The Letter •2•
Izuku Midoriya yawned softly before sitting up and stretching his arms. He rubbed his eyes before looking towards the window of his room. The curtains were covering it mostly, but a bit a light was coming through. He ran a hand through his thick black and green curls before standing up. He walked towards the curtains and pushed them out of the way to get blinded by the sunlight. He hissed slightly at the brightness and moved the curtains in front of the window again. He slipped on some socks and put on a shirt. He went downstairs to go and get some breakfast. And maybe get a present from his parents. Maybe they didn't forget this year.
Despite his parents being well off with both wizard and muggle money, they chose to live in a simple house amongst the muggles. He doesn't hate them or anything, you would just think that they would want to have a huge mansion or something.
Izuku walked into the kitchen and grabbed the milk. He went to the pantry to grab some cereal, only to find a sticky note on it.
'Hey Izuku,
Sorry that we both got caught up at work.
Make sure to get your chores done!
Mom and Dad'
Izuku scoffed lightly at how his parents forgot his birthday. Again. Last time, it was because of the same reason. They were too busy with work. Too busy with this, or that. It doesn't even phase him anymore. Nothing really does. He grabbed the note and crumbled it into a ball before tossing it into the bin. He grabbed a bowl from the cabinets and pour the milk. Then he poured his cereal, some random sugary cereal that all the muggle kids love oh so much. (Yes he pour the milk first. I do too. Fight me)
He got a spoon and sat down at the table. He was just eating his cereal when he heard the slot for the post open and shut close. He sighed before finishing his cereal. He rinses out his bowl and put it away. He got up and went to the pantry to get some food for his cat. He got it out and pour some into her bowl. He refilled the water and put the food back before finally deciding to check the mail. He walked over and picked up a couple of envelopes. He walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. His cat, Kodak, hopped up onto his lap. He started petting her as she purred softly. He smiled, a rare sight reserved for her only, and reached for the envelops again. He started sorting through them before there was a knock on the door. He sighed and clicked his tongue. Kodak got the hint and hopped off the 11 year old's lap. The green eyed boy got up and walked to the front door, opening it to reveal a grinning blonde boy.
"Deku! Did you got your letter?" he questioned. "Hush. The muggles might hear you." Izuku told him before letting him in. "Please. Like they would know what I meant." he smirked. "So it came?" the ruby eyed boy asked before the two went to the couch. "I dunno. I was looking through the letters now." he shrugged. "Come on nerd!" Katsuki told him. Katsuki and Izuku aren't besties, but they tend to... 'hang out' do you their moms knowing one another. Katsuki was a half blood since his father was a muggle, his mother a half blood. Due to his father being a muggle, and his mom being a half blood, he knows about the muggle and wizarding world. He knows a lot more about the muggle world than Izuku does at least.
"Come on! Open already nerd!" Katsuki rushed him. "Alright. Geez. Calm down Kacchan." Izuku told the older boy. Katsuki rolled his eyes as Izuku started flipping through the letters. The last one was addressed to him.
Dear Mr. Midoriya,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.
Yours Truly,
Shota Aizawa
Deputy Headmaster
"Congrats Deku." Katsuki said simply. "What house do you think you're going to be in?" Izuku asked. "Well, according to my old hag, she was a Gryffindor. Along with your old man right?" he said. "Yeah. My mom was a Hufflepuff, my dad was a Gryffindor. Probably both still have their old robes." he explained. "I bet I'm going to be a Gryffindor than!" he announced before standing up. "We'll both be Gryffindor's together, right Deku?" he asked. "Sure Kacchan. We'll be the best wizards at Hogwarts!" Izuku joined in while standing up. "That stupid school better watch out!" the pair said together.
"Happy birthday Izuku." Katsuki told his green and black haired friend before waving and walking out, back to his house. Izuku waved before sighing softly to himself. He felt Kodak rubbing against his leg. He looked down and smiled that soft, rare smile before picking up the old cat. "Aren't you such a good girl?" he told her. She meowed softly and rubbed her head against his cheek. The gray tabby cat started to purr softly. Izuku hummed in content and held her. "What should we do?" he asked her before holding her up. She just meowed. "Welp. I tried." he said before setting her down. He went over to her dish to refill it, only to find it full. "Did you not eat?" he asked her. She meowed before walking off. "Huh. I guess you just weren't hungry." he shrugged. He then went back to his room to take a nap. He left the Hogwarts letter on the kitchen counter for his parents to see when they got home.
He hopped into his bed, already in some comfy clothes, and settled down for a nap. Little was he aware, that the 'nap' turned into him sleeping until the next day.
I'm kidding.
I can't sleep for the life of me.
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