.-. HE'S the figure skater, not me asshole .-.
Request: No
Mcyt: Dream, Georgenotfound, Sapnap, Tubbo, Ranboo (mentions of Karl Jacobs, Quackity, Foolish Gamers, Slimecicle, Awesamdude, Badboyhalo, Wilbur Soot and Technoblade)
Type: Fluff :) a tad bit of angst but nothing aggressive
Ages: Dteam: 17 | Bench Trio: 15
AU: Irl hockey/figure skating
A/N: I've had this idea for a hot minute, and I've decided that I'm done with the hot minute so now it has come to be lmao. Hope you guys like this! I'm trying to go out of the norm with this as a lot of hockey AU's have Dream as the hockey player and George has the figure skater. I'm tired of seeing that so I'm switching it around :] Hope it's okay!! Enjoy!!!! (The fan art is as close as I could get with this story even though they're the other way around lol)
*third person*
Dream - nicknamed by friends - woke up with a yawn and weak stretch, slapping his alarm clock. He hated waking up to the annoying beeping every morning.
He begrudgingly got up, stretching once more just to hear the satisfying sounds of his back and knees cracking. It was probably his favorite part of standing up in the morning.
When he got downstairs, he had seen that his mom had already lovingly made his breakfast for him. It consisted of french toast, syrup and orange juice - his favorite. He looked over and smiled a his mom - who was still in the kitchen making his lunch.
"Thank you, mom." He said as he sat down. She was truly too nice to him. Okay, sure she's his mother and that's just what mom's do, but it still felt too nice.
"Of course, sweetheart," She replied back, holding his lunch up. "This will be on the counter for you to take later, alright? I have to get ready- oh and remember! Sapnap is picking you up after school for hockey!"
He nodded as his mom talked, half listening to her, half focusing on not getting the sticky syrup on himself after every bite he took. He froze at the last half of what she had said.
"Sapnap is picking you up after school for hockey!"
He sighed and muttered a quiet 'okay mom' before squeezing his eyes shut in habit when she kissed the top of his head. He felt a punch of disappointment when she shut her bedroom door to do whatever she had to do to get ready for work.
You see, Dream never told his mom that he wasn't even in hockey. He wasn't on his school's hockey team.
What he was on, was the school's figure skating team.
No biggie right? Wrong.
He knew his mother would be upset if she found out her son was on the figure skating team. She always told him to be in hockey when he could, as it was masculine and what his dad and family would want.
But Dream didn't care what his family wanted. He didn't care that he was the first man in five generations of his family to not join and be successful in the field of hockey.
From the moment he laid his eyes on figure skating on the TV, he knew what he wanted to do.
He loved how they glided across the ice so effortlessly, jumping and landing as if it was simply walking down an empty hotel hallway. It was satisfying and interesting, and he wanted to do it.
So, he told his mother one day that there were hockey try-outs for his school. Of course, when she learned this news she went and told everyone else in Dream's family. They were ecstatic to see him play in tournaments and skate aggressively and score in the net.
They weren't going to get scores in the nets, or rough pads against his skin or a puck being slap shot into the net.
They would get elegant jumps, quick spins in the air and soft strides across the ice.
Which to him was almost everything he ever wanted - but to them....the complete opposite. All because he followed his dreams.
That was a year and a half ago that he lied to his mom about try-outs. It wasn't hockey, it was the try-outs he wanted - figuring skating try-outs.
He once again was forced into lying when he got accepted into the figure skating team - obviously lying that it was hockey. He managed to convince his mom that he was just keeping his hockey gear at his best friend Sapnap's house to "avoid their house smelling."
All he really had was a small bag in his room that was shoved in his closet. In the bag was his figure skates, water bottle, two chap sticks, a hoodie, sweatpants, gloves and an extra shirt.
(I have no idea what you would put in a figure skating bag as I've never done it before so cut me some slack figure skaters if it's completely inaccurate lmao)
Finishing up his breakfast and putting his plate in the sink, he ran back to his room to get dressed. It wasn't anything fancy - just a green hoodie, black ripped jeans and black high topped Converse.
