Dream state
I gasped loudly as air filled my lungs. Heavy eyes flew open, as it tried to focus on the dark and cold room. I laid there because I couldn't move. I felt strange, so strange. Like I'd forgotten how to be myself.
I willed my body to move a finger. Just one. The faintest twitch of my finger, seemed to alert my brain on how to respond. Another twitch, another finger moving. Tears ran down my cheeks as my muscles tried to remember how to operate.
And then I felt the painful vibration going through me. My nerves worked. They worked.
With a foggy mind, I turned in my bed, looking around the spinning room, that was slowly becoming familiar.
My room. My tower.
"La'oki...." My voice cracked. It sounded foreign, distant. I rolled over, only to fall off the bed. Pain shot up my sides. Groaning I used my hands to pick myself up. The room kept spinning. My tongue felt heavy, my own body barely responding to me.
Towards the window I saw the figure sitting still in a meditation pose. Legs crossed, hands together in a cosmic mantra, elder Kjuka's cane next to him.
Elder Kjuka. Where was Elder Kjuka? Where was La'oki?
I groaned as I struggled to stand up. My body shaking as the world shifted on it's axis. I took painful steps towards the body, my legs feeling heavy as it brushed against my dress. Each step, seemingly harder to take than the last, especially since it felt like I was on a spinning plate and couldn't find my equilibrium. Memories and dreams of who I was, who I was to be, tried to bring me back to where I'd been.
As soon as I reached Advisor Howji, I dropped near his twitching body and groaned as I reached for the cane. Holding it tightly in my hand as his head jerked side to side as he tried to bring his body back out of its meditative state.
Ignoring the pain coursing through my body, I used the cane for support as I got back to my feet. Tears ran down my face as the weight of gravity seemed to work against me. The building swayed side to side as I ran towards the door. My hand passed through the doorknob.
"This is real!" I shouted and tried again, this time my hand grabbed the doorknob as I twisted it yanked it open. I stepped out to Hana and Mata frozen in place. Staring at the bedroom door, with a blank expression on their faces. Their eyes glazed over as if they were nothing more than vacant shells.
I groaned and rushed past them to the stairs.
La'oki. I had to find La'oki.
I came out of the tower to screams and thick black smoke. I covered my face as I looked around frantically at the chaos in the night.
The island of Atlas was on fire.
Everywhere you turned where red and orange flames, as far as they eyes could see. From the hill where my tower stood, one could see the people below, running and screaming. Crying out for help women, children, men.
A land surrounded by water, destroyed by fire.
I ran as fast as my weak legs could carry me towards the temple. The last place I remembered seeing La'oki. The last place he was before he jumped into the crystal fountain. The last place in my mind of where we got separated.
I was surprised by the unfamiliar faces I saw of the people running past me. Some tried to grab me and turn me the other way. Confused as to why I was going towards the shaking tower.
"It's the end of the world!"
I yanked away from somebody's hand trying to pull me with them.
No! La'oki!
I climbed up the familiar stairs that felt like I hadn't climbed in thousands of years. "La'oki!" I cried as the cane vibrated in my hand, heat traveling up my arm as the pain shot through my body. "La'oki!"
My legs gave way as I neared the fountain, folding beneath me as I dropped to the floor. I took deep breaths, choking on the smoked filled air. The grey smoke stung my eyes, I could barely open them. My hand instinctively went up to my neck, but there was no crystal to be found. I dropped the cane and ran to the crystal fountain with all my might, unaware that it vibrated and slid across the floor towards the left. I looked down at the crashing waves. The pain and anger of the broken crystal.
My heart pounded as tears ran down my face.
"La'oki." My voice cracked, as my body shook. Without hesitation I climbed on the edge of the fountain.
I whirled around at the all too familiar voice in shock. I felt the air vibrate as blue light emitted through the air.
La'oki appeared, crashing to the floor. Bloody and bruised, his body shaking.
My bottom lip trembled as I tried to smile through my tears, quickly climbing off the fountain. Slowing down momentarily only because I was surprised by the next figure that appeared. White hair flowing against frail wrinkled dark skin. In her hand, she held the cane painfully as she knelt on the floor.
"Elder..." I whispered.
