Juliet runs besides Thomas as the group follows Brenda. She raises an eyebrow, confused when she heard music over the speakers. " Should we be concerned about that?" she asks and Brenda shook her head. " Nope, that's part of Jorge's plan!"
The group follows Brenda back to the loft where Jorge was waiting for them, packed and ready to go. " We don't have much time." he tells them and ushers them to follow him as he starts running. " Let's go, let's go, let's go!"
Juliet's eyes widened with fear whenever they felt the entire building shake. That was when she realized that Jorge's plan was to blow up the place and she just hoped they would get out in time. Thomas glanced over at her, noticing her frantic look and he intertwined his hand with hers which got her attention. She looked over at him and he sent her a reassuring smile and she was surprised that helped her nerves calm down a little.
" Right this way!" Jorge opens up two doors that revealed outside. Across from them was a run down building and Juliet was surprised it was still standing.
" Oh you got to be kidding me." Frypan muttered.
" Plan B, hermano." Jorge said to him as he got the zipline ready. He looks at the group. " You kids wanna get to the Right Arm? I'll lead you to them. But you're gonna owe me."
Juliet looked over at the building that seemed to be farther away than she thought it was and the drop looked really far to her. " D-did I forget to mention I'm afraid of heights?" she stuttered as she moved closer to Thomas. He chuckled and squeezed her hand. " You're gonna be fine. Just close you're eyes and you'll be there before you know it."
Jorge grabbed a rope that was tied together around the zipline. " Follow me!" he yelled as he ziplined across to the other building.
" All right," Brenda grabs another rope from the zipline. " let's go!" she tells them and soon everyone is taking a rope that's hooked to the zipline.
Soon it was Juliet's turn and she looked down below her which increased her heartbeat as she grabbed onto the rope hesitantly. " I-I don't think I can do this."
" Sure you can! This will help." Brenda said and Juliet looked over at her with confusion. She opened her mouth to say something, but instead of talking she screamed as Brenda pushed her off and she held onto the rope tightly with closed eyes as she went down the zipline.
Whenever her feet touched the floor of the other building she was still holding onto the rope tightly with her eyes closed. " Hey, you're okay. You made it." she heard Aris tell her and she slowly opened her eyes to see he was right.
He grabbed a hold of her arm, pulling her away from the edge as she let go of the rope. She glanced up whenever she heard the sound of a helicopter. She saw a helicopter above them and she had a bad feeling it was Janson.
" Okay, we gotta go!" Jorge tells them and starts running off. " Wait!" Juliet exclaimed as she looked back at the other building where she realized Thomas and Brenda were still at. " Thomas and Brenda aren't here yet."
" We're gonna have to go without them." fear washed over her at Jorge's words. She felt like she was going to faint and she probably would've if it wasn't for Aris keeping a grip on her arm to help keep her steady.
" Come on, the song is almost over. Don't worry, Brenda knows the way to where we're going." Jorge tells them and starts running in a direction. The group starts to follow and as they make it out of the run down building they hear that the song had ended and with that they also heard an explosion which increased her worry for Thomas and Brenda.
" Where exactly are we going?" Juliet asked as they follow Jorge to who knows where.
" I know a guy. Marcus. He should be able to tell us how to get to the Safe Haven." Jorge answered, but that only made her and the others have more questions.
" What's the Safe Haven?" Aris asked.
" It's pardise. Somewhere that you can feel safe, free of infection." Jorge replied.
The group has been walking for what seemed like hours to Juliet. They made it to a city, where Jorge said Marcus would be at and she had no idea it existed. Most of the city looked run down and there were a lot of people out on the streets which saddened Juliet.
While walking she had time to take a look at each of them. Besides Jorge and Aris, she feels like she knows the others. They look familiar to her, but she just can't point out why. Letting out a sigh, she puts her hands into her pockets, jumping a bit whenever she felt the syringe Teresa had given to her back in the abandoned mall.
She remembered that Teresa said it would help her remember everything. She bit her lower lip, debating if she should take it or not. It's annoying her that she can't remember these people and she would regret not taking the syringe if it would help her remember.
Finally deciding what to do, she took the syringe out of her pocket and rolled down the sleeve of her left arm. Aris, who was walking besides her, looked over with wide eyes when he noticed the syringe in her hand. " Julie, what are you doing?"
" Something that I hope won't end up bad." she replied nervously and he went to reach forward to stop her, but she was faster than him. She stuck the syringe in her arm before he could get to her and just as the liquid that was in the syringe went into her system, she fell to the ground, unconscious.
" Juliet!" Newt yelled worriedly. He and Minho rushed over to her when they saw she fell to the ground.
" What's the problem now?" Jorge sighed. " We should be at Marcus' soon." he looked back behind him and his eyes widened when he saw Juliet unconscious on the ground with a empty syringe next to her.
" What is this? Why did she have it?" Frypan asked as he picked up the syringe.
" I don't know." Aris shook his head. " I didn't even know she had that."
" I did. I gave it to her." Teresa spoke up and everyone looked at her with shock.
Minho looked at her as if she was crazy. " Why would you give her that? Whatever was in that syringe could've killed her!"
Teresa shook her head and stepped forward. " No, it shouldn't kill her. It's something to help her remember everything that Janson took away. It's similar to the stuff that Thomas took in the Glade."
" Well, how long is she gonna be out? We gotta keep moving." Jorge told them.
" I'm not for sure." Teresa admitted.
" I'll carry her." Minho offered and Jorge smiled. " Great! Then let's keep moving." he said and started walking.