By the time he went downstairs, his mom was just waving and shutting the door. He quickly waved back before putting his lunch in his bag and grabbing his figure skating bag as well. He didn't want to forget that as he goes right to the rink with Sapnap after school.
He left his house after grabbing a black mask. He lived closed enough to the school that he could walk, plus his other best friend George lived even closer to the school so they normally met up by a tree before walking the last ten minutes to the school together.
As mentioned previously, when he got to the tree, he saw George.
George was a short brunette with the biggest brown eyes that were filled with wonder. His voice was unique - the only thing unique about it realistically was that he was British, but British people were a common occurrence at the school so it wasn't really that shocking of a discovery.
He wasn't very loud, but he also wasn't quiet. He was loud if it fit the situation, but he was quiet if he was alone, focused, listening or had nothing to add to whatever conversation that was happening.
George also wasn't on any sports teams. He preferred to do tech things and code - which is where they clicked well in their friendship.
"So," George started, "Anything happen this morning?"
Dream shrugged, "Not really. My mom mentioned hockey again and it's all starting to get on my nerves a bit. I really want to tell her what I actually do but I don't think I'll be able to stomach the disappointment from my entire family." He rambled, looking down at the concrete below his feet.
He could feel George's eyes on him, but he kept looking forwards. He also didn't think he could stomach the look in George's eyes.
"Then tell her. What will she do if she finds out? Force her son to stop something he loves doing? I've met your mom-"
"Briefly." The blonde interrupted, smirking at the shorter with a pointed finger.
"Okay briefly met your mother, but the time I did, she doesn't seem like the type of mom to make you stop doing something if you seem to be enjoying it. I don't think she'd be able to stomach the look in your eyes if she told you to stop."
And this is why he loved George.
He had this strange way with words that clicked together perfectly, and everything melted away when he replied to whatever issue you were having.
Dream knew his mom wouldn't make him stop figure skating realistically, but it was the men of his family that scared him. His grandfathers, uncles - his own dad. He knew that those guys would be upset.
"Well- I- I mean, you are technically right, George. I thank you, really, but what about my dad and uncle and them? Both Sapnap and I have told you how big hockey is to them and how badly they want me to follow in their footsteps. I clearly am not doing that and am going in the complete opposite direction skating wise."
"Then there's nothing you can do." George stated, nudging Dream's arm with his hand to make him turn with the side walk - they were getting close to the school at this point.
"If they don't accept you for what makes you happy, then that's overall their loss. You can't magically make them happy, and they can't magically make you like what they like. It's just how it works."
Dream felt a smile make it's way onto his face, and he looked down slightly to look at George, only to see the brunette already looking at him. He got a smile back.
"Thanks." Dream said, giving George a quick side hug as they walked. George laughed.
"Yeah yeah, it's whatever," He brushed it off, "Lemme know if anything else happens, alright?"
Dream nodded and they dropped the conversation as they came up to their friends. Sapnap was already there, along with their other four friends.
Karl, Quackity, Foolish - no one actually their first names - and Sam.
They waved and quickly joined the new conversation.
Maybe everything would be okay.
time skip wowo i love this lmao: third person
"Come on, Dream!" Sapnap shouted, waving wildly to the mentioned blonde from his mom's parked car in the parking lot.
Sapnap and Dream had met at the rink. They met when they accidentally bumped into one another while trying to get off the ice at the same time. It led to giggles, a name exchange and a surprisingly long lasting friendship. Sometimes they jokingly argue over who actually stepped off the ice first.
The hockey players and figure skaters weren't separated, they simply shared the ice and split it with one another.
The figure skater were there for an hour, then when the hockey players got there, it was an hour shared, and then finally when the figure skaters left that's when the hockey players got their own hour alone.
Obviously, as time went on and private classes started and the students got older, they were allowed to go into the rinks alone and didn't have to share the ice. Luckily basically all the skaters were friends so sharing was never an issue.
"I'm coming you impatient...b-bitch!"
