you're not fuck-buddies, dumbasses, you're a fucking power couple
despite how it begins i swear this is smut and fluff and denial of feelings there's no real heavy shit i promise
"But don't you think it was a bit weird that he just let us arrest him? He was grinning, it was like he knew something we didn't-"
"Oh my God!" Draco yelled, slamming down the paper in front of him. "We caught him! Can you just let it go?"
Harry frowned. He stared at Draco as the blonde continued to study the reports.
"Hey, Draco?"
"What, Harry?" Draco sighed, looking up at him again. "I'm trying to work."
"I just need you to sign this, Jesus." Harry held out a paper. "You know that, we both have to sign all of our reports."
"Right. Yeah." Draco grabbed a pen and scribbled something resembling a signature. "Can you shut up now?"
Harry stood and pointed his wand at him.
"Whoa!" the blonde shouted, hands raising in surrender. "Harry, what in the hell?"
"Auror Potter, what are you doing?" Kingsley shouted.
"Malfoy and I have never once called each other by our first names," Harry said coldly, wand still steadily pointed at the man in front of him. "He hasn't once shouted at me or told me to shut up in our time as partners. He listens to me when I have problems with the assignment. He knows only one of us has to sign the reports. He makes fun of me when I say Jesus. And furthermore..."
Harry leaned toward the blonde, snatching the pen out of his right hand. "Draco Malfoy is left-handed."
Kingsley straightened. "What are you implying, Auror Potter?"
Harry stared right at the man in front of him. "I'm not implying anything." He leaned forward, glaring. "Who are you and where is Draco Malfoy?"
For a long moment, the man just stared at him. Then he sighed.
"Damn," he muttered. "And here I thought no one paid attention to Malfoy's mannerisms. Figures Harry fucking Potter would notice stupid shit like which hand he uses to write."
Harry didn't move his wand. "Where is Auror Malfoy?"
"Wouldn't you like to know?" The man looked all too pleased with himself.
Harry wanted to punch him in the mouth.
He did.
"Auror Potter!" Kingsley shouted. "Auror Weasley, take this man to the interrogation room. Auror Zabini, please grab us some Veritaserum. Auror Potter..." He paused for a long moment, before sighing. "You can go with Auror Weasley. Please don't assault the suspect again."
"No promises," Harry grumbled, standing as Ron took the man's wand and pulled him along to the interrogation rooms.
Ron unceremoniously shoved the man into a chair and cast a wandless Incarcerous on his hands behind the chair. "Anything you want to tell us before you've got Veritaserum in your system?"
The man smiled wickedly. "You're never gonna find his body."
A chill went through Harry's entire being. "What did you just say?" he whispered hoarsely.
Ron looked like he was going to be sick. "You didn't. You couldn't."
Harry's breathing was far too fast. His hands were shaking with anger, and he slammed them onto the table to stop them from doing so. The man and Ron both jumped at the noise.
"If you killed Draco, I will tear you limb from limb," he growled. "I swear to fucking God, you piece of shit."
"Harry," Ron murmured, pulling him back. "Reel it in, or Kingsley's gonna kick you out."
The man laughed wickedly. "I thought you didn't call each other by your first names, Auror Potter?"
"I'm gonna kill him," Harry whispered. "I'm gonna fucking kill him."
"And I'll help, if he killed Malfoy," Ron muttered. "He might be a sarcastic asshole, but he's an Auror, and damn it, he might be my friend if I think about it too much."
Blaise opened the door and took in the situation. The man was leaning back, looking all too pleased. Ron was all but yanking Harry away from him, fury in Harry's eyes.
"What did he say?" Blaise said conversationally, setting the potion on the table and measuring the dosage.
"He says he killed Draco," Harry spat, eyes cold. Blaise dropped the small glass he was pouring the Veritaserum into.
With shaking hands, the boy waved his wand and repaired the glass, picking it back up. "Is that so?" he asked calmly, but his hands were still shaking. "I suppose we'll see about that. Please drink this, or I'll be forced to inject it into your system." He held the glass up to the man's lips, and after a moment of glaring, the man opened his mouth and allowed Blaise to pour the liquid in.
Then he spat it back in Blaise's face.
