My name is Eanna Ramune, and I am a neko. Its the first day of college for me and the graduates of 3030. Walking through the bustling crowds, I make my way to the vending machines. I looked through the options of drinks while i wait for my chauffeur to pop up. My ear twitched when my Pibb was ready to remove. As i bent down to grab my beverage, i hear soft footed steps coming towards me.
"Ms. Ramune? Sorry to interrupt you, but my name is-" That voice was frighteningly familiar to me, so i spun around to see if my suspicions were right. My eyes widened underneath my glasses and my whole chest clenches up. This could not be happening. I quickly look away in attempt to calm my rising fears. "H-Hey Sparrow... Long time no see?" I got out through stutters and a blushing face.
My chauffeur was an old crush of mine that I never got over. When he graduated, I thought we were to part ways, but apparently fate had something different planned for us. He cleared his throat before talking again. "Hey Kitten... Y-Yeah it has been." He shoved his hands into his pockets before looking away. "So I guess I need to show you around, huh?" I nodded trying to control the rising fears inside of me. He looked back at me with a smile that melted my heart and left me with my head in the clouds.
The tour took a few hours. The last place Spurrier showed me was the dorms. Facing east was the boys dorms and facing west was the girls. They all looked like three story houses that belonged in the 50s. I whistled admiring the structures and their decor.
"Which group are you going into?" I looked up at Spurrier with a confused gaze. "Huh?"
"Ya know, sorority? Fraternites? Medical?"
"Can you picture me in a sorority, Spurrier? I'm in the arts program." He nodded and started walking down the rows of buildings. In front of each building was a picture symbolizing what groups were contained inside their walls. Peering down the street, I could see that my building was the closest to the cafeteria. Unfortunately, it was also one of the farthest from all my other classes. I sighed following my chauffeur as we trailed the side walk further and further down.
He stretched his wings out moving his hands behind his neck as he walked ahead of me. Each feather had a shine to them in the sun. How long had it been since we had talked let alone be near each other? I knew the exact date. May 15, 3029. The day of his graduation and my cousin's. My parents wanted to leave after he walked the stage but I wanted to see Spurrier off. After the ceremony, I met him at his car.
"Hey. Before you leave I want to tell you somthing."
"What is it, Eanna?"
I messed with my graduation ring on my hand as I looked to him. "I'm not good at socializing and you know that. But when I met you, I came out my shell reaching out to talk to you. You helped me be a better person and gain confidence in myself. I had to muster enough of that to say what I'm about to say." I took a breath looking down.
"Spurrier James Clutch, the moment I met you I knew i had fallen for you. To me you are not a winged demon as everyone claims you are. You are not worthless as you say you are. I want to be with you on your worst days and there on your best. When you need a shoulder to cry on, i want to be there even with my lack of words. I want to be there for every victory, every beat down. I want to be able to call you mine... but i dont want to hurt you like every other girl that has wandered into your heart." Tears sprung to my eyes as i continued to spill out a word jumble of a love confession.
"Eanna..." he said.
I never got his response. My cousin said it was time to go and proceeded to drag me to my parents' car. Wanting to know his response made my chest clench more. I wasnt looking when Spurrier stopped so I bumped into him.
"S-sorry," I said with a stutter taking a step back. He smiled motioning his head to the building infront of us. "These three dorms are the arts buildings. This one here is for the visual art students. Going into animation?"
"You remembered..." I said surprised. He chuckled. "Yea... I remember everything you've said, Eanna." I gulped at that. "Oh Im sure its not everything." My voice broke at the end. I needed to change the subject. "What are you trying to study?" I asked quickly looking up at him. He rolled his eyes a happy aura about him. "Psychiatry." My brows furrowed. "You're going to be a shrink?" He laughed. "How did I know you were gonna ask that? Yes, a shrink. You going into room A113 aren't you?"
"Hey, I'm not going to be able to ever get into Pixar. I do hand drawn animations. Not CGIs." I know I'm going to have to work with them eventually. I just hope its not so early. "Why psychiatry?"
"To be honest, I took a personality quiz and i ended up with it. It made since actually. Im a good listener and keeper of peace. I also seem to know the right thing to say. Also its a good income."
Spurrier pointed to the apartments about a block down from the arts. "I'm in the medical program for-" "Eight years then another four years," I interupted. He pressed his lips together and looked at me.
"I'm guessing you were interested in the medical field at some point weren't you?" I nodded looking at the sky. "I wanted to do E.R. nursing once. Didn't think i could stick with it." "So an animator was the next best thing?" Shrugging, I looked at him. His blue eyes met my lime ones.
Any words I was about to say got caught in my throat. The old anxiety I had hope i would never get again was steadily rising. Spurrier took a step and closed the gap between us. I bit the inside of my lip as he grabbed my hand.
"Eanna, you know how i said i remembered everything you've said?"
"Well... I f you weren' dragged off that night, you wouldn't have had to worry about my response for so long. Because," he said pulling my head to his lips , kissing my forehead, "I love you too."
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