Prompt by almonds13
Ginny studied Harry. He was still typing on his phone, smiling at the screen as the rest of the group watched the movie in front of them.
She frowned. He wouldn't be cheating on her, would he? Although technically he had never called Ginny his girlfriend, and although he had never asked her to be or kissed her or anything, he hugged her and smiled at her, and obviously liked her, and Ginny knew they were dating.
A loud "Ron!" snapped her out of her thoughts, and she turned just in time to see Hermione laugh and hit Ron with a pillow. "Pay attention!"
"Please, neither of you have been paying attention," Dean commented. "Me and Neville saw Ron kissing your neck for the past five minutes. Nice try."
"You and Seamus were making out the entire time!" Ron protested.
"We weren't trying to hide it," Seamus commented with a grin. Neville pushed him off the couch, which earned a "hey!"
"Hush, I think someone's about to get murdered!" Luna squealed, eyes still glued on the tv.
Everyone turned to face the girl on the screen wielding a vase in one hand and calling "hello?" down the stairs.
"Turn around, turn around, turn around," Dean chanted softly, hand tightening around Seamus'.
"Just go back to bed!" Hermione muttered, frustrated.
"Stop shouting hello, they're not going to respond with 'hi, sorry, just here to kill you'!" Neville hissed.
"What kinda weapon is a vase?" Ron mumbled.
"Nononononononono," Seamus whispered, slowly hiding behind Dean more and more.
The girl on the screen walked slowly down the stairs, holding her vase out in front of her, hands shaking. At this point, Seamus was almost fully hidden behind Dean, and Hermione was squeezing the pillow tight enough to kill.
A face appeared in the window the girl walked past, and Seamus shrieked, burying his face in Dean's shoulder. Luna leaned forward in interest, and Neville seemed intent on his new place fallen on the floor.
The music rose, and then stopped, leaving only silence. The girl took three steps forward, and then stopped in front of a mirror. The camera panned in on her wide eyes, and she spun around and screamed at the sight of the man with the horrifying mask behind her.
Ron screamed, throwing popcorn in the air. Ginny flinched. Seamus squeezed his eyes shut. Dean covered his eyes with his hands and yelped. Luna jumped. Neville almost passed out. Hermione threw her pillow.
Harry laughed.
Seven pairs of eyes turned to the boy, who's focus was solely on his phone.
"Who ya talking to?" Seamus yelled, launching himself at Harry and attempting to take his phone.
Harry shrieked, turning off his phone and fighting back against his friend. Dean and Ron joined in on trying to take his phone and figure out who he was talking to.
"Is it a girlfriend?" Ron yelled.
"A boyfriend?" Neville suggested.
"A hooker?" Seamus gasped as Harry's foot hit him in the stomach.
"A friend?" Hermione said, rolling her eyes.
"Free me!" Harry shrieked, flailing his limbs and laughing.
"You win this round, Potter," Seamus huffed, rolling off of him. "I think you broke my rib."
"Liar," Harry replied affectionately. Seamus flashed him a smile.
Ginny frowned. "Who is it, Harry?"
Harry looked down and blushed.
"Invite them over, Harry!" Luna suggested brightly.
"I'm not sure that's a good-"
"Do it! Do it! Do it!" Seamus, Dean, Neville, and Ron chanted.
"Fine!" Harry shouted, laughing. He turned his phone back on and started texting. "He'll be over in a bit."
"He?" Ron shouted. "It is a boyfriend!"
"Told you!" Neville cried.
Ginny frowned.
They continued to watch the movie for a while, before Hermione stood. "Who wants to play a board game?"
"We're not moving," Seamus said, all four of his limbs completely wrapped around Dean, lips bright red to match his cheeks.
"I'm enjoying the movie," Luna said. Neville nodded.
Harry shrugged. "I'll play."
"Me too!" Ginny replied immediately.
