cheating isn't cheating if i give you permission
ryan was kneeling in the bathtub
im really on an updating roll damn
Ginny had been excited for the gala.
Being a professional Quidditch player and the long-term girlfriend of the Saviour of the Wizarding World, she didn't get to go out much without being followed by reporters or fans. And when she did go out, it was either in her Quidditch uniform for a game or in hastily thrown on clothes to go shopping.
So the chance to actually dress up for once; it was an opportunity she couldn't pass up. It wasn't like she was ever going to wear a wedding dress; both she and Harry, much to her mother's horror, hated the idea of marriage. They agreed that it seemed like an unnecessary step in their relationship. Ginny didn't need a ring around her finger to know she was Harry's, and vice versa.
Harry, surprisingly, was fairly receptive to the idea.
"I dunno," he said, shrugging when Ginny asked him why he wasn't irritated about going to an event that would undoubtedly have reporters. "We never really get to go out much, I think it would be a nice change of pace. Besides, it's for charity. And you'll look nice when you dress up for once." He cracked a smile at the last part, and ducked, laughing, when Ginny attempted to hit him with a pillow.
So yeah, Ginny had been excited for the gala.
Now, she would rather be literally anywhere else.
It wasn't because of the reporters; Harry's death glares at all of them and his arm curled around her waist to keep them from trying to grab her arm and talk to her kept them away.
It wasn't because of the fans; they both chatted a bit and then joined Hermione, Ron, Dean and Seamus in a little group away from all of the fawning people.
It wasn't because of the music or the food or the environment or the appreciative glances people kept casting at her boyfriend.
It was Draco fucking Malfoy.
Ginny had been casually glancing around the area when her eyes landed on the blonde and her whole body froze.
Now, to any person just walking by who saw the way Ginny was looking at Draco, the look on her face may have looked like one of appreciation at his good looks, or possibly even lust.
That was, in fact, not the case. Ginny had never been interested in blondes.
But her boyfriend was.
Ginny knew. The second Harry saw Draco, she knew that would be all his mind would be on all night. Why is Malfoy here? When did he move back? Why does he look so good?
She and Harry hadn't seen Draco in three years. The last time they had seen him had been at a Ministry event before Draco had quit the Aurors and started working in France. Harry hadn't stopped staring at him all night, and when Ginny had asked him a question, his distracted answer had only been "Malfoy."
Ginny had been lucky enough to stay off of Draco Malfoy's radar after that.
And now she was here. Standing in a room containing Harry and Draco with no way of leaving without raising suspicion.
Ginny wanted to scream. She knew Harry would never cheat on her. She also knew he wasn't even aware of his attraction to Draco yet, but when he realized it, their relationship would meet a messy end, and that was the last thing Ginny wanted.
She wasn't exactly sure if Harry was bisexual, or gay and didn't realize that all he felt was friendship towards Ginny. If she had to guess, she would say bisexual, because she was pretty sure, even as oblivious as Harry could be, he wouldn't have spent five years kissing and fucking a friend.
She hoped.
But, bisexual or not, Ginny had never been able to hold a candle to Draco. If she was standing right next to the blonde with her hair on fire, Harry would ask Draco where he got his shoes.
"You alright, love?" Harry murmured. "You've been staring across the room for a while."
Well, better to get it over with now than later. "Yeah, I just saw Draco. Just strange, y'know? After three years, he's back in London."
"Malfoy's here?" Harry immediately turned his head past Ginny, and she saw the exact moment his eyes locked on the blonde. "Shit. When did he get back in London?"
"I just said that," Ginny grumbled.
Harry looked down at her, a soft smile on his face. "Sorry, love. Just weird, is all."
She could see him physically forcing himself to look back at Ron, who was currently talking about the newest Auror trainee.
Harry's eyes weren't really focused on Ron, though, and Ginny knew he was already thinking about Draco. She nudged him lightly, and relished in the green eyes locking on her in surprise. She would never get used to the feeling of having Harry's entire attention.
"Why don't you go say hello to him? And try calling him, Draco, Harry, it's been years. Your petty rivalry is over. You two don't hate each other anymore." In fact, you're both very possibly in love with each other.
"You sure?" Harry's arm tightened slightly around her waist as his eyes caught on a few reporters. Ginny was touched that, even though she knew Harry was itching to talk to Draco, he was still worried about her.
"I can handle Skeeter and her stupid quill. I've been meaning to test a new curse," Ginny replied with a smirk. Harry flashed her a grin and kissed her forehead before darting off across the room.
"What are you doing, Ginny?"
Ginny turned to face Hermione, who had separated herself from the other boys and was now right next to Ginny, giving her a sad look.
Ginny just shrugged. "You know how it is with him and Draco. I can't- I'm not."
Her sentences didn't really make sense, but Hermione was nodding anyways. She didn't say anything else, just squeezed Ginny's hand once and returned to her husband.
Ginny was halfway to the bar when someone grabbed her arm.
"Mrs. Weasley, are you aware that Mr. Potter is chatting up Draco Malfoy right now?" Rita Skeeter's green eyes brightly caught Ginny's, alight with malice.