Blaise jumped, clearly surprised, and Ron was really having to hold Harry back now.
(if needles make you uncomfortable you can just skip the paragraph below this one it's just Blaise injecting the man w Veritaserum)
"Yeah, I'm not gonna feel bad about this at all," Blaise muttered, wiping down his face with a handkerchief and measuring the dosage into a syringe. With absolutely no remorse in his face, he jabbed the needle into the man's arm and pressed the plunger, forcing the Veritaserum into the man's system. He yanked the needle out, maybe more violently than necessary, and tossed it into the trash before starting to put his supplies back in the bag.
The man screamed, and Blaise raised an unbothered eyebrow as he packed his bag.
"Hurts, doesn't it? That's why we offer the option to drink it. Injected Veritaserum hurts like a bitch."
He picks up the bag and backs away. "You can begin your interrogation in thirty seconds, gentlemen. You'll understand that I won't be leaving, as it is one of my best friends who is missing."
"Understood," Harry gritted out. Ron had finally released him, and Harry firmly kept his hands in his pockets. Ron had his wand. Harry would have been more upset about that if he didn't understand exactly why Ron had to. Technically, the second Harry had started showing a personal vendetta against the suspect, he was supposed to be taken out of the room, but Ron and Blaise were pissed as well, and it wouldn't do for everyone to leave the room, nor did any of them want to get a replacement team.
After thirty long seconds, Ron sighed. "Alright. What is your na-"
"Did you kill Draco Malfoy?" Harry blurted out.
The man glared, but muttered "No."
Ron started scribbling in his book. "What is your-"
"Is Draco Malfoy dead?"
The man tilted his head. "I don't know."
"Harry, shut the fuck up," Ron hissed. "This is not the order we do interrogations in."
Harry blinked several times, nodding. "Right. Sorry."
Ron gave him a sympathetic look before turning back to the man. "What is your name?"
"Leila Marie Dolohov."
Ron blinked. Harry paused. Blaise tilted his head.
"Leila, you say?" Ron muttered. "Leila Dolohov. And do you have any other names you go by?"
The man bit his lip irritably before the words spilled out. "After I transitioned, I started going by Victor. Victor Carson Dolohov."
"So you tried to trick us by giving us your birth name so we wouldn't be able to find you," Ron muttered, scratching in his notebook. "Are you transgender, then?"
"Yes," the man bit out, eyes warning.
"Are you the child of Death Eater Antonin Dolohov?"
"How do you spell both names you've given me?"
As the man spelled them for him, Harry turned to meet Blaise's eyes. The man looked anxious. His eyes kept darting around. He looked like he was going to cry.
He'll be okay, Harry mouthed, if only because he needed to convince himself too. Blaise nodded, giving him a weak smile.
"What name and pronouns would you like to be referred by?" Ron continued.
The man looked a bit surprised by that. "Pardon?"
Ron looked up from his notebook. "What name, Leila Marie Dolohov or Victor Carson Dolohov or something else, would you like to be referred by? And what pronouns, he/him, she/her, they/them, etcetera would you like to be referred with?"
"That's- that's a question on your sheet?"
"There are no questions on my sheet." Ron flipped the notebook to show him the scribbled things he had written. "I ask what I think is relevant, and I write it down. Your name and gender identity are relevant, and if you would please answer the question?"
"Victor. I want to be called Victor. He/him." The man still looked stunned.
"What substance, spell, or otherwise did you use to give yourself the appearance of Draco Malfoy?"
"How long until the Polyjuice wears off?"
"I don't know. What time is it?"
"2:43 p.m."
"Seventeen minutes then. I took the last dosage at exactly 2, so it would be easier to remember."
"How long have you been pretending to be Draco Malfoy?"
"One hour and forty-three- sorry, it would be forty-four now- minutes."
"You have taken two dosages of Polyjuice?"
Ron turned to Harry. "He took it when you raided the house," he muttered. "Must have switched with Malfoy at some point."
Harry felt sick. He knew exactly what point it had been. Harry had been the one to suggest they split up, after all.
"Tell us everything that transpired from the moment the Aurors broke into 12 Grimmauld Place to the moment Auror Potter realized you were not Draco Malfoy."
