Part 16
Sean let himself out, heading quickly across the street. When he stopped on his lawn. He was feeling like he was being watched. Turning his eyes down the street, he saw Felix standing on his lawn with his dog, Edgar. Felix flashed him a smug grin with promiscuous eyes. Sean bit his lip hard and continued walking up to his door. He could only imagine what Felix thought of him now. Catching him leaving the house of two different men. It felt innocent... but to a small town lacking gossip, it could be flared into something much more incriminating. Slipping into his house, he stood casually by the door listening to the music playing. Casually walking into the living room, he took a deep breath to calm himself. Sam was singing softly to the song 'Stupid Cupid' while leaning over her sketchbook as she drew up something.
She looked lost in a dreamy state and that made him really worried. It was like she was possessed. Sean leaned against the wall, watching her closely. He knew she had kissed Tim... but was it really normal for her to act like this? He had never seen his older sisters act like this. He never acted like this. Had that been her first kiss? He felt like he was out of his league with this. He didn't even know where to start on what to say. This was territory that he had no knowledge of. He really wished that Signe was here. Sean carefully walked across the living room, expecting her to look up at him. She didn't. Her whole focus was on the drawing. Did she even know he was here? Peeking over the coffee table to see what she was drawing, he felt sick. His stomach was twisting into nervous knots. She was drawing Tim... without a shirt.
Sean couldn't help it. It just slipped out as he uttered to her sweetly. "I don't think Tim is the type to have a six-pack. Just saying". Sam's head jerked up and she yanked her sketchbook off the coffee table, blushing a bright red as she shouted out embarrassed. "DAD! What are you doing here"?! Sean blinked at her a bit confused, before stating a little concerned. "I live here. Are you feeling ok"? Sean let the back of his hand touch her forehead and she pushed it away, chuckling out. "I'm fine. You just surprised me". She hugged the sketchbook to her chest and he forced himself to continue walking to the kitchen. He fumbled around in the cabinets for the boxes of Mac & Cheese, unsure what to say to her. He was missing the 'boys were gross' stage. This new stage was going to stress him out fast.
Sam set her sketchbook down and skipped up to the counter giving him a dreamy look. Sean set a pot on the stove, staring at her with worry. She had to be possessed. She giggled softly, asking him excitedly. "Aren't you going to ask about my day"? Sean leaned back against the counter for support, saying gently. "Well, I'm guessing that if you're drawing Tim in your sketchbook... That means the day went... well"? Sam grabbed a Mac & Cheese box to help open them as she chimed out sweetly. "Why, yes. It did. And since you asked...". Sean gave her a weak smile, but she didn't even notice as she continued on excitedly. "Tim asked me out"! Sean gave her a smile and opened his mouth to say something, but she raised a hand to stop him. Her voice raising with even more excitement as she told him giddily. "WAIT! That's not all! He kissed me"!
Sean chuckled nervously, before he filled the pot telling her tenderly. "I see". She bounced around into the kitchen with him, adding in a whirl. "It was so romantic, Daddy! I thought my heart was going to burst! He asked me to the Halloween dance! He's even going to let me pick his costume! So, now I'm thinking like a couples costume for Halloween! Like, I'll be lil' red riding hood and he can be the wolf? What do you think"? Sean slowly turned around to face her, saying slowly and calmly. "Sammy, take a breath. I'm happy for you". Sam's smile dimmed suddenly as she said solemnly. "Oh, Dad. I'm sorry. I was so caught up that... I don't have to go. We can stay home and watch horror movies all night. We always have fun doing that together". She gave him a bright smile and then hugged him tightly.
He couldn't help thinking about what Mark had said. She was worried about him being alone. Prying her off of him, he lifted her up onto the counter. She looked at him really worried, but he grinned back, telling her sweetly. "It just so happens that I have a date of my own". Sam crossed her arms with a smug smile, asking curiously. "With Mr. Sharp"? Sean pulled a bottle of soda from the frig, answering back just as smugly. "No. For your information, I was asked to go with Mr. Fischbach". Sam raised an eyebrow, asking suspiciously. "Tim's dad? I didn't know you two were so close". Sean rolled his eyes, taking a sip from his soda bottle, before he told her bluntly. "We're not. We're just friends". Sam's expression changed. She seemed to be lost in thought now. Sean set down his soda bottle, asking her anxiously. "What's wrong"?
Sam simply shrugged. He moved closer to her, brushing her long mouse brown hair off her shoulder as he asked. "Sam... Tell me what's wrong"? Sam sighed softly, before mumbling out. "Just don't get mad, ok"? Sean nodded, whispering softly to her. "I promise". Sam slipped off the counter and walked away toward her bedroom. He thought about following her, but instead busied himself with getting dinner going. He had a feeling that she would come back. After a minute or two, she did. She was holding something behind her back as she told him tenderly. "When I was helping you pack... I found this. I was going to give it back to you, but It... It was a comfort to have a piece of her sharing with me". Sean stared at her confused, until she set a small faded pink diary on the counter.
Sean placed a hand on it. He had never read it. He had only seen Signe with it a few times. Sam shifted uncomfortably, her eyes on the floor as she asked him. "I told Tim that he should be honest with his dad... and I felt bad that I lied to you by saying that I hadn't seen it. It was wrong and I know it. I just... I can't remember a lot about her. I know that you could tell me... but I didn't want to remind you...". Sean slid the diary off the counter and turned it over in his hands. He felt bad himself. He practically hoarded everything that reminded him of Signe. Moving carefully around the counter, Sean forced himself to hand the diary back. Sam looked up at him nervously, but he told her comfortingly. "I'm glad you told me. But I think she'd want you to have this anyway". Sam carefully took the diary back and hugged it to her chest with a warm smile.
Sean gave her a warm smile and she jumped in to hug him. He hugged her back, before he had to pull away to stir the pot. Sam moved back to the counter as he stirred the noodles, asking him curiously. "Now that you know. Can I ask you about something she wrote"? Sean took a deep breath and prayed Signe left out their sex life, but nodded. Sam smirked a little embarrassed, when she asked him in a low hesitant voice. "Is it true that you're bisexual"? Sean stopped stirring to shoot her a curious stare, asking softly. "She didn't put that in there". Sam chuckled, opening the diary and turning to a page. She then cleared her throat, but he pulled the diary away to look for himself. Sure enough, Signe had mentioned it. Lifting his eyes from the diary, he asked Sam seriously. "Why do you want to know"?
Sam blushed, turning her eyes away as she answered innocently. "I'm just worried about you that's all. I mean, we aren't even here for two days and I hear that you're sneaking out of Mr. Sharp's house... You're going to a Halloween party with Tim's dad...". Sean pushed the diary back toward Sam, giving her a questionable look. When she finally glanced at him, she added in quickly. "I'm not judging! I'm happy for you. I just... Think you should be careful. Boys tend to have only one thing on their minds". Sean narrowed his eyes on her playfully, before smugly stating. "Thanks for the tip, Ma. Now have you finished that art project yet? Sam stuck her tongue out at him playfully, strutting away from the counter as she strolled back to the couch. Sean shook his head with a smile, taking a swig from his soda bottle. Sometimes he wondered what kind of a devilish little monster that Signe and him had made. To Be Continued...
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