Aris, Juliet and Thomas made their way back to the room Thomas and his friends were staying as quick as they could. Thomas breaks open the vent quickly and stands up, confusing his friends at why he was panicking while Aris and Juliet got stood up.
" We gotta go, come on they're coming for us." Thomas kept muttering as he grabbed a blanket off of a mattress and rushed over to the door.
He put the mattress cover through the door handle and tied it while his friends kept asking what was going on and Juliet nervously bit her lower lip while crossing her arms.
She had no idea what to do and even though it might look she was calm on the outside, she was freaking out on the inside. She would be in so much trouble whenever she got caught being with Thomas and his group of friends.
Frypan looked over at Aris and so did Juliet. She wasn't surprised when she saw he looked dazed as if he didn't believe what he just saw and Juliet didn't blame him.
" Aris, what happened?" Frypan asked, but Aris didn't say anything, he just stood there.
" Thomas, would you just calm down and talk to us?" Newt asked while Thomas finished tying up the mattress through the door handle.
" She's a liar." Thomas muttered which just confused his friends more.
" Who's she? Teresa?" Frypan asked.
" No. Ava." Thomas replied and Newt stared at him with wide eyes. " Ava? Would you just calm down and talk to us?"
" It's WICKED!" Thomas yelled as he turned around to face everyone and that got everyone's attention. " It's still WICKED. It's always been WICKED."
" Wait, did you know this?" Minho asked as he looked at Juliet who looked at him with guilt in her eyes.
" Yeah...I did. I'm sorry, okay?" she waved her arms around as if that was her way of saying she didn't know what to do. Minho didn't believe her at first, but as he looked in her eyes he saw that she meant it and he saw how awful she felt about this.
" I work here. What was I suppose to do? Disobey everything that they told me to do? Who knows what they would have done to me if I did that. Trust me, I didn't know they were doing what we saw. If I did, I would have old you guys." she sighed while shaking her head she walked back over to Aris to check up on him while Thomas grabbed a mattress and pushes it up against the door.
Thomas leans against the door as Newt walks up besides him. " Thomas, what did you guys exactly see?"
" We saw bodies." Juliet finally spoke up and everyone looked at her. She swallowed thickly as she explained to them what they saw, just explaining it to them made her more scared of what WICKED was capable of doing to innocent people like them. She also explained how Janson was on his way to get each of them so they could be tested on.
Once she finished explaining, Thomas nodded. " That's why we need to go. Now."
The group made it out of the vents and into one of the hallways. " Come on, let's go." Thomas said as he assured everyone down the hallway.
" You guys go ahead. There's something I gotta do." Aris said and Juliet looked back at him.
Thomas walked back over to him.
" What are you talking about?"
" Just trust me. It's important." Aris said. He looked at each of them. " You guys wanna get out of here, right? Just go."
Everyone looked at each other, hesitant to let him go alone and Juliet stepped forward. " I'll go with you."
" What?" both Aris and Thomas said.
" No. Go with them. I'll be fine." Aris reassured her and Juliet rolled her eyes. " You're my best friend, I'm not leaving without you, okay?"
Aris sighed heavily, knowing that she wouldn't change her mind. " Okay, fine, fine. Come on." he said and got back in the vent. Thomas locked eyes with her and Juliet knew what he was going to ask by the look on his face.
She sent him a small smile as she made her way back to the vent.
" Don't worry. We'll be fine."
Thomas bit his lower lip, not wanting to leave her, but he nodded and looked at everyone else. " Come on, we gotta get going." he said and with the others they ran down the hallway as Juliet got back in the vent.
" So, what exactly are we doing that's so important?" Juliet asked as she followed Aris through the vent.
" We're gonna help Thomas and his friends get out." Aris replied.
Juliet rolled her eyes. " Yeah, thanks Captain Obvious. But how?"
Aris chuckled as he looked back at her with a small grin. " You'll see."
" Okay, come on! We're almost there!" Aris yelled as he and Juliet ran through a large room.
