Once they get into the abandoned building Minho takes out a flashlight that he found in the backpack he had with him and shined the light around them so they could see where they were at.
Juliet looked around the broken place, nervously biting her lower lip. She was surprised that most of it was still standing. Minho then asked where they were at and Thomas immediately then said they have to keep going, but Teresa stopped him.
" No. Thomas, stop!" Teresa yelled after Thomas said, " We gotta keep moving."
Thomas turned back to her and she demanded, " Tell me what's going on."
Thomas glanced over at Juliet who shook her head and crossed her arms.
" Don't look at me thinking I'm gonna back you up. You need to tell her and stop keeping her in the dark about this." she said which just made Teresa even more confused, but she was happy that Juliet thought that she deserved to know about what was going on.
Thomas stared at her for a moment, as if he was hesitant to tell Teresa, but he then nodded and stepped towards Teresa. " It's WICKED. They lied to us. We never escaped."
He glanced at Juliet before looking back at Teresa as he explained. " Juliet worked with WICKED and she helped us escaped."
" Wait, worked?" Frypan asks and Juliet nods as she explains. " It's not like I'm gonna be working there after this and to be honest, I don't want to and never really enjoyed working there in the first place."
" Me, Aris and Juliet," Thomas said.
" we found bodies. Too many to count."
The last part of information was new to the others and Minho looked at Thomas with wide eyes. " What do you mean? Dead bodies?"
" No, they weren't dead." Juliet replies, feeling a shiver go down her spine as she remembers seeing the bodies hung up, it was just scary talking about it. She looked over at him and then said, " But they weren't alive either."
" They had them strung up." Thomas continues to explain. " With tubes coming out of them. They were...they were being drained. There's something inside of us that WICKED wants."
" Don't you know anything about this?" Newt asked as he looked at Juliet.
Juliet bites her lower lip. " I know some of it..." she said and he and the others kept quiet, wanting her to explain. Noticing this she then takes a deep breath and explains what she knows.
" Thomas is right. There is something inside of us, our blood, that makes us immune to this thing that's called the Flare that I'm sure you guys have already heard of." Juliet explains as she looks at each of them. " If you get the Flare you turn into something that's similar to a Zombie, called a Crank. WICKED is taking immune kids to find a cure for this, but they're going way too far."
" So that means we have to get as far away from them as possible." Thomas said and Juliet nods in agreement.
Newt is silent for a moment before he sighs as he puts his hands on his hips and then said, " Okay."
He then looks at the both of them and asks, " So, what's the plan?"
Thomas shared a look with Juliet and Newt got the hint. He sighed. " You don't have a plan, right?"
" Yeah. I don't know." Thomas admitted.
" Well," Newt walked forward as he stared at Thomas and it was obvious he was upset. " we followed you out here, Thomas, and now you're saying that you have no idea where we're going or what we're doing."
" Wait." Aris speaks up. " Janson said something about people hiding in the mountains. Some kind of resistance or army."
" It was The Right Arm." Juliet said and Thomas nodded. " The Right Arm. If they're really against WICKED, maybe they can help us."
" People. In the mountains. Mountain people?" Newt repeated and looked at them as if they were crazy. " That's your plan?"
Thomas sighed as he shook his head.
" It's the only chance we have."
" Hey, guys." Winston spoke up and everyone looks over to see that he was kneeling on the ground looking at something. " Check this out. Minho, give me a light!"
Minho knelt down besides him, showing the light at what Winston was pointing at. Juliet and the others stand around them and Juliet's eyes widened seeing footprints in the sand.
" Someone's been down here." Winston remarked as they stare at the footprints. They walk down a few ways and stand at a door and as Minho looked inside he noticed there were all kinds of supplies in there.
" Come on, let's open this up." he said as he and some of the others opened up the door. They got the door to stay open and walked inside. Frypan found a bigger light that was around and turned it on, making the room brighter.
Juliet walked around, looking at the clothes, books, flashlights and other supplies that were left in the room. She wondered why this place was abandoned as she picked up one of the flashlights and was surprised that it worked when she turned it on.
She looked over as Minho picked up a shirt that was laying with some other clothes on the ground. " It looks like some people lived here."
" Where are they now?" Newt wondered out loud and Juliet, who was near him, shook her head as she aimed her flashlight around the room. " I don't think I want to know that."
She glanced over her shoulder as Thomas picks up a green colored jacket and she turns all the way around to look at him. " Let's pick some of this stuff up." he flings the dust off the jacket the best he can and then puts it on. " Anything you think you need. We'll split up. See what else we can find. Meet back here."
While he was talking Juliet picked up a blue colored jacket and puts it on, glad that it fit her. She also picks up a light blue scarf that went with the jacket and puts it on as well, knowing she might need it if they're going to be in the desert for awhile. She jumps a bit whenever someone taps her on the shoulder and she looks over surprised to see it was Teresa.
" Hey," she said and sent Juliet a small smile. " um, there's something I need to give you."
Juliet stayed quiet and looked at her with a raised brow, wanting her to continue. She was very confused when Teresa got out a small syringe from her pocket.
She showed it to Juliet, and her eyes widened seeing her own name written on the small syringe in marker. " I don't know what it is, but it was in the room that I was being kept it and it has your name on it. It must be important to WICKED and since you were helping us escape, I knew I had to take it with me for you because it might be important to you."
She was hesitant at saying this as if she wasn't for sure if she should tell Juliet. " I know something that WICKED did to you. They wiped your memories, I don't know why, but they did and I think this might be your memories that they wiped...I'm not for sure."
" I know that you might not trust me and you probably don't believe me about WICKED wiping your memories, but I just thought that you deserve to know and that this might possibly help you." Teresa finished saying and Juliet stared at her, biting her lower lip as she then glanced at the syringe in her hand.
She wasn't for sure if she should believe Teresa, but part of her wanted to believe her because it makes sense and she wanted her memories back.
" Thanks." she said after a moment of silence and Teresa nodded. " You're welcome."
" Wait, Thomas." Newt called out and then threw him a flashlight. Thomas nodded as he caught the flashlight and turned it on.
He then looked over at Juliet seeing her with Teresa and noticed she had a jacket and a scarf on and smiled, thinking she looked cute in the new jacket and scarf, but then again to him she always looked cute.
" You coming with us?" he asked, gesturing to him and Minho and she nodded.
As he walked towards Minho she quickly put the syringe into the pocket of her jacket, hoping no one saw her.
" Yeah, I am." she replied and then sent Teresa a small smile before going with Thomas and Minho.
A/N sorry that this chapter is so short, I just wanted to finally update & I'm glad I did. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter because I honestly did. don't forget to read some of my other stories, comment & vote!
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