Juliet always felt like she was missing something or maybe someone in her life. But she could never remember what it was and it always bothered her that she didn't know what it was. Juliet was currently walking in the hallway nearby the medical area of WICKED when one of the nurses pulled her to the side.
" Hey, Juliet, group a is arriving soon and you were assigned be checking in on Thomas." the nurse told her.
Juliet stared at her for a moment, wondering why that name sounded familiar to her, before she then nodded and said, " Okay. But how will I know what he looks like since I don't know who he is?"
The nurse sent her a smile. " He will be pointed in the direction to where your set up is."
Juliet nodded and walked into the medical area to the set up she was sometimes at. She got everything ready and glanced over when she heard voices.
That was when she saw a group of teenagers around her age walking into the medical area lead by Janson. She looked at each of them, furrowing her eyebrows with confusion as each of them looked familiar to her, but she had no idea why.
Soon a brunette boy walked up to her, looking around the place with a look that read he was uneasy about everything and she didn't blame him. She probably would feel the same way if she were him.
" Hi." she greeted, getting his attention and he looked over at her, his eyes growing wide when he saw her.
She sent him a kind smile. " You must be Thomas."
Thomas slowly nodded. " Yeah. remember me?" he asked, hoping that she would, but something told him that she didn't.
Juliet looked at him weirdly. " What do you mean?"
Thomas shook his head. " Never mind."
" Okay, well, have a seat here." Juliet points to the empty seat in front of Thomas and he sat down in it.
" I'm Juliet, by the way." she introduces herself. He was upset that she didn't remember him, but he sent her a small smile as he said, " It's nice to meet you."
" Evening, Juliet." one of the doctors that walked by said to her
She looked over and smiled.
" Good evening, Dr. Crawford."
" How are the new arrivals showing up?" Dr. Crawford asked her.
Juliet glanced over at Thomas with a smile before looking at Dr. Crawford. " I think they're doing pretty good."
Dr. Crawford smiled. " That's good."
Thomas watched as she walked over to where Teresa was sitting on a bed. He wondered if Teresa remembered Juliet since they worked together at wicked.
She told him to lay his arm on the arm-seat of the chair and he watched as she picked up a needle.
" What's that?" he immediately asked before Juliet stuck it in his arm.
Juliet chuckled. " It's just everything that you missed out on from being in the trial." she smiled at him and put the needle in.
" Don't worry, you're safe here." she reassured him and waited until it was out, then took it out of his arm and laid it on a nearby table.
Thomas wanted to believe her, but part of him didn't believe her. He watched as Juliet stood up and said,
" Come with me. I'm supposed to ask you some questions."
He stood up as she began to walk and he hesitantly followed her. He followed her into a interrogation room and it wasn't hard to miss the guard that was standing besides the door. There was a table and chairs in the middle of the room. Thomas sat on one side of the table while Juliet sat across from him.
" So, you're going to ask me some questions?" Thomas asked and she nodded.
" Yeah," Juliet nodded. " Janson wanted me to and he was going to ask them himself, but he figured you would be more comfortable if I ask them."
For some reason, he did feel comfortable with her around. And maybe Janson knew that he remembered Juliet.
" We're in a different room because I thought it would be better to ask you questions away from the others." Juliet told him. " And honestly, I only have one question to ask you."
Thomas looked at her with a raised brow. " And that is?"
" Do you remember anything about WICKED?" Juliet asked and he stared at her. She could tell that he was worried so she said, " You're not in trouble or anything. I'm, well...we, are just trying to understand who side you are on."
" I remember I used to work for WICKED." Thomas admits after a moment of silence.
Juliet listened to him, waiting for him to continue. " I remember they sent me into the maze. I remember watching my friends die in front of me."
Juliet frowns as she hears this. She feels bad that Thomas had to go through all of this. But she knows that all of this was for a cure.
" I'm on their side." Thomas told her.
Juliet nodded. " Okay. Something that I don't understand is that if you worked for WICKED, why did they send you into the maze?"
Thomas shook his head. " I don't know. Maybe Janson should've asked that before he killed them all."
" He only did that to protect you guys." Juliet told him. The more she looked at him, the more familiar she was to him and it bothered her that she didn't know why.
" You remember me, don't you?" Thomas asked, hoping that he could get her to remember. They were best friends, he even loved her and he's pretty sure that he still does love her. But it hurts seeing someone you love don't remember you.
Juliet stares at him before she stood up while shaking her head. " Well, we're done here."
" You're avoiding my question." Thomas said, knowing that he at least looks familiar to her.
" You and your friends are cleared to join the others," Juliet said to him, something telling her that she should stay and talk with him more because then maybe he would help her remember, but something else was pulling her away.
" I'll be around if any of you need me." she opened the door, but stopped when he called out to her.
" Wait." Thomas said, getting her attention and she looked at him. He looked at her with confusion as he sat up in his chair straighter. " Others?"
A/N yay I'm so glad that I got the first chapter up! I had no idea how to start it off, but I kind of like it. I'm honestly already in love with thomas & juliet & it's only the first chapter. I hope you guys like it & don't forget to check out some of my other books!
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