" You still haven't told me where we're going! You just got a key card!" Juliet complained as she ran besides him.
Aris spotted the door that he knew Thomas and the others would be at and pointed. " That's where we're going!"
Juilet looked at the door and sighed.
" I did not expect to be running a lot today!"
Aris and Juliet got to the door and Aris took out the key card he had in his pocket. Juliet could see through the window of the door that Thomas and the others were backed up against the door and she noticed Janson and some guards with their guns aimed at the group were in front of them.
Aris put the key card through the slot and it opened the door. Everyone looked at him and Juliet with shock and Juliet noticed that they found their other friend, Teresa.
" Hey guys." Aris greets while Juliet awkwardly waves.
" Come on!" Frypan was the first to run over to them, followed by Winston and another boy Juliet doesn't know the name of and Teresa also ran over to them.
" Thomas! Come on, let's go!" Newt yelled as he looked back at Thomas who Juliet now realized was standing a few feet away from them with a gun aimed at Janson and his guards.
Newt and Minho were now standing on the other side as Thomas started to make his way back to them while shooting at Janson and the guards who cautiously made their way closer.
When Thomas realized the gun was empty he threw it on the ground at Janson and the guards and made a run for it to the door where his friends cheered him on.
Juliet figured that Janson must've talked to someone because the door started to close and she feared that Thomas might not make it.
" Thomas!" Juliet yelled as she moved closer to the door.
Just as the door was about to close Thomas slid under the small opening and made it to the side Juliet and the others were on. Juliet immediately rushed over to him and helped him up along with some of the others as they look back at the door to see Janson looking at them angrily.
She looked over as Aris grabbed something that was nearby and rushed over to the pass code on the wall that opened the door and hit it a few times and soon it broke. They watched as Janson and the guards went forward and tried opening the door.
They stepped back and Thomas even put out a protective arm in front of Juliet and Juliet glanced to the side noticing Winston getting a gun off of a guard that was knocked out. She looked back at the door to see Janson glaring at them. Minho grabbed a backpack while Thomas sent Janson the middle finger before he followed the others as they ran out of the room.
They ran until they were in front of a large door which caused them to stop.
" Okay, so, now what?" Juliet asked as she looked at Thomas and the others wondering if they had an idea because she did not. Although, Thomas seemed to have an idea as he rushed forward, pushing down the level that was on the door and she moved to stand between him and Newt as the doors slowly start to open.
" Well, that was easier than I thought it would be." Juliet mumbled.
The group ran out and it was very tough trying to run on sand which was not Juliet's favorite and the dust blowing didn't help either.
" Come on, keep going." Thomas said to everyone as they ran up the hill of sand.
He glanced back behind him to see that the guards were now looking out for them and he quickly ran along with his friends." Come on, we'll lose them in the storm!"
Juliet held her breath as she laid on her stomach along with the others on top of a hill made of sand, feet away from where WICKED was looking at. Whenever they started to get closer Thomas gestured to them.
" Okay, we gotta keep moving. Stay low." he whispered and Juliet and the others did the best they could to not be seen as they moved backwards.
Juliet's eyes widened as Teresa starts running off ahead of them to somewhere and she starts to get worried that they might lose her.
" Teresa!" she calls out as she runs after her along with the others.
" Teresa, hang on! We need to stay together!" Thomas yelled, but Teresa kept running down the hill. Juliet looked behind them, not seeing any sign of WICKED.
" Guys, I think we lost them." she said and Thomas nodded. " Okay, but let's keep going."
They all got down the hill to see that Teresa had an abandoned building. Teresa walked over as she looked at the windows and stopped at one that was broken.
She looked back at the others gesturing them over to her. " Come on!"
Juliet let out a sigh as she follows them while she sarcastically says,
" Oh, going into an abandoned building should be great."
A/N super happy I got another update done! I hope you guys are liking this book & don't forget to check out some of my other stories!
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