My alarm went off arousng me from a dreamless sleep.
"Spurrier, turn that shit off... we have two hours till class actually starts...," my roommate, Erin, said as he covered his head with a pillow. As i turned the screaming siren off, i stretched out my wings as i got out of bed. After a shower an hour later, I was ready to start my first class. I looked at Erin who was snoring loudly. "3... 2... 1..." I said counting down.
His alarm went off and he hurriedly sat up. He rushed out of bed and into the bathroom. I shook my head as i grabbed my bag. I could hear him puking his guts out as i headed out the dorm. It wasn't a long walk to the biology class, but i would have rathered flew. It would be so quick but it might freak people out.
I was one of the first to arrive. The professor was gathering papers at his desk. He seemed to be in his late 40s, tanned, circle rimmed glasses, his hair was of medium length tied back, and was wearing a flannel, cargo pants, and loafers. I shifted my eyes to the seats. There were fives rows and each seat had a name tag on it. I walked through the rows attempting to find my own.
"You," the professor said grabbing my attention, "What is your name, son?"
"Woodall. Spurrier Woodall." He grabbed a clipboard and flipped through the pages. "You're in 5A, my boy." I nodded walking to the seat in the front row. "Is this a big class, sir?" I asked sitting my stuff down and pulling out the over priced textbook i paid for. He nodded swaying his hand.
"More or less. The government has taken interest into this class for some odd reason. THey want to do something or other with volunteers." I persed my lip. Strange they would want ti take interest into college students. "The government hasn't had an interest in this school for a decade. Or at least that's what i thought," the professor said turning to write something on the board. Students had been walking into the room. About thirty minutes later, Erin walked in. Erin is usually the last one into a class. Rich boy whose parents spoiled him. Not a snob though.
"Name, boy?" the professor asked. When talking to the other students, he had such a polite tone of voice. Not to Erin. Erin had a smug grin when he walked to the desk. He pushed his weight unto the teachers desk. "Erin Burr, sir. Hey, Teach, i dont mean to be pushy, but could i get a seat in the front? Im a bit hard of hearing," Erin said with no regard of the seat the professor had just told him. He looked to one of the girls in back and winked at her. The girl giggled. Did i mention Erin was a bit of a flirt? And a partier?
"No, Mr. Burr. You can take the seat i just told you. Do you need to me to repeat that to you?" the professor asked bitterly. Erin rolled his eyes nodding. "1A, Burr. And dont make a fuss about it," the professor said picking up a whiteboard marker. Erin slumped into his seat and looked over at me. "What did you do?" I mouthed. He smirked. "Remember Casey? That's his daughter." I stared at him in shock. "You didn't..."
Casey Eldridge was one of the most popular girls in high school. On prom, Erin and her had a fling and her father caught them. Had he known that would have been his professor, he might wouldn't have spit in his face. Erin nodded and sneered. I shook my head and turned attention to the board.
About halfway through the class a group of people wearing a camo uniform walked into the class. A female walked to the professor and whispered in his ear. He said something back and the female officer motioned to the rest of the group to head to the back. Most of the students had started talking and Mr. E had to reign them back into class. As he continued with the lecture, more and more whispers filled the room of what they were doing there.
"Is that the military?" "What are they doing in a psychiatry class?" "Are they here to arrest someone?" were the main ones that floated around the air. Soon enough, Mr. E had turned around and put down the marker. He looked around the room and everyone had became dead silent. He looked at the group of military soldiers and motioned one to the front."Class this is Commander Rio. She has came here today to discuss something with you all." The 'commander' walked to the front of him.
"Thank you, Professor. Hello students. I am Commander Carla Rio. I am sure you have all heard what has been happening in North Korea as well as the struggle to be on the winning side. They have been able to make a gas from the chemical that causes the human body to turn completely incohesive and have used this on many of our troops. We were hoping that if we could use a psychiatrist in the same way except with a different chemical, we could have the chance of winning. We could win with the chemical that influences the brain to commit suicide. The volunteers of psychiatrist would be studying the brain activity in a different group of volunteers who have been diagnosed with depression to understand it more."
She looked around the room to make sure we had been following. "May i ask who is going into psychiatry?" I begrudgingly stood up with about a handful of other students. Her eyes showed delight but her face stayed the same. "If you volunteer for this study, the government will pay for all expenses for your college years. It will help you get a job anywhere in the country including the places America owns. There is no reprimand if you don't. If you wish to participate please stand up. If not please remain seated."
"Who are the other volunteers, may i ask, mam?" I asked, worry in my voice. She smiled. A rare sight to see on a soldier. "Of course; the counter-acting volunteers are as followed: Hailey Ray, Donaven Max, Conner Grayson, Paige Ashley . There are a few who have not gotten back with us yet." I sighed in relief of not hearing her name.
"Hold on, Mam," the soldier next her said. "I just got word Ms. Ramune made her choice. "
I inhaled sharply, feeling my heart skip a beat. 'Eanna... no...' i thought to myself. The commander sighed. "Add her to the list then," Rio said with a slight tone of irritation in her voice. "On a different note, to who is participating you may choose who you are to watch. If you do not in the next week, you will be assigned to one."
The commander said after class to see her to fill out to those who wanted to volunteer. Almost immediately as the bell rang I flew over the class and landed harshly in front of the commander. "Well someone really wants the extra credit-" "Ramune," I said interrupting her. "Alright," she said in slight shock, grabbing the paper. I hurriedly took the paper filling it in.
I will not let her die. Not on my watch...
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