She lifted her head and smiled softly. Not of joy but pain, pain and sorrow covered her blue eyes.
I rushed to La'oki who groaned and laid on his back as he stared up at the ceiling. I couldn't stop shaking as I knelt beside him. "La'oki...Lan....Lan it's me..." I whispered as I cupped his face, tears falling on him. "Take your heart....take it..." I whispered to him desperately as I caressed his pale face.
He teared up as he tried to smile. "You woke up." He whispered. His voice cracked as he moved his hand.
"What's wrong?" I asked him as I leaned my face to him. I kissed him desperately. "How can I help you? What do you need?" I kissed him again. "Please...take your phoenix." I begged him. "You'll feel better...you're so cold." I cried as I kissed his forehead, his cheeks. "You're so cold..." My voice broke as my tears hit him. "Please...please..." I smoothed down his hair as I rubbed my nose against his cold one.
I'd never felt him so cold.
"Here..." he whispered against my lips.
I slowly lifted my head as his hand nudged my side. I looked down to his closed fist that he slowly opened, to reveal my purple crystal heart. I cried harder as I shook my head and hugged him desperately. I didn't care about the crystal. I didn't care.
"I made a deal." He whispered.
I tried to wipe my face as I shook my head. "No...let's get you fixed up...let's get out of here..."
La'oki smiled sadly as his cold hand cupped my face. "I'm not here princess..." he whispered.
I shook my head and grabbed his hand as tears continued to fall. I could feel him. I could feel him.
"Through a thousand lifetimes." He chuckled sadly as he brushed my lips.
I shook my head. "Lan....La'oki....please...." I turned to Elder Kjuka just to realize that she was fading in and out. My bottom lip shook in fear as I stared at her and then back to La'oki. "Wha....what...."
Elder Kjuka bowed her head and put her translucent thin hand on La'oki's shoulder.
Energy transfer.
She began to shimmer as particles moved off her body. "I kept him for as long as I could." She whispered into the wind. I watched her body disintegrate as her particles flew to the crystal fountain.
Her cane fell on the floor. I shook my head and turned to La'oki with determination. "Not your life." I promised him. I turned to move to the fountain but he grabbed my arm tightly. Using his strength to sit up briefly and press his forehead against mine.
"A thousand lifetimes and a thousand more." He whispered heavily as he cupped my face. "I got to see you again."
My vision blurred through the tears as he pressed his lips against mine. I shook my head. "Don't leave me." I cried as I held his face. "La'oki..." I panicked as my fingers passed through him.
He smiled and winked at me. "Find me."
"No..." I begged him as I tried desperately to hold on to shimmering particles. "NO! No! Please! Please..." I cried out in shock as I tried and tried to hold on, feeling nothing but air. "LAN!" I cried out as I watched the light disappear towards the crystal fountain. "Lan!" I gasped as I crawled over to it. The crystal humming loudly. "NO! NO! Take me! Give him back!" I begged. "Please give him back." I got up to my feet and grabbed the cane.
I turned around, pointing the cane at advisor Howji's chest.
He stopped and put his hand up in surrender. "I was...I was trying to protect you from this pain..."
"You—-you—-" My voice shook along with the cane at him.
He put his hand down and shook his head. "Atlas burns!"
"Let it burn!" I cried out angrily.
"This timeline is gone." He whispered. "Yes he found the crystal, but it was too late—-"
"Don't!" I yelled at him furiously. "Don't." I heaved as I felt the electricity through the cane.
He chuckled and dropped to his knees. "Ages ago, I saw the future princess." He stated simply. "I saw it all. The world, erased...flooded, to start anew. I was trying to protect you from that. I could...I could——"
"You killed them...you killed all——"
"The crystal demands a sacrifice—-
"YOU DEMANDED A SACRFICE!" I yelled back as I moved away from him.
"We can live forever." He whispered as he pulled out the green crystal heart. "We...can..."
My blood ran cold as I stared at the priceless gem in his hand.
He smiled. "Everything I did. I did for you. Elder Kjuka wasn't ready for change. But change gad to happen. The world must be cleansed. We go underground...and after the flood. We restart humanity. We do it right."
I chuckled. My body shaking. I laughed as tears ran down my face.
I looked around at our burning city and chuckled as I wiped my face. "You did all this for me?" I asked, spreading my arms wide.
