Dreams of Atlas Part II
I have never lied to Elder Kjuka. Ever. She was all seeing. All-knowing. What would have been the point of lying, if she would find out in the end either way?
But a day passed and then two...and then a week, and well she didn't bring up anymore about Prince La'oki.
Was she not as all-knowing as I thought?
Had he really managed to evade any and all suspicions making his way to and from the temple? Or was it just perfect timing? Timing of Elder Kjuka being too busy with the counsel to check in on me as much as she possibly could.
What was going on out there? Something was going on, even though they hid it from me. Every time I probed, I was given answers that were not actual answers. Was the war coming? Had they infiltrated our land with spies? Is there unrest in the city? How did the Atlanteans feel about the new influx of people from the fire tribe? Was everybody getting along or was this the calm before the storm?
That's when I realized that I Aqu, the chosen one, knew nothing. I knew absolutely nothing about anything outside this temple. I knew the Crystal, I knew energy and singing, but aside from that...what use was I?
The Crystal was troubled. The energy it sent to me, told me of it's anxiousness. It demanded more songs from me. It took and took. Usually I was a willing giver, but I grew more and more tired. It wanted something of me that I couldn't give. I sensed it. It wanted something else. The hum in my heart, the energy switching colors, it sung blue, and thus made me sad. Sometimes it glowed red, not of anger but disappointment.
And when it was that red, I would touch it and think of La'oki. How he gave off colors of the crystal without knowing it. At moments he was blue. Distant reserved, a sadness that made no sense for a person who has only lived for 18 years. Most times he was red. Must be his Phoenix. Impulsive, rash and what I thought was anger. But the crystal showed me it was much less anger and more disappointment.
Other times he was orange, with swirls of yellow, and it caused an unsettling in my lower stomach. Those were the times he sat too close. The times he would 'accidentally' touch me. The times he stared at me with expressions I couldn't read.
When he was orange, I was purple. My crystal begging for his attention. He always gazed at it, but never asked. I'm surprised it's something he'd never attempted to touch. Like entering the temple. Since that day, he sat always by the pillar, talked to me from the other side of the threshold.
He was a good listener.
A horrible singer.
An even worse swimmer.
But a really good listener.
I guess that's key for a great King. One willing to listen.
I had told him that the other day and he'd been in shock. He'd even shifted uncomfortably, moving side to side. I'd laughed at him. He didn't like when I laughed at him. He would cross his arms and pout, staring off into the distance. I would use those opportunities to look at him calmly. To admire his smooth face. His beautiful eyes, that haughty nose and full pink lips. The rest of his body was scarred in various places.
Battle scars. That's what I noticed on him after our first failed attempt at meditating. Battle scars. I could really focus on them now, sitting this close to him. Having had time to look him over.
Down his side, a long one on his back, right under his shoulder blade. On his leg and arms. Across his abdomen.
His body temperature was hot. Hotter than mine.
I only knew because I was applying cream to his scars. I'd ran to the temple to get it for him. I told him it would fade them faster, regenerate the tissue.
He'd been so still as I applied. Barely breathing and avoiding eye contact with me. I found it interesting. He gave off the impression of almost being shy.
"Your body is very hot."
"Cause of the phoenix." He mumbled, his voice barely audible.
I rubbed the cream into the cut down his back. "Give it one week, and your skin will be new again." I assured him. I turned to the front and saw the last untouched scar peeking from his thigh, upwards and disappearing under his red cloth. I dug my finger in the cream, before lowering myself towards his lap.
"What are you doing?" He asked roughly as my locs grazed his abdomen and I touched his cloth.
"This." I pointed to the scar.
He didn't answer, simply stared at it and then lifted his eyes to mine.
"Come on, it's the last big one." I said. "I know it stings, but you've been a good boy so far." I teased.
He clenched his teeth and exhaled loudly, causing me to chuckle. I ran the cream on his inner thigh and he stiffened. His muscle twitched underneath my fingertips. I dug inside the jar one more time, taking out more and slid my hand further up the scar, underneath his cloth.
La'oki immediately grabbed my wrist and lifted it off his thigh. I looked to him in surprise at the strong hold he had on me.
He shook his head.
"What? I want the entire—-"
To my surprise he threw my hand to the side and got up off the grass.
I shrugged and put the cover of the jar back on. I lifted it up to him. "Here, a present for my firebird." I grinned. "Massage your body with this before fighting, the weapons will glide, your skin will be more resistant and you'll have close to no scars." I explained. "I mean, don't get stabbed too deep, it's not a miracle cream."
Instead of taking the cream, he crouched down to me.
