Water Waves
I ran my fingers over the white string bikini bathing suit, and held it in my hand as I imagined Aquina in it. She looked amazing in white. I looked to my right to see her lifting up a long sleeve emerald dress and smiled.
She looked wonderful in green too. I turned back to the bathing suit hesitantly. She'll say no. I know she will. She'll probably give me that look she always did before laughing. I took the bathing suit off the rack and flipped through the rest, pulling out a simple white one piece.
Okay maybe this one.
I looked up and met the ogling eyes of one of the store clerks. She blushed and tucked her hair behind her hair as she came a couple steps closer.
"Need any help?" She asked in a breathless voice as she rocked on her toes. Her chest was pushed further out and her lips stayed in a practiced pout, maybe to show off her shiny pink lips.
I smiled at her and shook my head. "No thanks. This should be her size."
The store clerk blinked several times and held a force smile on her face as she stopped rocking. I noticed, her head and chest lower slightly. "Uhm..okay...good. Just let me know if you need anything else."
I nodded at her knowingly with a smile on my face, before also taking the white one piece off the rack and turning around. I adjusted my black baseball cap over my head.
I walked up to Aquina as she turned the dress she was examining over and placed the two piece bathing suit against her front.
She looked down in surprise.
"What do you think?" I asked, stepping to the side and turning with her so we were facing each other as I adjusted the the suit against her.
I looked up when she didn't answer, expecting the exact expression she was giving me now. I smiled innocently and switched out the two piece with the one piece in my other hand. "How about this one?"
"What's this for?"
"Swimming?" She repeated adjusting her cap before arching an eyebrow.
I nodded and smiled at her innocently. "Let's take both."
Her mouth parted in slight confusion and I watched as she looked back at the bathing suits. I held them both up like prized possessions.
Please say yes. Please say yes.
"But I don't.....I don't swim." She whispered hesitantly.
"I know." I replied. "I'll teach you. It's easy." Before she could object, I took the emerald long sleeve dress she had been looking at off the rack and added it to my collection. I nodded towards the cashier and like the good girlfriend she is, she followed me.
"But." She whispered walking beside me. "But I was told not to swim."
"Because I'll be exposed." She replied in a low voice. "The more of my skin that's exposed, the more potential to accidentally hurt people."
I put my arm around her lower waist as we got in line. "I'm not bringing you to a public swimming pool." I countered. "We'll go to the training one."
"But drowning is so real." She nudged me. "My family always talks about the hundreds of people who drown each year—-""
"They drown because they can't swim." I explained, tapping her hip playfully. "That's why I'll teach you."
I saw her cock her head to the side as if she'd never thought of that and I smiled.
"It's an important skill to have." I added.
To my surprise , she nodded and my heart soared. "That makes sense." She whispered softly.
I grinned as we moved up in line. The girl in front of us with her friend kept checking me out. She smiled shyly and averted her eyes as if she was indeed shy. Her friend giggled. I turned to the side. The guy behind us with his girlfriend was staring way too intently at Aquina for my liking.
"Okay but we have to be very careful." She whispered, looking up at me.
"Very careful. I won't let anything happen to you." I whispered back, using this opportunity to lean in and give her a quick peck on the lips. She stared at me her eyes wide, before she broke into a small smile.
God, I loved her face.
She brought her gloved hand up and brushed my bottom lip. "Be careful."
I grinned. I love moments like this. Where we could go out where nobody really knew us, be a cute couple. Go shopping, have lunch, hang out and people watch. I knew people looked at us.
Why wouldn't they?
We were an attractive couple.
I knew I was handsome, but it wasn't just me.
Aquina was gorgeous. Like I mean, she took my breath way. When I looked at her, I couldn't look away. She had a distinct look about her. There was something so ethereal in her features. A sort of timeless beauty. Big expressive eyes, full wide lips, cute button nose. Flawless smooth dark skin. Long natural eyelashes, thick eyebrows.
There was something so elegant about her. In her demeanor, the way she walked, stood, carried herself. She didn't even have to try. Add that with the fact that she was always wore simple but high quality clothes (her skin was sensitive) with silk gloves. People who didn't know her probably thought that was just out of style and not just necessity. That's how effortlessly she carried herself and it made me gravitate towards her more.
People stared at her, and it wasn't because of the gloves.