Before anyone else could say anything, someone knocked on the door. Ron stood fast, but Harry was faster. He pushed Ron onto the couch and ran toward the door.
"You're here," Harry said. A blonde boy stepped through the door, smiling at Harry. Harry kissed him lightly on the cheek, before turning to them. "Everyone, this is Draco. Draco, this is Hermione, Ron, Luna, Dean, Seamus, Neville, and Ginny."
"It's wonderful to finally meet you all, Harry speaks very highly of you," Draco said warmly.
Hermione stood. "It's lovely to meet you too. We were just about to play a board game, would you like to play?"
"Sure!" Draco agreed. Harry grabbed his hand and pulled him to sit on the floor next to him.
Ginny frowned, and sat on the other side of Harry.
"You're the one he called Ginny, right?" Draco asked. "Your hair is truly beautiful. Red hair is a lovely gift."
"Thank you. Harry likes it too," she replied coldly.
Draco frowned slightly in confusion, and turned to Harry, who looked equally confused.
"Let's play!" Hermione cheered, setting down a familiar game board.
"Life?" Harry groaned. "You always win this one!"
Hermione beamed, and opened the board. "Who wants to be what?"
"I want pink!" Ginny shouted, snatching the pink car and shoving a little pink person in it.
"I'll take whatever," Draco replied, shrugging. Harry picked up the yellow car and put a little blue person in it. Hermione grabbed blue, and Draco grabbed green.
They played for a bit, and then Harry landed on the Get Married space. Ginny, who was in charge of handing out the pegs, handed him a pink one.
Harry frowned at her, confused.
"It's me!" she cheered happily.
Draco's face changed. He looked irritated, and turned to Harry, who was still just staring at Ginny.
Slowly, Harry reached out, and grabbed the bag. He pulled out a blue peg, and set it in the car next to his own.
"Is that me?" Draco teased. Harry relaxed a bit, and grinned at him.
"Of course."
Ginny fumed. She was his girlfriend! What was he doing? He must have been trying to make her jealous. Guys liked jealous girlfriends.
They continued to play a while longer, and the movie ended. The others sat next to them and watched them play, offering advice and laughing at cards and the amount of children Hermione had ended up with. (A full car plus two)
Finally, Draco landed on a Baby space, and held out his hand. Ginny frowned, and handed him a pink peg.
"Her name is... Pansy," he decided.
"No way!" Harry argued. "You're not naming our children after your friends! Her name is Peggy, because she's a peg."
"That's a stupid name to give a baby. Pansy is cute."
"Pansy is your best friend!"
Draco grinned, and continued their fake-parent argument. "Maybe I'll just divorce you and take the kids!"
Harry cupped a protective hand around his own car with three baby pegs. "I won't let you touch Shalyssa, Adam, or Patricia!"
"You named your kids after vines, and I can't name mine after my best friend?"
Harry smirked. "I thought I was your best friend!"
"You can't be my husband and my best friend!"
"Then I'll divorce you, and I'm taking Peggy with me!"
Draco fake-gasped, placing a hand dramatically over his heart. "How dare you!"
Hermione laughed, reaching out to spin the wheel for her turn. Harry and Draco grinned at each other and moved on.
"I don't understand why you didn't put a female peg for your Get Married spot, Harry," Ginny complained after the game was over. (Hermione won)
Draco's smiled faded. "Do you really not know?" He turned to Harry. "You haven't told them?"
Harry shrugged. "I wanted to keep it private until I was sure how serious it was, and plus, you only asked me yesterday. I was gonna tell them today, actually."
"You're 22, Harry, you can't hide things from your friends anymore," Draco sighed.
"Is everything okay?" Luna asked.
"What's happening?" Ginny shrieked.
Draco stood, and walked to the door. "I should go, don't want to be tired at work tomorrow. And my fiancée should join me. Don't want him to be annoying tomorrow." He grinned, and the door shut behind him.
"What?" Hermione shouted.
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