I cocked my head to the side as he slowly put his hand over the jar. "Have you put this cream on anybody else?"
I frowned and shook my head. I thought for a minute at what he meant and laughed. "It's not that special." I handed him the jar. "You can find this cream anywhere in Atlas." I touched my face and neck, so he could see. "That's why our skin is so smooth."
La'oki put the cream down and reached out with his rough calloused hands. He cupped half my chin and neck. Heat radiating from his palm. He nodded slowly as his thumb gently grazed my cheek. I smiled.
"Princess..." He whispered, still rubbing his thumb over my cheek.
"You're allowing me to touch you."
I looked down at his hand on my face and neck. I had. I didn't even realize. I grabbed his wrist to move his hand, but he wouldn't budge.
"5 more seconds." He whispered.
My hold relaxed on his wrists as he stared at me.
"5." His eyes held my gaze.
"4." His voice dropped a note lower, causing a trembling in my lower belly.
"3." La'oki's left eye seemed to shine a pure orange.
"2." My hand slowly left his wrist. Fingers hesitantly aiming for his face.
He dropped his head closer, moving it into my hand, to allow my fingers to touch his cheek.
"1." He whispered. Closing his eyes and exhaling softly.
I pulled back abruptly and quickly shoved his hand from my face. My breathing slightly elevated, my body unsettled.
But La'oki smiled. "Did you feel something?"
"No." I answered quickly.
"Is that your truth Aqu?" He asked, nodding towards my chest, wanting me to swipe my hand across it and show my palm.
How I wish I'd never taught him that. "Your meditation is done for today. You need to work on quieting your mind. We can't work if you can't be still." I sucked my teeth. "You can't swim, you can't crystal sing and you can't meditate." I let out a loud exaggerated sigh. "What are you good for?"
I expected him to be standoffish like he always is when I criticized him playfully. Pouting that adorable mouth of his. But not this time. Instead he smirked and took one of my locs between his fingers and twirled it. "Don't touch a man's thigh, unless you plan on becoming his other half." He purred
I sucked my teeth and then nodded with a small smile. "Okay." I leaned towards him and lifted my head to his ear to whisper. "Good thing you're not yet a man."
I squealed and quickly scrambled up, but forgot he was still holding on to my hair. "Oww, oww, oww."
"What?" He asked loudly as he tugged my hair.
"Oww, oww let go firebird."
"No, I don't think I will." He said, actually wrapping his hand around my locs and pulling me down.
"La'oki!" I screamed as I lost my balance, my head forced to follow his tugging. "Un—-unhand me——" I gasped as I fell on his lap.
He immediately wrapped the arm holding my hair around my neck , as if choking me with my own hair and his arm. With his other arm, he secured it around my waist. "My apologies princess...what was that?"
"GET—-let me—-let me..." I I grunted as I moved against him. My legs slipping as I tried desperately to press against him so that I could rise. And I was almost successful, my ass moving up his abs, before, he spread his legs, kicking my leg from beneath me, causing me to fall back on his lap.
He groaned, pressing his face against my hair, his arm tightening around my neck.
I wiggled beneath his hold to no avail. Twisting and pulling and shaking, until my energy dissipated. I panted as I slumped against him in surrender. His body was an illusion. He wasn't even half as big as Hana and Mata, so where did this rock solid strength come from? His phoenix?
"Princess." He whispered against my ear. "You're testing my self-control."
I moved abruptly in the confinement that he held me, my backside sliding to his thigh. Now that I had stopped moving, and was drained, I could feel a hardness on my left cheek and the heat and twitch to that hardness. "What...." I couldn't fully turn to look at his lap, like I wanted to, so I nudged his chin, so he could look at me. "What is that?"
I have never seen such a devilish grin, his eyes seemed to shine as his left eye glowed. "What's what?" He asked the innocence in his voice, didn't match his mischievous look.
"That." I responded, moving my hip to it. The warm hardness beneath his red cloth, pressed against me. I scooted away again.
Prince La'oki had the nerve to give me a blank stare. He shook his head. "Princess I don't know what you're talking about. You're going to have to be more specific."
"This!" I bumped my hip into it. "This—-why are you——" I trailed off, as I noticed his lips twitching as he tried to hold back a laugh. "Stop it." I whispered.
He actually chuckled. "Stop what?"
"I know what that is." I informed him.
He arched an eyebrow at me, his smile widening. "Oh yeah? What is it princess?"
"Stop smiling. Stop it. You can't react this way with me."
"React what way?"
I blinked and met his gaze. "Put it away."
"Will you help me?" His grin grew.