But she was oblivious. She never knew. Never picked up. I brought it up once and she said she'd learned to tune them out. It was because of the gloves. No it wasn't.
I leaned in and gave her another quick playful kiss on the lips, before looking back, making eye contact with the light skinned guy checking her out.
I'm not oblivious like her. Just because I don't comment on it. I catch it all. I've also caught that I find it particularly more disrespectful when some black guys' eyes lingered. They lingered, knowing damn well I was her man. White guys did quick glances. Most Asian guys did double takes. It was more of a damn, how'd you get her. But those black guys that acted like they could have her instead made my blood boil.
Like this guy with his Latina girlfriend. Mind your fucking business and stare at your own girl.
I adjusted Aquina's baseball cap, over her twists and moved up in line.
Like I said, she was oblivious. While I was killing guys with my eyes, she was smiling at the cute baby at the register with his mom, staring at her, eyes wide and clueless.
I chuckled and she looked up at me.
"You like kids?"
She shrugged. "I guess they're okay...." She paused for a minute and then looked back at me as we moved in the line. "You."
I nodded. "Maybe we can have like one or two."
She stared at me, and I knew that wasn't the response she expected. I chuckled as she hit my side playfully.
How do I do that without killing myself? I don't want IVF. Water?
My mind flashed back to last week. It was so blurry, I couldn't remember it exact, but I knew I had kissed her in my shower. She'd stared at me strange. She said she wasn't sure. She'd kept asking about my eye. My eye was fine. It wasn't hurting anymore. But this wasn't about the eye, or me apparently blacking out. This was about the fact that I knew I kissed her.
You didn't kiss her. I kissed her.
I hissed as I felt a sharp pain in my left eye.
"Are you okay?" Aquina asked holding on to my arm
I blinked several times, the sensation fleeing and I nodded. I turned to her and rubbed my eye.
Aquina frowned as she watched me. "Do you need a check-up?"
"Something just got in it." I replied as we got to the register. I handed them the clothes, before reaching in my back pocket and taking out my wallet.
"Stop." She protested as she opened up her wallet quickly. "Don't take his, take—-"
I moved her hand away, pushing her lightly to the side as I got right in front of the cashier and handed her my card with a smile. "Here."
The cashier smiled at me knowingly and took the card. I turned to Aquina who said a relunctant thank you but with a small smile on her face.
I smiled back in acknowledgment, before turning around and taking the paper bag of clothes the cashier handed to me. I took Aquina's gloved hand in my other one and walked out. Aware of the stares. People always stared. I squeezed her hand before interlocking our fingers and walking out the store.
"Thank you for buying me those clothes, but you don't have to buy me things." She replied against my shoulder.
"I have lots of money." I answered. "I wanna share it with you."
She grinned.
"Speaking of sharing...." I swung her arm playfully as we walked through the mall. "Have you given it some thought of moving in with me."
She groaned. "I can't."
"Come on."
"Everybody's advising me not to, and...Vera will snitch on my mom."
I sighed heavily.
"And they'll probably do something crazy like unenroll me."
"You're 22." I turned to her. "You can make your own decision."
Aquina groaned loudly and squeezed my hand. "No, I can't....it's..."
"I'll take care of you now." I stated proudly. "I can. I'm not joking. I have money. I have the means."
Keep her close.
Aquina stopped walking, causing me to stop a little in front of her, and turn back due to the resistance.
We stared at each other for a couple seconds until she shook her head. "No...you can't do that."
Keep her close.
I rubbed my lips together and looked around the crowded mall. "Let's just think about it, don't immediately shut it down."
When I turned back to look at her, she was staring at me strangely. "What?"
She resumed walking as she narrowed her eyes at me. "You're a lot more clingy than you let off."
I grinned. "I'm 100% clingy." I pulled her to me and put my arm around her shoulder instead. "100. I'm clingy and I'm needy."
I stepped behind her and hugged her from behind as we walked down to the main entrance. "I don't want to let you go."
Aquina stopped abruptly and turned her head, our face just inches from each other. "What did you say?"
"I don't want to let you go." I repeated seriously, holding her gaze.
"I had another Déjà vu moment." She whispered softly.
I smiled. "Maybe that's confirmation you should move in with me."
"I don't think that's how that works." She laughed as the spell was broken and we continued walking.