By the time Dream had gotten to Sapnap, Sapnap's jaw had dropped and Dream was wheezing. Dream never swore and the other had never heard him swear. He was a mama's boy and watched his language a lot - making their other mutual friend Bad very happy.
"Who are you and what the hell have you done with Dream!?" Sapnap exclaimed, taking his friend's bags out of his hands and putting them in the back trunk. They both laughed and got into the back seat.
"Nothing! Also hello Sapnap's mom!" He said nicely, waving to her gently. He got a "hello Dream!" and a wave back.
As they got drove to their practice, they simply talked about what they usually did, sang a couple songs here and there and made stupid jokes that made Sapnap's mom chuckle quietly and shake her head.
"A-and it was- no Dream stop!" Sapnap tried to explain himself, but Dream's wheeze got in the way.
"S-Sapnap!" Dream said when he calmed down, "I-I'm not doing that for you! That's a stupid deal!" He giggled, making Sapnap follow his actions.
There was a moment of silence before the smaller brunette spoke up again.
"Would you reconsider?" He asked, accidentally making his taller friends wheeze harshly again. He threw his arms up in defeat, also chuckling lightly.
"NO! Sapnap- it's like "will you have sex with me?" "no." "would you please reconsider"-"
They both burst into laughter again - Dream even thought he heard Sapnap's mom laugh along with them as well.
Eventually they made it to the rink, thanking Sapnap's mom and grabbing their stuff. As they walked to the doors, Sapnap made sure to tell his best friend that everything was going to be okay, even if his family didn't accept him.
"Thanks Sap, 'means a lot." He smiled at his friend.
"Of course. Even if things go to shit - whenever it is that you tell them - they will eventually be forced into accepting you purely because of how talented you are."
"So my talent will make them accept me?" He questioned with a laugh. Sapnap confidently nodded.
"Okay then, Sap- is that George?!"
He cut himself off when they were walking past Sapnap's main practicing rink. Both boys were looking through the window at a certain helmet-less brunette.
Sapnap awkwardly coughed, "Yeah..." He said slowly, "George didn't really want you knowing that he..uh, yknow, played hockey with me..." Sapnap explained, guiding them away from the window before they got spotted.
Dream suddenly questioned himself. Him and George were best friends, so why would George hide such a big thing from him?
It wasn't very unusual for George to hide things from people as he was normally really secretive, but he felt slightly betrayed as he always told George about his skating - so why wouldn't he tell him about his?
He shook the thoughts away, deciding that it was just another thing that George didn't want him knowing - and in order to be a good friend, he just had to act like he didn't know.
"Why?" He found himself accidentally asking. He froze at his locker. Sapnap turned to him and sighed.
"I know you're wondering a lot of things right now and I can physically see the gears turning in your head," He exaggerated, "But this is something for you and George to talk about. Just know...he maybe thought you would think he was better for..a sport more like yours and not mine.
After that, Sapnap muttered something along the lines of having to get ready for practice before patting Dream on the shoulder with a comforting smile and leaving. Dream could barely return the smile. Not that he didn't want to, he was too deep in his own thoughts that it didn't register that he probably should've.
Dream decided that he was just going to move on and forget. He'd maybe try to mention it subtly to George over call or text tonight.
But for now, he was just Dream the figure skater - and his best friend George was just a tech nerd.
With that decided in his head, he put his skates and gloves on and left for the rink just down the hallway.
The rink the hockey team wasn't using - which coincidentally was the one he also usually used.
*sapnap's pov*
Once I left Dream in the figure skating changing room, I immediately ran to where my stuff already was.
I felt bad for doing what I was about to do, but I just had to warn George that Dream now knew his secret.
I wish I could explain to Dream why he hasn't been told - but the issue with that is that even I don't know. The only thing I do know is that George told me he doesn't feel "masculine enough" to play hockey.
But other than that, there is no public answer to the question.
When I pushed the hockey changing room door opened, I was greeted with the sight of Foolish...let's say sitting with Karl.
By "with" I mean Karl was cradling him like a baby. I don't get their dynamic.
I didn't waste a moment.
