spreading holiday cheer and kissing draco malfoy aren't so different, right?
Okay, so it's not even close to Christmas.
Do I care? No.
Harry couldn't stop staring.
Draco's perfect blonde hair was red and green.
It was drawing the gaze of several students in the Great Hall, and Draco's face was redder than the stripes in his hair, but he held his head up and sat down at the Slytherin table.
"I see Malfoy walked under the mistletoe," Ron said coolly, grinning across the room.
Harry looked up. Ugly green stripes crossed Ron's naturally red hair. "I see you did too."
Ron shrugged and turned to Hermione, lightly kissing her. The green faded from his hair and he flashed Harry a satisfied grin.
"Too bad no one likes the Ferret enough to make his hair less of a shitshow," he laughed easily, before returning to his food.
That didn't sit well in Harry's stomach, and he irritably pushed his food around for the rest of dinner.
Glass chandeliers.
Glass chandeliers lined the stupid hallways, and each hook of them had a sprig of enchanted mistletoe on it. It was getting harder and harder to avoid them, especially with the threat of the thousands of girls would would try to kiss Harry if they saw him with red and green hair.
He was already irritated, and this made it so much worse.
Draco came to lunch with blonde hair.
Eyes followed him and whispers broke out. Draco just sat down at the Slytherin table and flashed a wink at Blaise.
Harry gripped his fork tightly, ignoring the curious stares of Hermione and Ron.
He wasn't supposed to be in this hallway. He was supposed to be in class, but honestly, skipping one day didn't matter. He was far too irritated, and none of his friends' holiday cheer was even close to rubbing off on him.
If he hadn't glanced left for a half a second, he would have missed it, but he did, and he froze where he stood.
Draco Malfoy was backing away from a boy, his platinum hair once again red and green. The boy wasn't an eighth year, but it wasn't hard to tower over Draco's thin frame. He was advancing on the blonde, and Draco was pressed against the wall, eyes wide and desperately panicked.
Harry saw red.
The glass chandeliers shattered.
One by one, each chandelier down the hall shattered until they reached Draco and the other boy, falling in a rain of glass in a ring around Draco.
The boy shrieked and backed away quickly. He caught Harry's eye, terrified, and darted away.
Harry rushed up to Draco, helping him up. The shattered glass on the floor stopped in a perfect one-foot circle around him.
"Erm... thanks," Draco said quietly, a blush flooding his face. "You can do wandless magic?"
Harry looked up at the broken fixture the chandelier had been hanging from. "I guess so."
Draco frowned. "You didn't know you could?"
"Not until now," Harry murmured. His eyes flicked up to the brilliantly horrific shade of Draco's hair.
Draco self-consciously ran a hand through his hair. "This is the first time you've done wandless magic, and it was to save me from a stupid sixth year?"
Harry shrugged noncommittally. "I helped you once." His eyes once again flicked up to his hair. "While I'm at it, I may as well help you twice."
Draco's eyes widened. "Have you kissed anyone before, Potter?"
Harry noted that that was the first thing he said, not a blatant rejection of Harry's suggestion. "Yeah, I have."
Draco looked down at the floor. "I haven't."
"But... you and Blaise... your hair..." Harry stared as Draco flushed pink again.
"He kissed my cheek. Any kiss works."
Harry realized with a sinking feeling that Draco didn't want to kiss him.
"Don't worry, I know you don't want to kiss me. I won't steal your first kiss from you," Harry said quietly. He gently took Draco's hand and kissed the back of it.
Draco's hair almost instantly turned back to its normal blonde. Harry watched it with a faint smile.
Draco ran his fingers through his hair. "Is it...?"
Harry nodded, and Draco relaxed. He seemed to debate something in his head, before he quietly said "Thank you, Potter," and walked away.
Harry sighed, casting a silent Reparo on the chandelier above him, cursing silently when he realized he was standing directly underneath the sprig of mistletoe that was on one hook.
That was how many times girls had approached him to kiss him, including Ginny. Twice.
Harry had refused each one, and now it was dinner and almost everyone was staring at him.
"I'm gonna kill myself," he muttered.
Ron shrugged. "Mate, I'll kiss you if you want, shit. Your hair looks awful."
Harry snorted. "It's fine, Ron. I-"
His words trailed off when he realized he had no excuse to not kiss Ron. Instead, he just shook his head, and Ron shrugged before returning to his food.
Ginny leaned forward. "You know, I could-"
"No, thank you Ginny," Harry responded politely for the third time.
"He said no, Ginny," Ron said irritably. "Damn, let it go."
She pouted, sitting back in her chair.
Instantly, Harry froze. He turned slowly, and faced Draco.
"I thought I'd repay your favor earlier," Draco said quietly. "I've also come to the conclusion that it's not stealing if I want you to take it."
Harry's breath caught, and his lips parted. Draco's eyes darted down slightly, and then back up.
And then Draco leaned forward and kissed him.
Ron inhaled sharply and Hermione just mildly raised her eyebrows. From somewhere behind him, Harry heard Ginny shout "WHAT?!"
They broke apart, and Draco glanced up at Harry's hair with a grin. "Much better."
"Malfoy, if you so much as touch Harry again-" Ginny was threatening.
Draco rolled his eyes, looking past Harry. "You'll what? Kiss m-"
Harry pulled him down by his tie and kissed him again.
And despite the screams and shouting from Ginny and the eyebrow raises from his other friends, Harry decided that there was truly no better way to spread holiday cheer than by kissing Draco Malfoy.
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