We stopped at somebody calling her name.
"Whoa, Aquina is that you?"
We both turned to the right at the amazed voice. My hold tightened around her at the tall brown ambiguous race guy talking to her.
I felt my girlfriend's body perk up slightly. "Ronald? Oh wow Ronald."
Ronald? I narrowed my eyes and looked at him again.
Ronald laughed and came closer. "I wasn't sure if it was you with the baseball cap."
Ronald worked out. Ronald had green eyes and a short wavy hair. Ronald had on a simple white shirt, tan slacks and white tennis shoes. Ronald was smiling a little too broadly at my girlfriend.
Aquina wiggled out of the hold, I was reluctant to release her from and shook Ronald's outstretched hand.
"Haven't seen you since junior year. You moved."
Aquina nodded. "Yeah, my mom got transferred."
He was still holding her hand. I stared at the exchange. Why was he still holding her hand? The greeting was over. Why was she still letting him hold her hand? Would it be uncalled for, for me to dislodge their handshake?
"It truly is, so nice to see you." Ronald's grin revealed a dimple in his left cheek. "You have not changed at all."
Aquina laughed.
I turned to her, feeling the itch of jealousy creeping up. Stay down. Stay down.
"You look so much taller than I remember." I finally saw her pull her hand away and turn to me. "Oh Ronald this is Lan, Lan this is my friend Ronald. We went to the same high school."
I forced a smile on my face and nodded at him. "Hi." Both hands outstretched we shook the other's. The grip firm. I held his gaze and he held mine.
"Nice to meet you. Have I met you before?"
I shook my head. "I don't think so.
Ronald exclaimed. "You're Lan Lee...of course! The swimmer. Congratulations!"
Aquina beamed and rubbed my arm.
"Thanks." I replied giving him a short smile before turning to Aquina. "We should—-""
"You know, I lost touch after you changed your number." Ronald said quickly taking out his phone.
I stared at the movement, dreading the next couple of seconds that were bound to happen.
"I did change my number that's true." Aquina chuckled.
I exhaled slowly.
"What are you doing here? Are you visiting? Did you move here?" She asked.
"My aunt lived down the street from here. I'm housesitting for her." Ronald said taking a step closer to Aquina. "What's your number?"
"Oh." She replied as if not realizing that it was this guy who was obviously flirting with her intentions for the beginning. She told him her number as I swallowed back my annoyance.
Don't be that guy. Don't be that guy.
He's bad news.
I put my arm around Aquina's waist. "We should probably start heading out."
I noticed the Ronald guy lift his head to look at the placement of my hand on her hip. It was enough motivation for me to pat the area.
"Oh yeah." Aquina grinned at Ronald. "It was so nice seeing you again." She said politely.
I watched her face. She honestly wasn't doing anything wrong. The insecurity and jealousy was just creeping up on me. Especially when I could tell this guy was interested in more than just her number. His look lingered too much. He was trying to figure out where I fit in.
Don't think too hard, it's exactly what you think. I sent him a pointed look.
He caught it, no matter how quickly he averted his gaze turning his eyes and smile back to Aquina. "Okay I'll call you. Let's grab lunch."
"Sounds good." She waved at him and I took her hand and turned her around. "Whoa that's so cool. I haven't seen him in ages."She turned to me as we walked away.
"Did you two date?" I asked calmly.
She scoffed. "What no? Remember, I'm supposed to be asexual. He was just a really good friend."
From my peripheral view I could see he was still watching us. I leaned my head into Aquina and gave her a quick peck on the lips, before pulling back.
"Lan, isn't that hurting you?" But she smiled, as her eyes stared up at me lovingly.
God, I loved this woman.
"Actually, the little sting makes me hard."
"Lan!" She gasped and hit me as I chuckled.
She thought I was joking but I wasn't. The pecks were too short to hurt, it was like a little buzz. A little buzz that made me want to feel more of it. I held her close as we walked out the mall. There was nothing wrong with a little pain.
"Can you try it on for me?" I'm whispered.
Aquina yawned and stretched as she woke up from her quick nap. She looked around the garage of my building before turning to me. "Weren't you supposed to take me home?"
You are home.
I smiled at her innocently. "Why don't you try them on for me?" I suggested leaning over and resting my hand on her thigh.
"The bathing suits?"