I struggled against him, but was only rewarded with a smile and a moan as he bit down on his bottom lip. "La'oki, I'm serious. There are dire consequences for having sexual thought towards the chosen one.—-"
"Oh, I'm having more than thoughts." He interjected.
"So if you don't want to die, unhand me right now, and control your primal male urges."
Prince La'oki removed his arm from my neck, unraveling my locs from his hold, and simply turned my chin to face him. "No."
I blinked once, and then twice and then once more time for good measure. I opened my mouth but he covered it with his palm.
"Guess what?" He whispered as he brought his face close to mine. His own lips almost brushing against the back of his hand that covered my mouth.
I widened my eyes.
"Just look at me." He whispered. "And stay very still...just feel it..." he licked his bottom lip. "I can make you feel good."
My eyes wouldn't stop blinking as I tried to recalibrate myself. I focused on his intense gaze as we stayed really still. The singing birds and the sound of rushing water faded away as he slowly became the only thing in focus. My body felt light and heavy at the same time. Light as if it could float away. Heavy enough to remain on his lap.
I released a deep exhale as he slowly slid his hand from my mouth. His index finger, pulled down on my bottom lip. He rubbed my bottom lip slowly, before sliding it off completely. Without taking his eyes off me, he reached down and took my hand, slowly bringing it to his face.
My pounding heart must have been heard throughout the temple garden, because it sounded like drums in my ear.
I should pull my hand back. I know I should. So why don't I? There was this built up in my belly of anticipation. My crystal humming against my chest.
Prince La'oki brought my hand up to his lips and locked eyes with me as he pressed his lips against the back of my hand.
I stared at my hand, the kiss causing a thousand receptors to jump in my body, trailing from where he kissed, up my arm, across my shoulder, down to my chest——he took my index finger and kissed it. The energy flowed to my lungs. He stuck his tongue out, and I felt the wetness of it against the tip of my finger.
A strange but pleasant sensation, shot down my belly.
He opened his mouth and sucked on the tip.
The pleasure continued lower, spreading a warmth to my forbidden treasure. My lips parted as he slid my finger in and out of his mouth by sucking on it. My breathing came out shaky as I stared at his mouth. At that simple digit going in and out, at the wetness, at his pink tongue moving around it. The soft noise of wetness meeting air against a solid object.
I whimpered. That only caused him to moan as he slid my finger further into his mouth. I leaned closer, needing him to stop, but not wanting him to. Never wanting him too. I didn't know where those sounds coming out of my mouth came from.
And then he stopped. Slide my hand out of his mouth and dropped it.
He released me, moved me off his lap like I was a sack of rice and placed me on the ground. "My apologies princess...am I still not a man?"
I brought my hand up and slapped him.
He moved his head to the side at the impact.
My mouth dropped open at what I'd done.
Never had I hit another human being.
I could feel the intense song of my heart, it was so beautiful, it was causing all sort of pulses throughout my body.
Prince La'oki turned his face back to me. He didn't look the slightest bit upset. "Are you angry that I stopped?"
I pressed my palm against the cheek I had slapped. "I'm sorry." I whispered, my breathing slightly uneven. "I don't know why I did that."
He grabbed my wrist and brought my hand down. "Kiss it princess." He whispered, his cheek toward me.
I did. I don't know why I did. I didn't even think about it. The response was automatic. I softly pressed my lips against his cheek and pulled back. My hands gripping the grass to stay grounded, for my spirit felt like it could fly.
Prince La'oki kept his eyes down as he stared at the grass also. Almost as if he hadn't expected me to kiss his cheek either. "I think you should go back to the safety of your temple princess." He stated, speaking to the grass instead of me.
I stared at him, my heart racing. When he noticed, I hadn't moved, he slowly turned his head to meet my eyes.
"Aqu...." La'oki caught off my stuttering in a calm but intimidating voice. "Run."
I scooted back on my backside as he closed his eyes, grimacing as he put his hand over his left eye.
I scrambled up and rushed down the path. My heart racing, my hair flying behind me, my skirt blowing in the wind. My crystal excitedly calling forth to the Crystal fountain. I could hear it's purring vibration. Why was it reacting like that? I looked back to see La'oki following me, slowly but steadily, almost as if...almost as if I was his prey.
He ran towards me. I inhaled sharply and ran faster, but I could feel the distance closing. I wasn't a runner. I would be lying to say I was. He was a warrior. How was this fair?
I gasped as Prince La'oki cut me off, sliding in front of me. He caught up so fast it was almost comical. I swallowed hard and took a step back as he smiled.
He brought his hand out and grabbed my neck.
