'm your Dad! You know, Dadza? I protected you from all the things that scared you." Phil said, getting more desperate as he spoke.
Tommy could tell that Sam was not having it with Phil, and neither was he. Phil did jack shit when it came to Tommy being hurt or having nightmares. Tommy could smell the gaslighting and manipulation that Phil was trying to play with. But Tommy is experienced in the art of manipulation.
"Philza. Please do not make this difficult. You are not and were not a good father figure to Tommy. All we ask is for you to move over, and let us continue our walk. It would be greatly appreciated." Sam said, trying to hurry the process.
Phil shook his head. "Not until I get my son-"
"Alrighty Phil!" Tommy interrupted. He was not going to hold back now. Phil was being annoying and persistent. (get ready readers for tommy has SNAPPED)
"Phil. I would be more kind with my words, but I've decided not to, if that makes sense." Tommy said, watching as Sam shifted to slightly behind him, ready to protect him and Phil fix his posture.
"You never protected me! But you did protect Techno and Wilbur. Not so much Wilbur but certainly more than you did me. The things that scared me, I couldn't be protected from. It's hard to be protected from the man who claims to love you. Who claims to protect you your whole life. The man who says he'll feed you and keep you warm. Clearly me in this situation, isn't even there. Because Technoblade got the love he needed. Technoblade got protected his whole life, and still is being protected for some fucking stupid reason. He got it all."
Sam placed a gentle hand on Tommy's shoulder, Tommy putting his hand on Sam's. Phil frowned as he watched Tommy not flinch.
"Do not pretend to be the man I thought you were. I don't want to be your son. I never was in the first place. It was always Technoblade this and Technoblade that. Oh look, Technoblade got a paper cut! Let's bring him to Karl's because he's a medic. Oh look, Tommy got his wings cut off and nearly committed suicide after almost bleeding out? Sorry, I'm busy looking after my oldest son who's the strongest person in this server. He doesn't need to be taken care of, Phil. He can do it himself. He's proven he can. WHY CAN'T YOU SEE THAT?!" Tommy said, rage filling his voice as he got more agitated.
It was fair to say that Phil had no words.
He didn't think he was bad. He was aware that Techno got more attention, but he was sure he gave Tommy and Wilbur more attention than Tommy was claiming. He was equal. He wanted to be a equal father who gave equal amounts of everything to his sons. It was fair. But if he wasn't being as fair as he thought he was, he wasn't sure what to do or say. Tommy had stumped him.
Phil shook his head, wiping a tear away. "I...I have no words. But I won't say your right. As your Dad-"
"Father." Tommy said, correcting Phil. He felt Sam squeeze his shoulder gently. He squeezed back.
Phil raised and eyebrow at this sudden correction. "Your Dad."
"Father. You are my father. There's a difference, Phil. You are my father and Sam is my Dad. I trust one more than the other. My Dad is loving, caring, passionate, actually protects me and is willing to give up anything for me. While my father is rude, neglective, ignorant, a big pussy, he plays favourites and manipulates his child into thinking he's someone he isn't. Can you tell who's who?" Tommy said, smiling.
Phil was confuse as to why Tommy was smiling but wasn't brave enough anymore to comment on it. Maybe Tommy was right. He was a huge dick of a dad-no father. He's the father and Sam is...is the dad.
"Before we leave Phil, because my son and I have things to do, I request-more so demand that you sign these papers." Sam said, holding out papers to Phil. Tommy wasn't aware but they were adoption papers.
The two had constantly talked about adoption, but Sam never had the chance to get them from Eret. If-or when Phil signed the papers, Tommy would legally be Sam and Puffy's child. They decide that they would both care for Tommy as they shared the same love for the teen. No, they weren't together. It was mutual decision.
Phil didn't hesitate to grab the papers and sign them. He knew what they were and wanted Tommy out of his life. He didn't need Tommy seeing him anymore. He was rude and just realizing it.
He passed back the papers to Sam and walked away without a word.
"What were those?" Tommy asked after turning around to face Sam. Sam smiled widely at Tommy.
"Adoption papers. That means that you are both under my and Puffy's care. Your my true son."
Tommy jumped at Sam and hugged him. Sam laughed at his excitement but truly, Sam was just as excited as Tommy was. He'd be able to give Tommy the life he needed but never got.
If Tommy cried that night in Sam and Puffy's arms, no one needed to know.
If Tommy re grew his wings and actually learned to fly, Phil wouldn't have to know.
And if Tommy was truly happy for the first time in years since he was eight..
That is something he would tell people.
End A/N: OK I STG THIS IS SO DAMN LONG! It's wayyyy longer than I expected it to be but like..I'm not mad. You guys are getting long chapters cause I write oddly. I don't know. Hope you guys likes it. This is over 2600 words-
-Starby <3
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