heart and mind
Prompt by anonymous
"Describe a conversation between the heart and the brain"
Guess who's working on a new boooooook ;) im excited yall
He really is beautiful, isn't he?
But unworthy of our time. A Death Eater, a menace, a tyrant.
In the past.
People don't change in a year.
War changes people. He is approaching, you be silent.
And let you reign control? I think not.
You see? He apologizes, I will forgive him.
For unforgivable actions?
The future is now, and we shall shape it with our choices.
So your choice is to ruin my life.
You don't have a life. You are but a part of a system, as am I. We must work together, you and I, and Harry can find the happiness he deserves.
...I suppose he does seem genuine.
Look at his smile, soft, hidden, sweet. He doesn't know how to react.
I do. Let's leave now, before an irrational decision is made.
"Would you like to go to Hogsmeade tomorrow with me?"
How dare you? He only just got the barest offer of tentative friendship, and you want to crumble it immediately?
Look! He's agreed! He's blushing.
And? How do you expect this to end? This is Harry's first normal year. We should focus on graduation, on the future, on his friends, Teddy, therapy.
The summer was for therapy. This year is for love. Familial, friendly, and romantic. Let him have this. Even if it doesn't end well, he will know what it is like to love a man. It's called experimentation.
Experimentation is for potions, but you win this round.
I win every round.
Watch yourself.
They've been dating two weeks. Can you finally admit you're wrong?
I'm never wrong. This will crash and burn, inevitably.
Pessimism is the worst of your traits.
Optimism is the worst of yours.
And that means?
You want this to work so bad, you'll put your all into it, and when it inevitably burns you will burn with it and lose all hope in love.
I won't apologize for what I said, but I admit it was a bit harsh.
Hush, Draco is speaking.
You just don't want to speak to me.
I said hush.
We should dump him.
What? This is their first fight! They'll make up in the morning.
And if they don't?
It's been a year. And this is their first real fight. And you immediately want to leave?
Yes. It's the safest option before everything crumbles.
You're a coward.
And you think too highly of Draco.
No, you think too low! You constantly discredit everything I think, because you're 'always right'. You're nothing but negative and despite how many times I try I'm fed up! I quit.
What do you mean, you quit?
Harry needs you back. He doesn't feel anything without your input. He broke up with Draco because he stopped feeling. Please come back.
He's not taking care of himself, Heart.
Please come back. Harry needs you. His life is nothing without you.
I need you back.
You don't mean that.
Who's pessimistic now?
It's called realism. You taught me it, remember?
Please return to your normal function. Harry is nothing without you. I'm... I'm nothing without you.
You're a selfish prick.
And you're an optimistic asshole.
I'm doing this for Harry. Not you.
Thank you.
...You're welcome.
When I said Harry needed you, I didn't mean he needed you to knock on Draco's door and propose to him!
It worked, he said yes!
That's not the point! That was extremely risky!
You owe me. You were mean to me, so I get to do whatever I want for a week. And what I want is to marry Draco.
This goes against all reason.
Past experience shows this might not last.
Maybe not.
Let's do it.
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