.-. Support from the Blade .-.
Request: No
Mcyt: Techno, Dream, George, Sapnap, Bad (mention of Tommy, Philza, Wilbur and Krinios)
Type: Fluff
Ages: All irl
AU: Minecraft
A/N: MCC All-Stars was today so here's a chapter on that. At the end is an explanation on specifically why I made this lmao. Enjoy, I'm in pain now-
Dream, George, Sapnap and Badboyhalo were getting ready to compete in the final event; Dodgebolt. They were going to be up against Yellow Yaks which consisted of Quig, Seepeekay, Shubble and Smajor.
Dream and Bad were relatively calm somehow, while George and Sapnap were freaking the fuck out on the inside.
"Hey, dude you're going to do great okay?" Dream said to Sapnap while making sure he had his bow.
"I know but I can't help but be nervous before Dodgebolt. It's scary as shit!"
"Language!" Bad said, walking up to the others with George running to catch up.
Suddenly they were teleported onto the platform, Yellow Yaks in front of them. There were glass boxes around them so they couldn't move until the timer started.
"Everyone on their team is good!" Sapnap said.
"Everyone on their team is good- everyone is good at Dodgebolt and shooting." Dream agreed, adjusting his green sweater.
"This is actually scary!" Sapnap said, almost sounding like he was going to start whining.
Dream looked over at his teammates, "This is scary. This is going to be tough. Let's do it guys!" He said with a smile.
"Let's do the best we can!" Bad said enthusiastically. Man were they glad to have Bad on their team with his encouraging words.
Yellow Yaks were talking in their own VC, strategizing and maybe telling jokes as they kept chuckling everyone once and a while. Chat was exploding with who they were rooting for. Sapnap gulped, suddenly feeling even more worried and nervous than before.
Dream's words brought him out of his thoughts.
"Guys remember we make them shoot first. Do not go for the arrow." He said.
Sapnap smirked at him in a teasing way, "I might grab it after a while."
Dream rolled his eyes and waited for the match to start. Everyone made sure to breathe and make sure that they had everything. This was going to be fine. All they can do is try their best - just like Bad said.
(I am taking actual dialogue from a clip of this MCC so you're welcome for the accuracy <3)
Suddenly after them joking about grabbing the arrow and not doing as Dream said, there was a certain text in chat that got Sapnap's attention.
Sapnap smiled as he spammed 'TECHNO' multiple times in chat back.
"Technoblade! Technoooo!!" Sapnap said, making his voice high pitched.
"Yeah!" Dream said, laughing, "He said 'go Sapnap carry those noobs'."
Bad and George both chuckled and they cheered a bit, pounding on the glass boxes when they saw Techno waving in their direction.
A timer started counting down from twenty seconds, everyone calming down the best they could as they waited for the game to begin.
this should be fun to type :)
They all started jumping around, trying to dodge the arrows they didn't grab, just like Dream had said. Smajor (I think it was him first round) aimed at George, but missed the shot as George twisted to the side. He sighed in relief.
Sapnap grabbed the arrow as it popped up out of the ground and passed it to Dream, thinking it was best to let him shoot first.
"George give him the arrow!" Sapnap said. Dream stood with his hand out, waiting for the brunette to hand it over.
"Alright, you want to have it George? You sure? You want to go against them?" Dream teased. George rolled his eyes but he held onto the arrow.
"If I miss- if I miss I'll (I can't tell what he says) to you." George negotiated. Dream looked at him as Sapnap and Bad tried to make him give up the arrow.
"George NO give him the arrow!" Bad said, waving his arms around.
"Alright, alright.." Dream said, pulling out his bow and lining it up as George celebrated and copied his action.
Dream shot in Quig's direction, nearly hitting the other. He ran back from standing close to the line. George also shot at Quig, unfortunately missing and making a questionable noise.
They argued about George not giving Dream the arrow but continued dodging as they didn't know when they'd be shot at.
Sapnap's heart was still racing, adrenaline still nearly kicking in. 'This is a win for Techno' he told himself. It wasn't very often that Techno would spectate.
Quig (I think) and Shubble both held their arrows, following them as they moved around. Shubble shot at Bad but he arched his back and the arrow passed him. Shubble visibly groaned and ran back.
Quig shot at Dream, but missed by lining it up wrong, missing him by a few feet.
"He missed, he missed." Dream and Sapnap said at the same time.
George and Sapnap both passed the arrows to Dream, him taking them and pulling his bow out. He focused as hard as he could, without having taking his ADHD meds that morning and over the loud chatting of the other three.
He aimed at Smajor, missing and quickly pulling out his other arrow. A red text came up that said the platform was shrinking. He got anxious but quickly remembered to focus on hitting someone.
His target being Smajor again, he prayed as he shot. The Scottish man dodged the arrow by a bit, it just skimming his head. Dream huffed and pulled his bow over his head.
"Alright boys!" Sapnap said, chuckling to himself as he jumped around.
"Sapnap will go next." Dream said, repeating himself a few times to ensure the others heard him.
"It's fine. I'll do it." George said. No one commented on his words.