"Karl!" I called, sitting next to the brunette. I got a perked eyebrow in response. He looked ridiculous with Foolish on his lap so I couldn't help but giggle for a second.
"Is George on the ice still?" I asked, wanting to make sure.
Both Karl and Foolish nodded, so I wished them a 'have fun you two' with a wink before leaving. I heard nothing but silence until I was down the hall and heard two very loud 'hey!'s. I laughed to myself.
I went to the rink George was at, seeing him cheering with Quackity - nicknamed "Big Q" by the team. I stood in the penalty box before yelling out to the oblivious brunette.
"George! Get over here real quick!" I shouted, cupping my hands over my mouth to make my voice louder and echo to him. He looked over, surprised, before skating over after slapping Quackity in the shins with his stick.
"Yeah Sap?" He asked, skidding to a stop on the ice, making flakes pile up against the boards.
I didn't know how to start so I fiddled with my fingers for a moment, before sighing and looking him in the eye. I had a bad feeling that he wouldn't like what he was about to be told.
"I don't know how else to tell you this but when Dream and I were walking past the window behind you he saw you and now he's thrown off because he knows you play hockey now and I don't think he's very happy." I spoke quickly.
It took George a moment to register what I said, but when he did, I could see the color drain from his face - besides the blush from the cold of the rink.
He opened his mouth, but nothing came out for a second. "H-he what!? He knows!?"
I nodded, "Yeah. He does."
George looked around, making sure Quackity wasn't bored behind him - which he wasn't, as he had started passing the puck around with the new member, Slimecicle - before looking right at me.
"Did you tell him or did he just see for himself?" He asked. I answered honestly.
"He just looked over and saw. You didn't have your helmet on and he recognized you.."
George sighed as if he was disappointed in himself.
The other thing I did know was that George was very set on Dream not finding out. Again, not sure why, but I knew that he did not want our blonde best friend knowing. I respected that. This was out of my control though.
"George I'm only here to let you know that Dream will question you tonight or tomorrow. It's unavoidable. He will have questions, so I just wanted to warn you so it wasn't out of nowhere that he knew. I didn't want you to panic about why he would suddenly know about this." I explained to him.
Luckily, he seemed very accepting of my answer, and actually thanked me with a smile before telling me to get ready for practice before skating back off and stealing the puck from Slimecicle.
I did as I was told, and got ready quickly.
I hope Dream is okay. I never saw him enter the rink, and he normally was here by now.
This is his favorite rink - he never doesn't use it. Weird.
time skip to after practice: third person
Dream got off the ice - pretending to not see Sapnap and George stick-handling together on their rink - and went straight to packing up his skates and everything else he needed to.
He was no longer unnecessarily angry at George for not telling him about hockey, but he was mad at himself for not doing better at practice.
There were too many missed spins, botched landings and dumb slips for his liking. He never fell this much, and he's thinking that it's because he wasn't in the same rink.
The rink he usually was in was shared with the hockey team for an hour. It felt like it had his skate marks carved into the ice and it felt like home. This rink felt off - like the ice was too slippery from the zamboni still and like it was just...weird.
He's blaming the ice for completely putting him off.
He's also blaming the lack of pounding on the boards from the hockey team and the lack of hollers whenever they made a goal on their goalie.
Since hockey ended an hour after figure skating, he usually walked himself home as it was only a ten minute walk. So, that's what he did - but not before shooting two texts to his friends.
snapbap :D
hey man, walking home now! pretty tired, probably won't call tonight :/ sorry
After that, he went and texted George. He had to. He knew he shouldn't, but his brain was itching to text him.
He needed an explanation.
grge :p
hey, maybe call n talk tn?
if u want of course
Then, he shoved his phone in his back pocket and took himself and his bag all the way home. He knew he texted Sapnap and lied, but it's just because he didn't want to be talked out of talking to George.
time skip sorry lol now it's the next day at school bc im talented like that :p
The friends were sitting in class, and there was no usual conversation.
No jokes, no shoves, laughter, slaps, or any usual banter.
The night before, Dream had gotten George to answer his call. To a bystander's view of how the night went, it would look like Dream was forcing George to answer all of his questions against his own will at first.
