Restless Nights
"Pff- R-Ratchet, your b-beard tickles!"
Drift giggles from soft kisses planted on his cheek. Slurring into moans, listening to the husky whispers and the steamy breaths against his skin.
"Maybe it wouldn't be," Ratchet murmurs quietly, to where his voice aired out to his breathing," Right now, that is."
Every stillness of silence, a breath is loud enough to be heard.
"He's not wrong, beautiful~" Perceptor hums, nuzzling into Drift's neck.
Half-tiredly, he waves his arm over Ratchet's bicep, pulling the blanket to his back. He takes that moment to fiddle with the thick sheets, resting his eyes shut. "Now," he says, narrowing his thoughts, "Why is our love awake at this hour?"
The awoken two could feel Drift suddenly tense.
"I...I-I...," the moment Drift stumbled over the singular letter, he starts to tremble.
Perceptor and Ratchet finally tapered their blurred eyes, invigorating their once slumber mind to see the heavy tears in Drift's eyes.
They shifted into a position for their immediate embrace.
Drift's voice cracks in sobs, *hic*ing with every other exhale. Quivering like he was concerned about the frigid room. He grips onto Ratchet, feeling a gentle yet firm embrace from the two. Feeling the loving warmth; the heated connection of their skin, bringing comfort. His eyes could no longer hold back the effect of his conflicted thoughts, leaking tears the second his eyelids closed. Embarrassed and despondent, he focused on his tears percussing on Ratchet's arm, rubbing against his swollen cheeks and nose whenever he moved. As much as he did not want to be vulnerable, he could no longer refuse.
"Oh, dear," Perceptor says, enclosing Drift's back with Ratchet's," Another nightmare?"
"I-I...I-I'm so s-sorry."
Hardly audible or understandable; he chokes his words out.
The two have seen this too many times, as if it replayed like a thought. And even if Drift's episodes were a mystery, the doctor and the scientist bear no doubt.
"Drift, baby," Ratchet whispers," Don't apologize."
"I-I... I d-did not want t-to w-wake you guys- I-I-"
"No apologies, beautiful," Perceptor purrs, calmly rubbing his arm. Ratchet had the same idea, petting Drift's long streaks of hair.
Drift mumbled into Ratchet's arm, before quietly being shushed.
"Breath, baby. When you calm down, you can tell us what happened." The doctor says, letting the rest of the moment do its work," Only if you want to."
The scientist was prepared to get anything for Drift, as if everything in his life, accomplished and failed, never matter. Whenever these occur, he would always want to see it through.
"Take all the time you need, beautiful."
. . .
A little sad comic, featuring Perceptor, Drift, and Ratchet! (Percy on the left, Drift in the middle, and Ratchet on the right)
Honestly, the most common things I would think about is how the characters would come into play, especially at their darkest, heartbreaking times. So, when it comes to one of my favorite ships, Drift is the one with common episodes.
Now don't get me wrong! Ratchet and Perceptor have those times as well. But they aren't that severe or has often as Drift's. The doctor and scientist experienced enough, steadying their personalities and reactions. And, even then, Drift has taken more heart into things, whereas the two stories involve tragedy and loss however with straightforward acceptance.
Coming back, I believe Drift would often have nightmares, pondering on his negative thoughts storming in his head. More on his lack of skill and power to protect his lovers. (Tarn and the loss of his close friends, did a number on his thoughts and nightmares.)
I feel the two would not be bothered at all, woke by Drift. Not only him being their conjux, but the fact they are a scientist and a doctor. They would spend countless nights without sleep, physically having their body wake up naturally. It wouldn't be surprising for them to wake up at a odd hour, to find Drift trying to escape from the bed, in attempt to not bother them.
And, that is another thing.
They are willing to discover and learn feelings for the sake of Drift.
Again, powerful smart people here. Their feelings on matter, involving their jobs, are not relevant. Drift was a killer and still has the power to kill, but his emotions were much more concerning to his past. That is why I believe Perceptor and Ratchet would often try to understand Drift. Why he is happy when he sees them, why he cares for there health, why he often visits, why he puts up with their attitude, why he would die for them, and strongly in this case-
Why he would love them.
The fact that he cares so much, made them feel the want and need to do same. They want t do there best to help him, for all he did. For someone like Ratchet, death is literally possible and everywhere for the doctor. He feels normal about it, but realizes Drift is not passed that; for he regrets the things that have been done. Perceptor finds reality in things, and has no need for other belief when his research of science can can be solved and tested. But Drift is one person. Even with his patience and intelligence, there is still much to understand about the way Drift feels and perceives things.
Drift doesn't want them to know.
But, that's why he loves them so much.
They will stop at nothing for him, as much as he would do with them.
I hope you enjoy!
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