.-. April Fools .-.
Request: Nah
Mcyt: Tommy, Dream, Sapnap, Tubbo, Eret, Technoblade and Quackity (mentions of Karl Jacobs, Wilbur Soot, Georgenotfound, Philza, Awesamdude, Nihachu, Antfrost, Ranboo, Badboyhalo, Ponk and Purpled)
Type: Fluff!
Ages: Literally all irl ages
AU: Irl
A/N: I wrote this within an hour. I'm so cool. Anyways happy April Fools Day! Have a lovely day, and don't die :p Some parts of this are inspired by someone else's April Fools chapter, so if some parts sound familiar, that is why. There is so many people in this god-
*tommy's pov*
Ever since we all moved into the house Dream bought a year ago, we had always gone all out for holidays and events.
Like, all out.
Christmas was wild, Halloween was a jump scare around every corner, Thanksgiving made the house into food and don't even get me started on subscriber milestones and birthdays.
But it was fun, and I wouldn't change it for the world.
Everything was always so over the top because of Dream. He said that growing up for him every holiday meant something - no matter how big or small - so his parents and siblings always made the most out of all of it.
And now he's carrying that into his adulthood. It's rather nice, honestly.
While everyone else seems to love Christmas and Halloween, my favourite has always been - and will remain to be - April Fools Day.
All the pranks and jokes are so fun, and you never know when one will fall on you.
Last year, Karl had put Jelly beans in the ice dispenser, Wilbur replaced the water with fruit punch somehow, Sapnap got George by putting his straw in a mayo packet and putting it in his drink so he drank the mayo instead and Dream got Wilbur by setting up a spam call to automatically call Wilbur and tell him facts about ant eaters.
Many more pranks took place as well.
I would say I had the best as I had put flour under Tubbo's pillow the same night he had showered and it got everywhere. Though he did get me back with an air horn the entirety of the next day. I've never jumped more in my life.
Air horns became my biggest enemy since, and I'm sure everyone picked up on my hatred for them.
This April Fools Day I had some tricks up my sleeves, and I'm very positive everyone else had a few of their own.
*third person*
It was the day of pranks itself - April 1st and Tommy couldn't wait to get some people back from last year.
His first target was definitely Eret as they had sewed his two favourite shirts together.
What he wanted to do for his prank on them was wrap their favourite platform shoes in saran wrap and then horribly paint over them. It would for sure scare the shit out of them.
He went downstairs, seeing Dream, Wilbur and Phil awake already. The three were always awake first, sometimes Sam joined them. Tommy was never much of a morning person himself though.
"Morning Toms." Wilbur said, giving him a smile.
"Morning.." Tommy mumbled back, yawning and sitting down. Though as he did so, an air horn went off, making him jump up and out of his chair. The three started laughing.
"Oh cmon!" Tommy shouted, messing with his hair. He bent down and ripped the duct taped air horn off the chair. He threw it into the living room, hearing a small squeak come from it as it hit the floor.
"Happy April Fools Day!!" Dream said happily, going over to jokingly shake Tommy's shoulders.
"Yeah yeah whatever!" [t]
After that, everyone had woken up the air horn and Tommy, so they came downstairs to eat.
Tommy did get embarrassed when everyone laughed at the prank that had fallen upon him.
"Today is goin' to be a hellhole." Techno commented as he finished eating.
"I'm so ready," Sapnap said from his seat next to Karl, "And I have some tricks of my own."
"We all do," Tubbo replied, "Be careful where you step today bitches."
Everyone chuckled, although slightly concerned on the inside. They were definitely going to be paranoid because of him now.
Last year was brutal. He's got some good pranks, that's for sure.
The last few people finished eating - everyone sat at the table until they were done, as it was a rule to never leave anyone alone at the table - and then they split off to go do whatever they pleased.
It hadn't even been an hour, before they all heard Eret shout.
*tommy's pov again lol*
I managed to sneak into Eret's room after breakfast, finding that they'd decided to hangout with Niki and Antfrost afterwards. Perfect for me.
I had hid the saran wrap in my room last night, as I've had this prank planned for months.
The whole house had noticed that Eret wore these white two inch platforms a lot - which is fucking great for me, considering they're white.
I snatched them quietly, and made a beeline for the door. Luckily, no one was in the hallway so they didn't question me on why I was in their room.
My room was fortunately two doors down from Eret's, so I quickly made my way and nearly slammed the door from excitement.
Then, I started my work.
I had tested this before, so I knew the paint wouldn't stain the shoes through the wrap at all. My test subject was in fact Wilbur's favourite Converse. Nothing happened to them and he never knew I even took them to try.
After I covered them and taped the saran wrap down, I began my painting.
I few splotches of bright red, some pink, orange, neon green, blue, purple and even some grey, they looked stunning.
Well, when the pink and green blended together it didn't look so great but it's fine.
I did in fact make a DNF joke on them. I couldn't not when I saw the two colours.
I tried not to layer the paint too much so it would dry quicker.
I hid the boots under my shared bunk bed with Tubbo - I had the bottom bunk - and continued on with my day.
Before I could sit down though, I heard the front door slam, which was followed by Sapnap shouting that he had gotten donuts.
I ran downstairs.
*sapnap's pov*
Dream and I had this prank idea in mind.
We were going to go out and get two packs of a dozen donuts, saving one as a sorry, but a second for injecting hot sauce into them.
Dream had found out I was going to do this, and since he hates spicy things a lot, he'd managed to convince me to let him help. So I said yes.
We injected the spice in the parking lot of the donut store (I don't know any donut places rn it's 4am help me-) so nothing would be suspicious if we sat in the driveway for too long or if we were being weird in the kitchen afterwards.