"La'oki!" I cried as my legs dangled in the air as he pulled me close to him. So close that he pressed his nose against my neck and inhaled me. Once, twice and panted as he inhaled me deeply the third time. "What are you doing to me?" He whispered demandingly against my neck.
To my surprise he dropped me and I fell on my backside. "HEY!" I called out in annoyance.
I watched as he squeezed his eyes shut, turned and ran towards the wall. It only took two steps to propel him over as if he was flying. My mouth dropped open at the fluid and effortless way he seemed to use the air to take him over.
I stood up and wiped my hands in completely confused. Why did he always leave me in a state of confusion. I looked back to where we had been. I actually hadn't even ran that far. No wonder, he caught up with me. I squinted as I saw something in the grass. "You didn't even——" I felt a whoosh as a blur of Prince La'oki passed me. He picked up the emerald jar and ran to me. He stopped in front of me, breathing hard.
"Thank you." He whispered. His eyes drifted down to my lips and as he took soft shallow breaths. He took a step towards me and then another, before hesitantly stepping back. He took another step back, turned and ran, leaping over the wall.
That had been a week ago.
A week.
The audacity of men. It wasn't as if I was waiting for him to show back up. No. He could disappear forever for all I cared. But he started it. He did. He's the one that had the forbidden reaction towards me. He's the one that sucked on my finger. He should have been man enough to come and apologize for his actions. But no.
He was a child!
A stupid, stupid little firebird.
Who didn't even take his lessons seriously. He wouldn't be able to crystal sing, but at least work on his meditation and swimming. Those skills were ingrained in everybody's DNA, he just had to bring it out. He couldn't even take that seriously.
Such a child!
I looked up guiltily at Elder Kjuka's questioning gaze.
"I think that will be all for today don't you think?" She asked as she turned to the Crystal fountain.
I turned to it also and lowered my head.
"This energy you're feeding it...although passionate..." She looked it over. "It's not pure."
I swallowed hard.
"Is something on your mind child?"
I shook my head slowly and then stopped. Yes something or someone was on my mind and wouldn't go away.
Elder Kjuka touched the crystal gently, light emitting out of her hand to neutralize it. "Remember the crystal does not differentiate between good and bad. Whichever energy you feed it. Is the energy it will amplify."
I nodded. "Yes, Elder."
She tapped her cane and sighed. "You have also been distracted in your meditations this week."
I put down my crystal fork and gold bowl. Closing my eyes slowly.
Elder Kjuka sighed and walked over to me. She laid her cane down by me feet and with the flexibility of a woman half her age, she sat immediately in a lotus position and extended her palms out to me.
I reached out and put my palms in her.
"You have to be pure of mind and heart." She whispered, her warm thin hands held mine.
I nodded again.
She squeezed my hands softly, so I looked up to meet her cloudy grey eyes.
"I feared this day, might come, but prayed it never will." She started softly.
I bit down on my bottom lip.
She sighed heavily. "For 200 years, you've never shown interest in men. Usually it comes around within the first 100 years. I'd didn't think this would be a trial you would have had to deal with. But it seems you are a late bloomer, much like myself.
"I'm sorry." I whispered, feeling my eyes water.
"It's the boy."
I bowed my head lower. "I don't understand." I whispered. "I don't understand why I can't stop thinking about him."
"Listen to me child." She released my hands and cupped my face. "They are not worth it. They are weak. Men are weak and predictable."
I nodded.
"They are powerless to their sex. Those things between their legs control their ego. This is their downfall. They are not worth your time."
I nodded again.
"Why do you think Atlas has lasted for so long?" Elder Kjuka asked. "It's a nation run by women. Pure divine souls, with the blessings from the gods. We're holy. There is power within every single women. So much power that man can only dream of." She smiled as she looked up at the temple.
"It is through women that life is made. We are creators. The most beautiful of creators."
I chuckled as she smiled at me and gently ran her hand over my hair.
"These men, they are just here to help us sustain the world with their seed. They are the muscle and the protectors for the divine."
I nodded.
"Some are beautiful." She continued softly. "Some are true and honest, I admit. But they are so much weaker than us. So weak. The weakest are always the greediest." She stood up and walked around the temple. "Look at the world now. Look what's happening. They want to go against the nature of Mother Earth. They want to force themselves in positions they shouldn't be. They want to degrade and lower the very beings that brought them into this world. Everything is going backwards. Against the natural order. All for what?" She asked. "All to inflate their bruised ego. The weakest scream the loudest."
I sighed and rubbed my temple. "He's..."
"He's not worthy of you." Elder Kjuka continued. "I wish you could see that niece...he is not worthy of all that you are and could be."