I put my hand up and stretched it to him. "How many lifetimes did we dream?"
"Thousands." He whispered proudly. "And thousands more we can have."
"Give me the crystal heart."
He hesitated for the first time. "Princess."
I hit the cane on the floor, it vibrated through the building and the crystal flew out of his hand into my outstretched one as lightning roared in the background. I looked down and held the gem in my hand.
"Princess..." Advisor Howji said calmly as he got to his feet. "I know you're mad..."
"Why don't I just kill you?" I whispered.
He dropped to his knees and put his arms up in surrender. "Kill me. Kill me if you must, for only then will you know my loyalty. Only then can we be bound for lifetimes."
I stared at him for a couple more seconds before he lowered his hands and looked up at me. "Aren't you going to?" He asked. "Get your revenge for Elder...for the fire prince...your sister.... Your nation...KILL ME!" He demanded hitting his chest. "KILL ME AND FEEL MY LOYALTY!"
I felt the crystal vibrate in my hand. I lowered myself and picked up my crystal heart that La'oki had found and put it in the same hand as the crystal heart. I closed my hand around it and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. I slowly released it and put the cane up. Staring at Advisor Howji I moved the cane swiftly. He spread his arms wide and closed his eyes, a small smile on his face as he awaited his death. Accepting. A second passed and then another before he slowly opened his eyes, surprised at the line of fire separating us.
I dropped the cane. "I refuse to tie your karma with my life." I whispered.
His eyes opened in a panic. "KILL ME! PRINCESS! PRINCESS!"
I turned and ran towards the fountain.
I closed my eyes and pressed my heart crystal against the green gem. I jumped backwards into the crystal fountain as my heart began to sing to it. As I plunged into the icy water, images flashed by me. The past, the future, the timelines. Lan, La'oki, different versions of myself. My heart continued to sing as the crystals parted from me, creating dazzling lights as it fused together.
We cannot undo what has been done. What is this sacrifice for?
I gave you your heart. Give me back mine.
We cannot bring him back.
It wasn't his sacrifice to make.
Yet a sacrifice he made.
I put my hand over my left eye and felt the pulsing heat. I smiled as I slowly opened my eyes, the world underwater seeming brighter than it had ever been. I swam down and grabbed the vibrating crystal fused heart in my hand. Even in these deep dark waters, I felt a warmth pass over me.
"It's not a sacrifice but a love song." I replied as I closed my eyes. "A love song to remind me, of who I am. Who I want to be. Who I can be. A love song to bring me back."
You cannot go back.
I smiled. As my heart sang louder, overpowering the doubt.
Are you sure you want to go back? What if you fail?
I have to.
It can take forever.
I have to.
Just sing and rebuild me, otherwise, You won't remember anything.
Exactly. I can only succeed, when I don't remember how to fail.
Who are you?
I am you.
I gasped my head shooting up. As I stared blankly at the charity poster across from me.
"Damn girl, what the fuck? You seriously passed out—"
I turned around and shot out of my seat as I looked around the cubicles at my colleagues staring at me wide eyed and interested in the distraction I was currently offering them in this otherwise boring agency.
My cubicle mate, Kourtney put down his hand and arched an eyebrow at me. "Damn, I only woke you up cause you were crying. Nightmare?"
I took a deep breath. "I quit."
The movement in the office stopped so fast it was almost comical.
I laughed and hit my desk. "I quit!" I put my hands up in surrender
"Oh she finally lost it." Terrance whispered to Halie as he patted his tie. "Poor thing, only 6 months."
"I knew Mr. Froshner was going to break her." Halie whispered back. She cleared her throat and smoothed down her black pencil skirt as she stood up. "Aquina sweetheart."
I shook my head and grabbed my purse. Everybody watched in awe as I calmly pulled off my badge and placed it on the desk. The dream long forgotten. This wasn't as spontaneous as it seemed. I've been wanting to quite since the first day and that was 6 months ago. I only took the job because I needed a job, I needed a job and they hired me. But it was hell. Everyday. Waking up, coming here everyday was hell. And I did it for what? For paper? To pay bills? What about my sanity? My mental health? How long could I take doing the bidding of an egotistical maniac?