Smajor pulled out his bow, aiming at Dream but he slid to the side and the arrow safely passed him.
George had ran up and picked up the arrow that had missed Dream and put it in his bow. He quickly shot and hit Seepeekay in his back. He disappeared up at the spectating area.
The team cheered and the platform shrunk.
Quig held his bow and while Bad was moving, he got hit in the right shoulder, disappearing. Immediately afterwards, he pulled out a second arrow and nailed George in the stomach, him also going to the spectating area.
Dream and Sapnap made eye contact, nodding in the reassuring way they always had to each other.
Dream gave his arrow to Sapnap, the fire born already having one. Sapnap shot and hit Quig in the leg. He took the other arrow, aiming for Smajor and also hit him in the shoulder.
"Nice! Nice!" Dream said, praising the other for wiping half the other team. Now it was just them versus Shubble.
The platform was really small at this point, making Sapnap more nervous than it should have. He's been here many times so he isn't sure why it was making him so nervous all of the sudden. He took some deep breaths, calming himself as Shubble grabbed the arrows.
She moved the bow around, trying to get the right shot. Tommy had been spamming 'team shubble' in chat, but Sapnap never paid mind to it.
But a certain message caught his eye.
Technoblade: SAPCHAD
He giggled as Techno spammed it more times but focused back in when Shubble let the arrow go in his direction. He accidentally slipped and fell on his back, but missed the arrow and wasn't out.
Dream quickly helped him up to his feet and he grabbed the arrow mid-air as it came out from the ground. Shubble shot again and missed.
"YESS!" They heard George cheer and Bad gave a less aggressive "yes!" as well.
Sapnap had both arrows and he lined up to hit Shubble.
"Go Sapnap go!" George cheered again.
He bit his bottom lip as he focused. He let go and hit Shubble.
"Let's go!" [g]
"Yesss!" [d]
"Let's! GO!" [b]
They all cheered and Dream pat Sapnap on the back. Sapnap swore he's never smiled wider. They'd won! The first round, at least.
More 'SAPCHAD's were spammed in chat by Techno and Sapnap looked up and waved aggressively to the pink haired anarchist. The other waved back.
Dream laughed as he read 'SAPCHAD' and looked up to see Techno with two thumbs up. He gave one back.
round two bitches- this is painful but it'll be worth it bc this is actually what happened-
They got teleported back into the boxes, George and Bad back with them. Yellow Yaks looked more determined from the other side.
Sapnap typed 'WOOO FOR TECHNO' in chat multiple times as he waited, looking up to see the hybrid laughing to himself.
The counter went down from ten and they chatted about anything but a strategy.
They got put out of the boxes and Sapnap came to a realization.
"Ugh they're gonna target me now!" He jumped around as Seepeekay hid an arrow.
There was a mix of "be careful" and "yeah" said to Sapnap. He huffed and made sure to focus.
The chat started saying that Techno should be put on Yellow team to make it a 5v4. Dream laughed to himself.
"I'm a genius. I'm ahead of my time- I died." George said, jinxing himself as he got put up in spectating after getting hit by Seepeekay. Bad let out a half laugh and George chuckled at his stupidity.
Sapnap pulled out an arrow and aimed. He shot and hit Quig, quickly lining up again and just missed CPK. He sighed and backed up.
"Oh nice try, nice try." Dream said to Sapnap. He looked over and nodded, wiping sweat off his forehead. He's gonna collapse when he gets home.
Shubble suddenly had a arrow in her bow, aiming for Sapnap. He expected to be targeted, but it was more scary then he thought. Dream ran over and slid in front of Sap, Shubble shooting. Dream shoved Sapnap over a bit and he [d] dodged the arrow himself.
Sapnap had never been more grateful in his life for that green blob.
CPK shot at Bad, missing and Sapnap picked up both of the arrows. He took some deep breaths and shot for Shubble. He hit her side and she disappeared.
"Okay, nice!" George said excitedly.
The platform started shrinking once more and Sapnap lost his focus for a split second, refocusing and hitting CPK.
It was now just Smajor versus him, Dream and Bad.
"Okay this is it." George said, trying to make anticipation for the people viewing his stream.
(I imagine irl Minecraft streams being like cameras that float and they can like move them around if that makes sense and then the chat is also floating in a way lmao)
Dream nodded at Sapnap, silently celebrating to himself. Sapnap was so nervous beforehand and now he's hitting people like it's nothing.
He assumed Techno agreed as the pinkette had spammed 'HOW IS ONE MAN THIS GOOD AT MINECRAFT' People were still asking for him to be put in, but it wasn't possible as he'd stopped competing - he preferred cheering others on rather than people expecting him to constantly win because of his reputation for PVP.
Sapnap ended up getting shot by Smajor, teleporting up to spectating. He got approached by Techno quickly.
"Oh, hey Techno!" He said.
"Hallo!" Techno replied in his monotone voice, "You're doing great out there, yknow?"
Sapnap let out a breathy laugh. "I'm trying. I'm exhausted though."
"That's what it does to ya." [t]
They stood in silence and watched the game continue.
