.-. April 9th, 2004 .-.
Request: Nop
Mcyt: Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur Soot, Technoblade, Nihachu, Jack Manifold, Georgenotfound, Aimsey, Dream, Sapnap, Quackity, Karl, Awesamdude, Punz, Ranboo and Skeppy (mentions of Philza, Fundy, Eret, Purpled, Badboyhalo and Tina)
Type: Fluff
Ages: Irl ages
AU: Irl
A/N: Today is Tommyinnit's eighteenth birthday! Please don't forget that boundaries still exists, no matter the fact he is now a legal adult! Have a lovely day/afternoon/night and enjoy :p So many people-
*tommy's pov*
It was the time of the year that I hated the most.
My birthday.
Okay, call me crazy if you dare, but I don't like my birthday anymore.
I know that a lot of people in the world love their birthday, but I don't.
It started when I was nine.
You see, I never had the greatest parents. They left a lot, cheated on each other and constantly went to the bar. I was surprised they kept their jobs for as long as they had.
I was constantly left alone, which meant never celebrating Christmas, Halloween, and I didn't even know Thanksgiving was a thing until I was eleven.
Then, by time I started steaming and making content, my parents caught on and ended up taking a large portion of my money - that I worked to get - and they left.
As in left the house overnight with no note, and moved across the country. I only know this because of my aunt, who thankfully is really sweet.
Now I'm seventeen, and refuse to celebrate my birthday. I never had in the past much anyways, plus every time I think about my birthday, it reminds me of my parents.
I rather not think about those rats.
Anyways, I had found my own online family on the Dream SMP. Even though the SMP was a giant family in itself, I was closest with Tubbo, Phil, Wilbur and Technoblade, and we even had a family group called Sleepy Boys Inc.
(It's your choice if you count Tubbo as a SBI member)
It truly felt like they were my family, as if my parents were never there. It was relieving.
Now, I had in fact told them about my birthday and when it was, but I also told them that I never bothered to celebrate it - which shocked them.
"Why don't you celebrate it?"
I remember Wilbur asking me one night in a Discord call.
"Never bothered to since I turned nine. Never seemed important."
And I wasn't lying.
I'm turning eighteen this year, a legal adult. I was fully expecting to not do anything again.
But who was I kidding, I'm friends with Wilbur Soot.
Something was bound to happen, and boy did it happen.
*wilbur's pov*
When I learned that Tommy didn't celebrate his birthday, and it was coming up, I knew I had to take things into my own hands.
I like to think I know Tommy the best, so I knew exactly what I wanted to do.
Invite the entirety of - or rather most of - the SMP to the UK, and then surprise Tommy with them on his birthday.
Boom. A plan. Gorgeous.
Tommy had said his parents would be on a business trip for a few months, so he was alone. I was a bit concerned about that, but I let it go.
I messaged a bunch of people on the SMP, getting a grand amount of people saying they could make it. It would honestly be perfect for us to hang around. They could get a few hotel rooms, while maybe two or three of us could stay at Tommy's.
Perfect. Time to plan...well, make a more detailed plan.
time skip to tommy's birthday: third person
After a absurd amount of planning, secret Discord calls and flights booked, everyone had landed and made it in the UK - with a day to spare before Tommy's birthday.
Wilbur had gathered, the other Europeans - as in Niki, Fundy, Jack, George, Tubbo, Aimsey and Eret - along with the Americans being Dream, Sapnap, Quackity, Karl, Sam, Punz, Purpled, Techno, Ranboo, Bad, Skeppy and Tina.
It was a lot, but it worked and that's all that counted.
They had spent the first day being weirdly suspicious and not answering Tommy, that way he wouldn't suspect anything for his birthday like usual.
But little does he know that twenty of his friends were going to surprise him.
The second day - aka Tommy's birthday - they all piled into three separate vehicles, and made their way to his house.
