in which harry is very reasonable and draco is very horny
Harry considered himself to be a reasonable person.
Which was why, after seven years of taunting, fighting, and cursing, he decided it was time he ended his rivalry with Malfoy.
The problem with that was that Malfoy was less receptive to the idea.
"You might think you're better than everyone because you got lucky and killed a man, but that doesn't mean we get to be friends, Potter," he had spat out before walking away.
And since Harry was a very reasonable person, he decided to respect Malfoy's decision.
And that, being the reasonable decision he made, was why he was in the Restricted Section of the library at three in the morning, looking at hexes.
And he found the perfect one.
While Harry waited for Malfoy to show up at the Great Hall, he tuned into Hermione and Ron's conversation.
"-not a waste of time! What we did will help, but I still need to have more knowledge of government if I want to get a Ministry position!"
Ron sighed heavily. "But how do you expect to read all of those books?"
Hermione stared. "How do I- are you-?" She turned to face Harry. "Can you believe him?"
Harry shrugged non-committally and hid his grin as Malfoy walked into the Great Hall and sat down at the Slytherin table next to Parkinson.
He counted to six in his head before pulling out his lollipop and unwrapping it.
"Oh, Harry! That's too much sugar for breakfast! You'll rot your teeth." Hermione frowned at him.
Harry shrugged. "No it's not, I'll be fine."
"My parents are dentists, Harry."
"My parents are dead, Hermione." Harry grinned at her stunned expression. "This lollipop is providing me with that sweet, sweet, serotonin to deal with it."
Ron bit his lip and his shoulders started shaking with silent laughter. Hermione stared at Harry in shock, but stopped admonishing him for having candy for breakfast and instead turned her anger back to Ron.
"Books are God's gift to this world, Ron-"
Harry turned out of their conversation and put the lollipop in his mouth.
The reaction was instant, and Harry grinned around the sweet as he watched Malfoy immediately stop talking to Parkinson, mouth snapping shut and eyes darting down.
Harry grinned and stayed still for a moment while Malfoy appeared to have some sort of mild panic. After a moment, he relaxed, and although he looked confused, he continued talking to a now more-confused-looking Parkinson.
Harry swirled his tongue around the lollipop and took it out of his mouth with a satisfying pop.
Malfoy physically jumped, and Harry could see his blush from across the room. He continued talking to Parkinson, but the pink stains on his cheeks were still there.
Harry put the lollipop back in his mouth and sucked hard, and Malfoy's hand reached out and grabbed a napkin, squeezing it tightly. He nodded and responded to something Parkinson said, but as Harry continued his ministrations, he shredded the napkin more and more until it was a sad pile of material. Parkinson looked at it in concern, and said something to Malfoy.
Malfoy responded and stood, rushing out of the Great Hall. Harry grinned and picked the wrapper off of the table, wrapping the lollipop back up and putting it in his pocket.
"Why didn't you finish it?" Hermione asked, confused.
Harry shrugged. "The pancakes look good, I want them instead."
Harry didn't see Malfoy again until Potions.
The boy was sitting at the desk right in front of Harry, chopping ingredients. Zabini sat next to him, measuring them and putting them in the cauldron.
As Ron attempted to figure out how the hell to make the potion, Harry took his lollipop back out and put it in his mouth.
Just like before, the reaction was instant. Malfoy's back straightened, and he made a small noise. Zabini turned toward him and gave him a weird look.
"Draco, the fuck was that?"
Harry sucked on the lollipop. Malfoy gave Zabini a strained smile. "Nothing! Nothing, I'm fine. How about you cut and I measure?"
"Sure, whatever." Zabini switched seats with Malfoy, which was great because Harry could see his face now, even if it was only from the side and Malfoy's curly blonde hair kept falling in the way.
"Mr. Potter! There will be no eating in this class!" Professor Balven shouted. Harry pouted around his lollipop, and Zabini and Malfoy both turned around with mocking grins.
"Shame," Harry said around the lollipop. "It's so delicious. Tastes like cherry."
He took it out of his mouth with a pop.
Malfoy dropped his measuring cup.
"Please throw it away, Mr. Potter."
"Yes, Professor." Harry sighed dramatically and went to the front of the classroom. He sucked on it one more time for good measure before throwing it in the trash, and Malfoy, who had been leaning on his stool to pick up the measuring cup, fell to the ground.
