I looked at my computer. I was looking for prom dresses. After all, prom was in two days.
I found something to fit me perfectly. JC Penny's wasn't my favorite store generally. But it did beat Macy's—in my opinion. It wasn't bad. Fairly pretty, not a bad price—that wasn't a issue but still. $104 with the coupon. $200 without. Doable. You wouldn't catch me dead with a short dress.
Now, to find a date. How unlucky I felt. Nobody wants to date a nerd. Or at least, not famous people. They all think one thing about nerds—That they're cold hearted losers who get straight A's and are often great at video games.
They're not wrong. We really are honor students and are often great at video games but suck at everything else. You know...sports. Makeup. Fashion.
But the cold hearted part?
We aren't cold hearted. We just are silent. The rumors aren't true. I mean,
Nerds can love too!
But forget my rambling. I need a date. That's when Charlie came in.
"Oh hey Charlie." I said waving at my best friend causally.
"Hey Ro. So...Have a date to prom?" He asked.
"Nope. Too cold according to Roger." I said sarcastically.
"Nerds can love too." He chuckled.
"True. But I don't think they'll manage a date. The only person who can stand me is you." I laughed softly.
"Hey that's a idea!" He exclaimed.
I raised my eyebrow.
"I'll be your date! And we'll dance, party, and have the time of our lives! What do you say?" He asked.
"Alright. It's worth a shot. The only guy worth it in school is you anyways." I said before blushing.
"It's a date." He replied his face pink.
We stayed off that topic after that.
Two days later, I was getting ready for prom. I put on a blue sapphire mini tiara. It was my grandmothers and my mother insisted I wear it.
I fixed my hair. And put on lip gloss. I fitted my dress on with some smooth blue heels. I was ready.
When I arrived, Charlie escorted me to the gym. We started dancing. Roger and his girlfriend Tiffany laughed at us.
"Hey look, it's the losers." Roger snickered.
"Well at least we aren't shallow and fake. Or rich brats who buy people off for grades." Charlie remarked.
Rogers snicker faded and he walked off.
We continued to dance before going to get some punch.
"Hey Ro?" Charlie asked.
"Yeah?" I replied.
"Do you mind if I...kiss you?" He asked.
"Well uh...no." I said and he leaned in.
He kissed me. We swayed as we were kissing despite Roger.
Yeah, while Roger and his Barbie were King and Queen, they weren't the cutest couple. My cousin, Zoe and her crush were.
I didn't really care.
But remember, nerds can love too.
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