Juliet had no idea that Bertha was a car, but she was glad because she was getting tired of walking in the hot sun. She was sitting between Thomas and Aris and she looked out the window when the car was suddenly stopped. She raised an eyebrow and looked forward to see that they were stopped at a road that had ruined cars parked there. She got out of the car along with the others and stood with them in front of the car.
" Well, I guess we're on foot." Jorge stated and started walking forward.
Juliet followed him with the others and she looked around them at the mountains that surrounded them. She felt sad as she looked at all of the ruined cars, wondering where the people must be at now.
She looked over at Thomas seeing he was looking at a hole that was on the hood of a car they were nearby which made her wonder if these people were shot at. Just as he went to touch the hole there was a gunshot. She let out a surprised yelp when she was suddenly pulled to the side no doubt by Thomas and the bullet barely missed her.
" Everyone, get down!" Thomas yelled to the others as more gunshots went off.
She, Thomas and Jorge hid behind the car they were by as the others scattered to a nearby car to hide behind. When the gunshots stopped Thomas asked, " Hey, is everyone okay out there?"
" We're fine." Teresa answered, her voice echoing.
" Anyone know where those bloody shots came from?" Newt asked.
Juliet looked over at Jorge, who was angrily mumbling something about Marcus. " He sent us to an ambush." he realized.
Juliet watched as Thomas slowly looked above the car to look at top of the mountains to see if he could see anyone. She jumped as a bullet was shot at him and he immediately hid behind the car again.
" What do we do?" Thomas asked Jorge.
" Here. Hold it." Jorge said as he hands Thomas a bomb and Juliet stares at it with wide eyes. She couldn't believe that Jorge had it with him and she watched as Thomas held it.
" We gotta create a diversion." Jorge said. Juliet looked at him as if he was crazy. " You get ready to chuck it." he tells Thomas as he gets out the device that sets it off. Juliet moves out of the way as Thomas moves around her to where she was a minute ago.
" Everybody! Get set to sprint back to the truck! And hold your ears!" Jorge said to everyone and Juliet's heartbeat increased as she bit her lower lip.
Jorge looked over at Thomas. " Ready? One...two..." he goes to say ' three', but stops when he hears the sound of a rifle load behind them.
" Drop it." a female voice demands.
Juliet slowly looks in front of them to see two girls around her and her friends age with masks covering their face besides their eyes and they both had rifles aimed at them.
" Now!" the girl with black hair yells and Thomas puts the bomb on the ground. " I said drop it!" she yelled, referring to Jorge who still held the device in his hand and he slowly put it on the ground.
" On your feet. Let's go." the black haired girl tells them. Juliet raises her hands up in defense like the others do as the black haired girl tells them to backup and she and the blonde haired girl moved closer to them.
Juliet and the other two continue to backup to where the others were hiding and the two girls tells the others to get up and move over to them. The two of them were silent whenever Aris moved over which confused Juliet, but then her eyes widened when she realized why they looked familiar to her.
" Aris?" the black haired girl asked in disbelief as she lowered her gun and everyone looked at him with confusion.
The black haired girl lowered her mask and Aris' eyes widened. " Harriet?" he asked as he stepped forward while the girl, Harriet, rushes towards him and the group watches with confusion as they hug. " What are you doing here?" Harriet asked him while the blonde haired girl lowered her mask, shocked to see Aris.
Aris looked over after the two pulled away from the hug and smiled when he saw her. " Sonya." the girl walked over to him with a smile and they hugged.
Juliet glanced over at Newt, noticing he took a step forward and that he had a mixture of shock and confusion on his face while he looked at Sonya. " Sonya?"
Once Aris and Sonya pulled away from the hug, Sonya looked over at who said her name she was shocked to see Newt.
Sonya let out a breathless laugh. " Newt!" she rushed over to him and the two of them hugged each other tightly which just brought the group more confusion.
" Mind telling us how you know her?" Juliet asked after the two pulled away.
" Guys, this is my little sister, Sonya." Newt tells everyone.
" Oh, so this is your brother." Harriet said to Sonya with a small smile on her face. The blonde nodded with a smile on her face, happy that they found each other.
" Also, would you mind telling us how you know those two?" Minho asked Aris.
Aris smiled as he replied with, " We were in the maze together."
Harriet then whistles and calls out, " We're clear, guys! Come on out!"
" Copy that!" a man yells back. Juliet looks above the mountains now seeing people scattered around on top of them.