I nodded, rubbing her thigh.
She didn't answer for a minute as her eyes shifted to the entrance of the building, the other cars parked and then finally to me. "Okay."
I held her gaze. "Stay the night."
She chuckled. "Lan..."
"Let's take a bath." I whispered softly. I know, I know. I was going to fast. But you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. I caressed her thigh, patiently waiting for her response. "If you want to wear the swimsuit in the bath you can." I offered up gently.
"Will you wear yours?" She asked slowly.
I shook my head. "Unless you really want me too."
Aquina blinked slowly and looked around the garage again. "The bathing suits, swimming lessons, taking a bath...you really think you can touch me in water don't you?" She stated softly.
I nodded. "It doesn't hurt to try."
"It could."
"Or it could not." I countered.
To my delight she laughed and shook her head. "Wow." She but down on her bottom lip and exhaled softly, before facing me again. "Okay but at the first sign of pain—-"
"Abort mission." I said quickly, my hands up. "I promise, if it hurts, I'll stop."
She smiled and nodded.
I straightened up in the driver's seat proudly and unbuckled my seatbelt.
"Lan." Aquina grabbed my arm tightly in panic as she stared at me in horror. "Do you feel that?"
I looked up at her, feeling a strange wave pass through me.
My car immediately lurched forward from the impact of the crash to my rear, causing my head to hit the steering wheel, as the front of my car crashed into the wall. The airbag deployed as the car lurched forward again. The ringing in my ear seemed to cause everything to go in slow motion. My vision blurred as Aquina yelled, reaching for me, but I couldn't hear her. She kept reaching for me, but her hand slipped as she grappled for me, desperately trying to hold on to me
"Aqu..." I whispered, my vision fading as I felt her being yanked back. I reached out to grab her, but my car lurched forward again, this time propelling my body forward and into blackness.
"That's not princess Aqu!"
"She's still an Atlantean princess!" The Phoenix King roared, causing everybody in the grand hall to bow. He got off his throne and matched to his successor "You will marry whichever princess they've blessed us with!"
Prince La'oki clenched his jaw, staring at his father defiantly. "I will not."
"Brother." Yona whispered in fear as he tugged his older brother's arm.
The Phoenix King laughed as in a blink of an eye a large fire hand swiped across the older prince's face leaving a hot red mark.
Yona released his brother's arm and took a step back feeling the heat from their father. La'oki's head remained to the side as his father walked by him.
"Your job was to seduce one of the princesses. Not fall in love with one." He growled.
Prince La'oki held his tongue as hot tears of anger ran down his left eye.
"Remember who you are. And remember the plan." The Phoenix King turned to his advisor with a nod. "Wacu send the gift to the elders that we have accepted the union."
Prince La'oki's phoenix eye glowed as he clenched his fists by his side.
"I am very uncomfortable with this ferry." I stated honestly as we looked for our seat.
Richard chuckled. "Come on sweetheart, this is the safest we can be." He grabbed our suitcase and gave it to the attendant who bowed at us. "Besides you're the one who insisted we come to Japan to finish our honeymoon."
I grimaced and stuck my tongue out. "You know once in awhile, it's okay for you to say. Allie sweetheart, that's a dumbass decision."
Richard laughed and leaned over to kiss me. I smiled as I puckered my lips to accept the kiss. Excited but nervous, I slid into the seat and he followed.
"Ooohhh business class." I wiggled my eyebrows as I stared at the welcome package in front of me.
Richard sighed content and took his package . "This is the life we deserve."
I giggled and picked up my package, looking at the blanket, the slippers, the eye mask, the hand cream.
I looked up at the attendant.
"Why thank you." Richard picked up the two glasses and bowed at the attendant who bowed at us and walked away. He turned and grinned. "To my lovely wife."
I giggled and accepted the glass. We cheered and I drank slowly, before making a face. "Yeah, champagne still tastes like shit."
Richard laughed as he finished his glass and then took mine. I took off my sneakers and put on my slippers.
"The ferry to Fukuoka will depart in 5 minutes. All passengers please proceed to your seats. Please proceed to your seats."
I lifted my head at the intercom. The ferry was lavish, I couldn't lie. The seats were comfortable, the amenities were nice, it was like a cruise ship almost. Except on a much smaller scale. But no matter how fancy they made it. It was still a boat on water. Last time I was on a boat on water was when my uncle took me fishing and I fell in.