"Alexandre Yaxley, my partner, and I had broken in. We-"
"What do you mean by partner?"
The man's jaw clenched. "My girlfriend."
"What is your girlfriend's name?"
He closed his eyes, but he couldn't stop the words. "Alice Rosier."
"Alice Rosier, daughter of Death Eater Evan Rosier, I presume?"
"You presume correctly."
"Alright. Please continue."
"Alex, Alice and I broke into the house with the intent to find an artifact that our employer wants. It was easy to break in, because the location had been compromised by you during the Second Wizarding War."
"Who is your employer?"
"I don't know. We were never given a name."
"What artifact?"
"The locket Horcrux of Lord Voldemort."
"With what purpose?"
"Destroyed Horcruxes hold explosive power. Our employer wishes to harness such power to destroy the Ministry and rise to power."
Harry felt sick. Blaise took a step back. Ron's hands were shaking as they scribbled down the words.
"Your employer wishes?" Harry whispered. Victor turned to face him. "Do you not?"
The man clenched his jaw, eyes pleading, but the word spilled out. "No."
"Are you a Death Eater?" Harry asked.
"No." Victor tugged his left sleeve up, and looked down at the mark that was so clearly there. "Fuck. I guess I forgot I'm not in my body."
"If it was not your wish to destroy the Ministry, why would you help your employer to do so?"
Victor laughed incredulously. "Are you serious?"
"I'm afraid I am, Victor. Please answer the question before the Veritaserum grows too painful."
"I grew up around Death Eaters, Potter, as did Alice and Alex. We were raised to know that you either follow their orders or you die. You think you stopped them all in the Second Wizarding War, but you didn't." He sighed. "More or less, they're my family now, and I owe them for keeping me alive and keeping me around even after my transition, even if they don't support me."
"You owe them nothing," Blaise hissed suddenly, and Ron and Harry jumped in surprise. "You think because they don't kill you, that means you owe them everything? You don't, Victor. There is a difference between someone saving your life and someone simply choosing not to murder you."
Victor's mouth was hanging open, eyes wide. He snapped it shut and shook his head.
"They have Alice. I can't betray them."
"You didn't get the Horcrux, did you?" Harry realized.
"I did."
"Where is it?"
Victor bit his lip and glared at the table before the Veritaserum forced his words out. "I hid it under a floorboard."
"Because I don't want the Ministry to fall, or the world for that matter," Victor whispered.
"What happened in the house with Draco?"
"You two broke in. Alice was on the third floor, I was on the second, Alex stayed on the first. I hid the Horcrux and heard you when you caught Alex. Someone else came and took him away, and I heard you say something about splitting up. You ran up the stairs because you heard Alice. Malfoy continued looking around on my floor. I Petrified him and used the Polyjuice we each keep on ourselves at all times to disguise myself as him."
"Because I needed to know what happened to Alice. I needed to know if she would be okay, and I thought I could break into the Ministry and destroy all of the files with her name and description on them."
"Brown hair," Harry muttered. "Pale skin. Real scared eyes. Black shirt, jeans."
Victor was nodding before he finished speaking. "Do you know where she is?"
"No. She jumped out a window the second I saw her. Landed wrong, screamed, and bolted."
Victor closed his eyes and let out a shuddering breath.
"You haven't asked about Alexandre," Ron commented.
"I don't give a shit about him."
"You have a nickname for him."
"Alexandre is too long to say."
"Why don't you care for him?"
"He's a pureblood supremacist jackass."
"Where is Draco Malfoy?"
"I shoved him in a closet on the second floor."
Ron handed Harry his wand without a word, and Harry shot out of the interrogation room.
He ran to the Apparation point in the middle of the Ministry and turned on the spot, ending up right in the middle of the second floor of Grimmauld Place.
"Malfoy?" he shouted. No response. He yanked open closet door after closet door. "Malfoy!"
Finally, he jerked open one of the doors to see Draco staring at him, completely frozen. Harry sighed in relief.
"Fuck, you fucking idiot," he muttered, pulling his wand out. "Honestly, constant vigilance, pay attention, did you learn nothing at the academy? Finite Incantem!"