Juliet and the others follow Harriet and Sonya down the road to a truck blocking the way. " Back it up, Joe!" Sonya tells him and the truck backs out.
Juliet looks around at the multiple trucks that were parked as Harriet tells someone, " We're taking them to the base."
" Wait, so," Aris moves up so he's walking besides Harriet and Sonya. " how did you guys get here?"
" The Right Arm got us out." Harriet replies which confused Juliet since she thought they weren't real.
" Wait, wait." Thomas walks forward and looks at Harriet. " The Right Arm? Do you know where they are?"
Harriet smiles and opens the door of a truck she was standing by. " Hop in."
Juliet was sitting in the back of one of the two trucks they took. After a while of driving the trucks stopped at what she assumed was their base. During the ride Thomas told them everything that happened when he and Brenda were separated from them. Juliet had to admit she was a bit jealous when he said they kissed, but it was only because they were drunk and he thought she was Juliet. But he made sure he didn't mention that part because he didn't want things to be awkward between him and Juliet.
Juliet got out of the truck along with the others and stared at the base. There were tents set up everywhere and she was surprised with how many people were there.
" They've been planning this over a year now." Harriet explains as she leads the group into the base. " This is all for us."
" You guys are lucky you found us when you did." Sonya speaks up. " We're moving out at first light."
" Where's Vince?" Sonya asks one of the guys that was walking past them.
" Somewhere over there, I think." he replies, pointing in a direction.
" Who's Vince?" Thomas asks.
" He's the one who decides if you guys get to stay." Harriet replies.
" I thought the Right Arm was supposed to be an army." Minho said while raising an eyebrow.
" Yeah, we were." a voice said and Juliet looks forward to see a guy with long blonde hair walking up to them. " This is all that's left of us. Lot of good people died getting us this far." he looks over at Harriet and Sonya as he puts his hands on his hips. " Who are they?"
" They're immunes." Harriet replies and Juliet glances over her shoulder at Brenda, knowing that she wasn't doing so good. " Caught 'em coming up the mountain."
" Did you check them?" Vince asked.
" I know this guy, Aris. I trust him." Harriet said as she pointed at Aris.
" And I know Newt. He's my older brother. I trust him." Sonya speaks up as she points at Newt.
" Well, I don't." Vince said. " Check 'em."
Juliet was starting to get worried as Brenda started to breathe faster and it looked like she was swaying. " Hey, boss." she heard one of the guys that was near them say and she guessed he noticed Brenda. Her eyes widened when Brenda suddenly fell forward.
" Brenda! Brenda!" Jorge yelled worriedly and rushed towards her.
" What's going on?" Vince asked while Jorge tries to get Brenda's attention. Jorge sat on the ground while he pulled Brenda on his lap. " Brenda, talk to me."
" I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Brenda apologized and Juliet frowned. " What's going on with her?" Vince asked as he knelt down near them.
" I don't know." Jorge tells him. He looks at Brenda. " Brenda, are you all right?" he asked and tried getting her to talk to him.
" What are you doing?" Juliet asked as she noticed Vince pulling down Brenda's left sock to reveal a bite from a Crank and Vince immediately stood up and backed away.
" Crank! We got a Crank!" he got out his gun and aimed it at Brenda.
" No!" Juliet said along with Thomas, not wanting Brenda to be shot. Thomas rushed over and stood in front of Jorge and Brenda with his arms raised up in defense. " Wait, wait!" he said as Jorge was held back by two guys and Juliet backed up with the others.
" Step back!" Vince tells him.
" Listen, okay? Look, this just happened, okay?" Thomas said, referring to Brenda's bite. She's not dangerous yet."
" You shouldn't have brought her here!" Vince yells at him.
" I know." Thomas nods.
" We let Cranks in here now, the safe haven won't last a week!" Vince continues to yell.
" I understand, okay? I understand. Just listen, please." Thomas tries to convince Vince to let them stay. " I told her that you could help her. There's gotta be something you can do."
" Yeah, there is." Vince nodded and then got his gun ready to shoot. " I can put her out of her misery."
" No!" Juliet yelled at the same time Jorge yelled. She might've not been close with Brenda, but she didn't deserve to die and if there was a way to help her then they should at least try.
" Vince, that's enough!" a women's voice yelled and everyone looked over to see a women with black short hair walk over to them. " Let him go. Let him go!" she told the two men that were holding Jorge and they hesitantly let Jorge go.
" She's infected, Doc." Vince said with his gun still aimed at Brenda who was laying helplessly on the ground. " There's nothing we can do for her."