"Mr. Malfoy! Are you alright?" Professor Balven rushed over to Malfoy and helped him pick up his stool and measuring cup.
Malfoy stood a bit shakily, eyes meeting Harry's.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," he muttered, frowning a bit.
Harry gave him a bright smile and went back to his seat.
"Wonder what his problem is," Ron muttered.
Harry had managed to avoid Malfoy for the rest of the day, and now it was dinnertime and Malfoy was bending his fork with how hard he was gripping it, and Harry was just enjoying his dinner that consisted of one lollipop.
Malfoy met his eyes across the room, and he frowned in confusion as he had in Potions, and Harry smiled at him before licking the lollipop again.
All traces of any doubt washed away from Malfoy's face and he stood, looking furious.
Harry turned to Hermione. "How far are you in your book?"
Her face brightened. "I'm six chapters in! Professor McGonagall almost had to take it away from me in Transfiguration, but it's so interesting! I had no idea Wizarding law had so many specificities, and... Harry, you might want to turn around."
Harry turned, eyes wide and innocent, to see a furious-looking Draco Malfoy standing right in front of him.
"Can I talk to you, Potter?" Malfoy gritted out, looking like it was the most painful thing in his life.
"Sure!" Harry popped the lollipop back in his mouth, and after Malfoy's expression faltered slightly at the sensation, he marched out of the Great Hall, a gleeful Harry on his heels.
As soon as the doors shut behind them, Malfoy pinned Harry against the wall by his wrists, glaring at him.
"What the fuck are you playing at?" he hissed.
Harry moved the lollipop to the side of his mouth so he could talk, and noted the way Malfoy's lips parted. "If you wanted to pin me against a wall, I'd suggest a bedroom would be better."
"Potter." Malfoy's fingers on his wrists tightened. Harry's heart sped up.
"Draco," he teased back.
"Don't call me that!" Malf...Draco glared. "Spit the fucking lollipop out."
Harry raised one eyebrow. "Come and get it, Draco."
Draco looked utterly furious. Harry smiled angelically and moved the lollipop back to the middle of his mouth, pursing his lips as though waiting for a kiss.
Draco's eyes flicked to his occupied hands and he scowled once more before leaning forward and taking the stick of the lollipop in his teeth and pulling it away from Harry's mouth. Harry opened his mouth and let him. Draco spat the lollipop onto the floor and frowned at it before turning back to Harry.
"Why didn't that hurt?" he asked.
Harry blinked with wide, innocent eyes. "Why didn't what hurt?"
"You know very well what. If that thing is linked to my... to me, and I can feel what happens to it, why doesn't it hurt when I drop it?"
"Oh, Draco, I could never hurt you!" Harry cried gleefully, relishing in the stunned look on Draco's face. "It's designed for pleasure, of course!"
Draco clenched his jaw. "Why. The fuck. Did you link it to me?"
"Because you wouldn't be my friend." Harry pouted. "How was I supposed to get your attention? It's not like I could actually drop down on my knees in the middle of the Great Hall and suck you off."
Draco's eyes glazed over for a minute before snapping back to Harry with more anger than before. "Fuck, fine, I'll be your stupid friend if you fucking stop!"
"Oh, but Draco, my terms have changed now."
Draco tightened his hold on Harry's wrists. "What?"
"How can I explain it in a way that makes sense to you? Ah, you understand money. The offer has been in the bank for a while, and the interest has gone up! There are more terms."
Draco exhaled heavily, looking irritated. "What do you want me to do, Potter? Want me to suck you off? Want me to buy you more candy? Want me to stop calling you Potter?"
"Would you actually do those things?"
Draco tensed, and after a moment, gritted out "If it would make you stop, then yes."
"Interesting. But that's not what I want."
"Then what do you-"
"I want you to apologize."
Draco's mouth snapped shut, and he stared at Harry in shock. "Excuse me?"
"I want you to apologize. To Hermione and Ron and Neville and Katie and Madam Rosmerta and the entire Weasley family."
Draco let go of Harry's wrists and stepped back a few steps. "What about you?"
"Oh, I know you're sorry for what you've done to me." Harry rubbed his wrists, grinning.
"I'm not apologizing to that redheaded blood traitor and his stupid Mudblood gir-"
"Then we don't have a deal." Harry shrugged and turned back to the door. "Pleasure doing business with you, Draco."