Draco instantly relaxed, rolling his shoulders and slumping a bit. "Fuck," he muttered. "Why the fuck did it take you so long to realize I was missing?"
"The guy Polyjuiced as you."
Draco's eyes went wide. "How did you realize?"
Harry laughed softly. "He yelled at me and then called me Harry. Then I had him sign a report I had already sighed, and he ignored when I said Jesus, and he used his right hand to sign the paper."
Draco snorted. "Amateur. Do you have to be back anytime soon?"
"No, Ron's doing the investigation." Harry bit back a grin. "Why?"
"You know perfectly well why." Draco grabbed his hand, pulling him forward as his eyes searched the rooms. "Which one used to be yours?"
Harry pointed at one of the doors with a grin, and Draco yanked him toward it.
"Fuck, fuck, Draco!"
Draco rolled his eyes, although he didn't stop. "I thought I told you- shit - to stop calling me that."
"It's your given- fuck!- given name, and your dick is inside of me, so I think I have some sort of right to be allowed to say it."
"Merlin, Potter, sometimes you can be such a fucking girl." That didn't stop Draco from leaning forward and kissing Harry hard, lust and passion firing though Harry at the feeling.
"I'm gonna tell Hermione you said that," Harry gasped when Draco broke away.
"Oh, yes, please do, and while you're at it, tell her the context in which I told you." Draco grinned wickedly. "And please let me see her face when you do."
Harry rolled his eyes, letting out a stuttered moan before he could speak again. "You're impossible."
"No, what's impossible is that this actually used to be your house, it's hideous."
"It's still my house, technically."
"A tragedy, truly." Harry let his nails scratch down Draco's back as revenge. "Ow! Potter, I swear to God, I will stop right now."
"But then you don't get to come," Harry replied with a wink.
"Potter, you're awful. I'm gonna stop giving you blowjobs at work."
"But then you don't get blowjobs at work either. Really, you're just fucking yourself over here, and it would be so much better if you stopped talking and got back to fucking me."
"Like this?" Draco said with a wicked grin, driving his hips forward and slamming against Harry's prostate. Harry gasped sharply, eyes rolling back.
"Yesyesyesyes, just like that," he moaned out, and Draco laughed softly, nipping at a spot on his throat as he continued to pound into Harry.
"Fuck, Draco, gonna-" Harry mumbled out, fingers digging into Draco's shoulders.
"Stop- calling- me- that!" Draco growled as he hit Harry's prostate again and Harry was gone, clenching tightly around Draco as the edges of his vision went white, and he was vaguely aware that Draco was coming too as he slumped into the cushion of the bed.
Draco fell next to him, running his hands through sweaty blonde curls. "I think I might have..." he looked a little worried. "Um, you're going to have to Glamour your throat."
"Are you fucking kidding me, Malfoy?" Harry sighed irritably. "Next time you even come near my neck, I'm punching you."
Draco snorted. "You said that last time."
Harry groaned as he Summoned a mirror and looked at the bruise on his throat. "Last time you didn't fucking mark me."
He Vanished the mirror and stood on slightly wobbly legs.
"Where the fuck did you throw my pants?"
"I don't appreciate people shoving me in closets and Polyjuicing as me, you know," Draco commented lightly as he crossed his arms and looked at Victor, who had returned to his normal self.
"I'm sorry," Victor mumbled. "I figured no one would notice, and I could Obliviate you later."
"All the better," Draco sighed. "You're not helping your case."
"Am I going to Azkaban?" Victor asked quietly. "Is Alice?"
Harry shrugged. "Depends on how much valuable information you're gonna give us."
"Anything," Victor said. "Please, please, just don't let them kill Alice."
"We don't plan on it," Ron interjected. "Where is your organization held?"
"It changes all the time. I can take you there." Victor held up his left arm to show the snake bracelet. "It enables me to find them wherever they are."
"Why can't we just take it and go?" Draco asked.
"It only works with members," Victor replied. "Sorry."
Draco muttered something that sounded a lot like "no you're not" before he sighed and leaned back in his chair, tipping it back slightly. "We'll have to talk to Kingsley and have an Auror meeting before we can make the decision to let a member of a Dark organization take us to an unknown location."