" No," the women agreed and then she nodded towards Thomas. " but he can."
Juliet furrows her eyebrows with confusion as she glanced over at Thomas seeing he was just as confused as she was. " Hello, Thomas." the women said to Thomas with a smile on her face. Vince looked back at her with confusion. " What?"
" You know me?" Thomas asks her.
She nodded. " Interesting." she said and she was quiet for a moment before she said, " It makes sense they put you in the maze."
She looked over at Juliet and smiled whenever she saw her. " Hello, Juliet. It's so nice to see you."
Juliet stared at the women for a moment, wondering why she looked familiar, but then her eyes widened when she realized who the women was. " Mary." she said with a smile.
The women, Mary, smiled. " I'm surprised you remember me." she walked over to where Brenda laid and looked over at Thomas. " I must admit they'd killed you after what you did. I should've known that Juliet wouldn't let them do that."
Juliet and Thomas shared a look before Thomas looked back at Mary as he asked, " What I did?"
" The first time we spoke, you said you couldn't take it anymore...watching your friends die, one by one. The last time we gave me the coordinates of every WICKED compound, trial and lab." Mary explained.
" He was our source." Vince added and Mary nods. " We couldn't have pulled this off without him."
She looked back at Brenda. " Take her to the tent." she said as Jorge and another guy carried Brenda to the tent. " Get these guys some warm clothes." she said some of the helpers as she stood up.
Mary looked over at Thomas. " Thomas, come on, I need to get some blood from you." she said and they walked off to the medical tent.
" How do you know Mary?" Sonya asked Juliet.
Juliet bit her lower lip, not knowing if she should tell them that she used to work with WICKED. She knew things would probably be bad if she didn't tell them now. " I used to work with her at WICKED."
" You used to work at WICKED?" Harriet asked as she looked at Juliet with wide eyes.
Juliet nodded. " But I can promise you that I am not apart of them anymore."
" She's my best friend and she even helped us escape WICKED." Aris spoke up. " Don't worry, you can trust her."
Harriet was silent for a moment as she looked at Juliet suspiciously. " Well, any friend of Aris' is a friend of ours." Sonya said with a smile and Juliet smiled back at her.
Harriet nodded. " Let's go find you guys some new clothes then."
After getting some new clothes which felt great compared to the dirty clothes they wore for a lot of days. Juliet was standing outside the tent she and Teresa had changed, looking out at the view.
" So, how are you and Thomas?" a voice asked her and she looked over to see it was Teresa.
" What do you mean?" she asked and Teresa chuckled as she walked over to her. " It's obvious you and Thomas like each other."
Juliet knew that her face was probably getting red and she shyly shrugged her shoulders. " Yeah, I guess." she looked over at Teresa, feeling bad because she had a feeling that Teresa had a thing for Thomas. " Are you okay with that?"
" I wasn't at first." Teresa admitted. " But he seems happy with you, so I'm okay with it."
Juliet smiled at her and put her hand on Teresa's shoulder as a way of saying thanks. Teresa smiled back at her. " You should probably tell him before it's too late." she told her and Juliet nervously bit her lower lip. " Y-yeah, yeah, I will."
Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Jorge standing by himself in front of the medical tent and from where she was at it looked like he was upset.
After saying goodbye to Teresa she walked over to Jorge. " Hey, Jorge."
Jorge looked over at her with surprise. " Juliet. What are you doing over here?"
" I came over here to see if you were alright." Juliet replied as she put her hands into the pockets of the grey jacket she wore. " So, are you alright?"
" Yeah." Jorge nodded and then sighed. " I'm just worried about Brenda."
Juliet sent him a smile. " I'm sure she's gonna be fine. She's strong, she'll get through this."
Jorge was silent for a moment as he stared off into the distance before he finally nodded. " Yeah, you're right."
The two of them turned around whenever they heard the flap of the tent move and saw that Thomas had walked out. " Hermano." Jorge said as he suddenly hugged Thomas.
Juliet chuckled at seeing Thomas' surprised face. The two pulled away from the hug as Jorge said, " If anything were to happen to her, I..."
Thomas nods and pats his shoulder. " I know, I know. You should get in there. Go talk to her."
Jorge nodded and started to walk to the tent, but he stopped and looked back at Thomas. " I guess I owe you now." he patted Thomas on the shoulder before he walked into the medical tent.
Thomas looked over at Juliet and smiled at her. " Can I talk to you?" he asked her and she nodded. " Yeah."