I nodded. "But...."
"But he's kind. But he makes you laugh. But he creates ranges of emotions within you that you've never experienced before." Elder Kjuka finished for me. "Trust me, I know. But those feelings go away Aqu, I promise you. He is playing a game with you. It is a game to trap you under his spell. To gain power over you and control you. They are all like this! All. Their weak game has been the same for centuries, that's how simple minded they are. You have to fight against it."
I nodded and took a deep breath.
My mentor rushed over and grabbed my shoulders. "I have been there." She whispered emotionally. "It was....devastating." I saw tears filling her eyes. "It's the same game..." she caressed my face. "And in the moment it feels so good. But they only use you for their own gain. Their own."
A tear ran down my cheek as Elder Kjuka turned around and lowered her head. "I gave him the piece of the crystal. I gave it to him Aqu." She whispered. "I thought...I believed, everything he said, besides my better judgement. I knew. But his words were so sweet. His touches even sweeter. He said he loved me. He said I would be his queen. That I will help him, make this world a better place. It was lies." She hissed out angrily. "From the very beginning he'd orchestrated it. How to tame and overpower a woman from Atlas. All he wanted was power. Power that can only come from the crystal. Power to control, to annihilate civilizations with a word."
"He's not like that." I whispered.
"They are all like that! He will betray you!"
We both turned to the crystal vibrating to the energy we were filling it with.
Elder Kjuka closed her eyes and took slow deep breaths. "Half a century and the pain lingers still." She took another deep breath and exhaled. "I do not want you to go through this pain."
My lip trembled.
"But you must make a choice." She knelt down next to me. "You have to. For the sake of this nation. I cannot make it for you. Your talent is too precious to let a firebird ruin it."
I couldn't hold back the tear.
"Your trial will start now." Elder Kjuka whispered. "Three full moons. And within those moons, I hope you can see his true intentions. In that time, I hope you can see through the smiles and the lies."
I looked at her in surprise. "Wha—what trial?" I asked wiping my tears with the back of my hand.
"Every chosen one who encounters a man who makes their crystal sings must go through the trial period."
I took deep breaths. "Trial period." I whispered. I'd never heard of it. She'd never mentioned it, in all of our almost 200 years together.
She must have known what I was thinking because she nodded. "Like I said, I expected it 100 years ago. Yet when you held no interest as the years went by. I let my guard down." She sighed. "That day with the flowers should never have happened."
I took her hand. "I do want to be the chosen one." I whispered passionately. "I truly do. I love this. I love singing to the crystals I do. I truly d, you must believe me. I—-I just—-"
Elder Kjuka smiled. "Good my child. Then you must remember how much, this is your first and only thing worthy of your love." She kissed my forehead. "Now that your heart is troubled, I must administer the trial, to protect you from tainting the crystal. The seal will cover you for three full moons Aqu. After you must give me the correct answer."
I shook my head and squeezed my eyes shut. "I choose the Crystal. I choose the crystal. I'm sorry, I'll work harder. I'll meditate more, I"ll—-"
She sighed. "Unfortunately you've passed the stage of negotiating with your heart crystal. It has sung too many times. It will keep yearning, until it is cleansed with the sacrifice. Only then, can you truly stay the Chosen one of Atlas and succeed me."
I looked up at her bare neck. The only one in Atlas void of a heart crystal and still alive. She had long sacrificed her heart crystal with the Crystal fountain half a century ago. I always thought it was out of her dedication for the crystal. Now, I understood why. She'd been betrayed. Her life was now tied to the cane she always carried.
I lowered my head. I couldn't disappoint her. I need to clear my mind and set things right with Prince La'oki before dedicating myself to the crystal. I owed it to Atlas. I owed it to Elder Kjuka, to be completely sure.
She allowed the long silence in the temple to give me time to process the information.
I nodded slowly. "So I can...I can see him?" I whispered slightly confused. "Freely?"
"You may continue whatever lessons you think is worthy of giving him."
I gasped. She knew. Of course she knew. I bit down on my bottom lip sheepishly.
"But be prepared to let him go when the time comes. 3 full moons." Elder Kjuka responded. "Stay vigilant. Do not be fooled."
She brought out her cane and passed it over me. "The chosen one shall abide by the light of the moons. Three for the ritual. Three for the peace. Three for the heart, to do as it please." She whispered.
The Crystal fountain vibrated loudly, causing me to wince and lower my head, feeling a pulse go through my body. I grimaced at the unpleasant sensation that lasted all of 3 seconds before everything else went to normal. I put my hand over my crystal. Taking a deep breath, I looked up at Elder Kjuka who nodded at me.