"I'll schedule one," Hermione said as she walked in. "Draco, Kingsley wants to talk about the case with you. Ron, you're needed on Level 2. Blaise, they need Veritaserum in Interrogation Room 3. Harry, you need to finish your case report. Victor, an Auror will be stopping by shortly to take you to a temporary holding cell."
Their group split up to return to their duties.
Draco's fingers tightened on his pen as Kingsley continued to discuss the operation.
Harry stared innocently ahead. There were twelve other Aurors in the room besides him and Draco, it wouldn't do well to draw attention to himself.
"I'm afraid until we've exhausted every possibility, I don't believe it to be a necessary step," Kingsley continued. "Auror Weasley, Auror Zabini, I need you to go to Azkaban and interrogate Antonin Dolohov and Corban Yaxley about their sons' involvements. Auror Finnegan, track down Walden Macnair and interrogate him. Hm. Take Auror Malfoy with you- actually, take Unspeakable Granger with you. She can help you find him, and Auror Malfoy, I need you to interrogate Lucius Malfoy."
Draco stilled. Harry stopped his ministrations immediately.
"My father?" he asked weakly.
"Yes, Auror Malfoy, your father. Take Auror Potter with you. Your personal connection may allow him to reveal more to you. Each of you may take a vial of Veritaserum with you. Thank you. I expect results by tomorrow."
Draco nodded sharply, meeting Harry's eyes and mouthing bathroom.
Harry only grinned in response.
Harry was already waiting in the bathroom when Draco stumbled in, slamming the door behind him and casting several powerful (and possibly illegal) silencing and locking spells at it before rounding on Harry.
"There are several better ways of getting my attention, Potter!"
Harry smirked, caressing the doll in his hand. One press of his thumb and Draco let out a sharp gasp that melted into a moan, stumbling back a step.
"But would any of them be anywhere near as effective?" Harry pushed off the wall, sauntering towards Draco. "Or as fun?"
"That's not the point," Draco gasped, but his eyes rolled back as Harry pressed the doll again.
"Hermione taught me voodoo spells eighth year," Harry said casually, watching Draco practically fall apart in front of him. "Did you know there are two kinds, Malfoy? There's a voodoo spell for pain, and there's a voodoo spell for-" another press. A loud moan from Draco, who was now leaning against the wall for support. "-pleasure."
"You're a goddamn nightmare," Draco breathed out shakily. Harry raised an eyebrow and pressed the doll again as Draco's head fell back against the wall. "And Granger is insane for giving you that information."
"Shame you think that. Here I thought I was going to make you come, and you go and disrespect me and my friend!" Harry shook his head. "Disappointing."
"I take it back I take it back I take it back," Draco moaned in one long breath. "Hermione Granger is a goddamn genius and you're a sex god and I will never ever disrespect you or her again."
"Better," Harry said cheerfully. "Because I've learned lot of fun new spells and I think we're gonna have a lot of fun in the future."
"I fucking hate you," Draco breathed, but he seemed to go against that statement when he jerked Harry closer by his shirt and kissed him hard.
"You're wearing too many clothes," Draco mumbled against his lips, fingers fumbling with the buttons on Harry's Auror robes.
Harry smirked into the kiss. "Who said I was planning to take them off?"
"Me," Draco groaned, pulling back to focus on the buttons before irritably sighing and grabbing Harry's wand out of his pocket. The buttons popped open and Draco shoved the robes to the floor, leaving Harry in only his pants, and pulled him in for another kiss. Harry's wand clattered to the floor.
"We learned wandless magic at the academy," Harry reminded him as Draco attempted to get his own robes off, never breaking the kiss.
"Too distracted, might Vanish them on accident." Draco sighed softly as he finally got his robes off and Harry pressed his hips against the blonde's, finally giving him the friction he had been wanting.
"How kind of you to not want to Vanish my robes," Harry said with a smile. "You've got a heart, Malfoy."
"I've got a dick, and I'm pretty sure that if I Vanished your robes you wouldn't let me come," Draco grumbled against his lips.
"What an attitude." Harry pressed on the doll again and Draco ripped away from the kiss to moan loudly, head falling back. Harry sucked on a spot on Draco's throat, continuing to press on the doll and enjoying the colorful words streaming from Draco's mouth as he did.
