Dancing On My Own
Hi! This was inspired by the song Dancing On My Own by Calum Scott. I hope you enjoy it!
Just a warning, there is no happy ending. (It's not terrible tho, don't worry)
Word Count: 541
Trigger Warnings: None
Lights flashed into his vision again, but he barely blinked this time. It shone through his half full glass, before bouncing away again, as it did every forty-five seconds or so. He peered down into the amber colored liquid.
What was he doing here?
A stupid question really. It was the annual something or other, though he couldn't remember exactly what. Everyone was here. Everyone was always here. Including Harry and that Weasley girl. Ginevra.
He hated it. Her. This place. This whole event. But, he mostly just hated his own stupid feelings.
He sat at a small table in the corner, far away as possible from the heat of the party. The waitress had long ago stopped coming to his table, asking if he wanted anymore firewhiskey, or perhaps something to eat.
The lights flashed in his eyes again.
He set the glass down on the table, sliding it away from him. He stared down at the table, studying the grain of the wood. He willed himself not to look up. He did anyway. His eyes scanned the edges of the room, until they landed on a couple dancing towards the right of the dance floor.
He watched them dance for a while. She was laughing as he spun her around. Her and her stupid red hair.
He didn't want to watch them, yet his eyes stayed glued to them, watching their every breath. Harry bent down to kiss her. And yet he still couldn't look away. Couldn't tear his eyes from him. From his stupid pretty face. He wished he was the one out there dancing with him. He wanted to be the one to kiss him.
He groaned to himself. He needed to stop feeling sorry for himself, and move on with life.
A waitress approached his table. He was the only one sitting down, so they were probably bored. He still wished they would leave him alone.
"You done with that?" she asked, motioning to the still half full glass of firewhiskey he had pushed away.
He gave a slight nod in response.
"Why aren't you out there dancing with everyone else?" she asked after she had cleared his glass away.
Great. And now he had to deal with her pity. He wished she would just go away already.
He shrugged. She didn't seem satisfied with the answer.
He sighed. "The person I want to be dancing with would rather dance with someone else," he said.
She followed his gaze to were Harry stood with his stupid red head.
He could see the 'I'm sorry' coming a mile before it did. He was sick of the stupid 'I'm sorry's. None of them were sorry. He didn't need their pity.
He stood up, ignoring the headache pounding in his ears as he pushed his chair back.
"Maybe if you asked her-" she stared.
He cut her off. "They've been married for years." He was already halfway to the door. "And besides," he said, though he wasn't sure she was even close enough to hear over the noise. "It wasn't her I wanted anyway." And he was gone, the bell over the door tinkling as it swung shut, closing in the bright lights and loud party life once again.
I hope you liked it! Please tell me if there are any typos. I ran it through a billion things, but there is always something they don't catch.
Don't forget to eat something today. I love you all so much <33
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