"Use this time wisely." She whispered. "Do not make the same mistake, I did."
I lowered my head in reverence.
As Elder Kjuka turned to leave, Advisor Howji who'd been standing by his post quickly scurried to her. "But Elder he's unworthy." He hissed. "You can't possibly allow her to—-"
I turned to Advisor Howji's not so whispered comment, just in time to see Elder Kjuka turn to him firmly, hitting her cane on the ground, the vibration caused the Advisor to step back a couple feet.
"Everyone get's their trial. How dare you comment on the affairs of the crystal?" She snapped at him.
Advisor Howji bowed his head. "You didn't fair too well on your trial. I just fear the princess—-"
"Advisor." Elder Kjuka's cane glowed. The advisor shrank back and clutched at his chest in a grimace, his crystal vibrating in protest. "Don't forget your place." She ordered.
Advisor Howji nodded quickly and released a deep breath of relief when Elder Kjuka turned around, no longer affecting his crystal. "Of course Elder." He bowed again.
The elder looked over her shoulder at him and rolled her eyes as she turned around, the doors to the temple opening up for her.
Advisor Howji took a deep breath as he watched her leave. He stood stiff, his jaws clenched and arms by his side.
"Advisor Howji?"
Hearing his name on Aqu's lips, his posture relaxed and he turned around with a smile. "Yes, Princess."
"I can take care of myself." I told him. "Stop worrying about me." I turned and went towards the pillars and sat on it, looking out.
Where was that stupid firebird? I crossed my arms. I hope he drowns in the sea of Atlas.
I felt something soft caressing my face. I swatted it away and groaned as I opened up sleepy eyes with a yawn. My yawn slowed down as La'oki's face peering at me came into focus. He dared to have a sweet smile on his face.
"My my princess, is this the sleepy face, I look forward to waking up to every—-hey!"
I hit his arm again. And then his shoulder. And then his other shoulder. I hit his other arm.
He stepped back, arms up in surrender. "When did you get so violent?" He asked and pointed to the temple. "Have you been slacking on your meditation?"
I jumped off the pillar and he ran away chuckling, avoiding my kicking and chasing.
"Wow, what a feisty little thing, you're really trying to prove yourself a phoenix aren't you?" He teased.
I glared at him as I stopped running. Not because I was no longer angry, but because I didn't have the stamina to keep doing so, knowing I would not be able to catch up with him. I huffed as I grabbed the sides of my flowy purple dress and turned to enter the temple.
"Whoa, whoa..." he ran and grabbed my arm, pulling me back from the threshold.
"Let go of me."
He did just that but with an innocent smile. "Princess, weren't you waiting for me by my spot? Did your heart ache for me?" He reached for my hair and I swatted his hand away.
"YOU Prince La'oki of the Phoenix tribe are full of nothing but air!" I tried to take a step forward but he quickly got between me and the temple.
He smiled brilliantly at me. "You're angry. You must have missed me so much."
I stared at him in disbelief. I huffed not finding words. He kept smiling, and the more the smile stayed on his face, the angrier and more devasting I felt. I reached behind my neck and took off my crystal. "Here!" I shoved it in his face angrily.
He chuckled. "Princess—-"
"Isn't this what you want?" I asked, shaking my necklace at him. "How much? How much can you get from this crystal?"
His smile finally shook.
"Huh?" I asked leaning my ear to hear. "Oh and guess what' it's just like taking from the Crystal fountain. Some might say even better." I threw it at him.
His smile completely faded as my necklace hit his chest and slid to the ground.
"Good luck conquering the world." I whispered and side stepped him.
"Aqu—-" he grabbed my arm.
"WHAT?" I demanded whirling around to him. I yanked my arm away. "What am I supposed to do? I Don't know these games! I don't know them!" I yelled as a tear fell down my face. "I'm just a stupid naïve women stuck in a temple all day."
Prince La'oki lowered his gaze and bent down to pick up my necklace. "Look if you're not in a good mood——"
"What do you want from me."
"Stop crying." He whispered, refusing to look at me.
I scoffed. "Why?" I demanded. "I'm sad, why can I not cry?"
He chuckled trying to ease the tension. "Who hurt you? Who do I need to—-"
"YOU." I whispered. "I'm crying because of you."
"Do you love me?" I asked.
His eyes widened as he took a step back. He chuckled and looked around. "Are you even supposed to be talking about love?"
"Do you?" I asked again. "If so..." I nodded at his chest. "Say it's your truth."
