Dani was standing alone in a corner, her arms wrapped tightly around herself. An officer was trying his best to ask her questions but she wasn't paying any attention to him.
"Panda Eyes?" Jax stepped into the fray, ignoring the other uniformed men. He whispered something to the officer who nodded and walked away.
"You okay, Panda Eyes?"
His nearness penetrated her thoughts and she looked up, "Jax?"
She felt his arms wrap around her, hugging her tightly.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left you alone," he whispered into her ear. She could feel his lips pressing against her temple.
"Jax...did you look at the picture?"
He shook his head, "No, but I know what it's of. Forensics should be on their way to take a look at it."
"That woman...she was naked. So much blood. It was horrible," she said trying to hold herself together. "It was from him wasn't it?"
He knew he had to tell her that the mutilated body in the picture was one of the Maestro's victims. Still, he didn't want to scare her any more than she already was. Jax released her and forced a grin, "Are you kidding? That could be from anyone. I'm a pretty well known detective in this town."
Dani wiped her eyes and shook her head, "Don't treat me like I'm an idiot."
"Alright Panda Eyes, I'll keep it real. That's one of his victims. That doesn't mean the rock through the window was meant for you to see. For all you know he's coming for me. I am one of the lead detectives on the case."
"That's true. Is it weird that the Maestro coming for you makes me feel better? If it wasn't then I'd have to start wondering if he was watching me. How else would he have known I was here?"
"It's not weird and if it makes you feel better, then go right ahead and do so. I'm really sorry. I thought you'd be safe here."
"It's not your fault. What about the shirt? Did you turn it in?" Dani asked.
"Yeah, but it's not like on the television shows. We don't get DNA back as quickly as we'd like. Also, your neighbor Derek stopped by the station. My partner Roberto is still asking him questions."
"Questions? About what? Billy?"
"Your neighbor hasn't been able to get in touch with Billy either. Turns out Billy hasn't been with his family this entire time. His roommate was actually freaking out about it."
"He's probably trying to deflect suspicion or something," Dani said. She couldn't help but feel Billy being missing was her fault. What if they fought because she told him what Derek had said?
"Dani, I'm not sure how to say this but a woman came in and claimed one of your customers at the diner is the Maestro."
Dani shook her head in disbelief, "Who was it?"
"The picture she showed me was of that guy with the dark hair. The one that burps a lot. I think you call him Vomit or Belcher or something like that. I have some officers checking to see if he's at the diner. I was hoping you could give us more information on him. Like his real name."
"Of course...but are you sure? Belcher's a pervert but I'd never imagine him to be a killer."
"Until we have some concrete evidence, nothing is set in stone. Still, he was the last person seen with the latest victim so we'd like to check it out."
She felt her mouth go dry as she replayed her interactions with Belcher. He had touched her recently and he was always hitting on her. Could he really be the Maestro?
"His name is Travis Monroe. We only call him Belcher because he burps a lot. He comes to the diner all the time. He's in a band but they're always changing their names. They usually play at The Pony House. It's a club where a lot of single people go."
"I've heard of it," Jax said. "Thanks Dani. I'm really proud of you for holding up so well after everything that just happened. The thing is—"
Jax was interrupted by his phone. He listened to the other person and grunted in affirmation before disconnecting the call.
"We have permission from Derek to search his apartment. Maybe we'll be able to find some clues as to where Billy went or what happened to him."
"I'm positive Derek has something to do with it."
"If he does, he's doing a hell of a job convincing everyone he's innocent. He's willing to go along with anything if it means finding Billy."
Dani was about to reply when an officer wearing surgical gloves called him over, "Detective Michaels, you may want to take a look at this."
"What is it?" Jax asked.
"There's a note behind the picture," the officer held up the photograph so Jax could read what was written.
Don't worry, Dani. She was just practice. Necessary practice. Your heart is the one I've been waiting for. I know we'll make beautiful music together.
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