Harry smirked as he pulled back. "Now you've got a mark," he said, pleased. "That's my revenge for yesterday."
"You son of a bitch," Draco gasped, tipping his head back toward Harry. "I would punch you if I wasn't so sure I wouldn't get to come if I did."
"Actually," Harry said slowly, checking his watch. "It would appear it's four."
"So?" Draco gasped as Harry rolled his thumb over the doll. "Fuck, don't stop."
"So," Harry replied, moving back and picking up his robes, ignoring Draco's look of confusion. "We have an interrogation in a half-hour, and I need to prepare."
"You're not serious," Draco breathed.
"Hmm." Harry pulled his robes on, doing up the buttons and picking up his wand. "Do you remember two weeks ago when you spent the whole day dragging me into closets and sucking me off until I almost came, and then you would leave and repeat it an hour later?"
"Potter," Draco said warningly.
"Malfoy," Harry replied pleasantly. "See you in a half-hour."
As Harry walked out the door, he pressed the doll again and heard the thunk of Draco's head falling back against the wall.
"Draco," Lucius Malfoy said coldly.
"Father," Draco replied sweetly.
"To what do I owe this... pleasure?" Lucius sneered as he said the words. "Have the Aurors decided to throw me back in Azkaban?"
"Not yet, Lucy," Harry cut in, enjoying the shade of red Lucius' face turned. "We've got some questions about the new Death Eater organization."
"Well, I don't have answers." Lucius glared at Draco. "What are you wearing?"
Draco looked down at his clothes before glancing back up with a grin. "T-shirt. And jeans."
"Aren't you supposed to be wearing professional Auror clothing?"
Draco shrugged. "Met up with a boy in the bathrooms and my robes were... compromised." He was biting back a grin. "So I'm wearing this."
Lucius looked like he was going to vomit. "Disgraceful," he hissed. "Malfoys are supposed to have elegance and virtue!"
Draco snorted. "Well, I haven't had any virtue since I was fifteen, so I suppose I'll rely on elegance."
Harry had to bite back his laughter as Lucius Malfoy turned bright red.
"No," Harry said.
"Nothing," Ron added.
"Even under Veritaserum," Hermione sighed.
Kingsley groaned. "Fine. That means we'll have to fall back on the original plan. Aurors Potter, Weasley, and Finnegan, you'll be taking Victor Dolohov to the location he believes the Death Eater organization to be. When you find Curse-Breaker Bulstrode, take her as well. Unspeakable Granger, you'll be acting as a guard for Victor, as you don't have clearance to enter Auror raids."
Blaise and Draco stared at Kingsley. "What about us?" Draco demanded.
"As former Death Eaters, I'm afraid I can't send you to a Death Eater hideout."
(i know blaise was never a death eater i don't give a shit)
They stared at him in distress.
"I don't believe this," Blaise said. "We've been Aurors for five years. Never once have we gone against orders, and you still don't trust us?"
"It's not a matter of trust, Auror Zabini. It's a matter of previous allegiance and the Auror code."
"With all due respect, sir, Auror Malfoy is my partner. I'm not going without him," Harry said firmly. Draco stared at him.
"I'm not." Harry cut Draco off. "Either I go with Auror Malfoy or I don't go at all."
"Fine. Auror Weasley, Auror Finnegan, please find Auror Brown and-"
"You're crazy if you think Harry's sticking by his partner and I'm not sticking by mine," Ron said heatedly. "Blaise is coming with me, or I'm not going."
"Auror Finnegan, please find Aurors Brown and Nott-"
"I won't go either," Seamus said quietly. "It's not fair, what you're doing, Kingsley. They're loyal Aurors, and I won't have disrespect shown to fellow Aurors."
"I won't go either," Hermione added. "And you can be damn well sure that none of the other Unspeakables will either."
"The Aurors stand together, Kingsley," Harry said. "We're in it together, or not at all, and we won't be split apart by something that happened seven years ago."
Kingsley frowned. Draco and Blaise were scanning the other Aurors (and one Unspeakable) with slight awe and shock.