To them, it was just Dream asking and George answering. He just had a bit more aggression to his tone of voice. He wasn't mad, he was just curious and a tiny, tiny bit confused on why George wouldn't tell him. He lightened up eventually.
"I always told you about my figure skating, so why didn't you tell me about your hockey?" He had asked. George stayed silent for a second.
"Dream you wouldn't get it. I can't-"
"George, yes you clearly can!" He insisted. "Unless telling me puts your life at serious risk, I want to know why."
He got a sigh before George caved. That was always a perk he had - he could persuade people to tell him things. Not in a bad or manipulative way, he probably just had a lot of trust embedded into his voice.
"Fine." George groaned. Dream had to hold back a small cheer.
"I just didn't want to tell you because I thought...I honestly thought you would mock me."
"I would ne-"
"Yeah, I know you would never. Let me explain." George cut him off. He stayed quiet out of respect - and the urge to know why.
"I'm a small guy, and everyone constantly pokes fun at my height and weight and how I have a smaller frame than all the other hockey guys. Sapnap does it sometimes about my height and I know that's all just jokes."
That's when Dream realized that this was deeper than he had thought. He thought it was just a privacy thing - and it was - but it was also an insecurity thing.
"I just...I just didn't think that I would be able to stomach you poking fun at me like all the others. They all always say "have a hard time getting ready, George?" or "did the goalie knock you over?" or even sometimes "did that body check hurt?" It's all getting sickening and I didn't think I would be able to hold down tears if you even so much as mentioned my name and hockey in the same sentence. So, I never told you."
Dream stayed silent. He wished he had never felt angry at George.
It wasn't that he didn't want him to know, he was scared of him knowing in fear of him joking around like they all do in the same rude way. They both knew that he would never pick on George for liking what he likes, but George had anxiety with this type of stuff and couldn't help but think the absolute worst.
His previous anger made him feel sick, and he had to take deep breaths to make his racing heart and churning stomach stop. He felt horrible.
"George I- thank you for telling me." He said with full honesty. "I'm proud you were able to find a sport that you like, genuinely. Now you're not just a tech nerd. Oh, how I'll miss tech nerd George-"
"Dream come on!" George complained, laughing into the phone. His laughter was contagious and Dream started wheezing his classic wheeze.
After that, the conversation fizzled to nothing, and the two ended the call and went to sleep.
For some reason, that morning the three couldn't find it in themselves to talk to one another. Maybe it was because there was the knowledge that George technically lied to Dream? None of them were sure.
But they had made a pact together when they were ten that no matter how sad or angry they are, they have to sit next to one another. It's just so that the other - or others - knew that they had someone, even if they didn't want to talk.
Eventually George cleared his throat, shockingly breaking the silence.
"I know class is starting soon, but I hate this...stupid tension." He said. Dream and Sapnap looked at one another over the brunette's head. They nodded at each other.
"Same." Dream said. Sapnap muttered 'agreed' with his head tilted down.
"I'll just apologize and we can move on?" George suggested with a light shrug. Dream didn't move.
George sighed at the silence and whispered, "I know you're upset about me lying Dream, but at least you know why now, okay? It's the least I could've done. You can see me practice now, so that's a plus...right?"
He let out a half chuckle and noticed that neither of his friends on either side of him could hold back their own. He nudged them with his elbows.
"Ha! Got you both! You two love me soooooo much!" He said, bugging them.
"Ugh! George, cmon!" Dream complained, "I was doing so well at being mad at you!" He laughed.
"George, you're so hard to resist! Being mad at you is illegal!" Sapnap messed around, poking George in the ribs and making him lean on Dream to get away.
Even with their usual banter coming back, all three boys were glad that everything went back to normal. That's something their friendship had that not a lot of other ones did.
No matter how bad the accident, they could - and always did - bounce back.
time skip: in the hall with dnf woo
Dream and George were walking down the hall during break. Normally Sapnap would accompany them, but he had something to do with Karl - which he surprisingly kept his mouth shut about. It was extremely suspicious though.