Maybe he wasn't the worse boss, but he wasn't the best either. Plus his morals were a little more than skewed. Yet I went along with it. Why? Because it was a job. Because it got me money.
I didn't want to be here.
I'd never wanted to be here.
I had a vision board. A dream. Somewhere far away from this. Yet fear kept me tied. What if I wasn't good enough? What if I failed? What if I came crawling back to my mom and she simply said, I told you so? Besides I was too old to start again. Fuck I was 35. Who restarted their lives at 35? It's been a year since my divorce, from my one and only boyfriend.
It wasn't anything dramatic either. It was growing distant after 7 years. Too distant. Didn't enjoy the sex distant. Didn't even feel like having sex distant. Feeling burdened distant. It was strange. The love was there, but it had turned familial. We didn't even fight about the divorce. It was like saying bye to an old friend, knowing things would never be the same again.
My family hadn't understood me. They loved him. They also didn't understand the divorce. Nobody had cheated. Nobody had abused. We could work it out they said. Everybody went through a 7 year itch. Maybe. But maybe we should stop holding on to things we didn't really want. Because if I really thought about it...I could have stayed...just like this job. As I walked to my boss's door. I could have stayed. It had it's perks, health insurance covered, extra money, close to the house...it had it's perks.
I knocked and opened the door, knowing he wasn't anywhere near busy since I did all his work for him.
Mr. Froshner frowned as he quickly closed on a tab and adjusted his tie. "Ms. Vichy don't you—-"
"I quit." I replied cutting him off. "Have a great afternoon." I moved back, closed his door and turned to what was truly a comical sight as jaws were almost to the floor.
"Are you okay?" Natalie whispered as she pushed her glasses on the bridge of her nose.
"Wha—-What?" The door swung open as Mr. Froshner shook his head frantically. "You can't——you can't just quit!"
"Why not?" I asked calmly turning back to him. "If I died today, you would just as quickly hire somebody else to cover my position, no question." I shrugged. "There are millions of other people that can do my job. I quit."
He gasped and pointed a stern finger at me. "Tha—-that's. Ms. Vichy how shameful! At least a two weeks notice—-"
"Consider me dead." I cut him off again. "And it is pretty unprofessional. But I think I've had enough. My mental health is actually more important as to whether or not the dry cleaning got your mistress's lipstick stain off your suit."
I heard the collective inhale. I know, I could've done better. There was no reason for me to put his business out there. But I never said I was a perfect person. I shrugged at his red faced as he pulled at his tie and looked around the office of people, trying to stop themselves from bursting out in laughter.
Now I want you to know. That wasn't like me. Not at all. Not one iota. I was complacent. I hated confrontations. Maybe one of the many reasons for my divorce if I was to be honest. I couldn't blame the dude. I would sooner, shut down and grudgingly agree rather than say my own piece.
So this was a big step in the right direction...kind of...cause I actually didn't have another job.
"You did what?"
I pulled the phone away from my ear as I walked to my car. "I know. Maybe you can tell mom for me."
Valerie inhaled sharply and sucked on her teeth. "I love you sis, but I'm not going down that path." She laughed softly. "But for what it's worth, good for you. God knows, I've been tired hearing your ass complain about that asshole."
I laughed as I slowly approached my car. "Thanks...oh and Val..."
"Sup?" My older sister asked calmly. I could hear her typing away on her keyboard.
I took a deep breath. "I know I don't say this enough...but I love you okay." I whispered honestly. "I love you."
I could tell I had surprised her. Words like that weren't thrown around in our household. We weren't the bestest of sisters, but we didn't hate each other either. We had our ups and downs. Our fights, our laughter, our tears. We weren't as close as we'd been in high school, but there was no love lost. There was an unspoken feeling in the house that I was the favorite because I was younger. Mom had a tendency to baby me. But Valerie had always been smarter, more of a hard worker. And all of that had paid off.
As we entered our 30s, her life was looking better and better. A nice family, two kids and a partner in the law firm. While I seemed to be going downhill.
"For all the sacrifices, for all the tears, for all the times you've lied for me and stuck up for me. I love you. And you're a wonderful older sister."
I heard my sister inhale softly on the other line. "Aquina." She whispered. "Are you okay? Please don't do anything stupid."
