.-. Finally .-.
Request: No
Mcyt: Sapnap and George
Type: Fluff
Ages: Irl ages
AU: Irl
A/N: Hey there so I know I haven't posted in a while, so I was fucking typing so fast for this. You're welcome. Enjoy :)
*third person*
Sapnap rushed out of the plane as quickly as he could without being rude. He couldn't wait any longer.
He just had to see George.
It had been far to long of planning, waiting for the lockdown to chill out, booking a flight - it couldn't have dragged on any longer.
But finally on March 4th, 2022, he could see his best friend- well at least one of them.
He stopped at the baggage claim (how to airports work I haven't been to one in years-) to grab his suitcase, which had a light blue heart on it that george had given to him. His suitcase was covered in stickers and writing from his friends.
Every time he met a friend in real life, he got them to stick something onto his suitcase. Like a reminder of the meetups, if you will.
(Just remembered that George has met up with Ponk but I think that was like Christmas of 2020 or sum-)
He finally saw his bag and grabbed it, going to the woman who he'd swap his American money for - what he called - "British money."
(Please I don't know the name and am speedrunning this)
"Name?" The woman asked.
He propped his suitcase up so it wouldn't fall, stating his name.
The woman nodded, looking at his covid card (help-) and confirmed everything. He got his new money and went to search for his definitely shorter friend.
He ended up sitting down on a random chair he found. He went on his phone for a bit before deciding to call George.
It rang twice before the British answered.
"Sapnap where are you?!"
Sapnap chuckled, "I'm sitting down at like a- like a little shop thing. I dunno."
George sighed and laughed through the phone, "I think I know what you're talking about."
"Good because I don't. The UK is weird already!" He noted.
Not that Sapnap could see, but George shook his head and muttered, "Not really.."
It only took a few moments before George called out.
"I see you Sapnappppp!"
Sapnap perked up, looking around before he finally saw his best friend in all his glory.
Being a young twenty one years old, he got excited and jumped up, not concerned about leaving his suitcase by the chair. Not many people were there anyways.
He ran at George, smiling widely like a crazed person.
George opened his arms and braced for impact.
It felt like time slowed down as the two ran at one another. It honestly might've. It was going too slow.
Then, Sapnap reached George, and it was the best feeling.
It was like when you finish a big assignment and don't have to worry about it anymore. Like when you finally get that one fucking piece of food out of your teeth. Like when you finally get to sit down after being on your feet all day.
It felt great.
Like it was meant to happen - like the two were meant to be there at that time.
It was perfect.
They hugged for who know how long but they didn't care. Sapnap ignored the fact his shoulder was getting wet and just hugged George tighter.
"Finally, dude. Fucking finally." He breathed out, feeling George lightly chuckle.
George pulled back, smiling at Sapnap wiping his eyes.
"Emotional? I could never."
"You cried on me. You can shut it." Sapnap chuckled, causing George to as well.
They talked more about what they wanted to do, how they would tell the fans, about all the stuff as they went back to grab Sapnap's stuff and leave.
As they left and got in the vehicle, they stayed silent.
Sapnap was processing every thing that had just happened. All the planning, booking, waiting - all of it was worth it.
He was finally with George.
George couldn't wait to show Sapnap his house, to stream with him, show him his favorite places in London - it was going to be so fun!
So they stayed silent and enjoyed one another's company. It was all they both wanted. They could be loud and shout later. The silence was enough.
"Ready?" George confirmed quietly. He saw Sapnap nod and started driving.
Sapnap sighed. This felt right. He liked it here, here with George.
He honestly wouldn't have it any other way.
End A/N: I SPED RAN THIS AFTER DINNER NOW I GOTTA DO THE DISHES. This isn't the one shot I'm working on but I just had to do something with the SNF meetup that just happened. I'm so hyped. Anyways, I promise there's a Dadnoblade one shot in the works. It's just like over 3000 words. It's going. Anyways here's some photos from Sapnap's instagram.
-Starby (Phaser) <3
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