I swore to myself, never again after that near death experience.
"Relax." Richard took my hand in his, and I gave him a small smile.
"How long is this again?"
He shook his head. "I'm not telling you. You'll psyche yourself out. It'll be over in not time."
I nodded and squeezed his hand. It'll be over in no time.
"Welcome to AQDragon, your comfort is our number one priority." The announcement on the screen in front of us came on, as I heard the loud horn of departure I guess.
"Your seats are right over here." The attendant ushured a couple that I stared at because I was the epitome of nosey.
The woman looked pretty from what I could see. She was pale, long black hair, big round eyes, and even with the white mask she wore. You could tell she was a looker. She was slim and girly in her beautiful tan dress and high heels. Behind her was her man. Tall in all black. Black shirt, black pants, black trench boat and black mask. His hair was cut shorter on the sides than in the middle, and he had it slicked back, but escaped wisps of hair fell on on his forehead. His eyes were smaller, hooded and angular, and they caught me looking. I gave him a small smile and nod. He nodded back as they stopped behind us.
Awww what a cute couple. Damn he was fine. These young guys out here looking hotter and hotter as I'm getting older.
The girl slid into the seat behind me. The guy took off his coat and sat behind Richard.
Richard turned to look at me and I smiled. He patted my thigh and rested his hand there as he settled back in his seat and opened his book with one hand to read.
I focused back on my tablet, it was I really reading? Absolutely not. I was being nosey again. The young couple behind me was talking. The girl had a soft almost singsong voice.
I smiled aww. Moments like this I wish I knew more languages. The guy's voice was much lower. Calmer.
I pretended to stretch my neck, only to peek behind me to see them again. They still had their mask on. At least the guy did. He was the only one I could see from where I was.
The attendant also handed them champagne which they accepted.
Was he a celebrity? Or was he sick? Maybe the were both sick. But after touring China, Korea and now Japan masks were almost like fashion statements and you were never quite sure anymore.
I wasn't complaining, I loved it. I mean less germs am I right?
I gripped Richard as I felt a huge wave. He turned to me.
"That was a big wave."
"I didn't feel anything."
I grimaced as my stomach turned and squeezed his hand.
"Take three big breaths."
I nodded and did that to calm down a little.
"Allie this is a smooth ride."
"Is it?"
"The smoothest."
I sighed, and then realized the couple behind us wasn't talking anymore. Probably they were as nosey as I was as to who were these two Americans on the ferry to Japan.
Richard turned around and put a hand up to the attendant. "I'm sorry, can my wife get a ginger ale please?"
The attendant nodded and I took a deep breath. I turned to face Richard. That position enabled me to also see the passenger in the seat behind him.
He was watching me, and our eyes met. He quickly looked away.
I got it. He was probably wondering what the hell I was doing riding a ferry, if I was this paranoid? This is what happens when you're 35 and you want to conquer fears that should not be conquered.
I was greatful for the ginger ale and sat back, and closed my eyes. I could do this.
I had survived an hour and a half.
"Come Allie. Isn't it nice."
I cautiously made my way over to the side and gripped it as we looked out at the infinite ocean. It was, it was beautiful. If I wasn't so terrified.
"Take a picture quickly." I said giving him my phone.
Richard took the phone and held me close as he snapped a selfie.
"Eeeww, no, take another." I shook my head looking at the picture.
"It's fine."
"No." I handed him the phone again and posed. He leaned in and took another picture.
"Rich you're finger."
"You know I'm not good at this." He took the phone again and angled it out.
To my right I heard giggling and more Japanese. I turned to see the couple that sat behind us snap, what I was sure was a gorgeous picture. Still with their masks on. Like me the girl wanted several more. The guy shook his head.
I chuckled. Guys were all the same.
I took my phone and smiled. "Okay that's nice. I like that one." We looked happy. I even managed not to look scared shitless.
"I'm going to keep walking around."
I nodded with no intention of following him. It was going to be this view and then my seat.
Feeling cute and a little less scared, I lifted my phone and took a selfie. I examined it and tried another angle, my smile brighter. I chuckled as I reviewed the pictures. I guess I still had it. I turned and took the picture of the ocean.
I wish I could enjoy it more.