After a long moment, Kingsley sighed. "Aurors Potter, Weasley, Malfoy, and Zabini, you'll be taking Victor Dolohov to the location he believes the Death Eater organization to be. When you find Curse-Breaker Bulstrode, take her as well. Auror Finnegan, you'll be acting as a guard for Victor. Unspeakable Granger, your services are no longer required, as we have a full team."
Hermione nodded, smiling, and exited the room.
Draco continued to stare at Harry.
"Avada Kedavra!"
"That's a bit excessive, mate!" Ron shouted at the man. "I try to Stun you and you try to kill me, see, doesn't really balance out!"
"Lord," Ron muttered. "Impedimenta!"
The Death Eater went down and Blaise high-fived Ron as he shot a curse at another Death Eater.
While Blaise and Ron had a strategy of Run Everywhere And Fire Curses At Anyone Not Wearing Ministry Robes, Millicent was in a protective energy shield Seamus had summoned around her, him, and Victor while she focused on tearing away the Dark magic woven throughout the building, and Draco and Harry stood back-to-back, firing carefully aimed curses at the Death Eaters.
"Gets the adrenaline going, doesn't it?" Draco asked before shouting "Stupefy!"
"Are you really thinking about that at a time like this?" Harry laughed.
"Your place or mine after this?"
"Yours, probably. Mine's a mess."
"When is it not, Potter?"
"Hey. You're not my boyfriend, you don't get to comment on the state of my house."
Draco laughed loudly. "I don't have to like you to know your house is a disaster all the time."
"Dumbass," Harry muttered, but shot another curse at another Death Eater. "Jesus, how many are there?"
"There you go with the Jesus shit again, say Merlin like a proper wizard."
"Make me, blondie."
Draco didn't respond for a moment, and Harry turned. "Malfoy?"
He quickly realized Draco was focusing on Stunning the Death Eater that had been running behind Ron with his and outstretched. Harry shot a Stupefy at another one of them.
"Three left," he muttered, just as Blaise hit one of them with a Stunner.
"Counting your brain cells?" Draco asked with a grin, turning to glance behind him before his smile dropped. "Harry!"
Harry spun to see a green spell firing toward him.
Draco shoved him out of the way without a second thought; the pair rolling and landing on the ground with Harry on top of Draco; the two of them breathing hard and staring wide into each other's eyes.
There was a long beat in which they stared at each other, and Harry vaguely heard Ron shout "we got them all!" and Draco's eyes dropped to Harry's mouth and Harry found himself doing the same. Playing entirely on instinct, Harry leaned down and kissed him.
Draco responded almost immediately, a breathless kiss of exhilaration and surprise, but no lust. Harry pulled away, and they both looked at each other with shocked expressions.
"No," Draco breathed.
"Fuck," Harry replied. "Fuck, we have the shittiest luck."
"I thought this was no strings attached!" Despite their shouting at one another, neither of them made an attempt to move.
"So did I! Why did you have to bloody save my life, you twat?"
"You're fucking welcome!"
"Well now we have to deal with-" Harry broke off to lift one arm and gesture between them. "-this!"
Draco's eyes were drawn to the one arm that remained propping Harry up above him. "You know, it's quite arousing that you can do that without collapsing on top of me."
Harry rolled his eyes. "You think everything I do is arousing."
"Not true."
"Yes true. We've been fucking for three months and you have yet to find a kink you haven't enjoyed. We'll add 'Potter on top of you just fucking staring at you because you saved his goddamn life' to the mix."
Draco flushed. "Jackass."
"You love it."
"I'm not that far gone," Draco sighed. "So apparently we're into each other. Now what?"
"I don't know!" Harry protested. "I've never had a rival-turned fuckbuddy-turned more than fuckbuddy before!"
Draco sighed and his head dropped down onto the ground. "Well shit. Wanna go on a date?"
"I mean fuck. I guess? We're doing this so backwards."
Draco grinned, grabbing the one hand that was still in the air and using it to push Harry over so Draco was straddling him. The blonde then stood, pulling Harry up with him. "When have we ever done anything normally?"
Harry rolled his eyes. "If I end up falling in love with you, I'm gonna be so fucking pissed."
"Touché, Potter."
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