I laughed. "No, I just feel like I don't say it enough. I think it's high time for me to admit that I'm the selfish little sister. I love you, and I know you've done countless shit for me that I've taken for granted."
"Did you hit your head?"
I took my car keys out of my purse. "No. But I feel...different." I replied.
"Well I accept your acknowledgement of how awesome I am." Val spoke loudly. I knew on the other hand that she was grinning proudly. "But don't do anything stupid and I'm not about to bail you out of jail."
"God, could you imagine?" I asked. I pushed the button on my key and said my goodbyes as I climbed into my car. I sat in the driver's seat and finally for the first time since I'd woken up, took a deep breath. I pulled down the mirror and stared at myself. Myself stared back, blinking slowly, tired but excited dark brown eyes focused on me.
I touched my warm cheeks as my memory seemed to fade. I couldn't remember my dream. I couldn't remember names, faces, instances. I just remembered...everything had felt so real. Yet here I was. Sitting in my car, looking at myself in the parking lot of my now ex-agency.
What had I done?
I've always been impulsive but this...
I put away the mirror and took a deep breath.
"Let's do this."
1 year later
I groaned as I tried to move the big potted plant to the other side.
"Whoa, let me help you with that."
"It's okay—-"
"No, it's heavy..."
"Over here——"
"Like this?"
"Oh, thank you." I gasped as I straightened up and wiped the sweat off my face.
The guy who'd helped me came from behind the giant monstera plant with a smile.
My breath caught at the tall handsome Asian guy before me.
He smiled. "Are you the owner of this new tea café?"
I blinked and nodded shyly. He was stupid handsome. His eyes were intriguing. One eye a dark brown, the other a surprisingly light almost hazel brown.
"Can't wait for it to open. My grandma and I have been seeing the open soon sign for a while now. We're curious."
"I ain't curious. You're curious."
I turned to see an elderly lady with short curly white hair sitting by the bench in front of my store, a cane in one hand, a fan in the other.
She lifted her nose at me. "Can you make a good tea?" She peered at me intensely.
The guy laughed. "Her bark is worse than her bite." He reassured me warmly as he extended his hand. "The name is Landon. Landon Yang. We don't live too far from here."
I smiled and shook his hand. "Aquina Vichy."
His smile grew as he shook my hand with a sturdy handshake. "Welcome to the neighborhood Aquina."
"Thanks." My response was almost a whisper, by how taken away, I was by this man.
"Are you gonna keep flirting with the tea lady or are we gonna pick up your little brother from jail?"
My mouth dropped and Landon gave me an apologetic smile. "Sorry."
I shook my head. "No, no it's..." I couldn't help but smile. "Please...please go get your brother."
"I'll see you around?"
I nodded, and stupidly pointed to my not yet opened store. "I'll be...I'll be here."
Landon looked at the store and then me with a soft smile. "Great." I watched as he turned and quickly went to his grandmother's side and took her arm.
"Always ready to flirt huh? Taken after your grandfather."
"I was helping the lady."
I smiled as I watched them walk away. Landon turned and gave me another wave before turning the corner. I had taken a risk moving to this small beach town. But everything seemed to align. This old store that had been vacant for 5 years now was sold to me at a much lower price. The area was calm. The beach was close and my apartment was just a 5 minute walk away. It was far from everything I knew. But it was also a wonderful way to start fresh.
Within 6 months, I had the property, done the remodeling and was now putting the finishing touches. The great thing about a tea shop was that I didn't really need a lot of people. It was a more intimate setting than a coffee shop. Tea was an art. An art I had secretly loved for years ever since my grandmother had sat me down for my first tea part at 6 years old.
Everybody had found it silly when I said I wanted to have my own little tea café. They said it wasn't really a thing. But here I was, making it a thing. If it failed, if it succeeded, only time would tell. But I was nervous, yet happy.
The store was keeping me busy. I had a nice collection of imported teas to start off with after testing out several distributors. I had gone thrift shopping in countless towns for a variety of chinas and tea sets. I was currently looking for a bakery to collaborate with to get a small section of scones and Madeline's to go with my tea.
After a week of unpacking, I decided that I needed a helper. Maybe just one more person. I put a help wanted sign on my window and continued working on my shop. I was exhausted by the end of the day, but I'd never been more satisfied.