They just brushed it off as something the short brunette was excited about, and let him go off with their mutual friend.
"So, hockey huh?" Dream said, looking at George. The other shrugged.
"So, figure skating, huh?" He mocked, getting a wheeze out of his taller friend.
"Shut up, George!" Dream complained, "Actually though, how'd you get into hockey?"
George smiled widely, before chuckling and giving an answer.
"My mother told me I'd never make it into a rough sport like hockey," He said, interrupting himself to giggle, "Naturally, I did the opposite of what she said and made it into hockey. It was supposed to be a stupid joke of me not listening to my mom, but I found an unknown passion in the sport and realized I liked it and was good at it. So I stayed."
"That is surprisingly wholesome. An "unknown passion" George? Wait 'till Sapnap hears that quote-"
"Oh my gosh you are exhausting, Dream!"
The pair burst into familiar giggles, continuing to walk and banter as they had been before.
That was until they were stopped. By Tommy, of all people.
Tommy had been known as the kid who was brothers with the two most protective people in the school - Wilbur Soot and Technoblade - and because of that, no one bugged him out of fear of what his brothers would do to them.
The kid was a walking angel too - using manners when talking to someone, he had good grades and he was honestly pretty funny.
Then, someone must've clocked the kid across the jaw then pricked his finger like Sleeping Beauty because he turned into the school bully. He was brutal.
Not to mention, he was pulling his two best friends - Tubbo and Ranboo - along for the ride. The two never said anything to the target Tommy picked, rather apologizing quietly and quickly after he left before following him again. The poor kids.
Now he was known as "tantrum Tommy" - but he didn't know that, and it was a joke behind his back that everyone he'd made fun of came up with.
It was because normally if he made fun of someone, and they showed no interest and refused to give him a reaction that triggered attention and the spotlight on him, he'd throw a tantrum.
Dream thought it was annoyingly intriguing.
George nearly bumped into the younger blonde, but his shouts stopped the British brunette.
"Hey bitch!" Tommy exclaimed, pushing George back so he wasn't as close to him. Dream caught him when he stumbled back. Tommy chuckled for an unknown reason before elbowing Tubbo and Ranboo to get their attention.
"BAHAH- you- you need the big, tall, muscly hockey boy Dream to catch you!? Pathetic, George, really!" Tommy taunted, looking to his sides to see his best friends reactions to his insults. Neither made a face and just glanced over Tommy at one another.
When Dream and George registered what had been said to them, they both froze. Their worst nightmares had just come true in front of their own faces. In front of each other.
Dream didn't want to be the classic hockey boy. He was a delicate, light, figure skater - and he was damn proud of himself.
George didn't want to be the classic figure skater. He could play rough, he could body check, he could get penalties, he wasn't delicate nor light - and best of all, he could skate, and he was damn proud of himself.
"Oh, what? Did that get to you little Georgie?" Tommy giggled rudely, "Need your hockey boyfriend to save you?"
"Listen here, Tommy." George spat, venom dripping from his voice as if he was a snake.
No one expected George to speak - Dream's eyes widened, Tubbo and Ranboo looked up from the ground and froze and Tommy tried to hide how shocked he was by smirking - as he was usually the one to let stupid comments pass over his head. He never liked conflict so he kept his mouth shut in these situations.
"One; Dream is not and will not be my boyfriend. We are strictly friends, and the whole school knows this. Try getting that into whatever you have in your head."
"Oh shove off, George!" Tommy said, trying not to get mad at how George wasn't doing what he wanted him to do. He wanted the brunette to say he was going to get the teacher and he wanted George to look at the ground nervously like all the others did. He wasn't doing that.
"I don't think so," George said, not buying what Tommy was doing. "And two; guess what? He's the figure skater, not me, you asshole."
George pointed to Dream when he said 'figure skater' and the taller blonde couldn't have felt happier. He was the figure skater, not George - and George knew that.
All three younger boys froze.
Tommy had gone from having a cocky smile, to being flushed red with embarrassment and picking at his nails out of anxious habit. He knew he messed up. Badly.