I shut the door after Dream came in as well, and then I called everyone down to have the donuts with us. We'd have to cut some in half if everyone wanted one, but I knew some people would say they didn't want any.
Tommy came down first, followed by Karl, Tubbo and Quackity - as expected. The four were the biggest children.
"Donuts!?" Tommy said, sliding over to the counter. I nodded.
"Yup! Now- HEY! Wait for everyone else you gremlin!" I yelled out as he tried to steal one when I wasn't looking. I heard Dream wheeze from behind me, which made me roll my eyes.
Tommy whined, and everyone who was near laughed.
Majority of the house was here at this point so I decided to hand some out.
I gave George the worst one, followed by Tommy getting another bad one. I couldn't not, though I knew he'd hate me after, I was fully expecting a harsh prank to land on me for this later anyways.
George immediately bit into it, and quickly spat it out as I was giving one to Quackity.
His shout was loud and echoed, making me and Dream laugh super hard immediately. Everyone else started laughing, but got concerned when Tommy bit into his.
He ran to the sink, pushing George out of the way. I swear I heard Dream's throat break and his lungs collapse with how hard he was wheezing. It only served to make me laugh harder.
"What did you do to them?!" Wilbur laughed.
"I-It's- oh god George- It's hot sauce-"
Dream barely managed to get his sentence out before wheezing hard again and falling to the ground.
Everyone burst into another round of laughter, watching as the two fought over the sink. Tommy realized that milk would do more so he simply drank out of the jug - even though Phil wasn't too happy with that, he couldn't find himself caring.
George was still dying even after the spice wore off, and Tommy had calmed down after going for a suspiciously long break to his room for a hoodie.
Which mind you, why would he even want a hoodie after eating spice?
"I hate you." George said to me, which I chuckled.
"Dream helped as well but yeah I would hate me too." [s]
"I second George's statement with-"
Tommy got cut off by a shout from Eret, and we all looked around confused. Eret had came down for the donuts, but retreated to the living room.
Before we could question anything, I saw Tommy give a mysterious and sly smirk, so I could only guess he was the culprit.
"Tommy what did you do!?" I asked, starting to smile myself. Everyone heard what I said and tuner to look at the blonde.
He shrugged, "Just a little something.." Then he ran upstairs to Eret's room.
"That little bitch.." I heard Wilbur mutter before following Tommy.
*third person*
Sapnap and Tommy's pranks weren't the only ones that had taken success.
Wilbur, Niki and Quackity got Phil by covering his whole bedroom head to toe in tin foil, resulting in a playful scolding and tin foil fucking everywhere.
Ranboo got Dream repeatedly by blasting the beginning of 'Mask' right in his ear at full volume every time he walked into a room. At one point, Ranboo got Techno instead and that mistake was followed by a twenty minute chase.
Niki got Tubbo really good by drawing a spider on the toilet paper, so when he went to use it, the Sharpie spider popped up. He ran out of the bathroom screaming for Tommy, and fell to the ground laughing when he found out it was fake and Niki's fault.
Quackity managed to get the every house hold member at least once - twice in Wilbur's case - by jump scaring them with a picture of young Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson. He taped a massive photo of the image to a 6'2 cardboard cutout of Dream and hid the cutout in places with low lighting. That way when they turned a corner, the silhouette and face would scare them.
A prank none of them would forget, was Techno putting Icy Hot on the inside of Dream's shirt after he showered. He didn't do enough to physically burn Dream, but it was an uncomfortable amount. Dream was left red faced in rage, and he got Techno back pretty darn well by putting a laxative in Techno's sandwich later on - he didn't want to leave Techno in pain the rest of the day, so he left it at one.
The last prank of the day, was when the four not-so-minor minors got together and programmed the TV to play 'The Bee Movie' over and over. Bad had the idea of ending the hectic day with a movie, and they all agreed as everyone was tired.
But no matter what they all did, no matter what batteries were in the remote, The Bee Movie - and only The Bee Movie - would play.
And it was repeating, over and over, no matter if the TV was off or on.
It was very amusing to the youngest.
Right before the Bee Movie saga - as Quackity called it - Ponk and Sam had poured a generous amount of olive oil on the kitchen floor and a little bit right in front of the last stair. Karl had fallen victim to the steps many times while Quackity and Dream died in the kitchen three separate times.
Ponk even got himself at the stairs once at one point.
There was more pranks that had happened during the day, but that would drain the author to no end thinking of pranks, and it would take hours to write them all down.
Tommy was proud, though. It was fun, and he would relive this day over again and again if he could.
His friends were happy, so he was happy.
He and Purpled agreed to fix the TV so they could have a real movie night without Berry B Benson.
They cuddled up wherever they wanted with whoever they dared to be near, and the movie of choice began. Well, of Quackity, Sapnap and Karl's choice.
"OH CMON!" [d]
"LET'S GOOO!" [s]
"Too soon!" Quackity called out.
"Will it ever NOT be too long Quackity hmm?!" [w]
Everyone started laughing, and settled down for a surprisingly nice movie night.
They did watch Frozen 2 though.
End A/N: I'm very proud of myself for finishing this. It is 5am and my parents are indeed awake. I am working on and sort of almost finished a karlnapity chapter. I might make a chapter for Tommy's birthday (which is next Saturday) but there's no promises there. Happy April Fools Day, and don't be a victim to any pranks. Also, I did get sidetracked with Sapnap's prank bc I really wanted to do a prank like that so I shoved it in there. But yeah lol sorry if there's mistakes, I'm not very tired and don't want to check :) Lemme know if you like this SMP house content, cause then maybe I'll make more with different scenarios.
-Starby (Phaser) <3
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