I saw Landon 4 days later across the street with his grandma. He had called my name and waved. His voice had caused my heart to race as I waved back. It had been such a long time since I'd felt a romantic attraction to a guy.
But wondered if I was in way over my head.
He was handsome, seemingly in his 30s. We hadn't engaged in enough conversations for me to find out his age. I didn't see a ring on his finger earlier, so I didn't know if he was married, if there were kids...I mean, I was starting to fantasize.
Should I take this step?
I had already stepped out of my comfort zone, by ending up in this small town. What's one step further? By the end of the week, I had convinced myself, that the next time I see him.
I was going to ask him out.
I was a grown ass woman. 36 years old. I could do this.
"You in here?"
I lifted my head from the counter as the front door slid open and the chimes rang. I was sitting crosselegged on the floor cushion as I was putting different teas in their respective glass containers.
To my surprise, Landon's grandmother walked in slowly, her cane hitting my wooden floors as she stepped in.
"Hummm." I watched as she looked around curiously at my minamilistic décor. At the plants adorning the inside of the café. My tea house was spacious. There was a bathroom for the customers closed off. A small little room with two small tables. Elevated floor seating by the window, a spacious hallway, that opened up more to the main grand counter where I currently was. To the left was another elevated floor seating and to my right two more tables. I wanted a variety of seating options. I chose half tables for those who wanted to work on their devices in a quiet setting. And then I took the elevated floor seating on cushions to make the tea part more of an experience. Just like my grandmother use to do with me when I was a kid.
As Landon's grandmother took in the décor and looked around the tea house, I couldn't help but feel a little proud. She didn't have to say anything, but I could see through this small woman that she approved.
I slowly got up, but she lifted her cane and shook it at me, wanting me to remain seated.
"Can I help you?" I asked kindly.
She took a deep breath and came up in front of me as she eyed the varieties of teas. "Are you dating my grandson yet?"
My eyes widened, and I let out a soft chuckle. "Uhm...no..no I'm not."
"Hummm." She replied. "He has a daughter and is in the middle of a nasty divorce." She remarked as she made her way to the table and slowly sat down. "But he's a good boy."
I nodded. "Uhm...thanks...thank you for letting me know."
The old lady held the cane tightly and looked around, before turning back to me. I had a feeling there was more she wanted to say. So I waited as I slowly closed the glass containers.
"You still hiring?"
I looked up to the old lady.
She nodded towards the door. "The sign out there. You hired anyone yet?"
I shook my head. "I've done a few interviews." I replied curiously. I hope she wasn't looking for a job...no offense but she was a little... too old.
"They know anything about teas?"
I cocked my head to the side and stared at her. "Well, not really. Most of the young people were more familiar with coffee, but I'll be the one brewing the teas, so——"
"It's better if you get somebody familiar with teas." She insisted.
"Uh..." I nodded. "Well, we'll see. Thank...you?"
The old lady cleared her throat and exhaled slowly. She blinked a couple times and then sighed as she rubbed her cane.
"My uh... my grandson knows a lot about teas." She whispered. She moved her head as she looked around the room. "I taught him everything I know."
"Your grand...son?" I asked.
"Not the one you know." She waved it off. "The youngest one...he..." she sighed heavily, her shoulders dropping. "Can my grandson work for you please?" She asked, getting right to the point of what I was now understanding was her purpose of being here.
"He's a great kid. He's just a little rough around the edges. He got in with a bad crowd. This place...this place would be good for him." She replied. "He knows teas. Ever since he was little. He can tell you all different types of teas, Oolong, black, green, yellow, rooibos. He also knows the different brewing types and methods. I taught him." She said proudly. "I taught him myself, let him make you a tea..."
"Wait I..."
"Let him prepare you a tea." She insisted as she got up and walked faster than I'd seen her walk. "If he's amazing. Hire him. If he fails. Don't hire him."
But she hurried over to the door and opened it.
"Come here!" She called out. "Come here and brew her some tea!"
"You really don't have to do this." I said quickly as I got to my feet.
"LAO get over here!"
"Stop yelling old woman!" A tall figure appeared by the door that she had opened. "I heard you the first time."