They had gotten Phil to give them his address - he wanted to come, but he was busy doing adult tasks with Kristen, so he simply asked for them to wish him a happy birthday for him - so that they could...yknow...get to his house.
(Just had déjà vu ahaha)
When they did, Wilbur planned on knocking on the door with George and Jack. Not suspicious.
Then, they'd lead him out to his driveway, where then Sapnap, Karl and Quackity would suddenly appear from behind Wilbur's vehicle.
After that, Sam would pull up in the drivers seat of a vehicle that had Ranboo, Tubbo, Eret and Niki in it.
Lastly, everyone else would show up either individually, or any way they pleased.
Chaotic, but absolutely perfect.
*tommy's pov*
I woke up, and immediately felt disappointed.
It was my eighteenth birthday. Woo! I can't wait for this to be over.
Yesterday, everyone had ignored me, which caused me to not stream then announce I wouldn't be streaming the next day because it was going to be my birthday.
Not like I'd be doing anything special anyways.
I got dressed and ate, sat on my phone for a bit, then edited for a few hours.
Then, the doorbell rang.
I didn't remember getting any texts from anyone at any point about meeting up, so I was confused.
But when I answered the door, I was pleased with the sight of Wilbur, George and Jack Manifold. Huh.
"Hi?" I said, mainly confused on how they managed to get my address. I never told them it.
"Hey Tommy!" Jack said, pulling me into a hug before Wilbur followed doing the same. I knew George wasn't a touch person, so I gave him a high five. His smiled showed he was grateful.
"What's with the showing up at my house?" I asked, letting Wilbur very suspiciously pull me out of the house. I heard the door shut behind me, so I assumed it was George.
"No reason~" Wilbur said, smiling weirdly. I looked at Jack like Wil was insane - and I was genuinely worried he was going nuts. Jack laughed at my expression.
"Nah mate it's alright. We just wanted to hangout for a bit." Jack said, and I nodded.
"Sure! I'm not busy today-"
"Hi Tommy!" [k&s]
I was cut off - and very surprised - when Karl Jacobs, Quackity and Sapnap suddenly appeared in front of me.
"Where in the FUCK did you guys come from?!" I said, quickly jumping up from my shocked state to hug the three all at once.
I heard a phone go off, so I assumed Wilbur was taking a photo. I ignored it.
"Holy shit- when did you guys get here?!" I asked, still smiling widely from excitement. This was already the best day ever!
"We got here yesterday!" Karl answered, his excitement matching my almost perfectly.
*third person bc simplicity*
Tommy got to talk to the three - plus shout at Wilbur - for almost two minutes, before a car started driving towards Tommy's house suspiciously slow.
He furrowed his brows when it stopped in front of his driveway.
It was Tubbo.
Followed by Ranboo, Eret, Niki and fucking Awesamdude.
Tommy ran down his driveway and straight at Tubbo. He nearly knocked the shorter brunette down if it wasn't for Eret standing behind him to catch him.
Tubbo laughed loudly, everyone following and laughing as well, before Tommy let go and hugged everyone else separately.
"You- I- huh?" Tommy said, completely at a loss of words, making everyone laugh once more.
(It can't be only me but I stg I feel like 75% of my chapters is just people laughing sometimes lmao)
"Happy birthday, Tommy!" Sam said, ruffling Tommy's hair. He smiled weakly.
"Y-yeah...thanks. I haven't had a-"
The shout had come from down the street, and when Tommy looked and squinted, there was seven people running straight for Tommy's house.
Turns out that Punz - of all fuckers - had shouted that.
And Punz was with a possible Dream replica - or the man himself - Purpled, Techno, Bad, Skeppy and Tina.
"Is that fucking Punz? Tina- wait Techno?!" Tommy shouted, holding a hand above his eyes to block the sun from his vision.
The group had stopped running and Purpled was the first to hug him. He hugged back, shocked.
"Happy birthday kid!" Skeppy said, being the most uncle-like any of them had ever seen.