Draco gaped after him as Harry went back to his friends.
Thursday afternoon had Harry standing in the middle of the hallway sucking on his lollipop while Draco fell back against the wall several feet away, completely unaware that Harry was near him.
Draco's breathing was short and ragged, a blissed-out expression of pure ecstasy scrawled across his face as he closed his eyes and tipped his head back against the wall behind him.
The lollipop slowly got warmer and warmer in his mouth, and when it was almost burning his tongue, Harry took it out of his mouth and tossed it into the trash a couple feet away.
Draco's eyes flew open in shock. "Fucking- Potter?!" He pushed off of the wall, blushing hard. "Fuck, why-"
He cut himself off, mouth snapping shut, and took a step back.
Harry tilted his head, grinning. "Why what, Draco?"
Draco clenched his jaw and glared at him for several seconds before growling "Why do you keep... stopping?"
Harry shrugged. "I'm not giving you what you want until you give me what I want."
"What makes you think this is what I want?" Draco raised a challenging eyebrow. "What makes you think I want you?"
Harry grinned wickedly. That was exactly what he had wanted Draco to ask. "Because, darling, you haven't once asked me to stop." Draco opened his mouth to retort, but Harry cut him off. "You didn't. You bargained with me and asked me why, but you never explicitly told me to stop." He leaned against the wall, grin growing wider. "Besides, you got drunk at the ball we had after the battle and told me you wanted me to suck you off more than anything."
Draco made a small squeaking noise, his entire face flushing quite beautifully. He spluttered for several seconds before he spoke. "If I had asked you to stop, would you?"
Harry rolled his eyes. "You know the answer to that."
"Did you?"
"Did I what?" Harry grinned again. Draco glared; he knew Harry knew exactly what he was asking.
"Did you do what I asked you to at the ball?" he ground out.
"Nah. You were super super drunk, I wouldn't take advantage."
"But you would randomly suck me off in the middle of classes and meals?"
Harry blinked innocently. "I haven't touched you, Draco, I'm quite sure I have no idea what you're talking about."
Draco opened his mouth to argue, but students started coming back from lunch, and Harry winked before darting off, leaving Draco standing there with his mouth open in the middle of the corridor.
It was another two days of endless torture before a glaring Draco Malfoy appeared in front of Harry during dinner.
"Malfoy, what do you want?" Ron asked irritably, and Harry looked up at the blonde in surprise.
Draco scowled and slammed a piece of paper down in front of Harry.
"You win," he hissed.
Harry looked down at the paper in front of him to see eleven names written in Draco's elegant handwriting.
Hermione Granger
Neville Longbottom
Kathleen Bell
Jane Rosmerta
Molly Weasley
Arthur Weasley
William Weasley
Charles Weasley
George Weasley
Ronald Weasley
Ginevra Weasley
Madam Rosmerta's name had a single, clean line through it.
"The fuck is that, Malfoy?" Ron spat, reaching for the paper. Harry grabbed it and shoved it in his pocket.
"You know I'm going to check, right?" Harry asked.
Draco nodded once. "I know. I'm not lying."
Harry grinned. "You should go somewhere private now."
Draco looked confused for a second, before he froze. "Are you serious? For every name?"
"You should go somewhere private now," Harry simply repeated, before casually pulling another enchanted lollipop out of his pocket.
There was a third of a second delay before Draco sprinted out the Great Hall doors.
"What the fuck was that about?" Ron asked. "What was on the paper?"
Harry grinned, popping the lollipop in his mouth. "I have a deal with Draco. That's all you need to know for now."
"Draco?" Hermione repeated, eyebrows raised.
Harry shrugged. "Yeah. Past petty rivalries, you know? Say, how are you doing on your book?"
Hermione lit up and completely forgot about Draco as she started talking about her book. Harry nodded and listened, absently sucking on the lollipop, occasionally swirling his tongue around it and popping it out of his mouth to answer questions.
The lollipop started to warm up, and Harry struggled to pay attention to Hermione as it started burning his mouth, but just as suddenly, the burning went away and the lollipop returned to its normal temperature. Harry grinned and tossed it into the trash.
Draco didn't return to dinner.
A day and a half after Draco had given Harry the list, Harry walked into the Great Hall at breakfast to see the blonde sitting at the Gryffindor table.
He was speaking intently with Katie Bell, and the girl had a smile on her face. As Harry sat down, Ron glanced over at him.