Tubbo and Ranboo looked like they both went through the five stages of grief - except it was shock, confusion, understanding, disbelief and then landed at a mix of happiness and pride for the two older men.
Dream and George looked at one another and gave Tommy the same smirk that he had given them. They felt powerful, in a strange way, looking over Tommy just as he used to to other people.
"U-uhm...w-well I guess the-"
"Tommy don't bother." Tubbo spoke up, sounding fed up with the blonde. Tommy looked betrayed.
"Just be proud of people for once! It's getting exhausting. Dream deserves to be a figure skater and George is a better hockey player than you could ever say you are! Don't assume who plays what sport based off their physical look!" Tubbo scolded Tommy, giving his a sharp glare that made Tommy step back.
Dream raised his eyebrows, shocked at Tubbo's words. He was like George - he never talked back as he hated conflict. Dream felt a tinge of pride for the bee loving brunette.
"Of course you think like that, Tubbo!" Tommy said before looking at Ranboo. "You agree with me, don't you, Ran?"
There was a moment where Ranboo didn't talk, just let himself be stared at, before he looked Tommy right in the eyes - something he never liked doing. Tommy froze under the intimidating glare.
Ranboo faked a smile. "I actually don't, Tommy. Stop making fun of people. You're the only one who gets entertainment out of this, and I know for a fact that Wilbur and Techno aren't going be here to catch you on this one like they usually do. Quit it, or I won't be friends with you anymore."
"Vouch!" Tubbo said, smiling as well.
Tommy - in an expected fit of rage - screamed loudly, making everyone cover their ears. He stomped and threw his arms around and shouted curse words at Ranboo and Tubbo.
And there was the tantrum.
Both Dream and George couldn't help but look at each other, feeling bad for the two boys. They seemed completely unfazed by his screaming - which was probably the worst part. Tommy had done this so much that they didn't even flinch.
Eventually Wilbur and Techno came around and grabbed Tommy. They both gave apologetic looks to the four boys Tommy had been yelling at before - quite literally - dragging their brother back down the hall.
There was silence once Tommy left, before Tubbo gave a more real smile.
"Dream, you figure skate!?"
The blonde perked up when he heard his name, and let a soft smile cover his face before nodding. "Yeah! I do! Why are you asking?"
Tubbo shrugged, "I always thought figure skating was cool. Do you think I could watch you skate sometime?"
The excitement in Tubbo's eyes was enough to make Dream say yes and let him - and Ranboo - know where he practiced. Obviously, with the warning that there would be hockey boys.
Once the two boys walked away with more excitement than they had ever seen, Dream and George started laughing and continuing their own walk.
"See?" George started, "Telling people isn't that bad! It's like a band-aid - rip it off."
"Or, take your tactic, and slowly and agonizingly peel it off and feel the hairs on your arm-"
"Blah blah whatever Dream! You and Sapnap know now!" He giggled, shoving his taller friend over a bit, making him stumble into the lockers beside them. They both froze at the loud noise it made.
George's eyes widened when he saw the look Dream was giving him. It was his 'run or I'll not-really-kill you look'.
George ran.
As Dream chased his best friend, he realized that while not everything in life was perfect - there were the fun things he could keep close to his heart.
There was his friends, his family, the memories they all shared - and most importantly, figure skating.
It would take a while before he would tell his family about the lie he told with hockey, but until then, he'll stay right where he is, with the people that he knows love him.
End A/N: Finally!! I'm so glad to post this! There will be a part two because there's still some ideas that I have that I didn't want to put in this part as it would be too long 😭 This is already around 5800 words without this A/N. Expect a part two soon, as my motivation when I'm typing on a keyboard is through the fucking roof! That's why this chapter didn't take that long :) The only thing slowing me down though is school - which I have tomorrow :/ Anyway, I hope you like this, have a great day/afternoon/night and please request if you have an idea! Requests give me motivation!! Also wanna cry, Dream probably doesn't have his wheeze anymore :( Stupid cure to a collapsed lung /j (I'm not actually mad!! I'm glad he got it fixed as they can be really dangerous!)
-Starby (Phaser) <3
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