(Skeppy is such an uncle, change my mind)
Once that was over, Tommy looked around a bit at all the people at his house, standing on his driveway.
He had yet to close his mouth, as his jaw had dropped minutes ago.
Right before he could say anything, a grunt and then a loud laugh cut him off.
No, it was not DNF (SORRY), but it was Aimsey who has fallen to the ground and a laughing Fundy standing over their limp body.
"What happened?" Ranboo asked, pulling Aimsey up like a rag doll. Tall things.
"He got tired so I put him on my back. Little fucker." Aimsey said, making everyone laugh once they finished talking.
(Being real, completely forgot both of them were here until I re-read the fic and-)
Fundy finished laughing and went to hug Tommy - followed by Aimsey.
"This....this is absolute bullshit- am I alive? Canon death real?" Tommy joked, pinching himself then Wilbur just to bug him.
"Nah, this is real nerd." [te]
"ANYWAYS- ignoring Techno, happy birthday Tommy!" Karl said, making everyone cheer. Tommy blushed, not used to being the center of attention for so long.
"I- heh, yeah, t-thanks.." He said, finding the ground very interesting.
"Is something wrong?" Dream spoke up, catching Tommy's attention. Tommy had forgotten he'd came already.
"Well, my parents never really celebrated my birthday- or any holiday, so seeing this and knowing it's caused because of me, is just...hard to process, I guess."
Everyone tried to hide it, but Tommy could tell they all had a little bit of rage building because of his parents. He couldn't blame them, he hated them too.
"Where are they right now?" Niki asked.
"The other side of the world," Tommy said, making eyes widen.
"Sorry Wil, it wasn't a business trip. But anyways, when I was like fourteen, they took a large chunk of my money and left in the middle of the night with no explanation."
"Location?" Techno said, a glint of something mischievous in his eyes.
"Uhm...like somewhere in America- OH wait no they're in Hawaii. Odd choice of- HEY!"
Tommy yelled out when Techno started booking it down the sidewalk again. They all laughed at his overprotectiveness.
Tommy sighed, feeling overwhelmed with the fact that his friends cared, and that they purely loved him.
He jumped when arms went around his shoulders and a head landed on his chin. At first, he thought it was Wilbur because he had a habit of doing that, but he was pleasantly shocked to find that it was Karl. (shut up Karl is now taller than Tommy)
i'm lost in neverland anyways time skip wowo
After a bit of talking outside, they came into Tommy's house to chill out. Techno did eventually come back, claiming to have not been able to find Tommy's parents but he promised to keep looking. Tommy could only roll his eyes and smile.
The group ended up in the theatre room Tommy had. It was behind a secret door in his basement. It was massive.
There was a pool table, dart board, massive chessboard and even two TV's.
How? Who knows. I'm making shit up at its 6am and I haven't slept :D Woo!
They decided to watch a movie of Tommy's choice - which they all thought would be 'Up,' but were surprised when Tommy said,
"Nah, that movie reminds me of my mum, so let's watch The Conjuring."
A lot of people considered backing down, not really thinking that Tommy would be the type of kid to love horror, but they were wrong.
And they were wrong to think Tommy would let them leave. He wasn't forcing them too stay if they really really didn't want to be there, but he asked for them to. No one could say no.
So, with that being said, Bad got snacks with Skeppy, Quackity and Sam got drinks, Tina and Aimsey found the best pillows, Dream found blankets and everyone piled onto the massive fucking couch there was.
Tommy - despite "upsetting" Wilbur - got comfortable right smack on Dream and Karl's lap (as in he sat in between them, but more so on Dream's lap sorry confusing) and grabbed his favourite red blanket.
The movie began.
time skip after movie pog
The movie had finished and majority of the people had fallen asleep except for Tommy and George.