"You heard, you heard...." The old lady hit his leg with her cane and he winced as he stepped inside. "Hurry." She whispered urgently. "Bow." She pushed on his back.
I put my hand up and shook it, but his head already bowed to me and then he lifted it.
He looked like Landon. A much younger version of him. His eyes were hooded and deep set. His eyebrows thick. His face although younger, was more sculpted than his older brother. He had a thin scar underneath his left eye and had a tattoo on his neck that disappeared into the collar of his black shirt, so I couldn't quite see what it was.
"You don't have to bow." I replied.
He smirked, and I watched as his eyes looked me over from, trailing down my body. I was wearing shorts and a white tee, and had on teal socks. Nothing out of the ordinary, but the stare from this young kid made it seem otherwise. I resisted the urge to touch my clothes. His stare was a bit too intimate. How old was he? Was he still in high school? College?
"Don't just stand there." His grandmother hit his back again, he feigned hurt as he turned to her. His face contorted in pain as he touched his back.
"Nana!" He called out.
"Don't Nana me. Go brew her some tea. And stop staring at grown women like that!" She ordered, pushing him forward with her cane.
Oh so his nana had seen it also.
"She doesn't want me to make her tea." He pointed to me. "Nobody does that." He nodded at me for confirmation. "Right?"
I shrugged. "I could go for some tea." I said, immediately having changed my mind and attitude, not knowing why. "That is, if you know what you're doing."
He glared at me.
I smiled innocently. "Your grandma keeps insisting, so let's see what you got."
He groaned. "Look, I don't even want to work here." He put his hands up.
I shrugged. "I'm not forcing you, kid."
"Nobody wants to hire him in this town." His grandmother replied as she moved her shoulder on his back and pushed him forward. "Because he just got out of jail."
"Wow...put my whole business out there why don't you nana."
"Yes because you're stupid, and you do stupid things for stupid people." She insisted. She took a heavy breath and turned to me pleadingly. "Please...he is a good kid. He just makes bad decisions sometimes."
"I'm right here." Lao replied loudly in annoyance. "Right here. I don't need you begging other people..."
"I think your grandmother's just trying to look out for you." I spoke up.
"I think you need to learn to mind your own business." He responded.
Oh no he didn't. I chuckled and put my hands on my hips. "Make the tea or get out of my shop." I turned and went back to my array of teas. "I really couldn't care less."
"Lao." His grandmother's voice softened as she stared at him pleadingly. I saw him clench his jaws and swallow hard. He glared at me and I held a perfect smile. I could tell that if his grandmother wasn't there, he would have turned and walked out without hesitation.
I pointed to the counter and also to the door.
Without saying a word, he walked over and grabbed the first container his hand landed on and went behind the counter.
"He's a good boy." The grandmother whispered to me as she came close. "Please...I don't want him to be with those kids...they'll get him in trouble again."
I watched as he opened the glass container and sniffed the tea. He sniffed it once more and looked at the label, reading the origin. He closed it careful and grabbed the kettle. He must have felt our eyes on him because he turned his head to us briefly before scowling and looking away as he prepared the water.
I turned to the grandmother. "I can't make any promises."
"Just drink his tea...just drink it." She assured me.
My door rang again and I smiled as Landon popped his head in. "Hey."
"I saw my brother enter from across the street...and now I see my grandmother." He remarked staring at them curiously before turning to me.
"Your little brother's making us some tea." I replied.
"Ah." Landon remarked. "I told her not to impose this idea on you, as it was unfair." He turned to his grandmother. "That's not how the system works here."
The grandmother moved tiredly to her seat, as if all the energy she had while pushing her youngest grandson had disappeared. She waved off Landon's comment.
Landon came over next to me with a sigh. "I'm so sorry if they're imposing." He whispered. "I'll talk to them."
I smiled and shook my head. "It's fine. I'm actually now curious to try out his tea."
Landon chuckled. "Oh he can make a mean cup of tea...and he bakes."
My eyes widened. "Does he now?"
Landon laughed. "Yeah. He just makes dumb ass decisions."
I turned my attention back to Lao, just in time to catch him scoff at his older brother in annoyance and shift his gaze between us before looking away.
I cocked my head to the side as I watched him work quietly. What an interesting kid.
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