"Weird, isn't it? He just came over here and started talking to her. Doesn't get the right after what he did."
"He's apologizing," Harry replied calmly, pulling the list out of his pocket and placing it on the table in front of him. "Say, do you have any lollipops? I ran out and I'm craving one."
"Apologizing?" Ron laughed, reaching into his bag. "As if. Here you go."
Harry shrugged and watched as Draco smiled at Katie and stood, walking over to where Harry sat. The blonde plucked a quill out of Ron's still-open bag and scratched a line through Katie's name on the list.
"Same terms?" he questioned, eyes hopeful as he set the quill in front of a gaping Ron.
"Of course. I'm nothing if not reasonable," Harry replied, and Draco nodded once before leaving the Great Hall.
Harry cast a wordless enchantment on the lollipop while Hermione and Ron were busy staring at Draco, and popped the candy in his mouth. "I told you. He was apologizing." He tucked the note into his pocket. "We have a deal."
"What are you offering him?" Ron asked, staring at the closed doors Draco had walked through. "I'm not sure there's much you could do short of dropping to your knees for him that would make Malfoy apologize to anyone."
Harry coughed around the lollipop and laughed loudly. "Jesus, Ron."
Hermione wrinkled her nose. "I'm trying to eat, can you not put that image in my head?"
Harry tilted his head a bit, frowning as he rolled the lollipop from side to side in his mouth. He wondered where Draco was. "Are you homophobic?"
"No!" Hermione exclaimed, dropping her fork. "God, no, of course not! It's just that you're my best friend and I'd rather not imagine you in any sexual situations. Do you want to picture me in a sexual situation?"
Harry immediately recoiled. "Good point. Lord. Never."
Hermione laughed easily, and for the time being, Harry's two best friends forgot about his deal with Draco.
Over the course of two weeks, seven more names were scratched off the list, leaving only Hermione and Ron left.
And Draco was furious about it.
Mostly because he hadn't apologized to anyone in four days, and as such, Harry had returned to torturing him.
But Draco was stubborn, and Harry watched the blonde's knuckles turn white from how hard he was gripping his cup. Hands shaking, he brought the drink to his lips, and Harry waited until he was sure Draco had water in his mouth before he sucked hard on the lollipop.
Draco, of course, choked on his water.
Harry grinned wickedly and returned to his conversation with Ron.
It was another two days before Draco approached Harry and his friends in the middle of the hallway.
"Can we help you?" Harry said sweetly.
"I want you to stop."
Ron and Hermione both gave them confused looks, but Harry could only focus on Draco as he felt his smile slide off his face. "What?"
Draco swallowed, expression cool. "This is your chance to prove if you meant what you said, Potter. I'm asking you to stop."
Harry paused for a long moment before he reached in his pocket and pulled out his newest lollipop, still in the packaging, and handed it out to Draco. The boy took it with a simple nod and walked past them.
"What in the bloody fuck was that about?" Ron asked, bewildered.
Harry sighed. "I'll tell you when we get to the common room."
"You WHAT?!" Ron shouted.
Harry shrugged miserably. "I dunno. It was stupid."
"You think?" Hermione asked, but she was grinning a bit. "Lord, Harry, the situations you get yourself into."
"Why is Ron the upset one here?" Harry asked. The shocked look on Ron's face momentarily gave way to show a similar expression of confusion.
Hermione shrugged. "I'm really as confused as you are. He would have told you to stop much sooner if he didn't want you to do it, and he didn't seem angry when he told you to stop, just matter-of-fact. It's strange, to say the least."
Harry sighed. "Well damn. I fucked up what remnants of a friendship we had."
"I don't think that's friendship, unless you give blowjobs to all your friends, in which case we need to have a long talk, mate," Ron replied with a grin.
"More of a friends-with-benefits agreement," Hermione added.
"Or just one friend getting benefits and the other one getting candy," Ron continued.
"One friend with some benefits and some torture and the other one getting lollipops and a lot of confused looks," Hermione said, starting to laugh halfway into her sentence. Ron joined her, and soon Harry's two best friends were cracking up.
"You two are the fucking worst," Harry muttered, but he was smiling.
The next day at breakfast, Harry did his best to avoid looking at Draco. It was hard, especially when brilliant platinum hair was visible in the corner of his eye, but he was managing.