Unlike everyone else except a few, George had grabbed his own blanket and pillow and opted to go to the one reclining chair. It was close to the couch, and no one forced him into the massive pile of twenty. (Is it twenty? I think yeah)
"Hey? Gogs," Tommy said quietly, and George looked up quickly.
"Yeah? Need something?"
Tommy smiled at the offer in the dark, subconsciously moving closer to Dream and Karl, adjusting so the blanket would be up to his chin.
"No, just wanted to say thank you."
Before George could reply, Tommy passed out and fell asleep like everyone else. George couldn't help but smile.
The kid was and angel, too nice for his own good.
He deserved the world.
Fuck his parents.
Before George went to sleep himself, he cleaned up a tad bit and made sure everyone was asleep and comfy.
He moved Skeppy and Sapnap's multiple Coke cans, and a few Sprite and Cola cans. He threw away water bottles and random garbage he found.
It was the least he could do.
After cleaning, he checked on everyone.
On the far left of the couch was Niki, Tina, Eret and Aimsey. Aimsey had found themselves comfortable right in between Niki and Tina, with Eret on Tina's left.
Beside Eret was Tubbo, Ranboo and Purpled, naturally. Tubbo was nearly off the couch and upside-down, but the only thing holding him on was Ranboo's leg, which went over his stomach. It looked rather painful, so George maneuvered him to be laying on Ranboo and Purpled laps. Hopefully they wouldn't mind. Purpled just had his head leaning on Punz' shoulder.
Continuing down the line going right was Punz, Quackity, Sapnap and Karl. The group was cuddled up and George knew they would be having a great sleep.
Punz had his left arm around Quackity's shoulder, which pulled the beanie wearing man into his chest. Leaning on Quackity's side/chest was Sapnap, who also had Karl leaning on him. Questionable, but comfortable.
The next to Karl was Dream and Tommy. Dream was on Karl's left (George's right), sitting peacefully next to him. Since Karl was leaned over onto Sapnap, only Tommy's legs could reach his lap, which was fine considering Tommy was on Dream's lap, face in his chest.
Dream had a reasonably tight grip on Tommy, protecting him in his sleep. It was rather sweet in George's eyes.
Then, at the other end of the couch, was Bad and Skeppy. The two had a normal sleeping position - Bad leaning against the arm rest with Skeppy laying on his chest.
George took a photo of that for blackmail, then took a photo of them all for simple memories.
He fixed some blankets, and honestly wiped some faces of drool (yes) before turning to the four others who weren't on - what Ranboo had dubbed as - the "cuddle couch."
(Also, the order from left to right on the couch is; Niki, Aimsey, Tina, Eret, Tubbo, Ranboo, Purpled, Punz, Quackity, Sapnap, Karl, Dream, Tommy, Skeppy then Bad)
Fundy had passed out on the ground with Wilbur. The two had previously been on a bean bag together, but then as time went on and they moved in their sleep, they both ended up plainly in the ground.
George didn't want their backs and bones to ache in the morning, but he couldn't physically move them. Oh well.
Jack was asleep sitting up against the couch at Bad and Skeppy's side. George simply moved him to be laying down and fixed his blanket.
Sam was asleep right in front of Tommy on the ground. George did the same as he did to Jack, but with a small smile on his face. Sam really would do anything for Tommy. They all would.
Finally was Techno. He was simple sprawled on the floor right behind the couch. Very random, and George wasn't sure how he got there, but he seemed comfortable. Although, George did replace the blanket he was using as a pillow for a a real one.
Then, George went back to his own seat, and got comfortable.
Right as his eyes slipped shut, he swore he heard one last 'thank you.'
He smiled.
End A/N: How that turned into a slight George fic at the end is beyond me, but I'm extremely happy with it, so imma keep it :) Happy eighteenth Tommy! His content has changed me for the better, and I couldn't be happier. God it's 6am and I've pulled an all-nighter but I mean look at what I've made- Anyway I've been on a chapter making roll recently so maybe more content :))
-Starby (Phaser) <3
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