His silence filled the fear in my heart, that I'd been pondering for a week and a half without him. I laughed softly and nodded at my heart crystal. "Go...take it and run...no other Atlantean will give you their crystal so willingly."
Prince La'oki clenched his teeth. "Did somebody say something about me?" He demanded.
"What? Like the truth?"
He scoffed and put his hands on his hips. "Who do you think I am?"
"A liar." I responded.
He threw my crystal back against my chest, I winced, not expecting it, not prepared to catch it as it fell to my feet.
"Tell me something else, you know about me." He smirked. He laughed and took a step back from me. Shaking his head he looked around the temple. He chuckled and walked past me. "Maybe next time you should give me a bigger piece. I might accept your offer than."
I turned and caught his glare, before he walked off. I picked up my crystal and a stone and threw the stone at his back.
He stopped walking.
I huffed as I put the crystal back around my neck. "You stupid childish firebird!"
La'oki laughed loudly and turned around, making his way back to me. "Stupid and childish?" He spat back. "You're 200 years old and don't even know when you're getting played!"
I took a step back, clenching my jaws, angry tears filled my eyes as they spilled down.
He panted as his looked at my face. He looked away, angrily. "Stop crying."
"I can cry if I want!" I yelled as the tears kept flowing.
He crossed his arms over his chest, refusing to look in my direction. "I shouldn't have came here today."
"Then why did you!"
"I don't know!" He yelled back. "For the love of—-stop crying!"
I cried harder, my mouth parting as I let out a loud wail from the depths of my heart.
"I haven't even done anything...yet..."
"Yet." I gasped, trying to breathe because the cry was stopping my air circulation. I sniffed and wiped my face with the back of my hands. I saw my white Chosen one make-up all smeared. It made me cry more, as I wiped my face.
"You look ugly." Prince La'oki stated. "You look ugly and sad and pathetic—-"
"I don't care!" I sniffled and wiped my face some more. I inhaled and then exhaled deeply. I did it two more times, feeling much better, like a weight had been taking off my shoulders. People really underestimated the power of deep calm breaths.
"You're finished?" He asked.
I sighed and looked away. "Why are you still here?" When he didn't answer I turned to look at him. He looked away and lowered his gaze.
"Yesterday was my day of birth." He mumbled.
I crossed my arms over my chest. "Congratulations on being birthed."
"Thank you." He replied.
I sighed and wiped my face as I kept seeing more and more white streaks of makeup.
"Maybe if I was born 200 years earlier...I wouldn't be such a stupid childish firebird?"
"Doubt it." I responded.
He chuckled and I looked up at him. He looked away and shook his head and laughed again.
"Why are you laughing?" I demanded.
"You look...you look ridiculous." He snorted. He waved his hand over his face. "It's just...it's just everywhere..."
I frowned and turned around, taking off my shoes, I wiped the bottom of each foot before crossing the threshold.
La'oki looked down at his own laced sandaled feet and then the threshold.
I went over to the fountain of water and gasped. I looked insane. No wonder he laughed. I crouched down, splashing my face and rubbed off the water soluble make-up. I rinsed my face several times.
"You missed a spot, right here."
I jerked at the touch on my cheek. I lifted my eyes to La'oki standing beside the water fountain. I looked to the pillar and threshold, I immediately looked down at his feet. He'd taken off his shoes.
I narrowed my eyes at him and rubbed the spot, looking at my reflection in the water, I could see him looking in it too. I splashed my face one more time and turned, wiping as much of the water as I could with my hand.
I sat on the cold marbled floor and to my surprise he slowly sat down right next to me. He hugged his knees to his chest, just like I did.
"I don't know what you heard about me—-"
"Nobody told me anything about you." I explained. I looked forward refusing to look at him. "You confused me and then disappeared for 2 phases of the moon. I maybe naïve and inexperienced, but I'm not stupid."
"You confused me too." He replied solemnly.
I snuck a glance in his direction, but he too was staring straight ahead with a serious expression on his face.
"I don't love you." He confirmed, shifting his gaze down to the marbled floor. "I just want to seduce you and take a part of the Crystal." He finally looked up at me.
I scoffed and chuckled as I shook my head. Elder KJuka was right. "I guess it is always the same game." I stated tiredly.
"I'm sorry."
I laughed. "For what?"
"You finding out."
"Better now than later right?" I asked turning to him. "Before I started to truly love you?"
"Love me?" He whispered. He inhaled softly. "You don't——"
"I was just making sure."
"I came to my senses really quick thank you." I turned my head to the Crystal fountain. "Love isn't in the stars for me. Definitely not as the chosen one."
"I like you." He blurted out.