Sighing, I put my phone down and stared off. There was something about fears and the irrationality behind it. Looking at those grey waters, it was majestic, but dangerous. I could see the beauty behind it though. I could see why humans were so mesmerized by water.
I leaned on the railing as the wind blew on me while I stared out. This was really peaceful, the ocean seemed to be hypnotizing me. Each wave, after wave seemingly trying to bring me...home.
I gasped as I saw a dolphin leap in the air and dive. I looked around to see if anybody else had seen it, when I caught the masked guy looking at me. Although I couldn't see anything but his eyes, he looked like he'd gotten caught and turned back to the water.
I pulled up my phone. "Jump, jump again please.....oh my god....Rich is missing this.." I quickly snapped a picture, it it just didn't do it justice.
"La'oki, La'oki!" The girl giggled excitedly as she pointed out to the water.
I was going to smile at her enthusiasm before the boat started to rock more than usual. I gripped the railing. Oh hell no. The waves intensified and the ferry seemed to jump on it. I took a deep breath and slowly turned, taking cautious steps back to my seat that seemed light years away.
I don't know how I got there, but I did. My head bowed. My ginger ale finished. Richard gone. My stomach was not playing nice. I quickly grabbed the paper bag and did a couple breathing into it. Was it nausea? Was it fear? Anxiety? whatever it was, I didn't like it.
The couple came back and the girl gave me a sympathetic look. I tried to smile as I brought the bag down. After a couple seconds the nerves went down slightly, as I tried the breathing exercise.
"Excuse me."
I turned to the voice behind me.
"Ginger chews." The guy said extending 4 candies to me. "It's good for nausea."
To say I was caught off guard would be an understatement. "Oh..." I smiled and nodded at him politely. "Thank you." I reached for one, but he motioned for me to take it all.
"Thanks." I said again as Richard came and sat down. He looked back at the couple behind us and then to me.
"You okay?"
"He gave me ginger chews." I answered as I unwrapped one and put it in my mouth.
"Thank you." Richard said turning back to him. The guy gave a slight bow in acknowledgement. I watched as he took his mask down briefly and put the ginger candy in his mouth before putting it back.
The rest of his face was just as intriguing as I'd imagined, no matter how brief of a look it was.
I chewed the sweet spicy candy slowly. Richard resumed reading as I sat back comfortably. Realizing that if just briefly, my newlywed ass had just felt my heart sing for a random ass stranger. I looked to Richard and quickly put the thought to the side. It was fine. It was. Normal. Just because I was married, didn't make me immune to acknowledging other handsome men.
"Okay so I think that way is the station." I pointed aimlessly to the right where several people were going. I looked at my phone still confused by google map.
Richard looked at the physical map on the board. "Do you have your roaming on? That will be too expensive."
"I don't want us to be lost in a foreign country." I countered.
"Do you need help?"
I turned to the mask couple next to us. We hadn't interacted anymore since the candy exchange a couple hours ago.
"Uhm the station."
The guy pointed in the opposite direction that I was pointing. "Over there. About 10 minutes."
"Oh," I laughed in embarrassment.
"We're going there too." He said. "You can follow us."
I nodded.
The girl spoke in Japanese and the guy answered. I had no idea what the exchange was, but, it probably had nothing to do with us, because she did smile sweetly and pointed to the taxi.
"We're taking a taxi." The guy explained. "Her feet hurt."
I opened my mouth, but Richard spoke up. "Thanks, it it's okay we want to walk and look at the sight.
I turned to him. No I wanted to get in a taxi.
"Just straight ahead?"
The guy nodded. "Yes straight. The arrows are to the station."
"Thank you."
"Thank you."
We bowed and thanked them again as Richard rolled our suitcase away from them. The girl waved at the taxi. I followed Richard and looked back one last time to the handsome stranger. He also looked back at us. There was no reason for me to hold the stare of that guy, especially on the last leg of my honeymoon. It wasn't even holding, it couldn't have been more than three seconds, but it stayed with me. And as he got into the taxi I looked away and smiled.
That was a nice little encounter, that made me feel like I was back in my 20s. It's not like I was going to ever see him again.
I skipped up to Richard and hit his arm playfully. "I wanted a taxi ride."
"Allie, that's how you get taken. Taxi rides with strangers."
I laughed. "True, true."
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