Dream shot at Smajor and missed once. Sapnap bounced with anticipation but a cold hand on his shoulder scared him.
"You're excited."
It was just George.
"Shut up."
He focused back and just saw the arrow go towards Smajor and Dream hit him again.
"Let's gooo!!!" Bad said, jumping and clapping. Dream ran to Bad and they hugged one another.
At spectating, Sapnap and George cheered very loudly for their green friend. Techno chuckled at their loudness. He heard a "they need you Techno!" from across the stadium, finding the voice came from Krinios.
"Go get ready for your last round." Techno said to the two others over the loud chatter.
"Will do!" Sapnap saluted to Techno and George waved, getting teleported back into the glass boxes.
i'm dying but it's almost over ya'll
The ten seconds went by quicker than ever for Red Rabbits. They might win MCC All-Stars. Holy shit.
Sapnap was still hyped as ever but then Dream spoke up.
"We could still lose." He said.
"We got this, we got this." Bad said, ignoring his sort of sad comment. It was still true though, nonetheless.
Techno ended up replying to Krinios' shout by yelling,
Whoever heard his shout laughed while the Yellow Yaks groaned and showed annoyance.
Smajor immediately shot at Sapnap, but he easily dodged with a painful looking arch to his back.
George passed an arrow to Sapnap, "Pov: you're Sapnap." He joked. Sapnap quickly took aim towards Quig, hitting him in the neck. He winced at the placement but quickly let it go.
"I'm fucking ruining Quig's day, bro." Sapnap said laughing, running and jumping around, awaiting a hopeful dodge.
Shubble held her bow, shooting at Dream who ran past the arrow as it was too far off of a shot. Shubble showed annoyance as she watched CPK with his bow.
CPK shot at Dream like Shubble had and missed as well. Dream had ducked towards the ground.
Sapnap got both arrows and jumped around himself to shake off some of the nerves. He shot at CPK, missing. He quickly pulled out the other arrow hoping to hit this shot.
He unfortunately missed CPK again, letting out an "oh" and a chuckle at his miss.
The platform shrunk a bit more, and they started dodging as they awaited arrows to come flying at them.
"You're doing great, Sapnap. You're killing it." Dream said reassuringly. Sapnap smiled to himself, not feeling as bad about his missed shot.
There was a miss from someone the author couldn't point out but George held his arrow at CPK and CPK held his bow towards Dream.
Dream taunted CPK by moving around in front of him. George and CPK let go at the same time, hitting one another.
The platform shrunk once more and Dream picked up an arrow. Smajor unexpectedly shot at Sapnap, who barely dodged it with a shout.
Sapnap picked up the arrow that nearly had shot him and Dream tossed the other one to him as well.
"This is it! This is it!" They all started saying.
Sapnap focused on what he was doing. This was maybe it. He might win MCC All-Stars with his best friends. He just needs to focus.
'You got this' He told himself, typing a 'it's been fun. BYE!' in chat as a sort of mock. I mean, it's 3v2.
He shot and missed Smajor, internally cringing for letting himself get too cocky about it. He shook it off as he had another arrow anyways. The second shot he ended up hitting Shubble, letting out a sigh of relief.
It was now a 1v3 and small platform.
"Sapnap- Sapnap," Dream said, while focusing on Smajor, "If you just screwed us, I hate you. By being cocky." He laughed.
Sapnap chuckled quietly watching as Smajor shot and missed Dream. He went up and picked up the final arrow.
"I've always wanted to do this!" He said, aiming at Smajor.
(I'm gonna skip the part where he keeps shooting in the damned air rn as Gogs screams at him to give it to Bad)
He shot and hit Smajor right in the chest.
They'd won.
"YEAH!' Dream said, running up and hugging Sapnap, Bad following after. GG's flooded the chat as they jumped in victory.
Techno spammed 'SAPGOD' in chat, whistling loudly from the crowd. Sapnap looked up at him through his hug with his friends and saluted.
teleported to the fucking stage with the crowns now lmao
The winning team walked down the stage, waving and smiling to everyone with the crowns on their heads. Everyone else cheered, all being good sports, waving and jumping.
They took screenshots of their victory and waved at everyone else.
They saw the sleep boys run up the edge of the stage, jumping and trying to get up. Dream wheezed as Tommy and Wilbur fought over who was going to pull George down first. Phil eventually hit them on the back of their heads and they let George go.
"GG EVERYONE!" Sapnap shouted, the crowd shouting it back.
Maybe he did have nothing to be worried about.
End A/N: OH MY FUCKING GOD THIS TOOK FOR FUCKING EVER TO TYPE. I kid you not I watched the dodgebolt game and got exact dialogue and what happened for this. Congrats to Red Rabbits aka Dream, Sapnap, George and Bad for winning MCC All-Stars. That's fucking sick. If you're wondering why I decided to make this chapter it's because I saw somewhere that Techno was cheering/supporting Sapnap in chat. That's why. I thought that was wholesome and ended up making a whole ass one shot on it. You're welcome. Next chapter of my sbi book comes out next week as I'm hoping to do weekly chapters for that :)
-Starby (Phaser) <3
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