Hermione was talking about the book she had just finished, and Ron was nodding along as he shoved waffles in his face. Harry listened intently, trying to distract himself from the blonde across the room.
"And apparently in 1986, they repealed that! It's insane that it even took that long to come to a decision like that, but-" Hermione froze, looking over Harry's right shoulder. "Well, um, hello Malfoy."
Harry spun around in his seat to see Draco standing on the other side of the table by Ron, hands shoved in his pockets and cheeks pink.
"Hello, Hermione," he said quietly.
She blinked several times and Ron quite looked like he was going to faint before she spoke.
"Is there something you want?"
"I'm sorry." Draco raised his gaze from the floor to Hermione's eyes, and then over to Ron.
"You're-" Ron choked on his own words and reverted to just staring at Draco in shock.
Hermione's mouth fell open, and Harry was pretty sure he had a matching expression.
"I beg your pardon?" she stuttered out. "You-you're-"
"Sorry," Draco finished, nodding. "I'm sorry I called you that horrible name and insulted your parents, and I'm sorry I ever had a prejudice against you in the first place, and I'm sorry for thinking you were less because of your blood status, and I'm sorry for insulting your appearance, because you really are quite beautiful."
Hermione's mouth snapped shut and then fell open again several times. No words escaped her, and Draco turned to Ron.
"And I'm sorry to you, too. I'm sorry I judged your family and I'm sorry I called you Weasel, and I'm sorry I treated you unfairly, and I'm sorry for thinking you were less than me because you had less money, and I'm sorry I was such a dick. To the both of you. I truly apologize, and although I don't expect your forgiveness, I just wanted you both to know that I both regret and apologize for my actions against you and everyone you love."
Ron's eyes were somehow wider, but he managed to find his voice.
"What about Harry?" he croaked out.
Draco finally met Harry's eyes for the first time since he had come over, and a soft smile crossed his face.
"He knows I'm sorry for what I've done to him."
Harry swallowed and tried to find words. He could not.
"You're forgiven," Hermione blurted out. "I forgive you, I mean. 100% all good. Ten out of ten. Great. Perfect. You're in the clear." She was stumbling over her words, unsure of which ones to choose.
"Yeah," Ron added. "I mean... well, yeah. I guess I forgive you, you're not as much of a dick anymore, and Harry seems to have a thing for you, so yeah. I forgive you too. Harry, did he break you? Are you alright?"
Harry was finding it terribly difficult to find his voice. He just held up a weak thumbs-up.
Draco bit his lip and smiled at Harry before walking out of the Great Hall.
"I didn't..." Harry whispered, voice croaky and shocked. "I don't have a lollipop."
Hermione just shook her head, still looking quite stunned. "Uhhh... Go after him? Suck his dick?"
"Hermione!" Harry and Ron shouted together.
Hermione gave them an exasperated look. "What? At least go after him, then!"
Harry did.
He sprinted out of the Great Hall and down the corridor until he almost ran into the blonde, who was walking at a normal pace as normal people did.
Harry was not a normal person, and almost ran into the wall as he rounded the corner to catch up to the boy.
"Draco!" he shouted, and Draco turned, looking surprised. Harry huffed out a breath before meeting grey eyes.
"Why did you tell me to stop if you were going to apologize anyway?"
Draco bit his lip and looked down at the ground before meeting Harry's eyes again.
"I wanted you to know I was serious, and wasn't just doing it for a sexual favor."
"You were serious?" Harry breathed. "Jesus, Draco, I thought you just hated me and wanted me to stop."
Draco snorted. "Harry fucking Potter, star of the majority of my inappropriate dreams, was basically giving me a blowjob for telling people sorry, and you thought I would ever want you to stop?"
"So..." Harry gave him a shy grin. "You don't want me to stop?"
"Fuck, obviously not! But I'm done apologizing, the list is done. So..." Draco trailed off and shrugged, looking a bit dejected.
"I can make more lists," Harry said. "Or I can just ask you on a date."
Draco looked surprised. "You're serious?"
"Of course. You think I just give anyone a blowjob?"
Draco bit his lip and gave Harry a shy grin.
"And besides, the list isn't done," Harry added. "You did two apologies and haven't gotten your rewards yet."
Draco's lips parted in surprise. "Is that so?"
"It is indeed."
And, because Harry was a very reasonable person, he dropped to his knees in front of Draco Malfoy in the middle of a corridor.
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