I turned to him and he looked away, shifting uncomfortable.
"I don't know why, you're just an old lady with a crystal."
I gasped. "An old lady with a crystal?"
He chuckled. "I didn't know I liked older women."
I shook my head at his antics and rolled my eyes.
A strange almost peaceful silence fell between us.
"You know all your outbursts and things earlier hasn't made the Crystal sing." La'oki stated filing the silence.
I turned my head to him in surprise.
"Is it sick or something? Are you sick?" He asked.
"You can hear the crystal sing?" I asked.
He nodded. "Yeah isn't it like these different types of humming AUHMMMMM." He imitated the crystal song.
My mouth dropped open as I stared at him.
"What?" He asked.
I turned to look at the crystal and back at him, before shaking my head. It matters not, don't tell him anything. Don't tell him about 90% of Atlanteans cannot hear the humming of crystals.
"So are you sick?"
"I have a protection on."
I shrugged. "We just have to do it every couple of years." I lied and looked away. "It matters not." I whispered, more to myself than him.
We fell into another silence, but I saw him sneaking glances at me.
He shrugged and stretched his legs out. "Do you hate me?" He rubbed the back of his neck.
"I won't waste my energy on hating you."
He nodded. After a couple seconds spoke back up again. "Do you like me?"
"Fair enough." He nodded and rubbed his neck with the Phoenix tattoo.
"I tolerate you." I spoke up. "Barely."
He nodded again.
"And I'm not giving you a piece of the crystal."
He chuckled. "Fine. I didn't think you would."
"What do you even need it for?" I asked annoyed. "To go take over other civilizations?"
He chuckled. "My father's been begging Atlas for years for help. Even just a little." He scoffed. "Our men and women, die for your people, year after year." His voice rose emotionally. "You have everything. All we need is help." He chuckled. "Our kids are hungry. Our land isn't as fertile as yours. Our people don't last that long, especially on the battlefield. My father has tried year after year to gain your people's trust, and yet you treat us like vermin." He looked far off. "My father's dying, our tribe is dying." He sighed. "I can't let my people die."
I lowered my gaze.
La'oki laughed. "You know we didn't even want the crystal at first. We were fine, coming to this island, situating in your forests, but your selfish and greedy council of elders...." He sighed. "You won't help us, we'll help ourselves." He said sternly. "And we're the nice ones."
"You can't just——"
"The world is changing princess Aqu." La'oki said. "Right before our very eyes. The time of old is no more. Those rules, those traditions are being pushed away for new rules, new traditions. The only thing constant in life is change. We either prepare for it or we get swept away." His voice trailed off. He smiled sadly and looked off. "Sorry, I didn't mean to—-""
"The world out there." I whispered pushing away his apology. He didn't need to apologize. "It truly ages you huh?"
La'oki sighed and looked up at me. "Do you ever go pass these walls princess? Really past these walls?"
"Outside the temple?"
"Even outside the city center." He asked. "It's happening to Atlas, on the outskirts, near the borders. I bet they don't tell you that. Your own people are rioting." He whispered. "You don't even know it."
I put my hand over my heart, feeling an aching pain. I've never felt this feeling before. For the first time my heart crystal turned a dark red
"What's wrong?"
"I Don't know." I admitted.
LA'oki quickly sat up on his knees. "Does it hurt?" He put his hand over mine on my left breast. "Maybe take deep breaths?"
I chuckled and nodded as I took slow deep breaths. The warmth from his hand seeping into mine and seemingly going through to my heart.
I nodded as my crystal went back to it's natural purple hue.
La'oki rubbed my hand gently. "Don't scare me like that. You're already 200 years old." His smile reached his eyes as he teased me.
I felt my heart lift as my crystal hummed. He looked down at it. I lifted my head and leaned towards him and softly kissed his chin. I pulled back, his hand still over mine on my left breast.
He slowly let his hand slip and I grabbed it.
Without thinking twice I kissed the back of his hand like he'd done to me.
His eyes widened in shock.
I separated his index finger and brought it to my mouth. My tongue out, I licked it before sucking on it. Slightly salty. I sucked on it some more as I held on to his hand. Moving it in and out of my mouth, but never letting it completely fall out.
As soon as he leaned into me with a groan. I pulled it out and dropped his hand. He blinked in confusion.
"Now we're even." I stated calmly even though my heart was racing. "And I will call this a truce, because you were extremely honest with me."
La'oki looked at the finger I sucked and sat back with a chuckle. "Aqu?"
"Yes La'oki?" I replied innocently.
His left eye burned that same bright orange as he smiled provocatively. "You've never played with fire before, have you?"
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