The two decided to go for a walk around the base as they talked. " So, I'm just gonna say it right now because I know if I don't say to you now then I have no idea when I would tell you." Thomas said which started to worry Juliet.
" Is everything okay?" Juliet asked him and he nodded.
" Yes, yeah." he shrugged his shoulders. " Everything's fine. I just..." his voice trailed off as his nerves build up. His heartbeat was beating so fast and he feared that she would hate him after he tells her what he's about to tell her.
Juliet frowned as she noticed the sudden change of his attitude. " You're starting to worry me."
Thomas took a deep breath as he stopped walking. She stopped walking as well as he turned to face her. " Okay, Juliet, I like you, but in a romantic way." Thomas admitted nervously.
Juliet's eyes widened, never guessing that's what he wanted to talk to her about and she was sure she was blushing by now. " Um," she shyly put a hair that fell behind her ear as she looked at him. " I like you too. I-in a romantic way."
Thomas' eyes widened, surprised, but happy she liked him the same way he liked her. He went to open his mouth to say something, but closed it whenever Juliet started rambling in a nervous way he thought was cute. " I never really knew when to tell you or even if I should tell you because I thought that you might like Teresa since you two been through a lot together and-"
Thomas then cupped her cheek and kissed her. Juliet's eyes widened, surprise that he suddenly kissed her, but she closed her eyes and kissed him back, melting into the kiss.
After a few seconds they pulled away from the kiss that left them breathless. " Wow." they both said and chuckled.
" So, um, what does that make us now?" Juilet shyly asked.
" Whatever you want us to be." Thomas tells her and she smiles at him.
After finishing their walk around the base they walk to where they saw their friends, Newt, Minho and Frypan, were sitting on top of a small mountain. They looked over at them with surprised when they noticed the two of them were holding hands.
" Okay, how long has this been going on?" Frypan asked, pointing at Juliet and Thomas and they chuckled.
" Only for a few minutes." Juliet replied as they sat down besides Newt.
" Well, I'm glad you guys are finally together." Newt told them with a smile and they smiled back at him.
" It's about time you two are together." Minho commented and they shared a laugh.
" I wish Alby could've seen all of this." Newt spoke up as he looked over the base.
" And Winston." Minho added.
Juliet only knew of Winston, but she guessed that Alby was someone that was in their maze with them. She looked down, seeing that Thomas was holding a little carving in his other hand. " And Chuck." he said and she knew that Chuck meant a lot to Thomas just by the sad look on his face.
" He'd be proud of you, you know, Tommy." Newt told him. Thomas nodded as he looked over at him. " Yeah."
Juliet squeezed Thomas' hand, and when he looked over at her, she sent him a smile, trying her best to comfort him. He squeezed her hand and smiled back at her. Juliet looked over when Frypan called out, " Hey, Aris!"
She noticed that Aris was sitting with his old friends, Harriet and Sonya, by the fire. Aris looked up at them and waved as he said to them, " Hey, guys!"
Frypan looked over at them with a smile. " I kinda like that kid."
Juliet chuckled. " He's pretty great."
" I still don't trust him, though." Minho commented and Juliet rolled her eyes. " Does that mean you don't trust me?"
" You I trust." Minho pointed at her. " Him, I'm not so sure." he said and Juliet and the others chuckled.
" Hey, where's Teresa?" Thomas asked, noticing that she wasn't with them.
" She went up there." Newt answered, pointing over his shoulder. Juliet looked over to see Teresa standing on top of one of the cliffs.
" I'm gonna go talk to her." Thomas said. He squeezed Juliet's hand one more time and Juliet smiled at him as he got up and walked over to where Teresa was.
" So, can you guys tell me about Alby and Chuck?" Juliet asked them since she didn't know them, but they sounded like they were important to her friends. She then noticed how silent the were and quickly added, " You don't have to if you don't want to."
" No, you deserve to know about them." Frypan said. " Alby was our leader and a good friend to us back in the Glade."
" And Chuck was the youngest one in the the Glade." Minho added. " He saved Thomas' life."
" Wow." she said. She was silent for a moment before she smiled and said,
" They sound like they were good people."
Newt nodded as a small smile formed on his face. " Yeah, they were."
A/N I'm trying to make longer chapters because I think It's a lot more fun. I hope you guys liked this chapter, I had fun writing it :) I also had Newt & Sonya know each other in this book 'cause I was very upset when they didn't know each other in the movie. & don't forget to check out some of my other books!
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