Everyone started to move along while Minho picked up Juliet bridal style and continued walking along with everyone.
" Try to blend in with everyone." Jorge said as he glanced back at the group. " We should be at Marcus' soon."
" Gonna be hard to blend in when I'm carrying Juliet." Minho sarcastically commented.
" Well, try the best you can." Jorge tells him. " We don't want anyone to be suspicious of us."
Minutes past until they finally get to a tall building that had loud music playing. " Is this the place?" Newt asked as he looked up at the place.
Jorge nodded. " Yep. Follow me." he said and walked up to the building.
Thomas wakes up with a gasp and he was surprised to see Teresa sitting next to him since he thought he was still at that party room.
She smiled at him. " Hey, you're okay."
Minho noticed that Thomas was awake and walked over. He smiled. " Welcome back, you ugly shank."
Thomas rolled his eyes and let out a breathless laugh, happy that he was with his friends again. He shielded his eyes from the sun that was coming through the windows as he slowly sat up. He looked over to his right, surprised to see a man was tied to a chair and his eyes widened when Jorge smacked him.
He looked over at Teresa and Minho. " Where's Juliet?"
" Over there." Minho pointed to Juliet, who was laying on the couch, and Thomas was confused when it looked like she was asleep.
" Is she okay?" Thomas looked over at Juliet with worry.
" She's fine, don't worry." Minho nodded. " She took a syringe awhile ago that would supposedly help her remember everything. Teresa gave it to her when we were in the abandoned mall."
" How long has she been unconscious?" he asked him.
" Maybe almost an hour." Minho shrugged his shoulders and Thomas looked at him with wide eyes. Minho chuckled. " I'm sure she'll wake up soon." Thomas nodded as he got up and walked over to Juliet.
" Listen, I don't enjoy hurting you." Jorge said to the man, Marcus, tied up in the chair. " Where is the Right Arm, Marcus?"
Thomas looked over with wide eyes. " Wait, this is Marcus?"
Marcus chuckles. " The kid catches on quick. Are you the brains of this operation?"
Jorge grabs a hold of Marcus' hair, pulling his head back. " I know you know where they're hiding. So you tell me and I'll make you a deal."
Thomas looked over to his left when he heard movement on the couch. He let out a breath of relief when he noticed Juliet opening her eyes. " I'm so glad you're okay." he said as he knelt besides her.
Juliet looked around with confusion, not remember ever getting to this place. The last she remembered was walking in the city. She looked over at Thomas and felt tears forming in her eyes. " You're alive. I feared you and Brenda got hit with the explosion."
Thomas shook his head and intertwined his hand with hers. " No, we made it out just in time."
" Hey, sleeping beauty is awake." Minho smiles as he looks over at Juliet. Juliet rolled her eyes and smiled as she looked back at Minho. She furrowed her eyebrows as she looked down when suddenly memories started flooding back to her.
" What's wrong?" Thomas immediately asked when he noticed the sudden change of how she was acting.
" I remember." Juliet muttered with a breathless laugh.
" Remember what?" Thomas asked her, not understanding what she was talking about.
" What is this shank talking about?" Minho asked.
" I remember everything." Juliet admitted as she looked at them with a smile.
" So I guess the syringe did help." Newt said and Juliet nodded. " Yeah. I remember everything that happened to me and I now remember why you guys look familiar to me."
" Julie, that's great!" Aris told her, happy that she could remember everything. He knew how much she hated not knowing
Juliet smiled at him and nodded. She then glanced over at the Jorge and Marcus. " Um, what's going on over there?"
" That's Marcus." Newt told her as he crossed his arms. " He's the guy that supposedly knows how to go to the Right Arm."
" You can come with us." Jorge said the deal to Marcus.
Marcus shook his head. " I burned that bridge a long time ago. Besides, I made my own deal."
" You're the one who taught me, never miss an opportunity." Marcus said and Juliet did not like the way he laughed after that. It was quite creepy in her opinion. She sat up on the couch and moved over, making room so Thomas could sit next to her. He smiled at her and sat next her while still holding her hand.
" What's he's talking about?" Newt asked as he crossed his arms.
" I'm talking about supply and the man." Marcus replied. " WICKED wants all of immunes on demand. I help provide that for them."
Juliet knew that Thomas was starting to get angry because she noticed that his jaw tightened so she squeezed his hand, trying to calm him down. " So I lure kids in..." Marcus continues to speak. " they get drunk, they have a good time. And then later, WICKED comes in... they separate the wheat from the chaff."
Juliet hated that Marcus and WICKED were doing this to innocent kids and it seemed like Marcus didn't even care. " I changed my mind, hermano." Jorge shook his head. " I do enjoy hurting you."
Juliet watched with wide eyes and jumped as Jorge suddenly kicked Marcus, making the chair go backwards. Juliet shared a worried look with Thomas when Jorge took a gun out and walked over to Marcus.
" Talk! Talk!" Jorge yelled as he aimed the gun at Marcus' face.
" Okay! But I'm not making any promises." Marcus finally caved in. " These guys like to move around." he said as Jorge and Frypan pulled the chair Marcus was in back up. " They have an outpost in the mountains. But it's a long way and you're never gonna make it."
" Not on foot." Jorge said with a grin.
He leaned forward and put a hand on Marcus' shoulder. " Where's Bertha?"
A/N yay! now juliet remembers everything :) I added some of my own stuff in this chapter because I wanted to show a bit of what happened with juliet & the others while they got separated from brenda & thomas. hope you guys liked this chapter! I honestly had fun writing it. also don't forget to check out some of my other books!
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