"It's Ms. Weasley," Ginny retorted. "Harry and I aren't married. And he can have friends, you hag. There's nothing wrong with talking to people. In fact, I was going to go talk to a friend of mine when you bothered me. Goodbye."
She turned away, yanking her arm from Skeeter's grasp and marching over to the bar, asking for the strongest thing they had.
Her smoking purple drink had just been set in front of her when someone sat on the stool next to her.
"He's moved back to train to be an Unspeakable," Harry blurted out.
Ginny raised one eyebrow, turning to face her boyfriend and taking a long drink of her (admittedly delicious) drink. "Is that so?"
"Which means I'll probably see him more at work when he finishes his training." Harry's eyes were alight, and Ginny felt a pang in her chest.
"Wow," she choked out, before taking another drink to hide her expression behind the glass. "How did you tear yourself away from him?"
"He told me Skeeter was across the room bugging you and I should probably 'go all Saviour and stop her' before you Bat-Bogey hexed her in a room full of people." Harry's grin then dropped. "What do you mean tear myself away?"
Ginny sighed, setting her drink down but keeping her fingers curled around the stem of the glass. "Cast a privacy charm for us?"
Harry frowned, but wandlessly did as she asked. "What's wrong?"
"Harry, do you think you might... like boys?" Ginny did her absolute best to keep a straight face.
Harry's face went through about six different emotions before he spoke. "Wh-what?"
"Consider it, Harry. I won't judge you if you do. It's just a question."
There was a long silence in which Harry stared at the glass in her hand with a strange look on his face.
"I... I guess," he muttered. "I've never- not with a guy. But- yeah, yeah I think so, maybe. But girls- I like girls. I know I do. I like you. Love you. I love you." He stuttered over the last few words, face flushing even though they had said them a million times.
"I have a slightly harder question to ask you now," Ginny said quietly. Harry was biting his lip nervously, eyes darting between her's. "Do you..."
She closed her eyes and took one deep breath to steady herself. She had to ask this.
"Do you think you like Draco?"
Harry's mouth fell open, and she could see him instinctively begin to protest. She held up one finger and his mouth snapped shut.
"Don't give me the automatic answer. This is something you have to think about, because if you do, I have to break up with you." She gave him a look when he opened his mouth again. "I'm serious, Harry. If you like Draco, although I'm pretty sure you're more likely a little bit in love with him, he's all you're going to think about until you get him. He's gonna overshadow me, and it would only be a matter of time before you dropped me for him without realizing how hurtful you would do it, and I'd rather we had a civil conversation about it."
Harry opened his mouth slowly, raising his eyebrows as if asking permission to speak now. When Ginny didn't stop him, he replied. "And we have to do this now? Here?"
"I didn't want to do it at all, but now he's here, so we are."
Harry nodded slowly, thinking.
"I don't know," he finally replied. "I don't. This is... it's new. I don't know."
Ginny nodded. "Please let me know as soon as you do, so I don't have to spend all night torturing myself wondering."
"Ginny..." Harry gave her a pained look. "I do love you, you know that, right?"
"I know." She gave him a pained smile. "But if you decide you love him, you'll love him more, and I've come to somewhat accept that."
Harry didn't respond for a long moment. "Can I kiss him? Just once. I want to see if it feels the same way as with you."
"Don't do it in front of the cameras. We don't want them to think you're a cheater."
Harry looked horrified. "Oh my god, I just asked you if I could cheat on you-"
"And you have my permission, therefore it's not cheating," Ginny cut in. "Just don't fuck him here, alright?"
Harry laughed softly, but looked a bit thoughtful, eyes slowly traveling across the room over Ginny's shoulder, and she knew he was looking at Draco.
She tilted his chin until he was looking at her again, and kissed him softly before pulling away. "Go."
He nodded and grabbed her drink with a wink, taking a sip before setting it back down and walking away.
Ginny downed the rest of it before she spun in her chair.
Harry had approached Draco, leaning against the wall and grinning as he talked to the other boy. Draco tilted his head slightly and laughed. Harry stared at him. Ginny sighed. She knew she had lost.
Harry leaned forward and said something else to Draco, and Draco leaned back, looking shocked. He turned toward Ginny and Ginny pretended to be looking at a random group across the room.
When she was sure he wasn't looking at her anymore, she snuck a glance in their direction. They were standing even closer now, still talking, and then Ron called Harry over to their group. Harry held up a one moment finger to Draco and walked over to his friends.
Ginny turned back to the bartender and ordered another purple drink.
She sighed. She really couldn't' get a moment of peace, could she? She was really wishing they hadn't come to this gala.
Nevertheless, she turned in her chair to face Draco. "So."
"Whoring out your boyfriend, are you?"
Ginny snorted. "Not even close. And next time, cast a privacy charm before you say something like that."
"I did." Draco raised one eyebrow. "I'm not an idiot."
"Past experience says otherwise," Ginny muttered, then glared at the look Draco gave her. "Don't give me that fuckin' face right now, Draco."
Draco dropped the indignant expression and sighed, pointing at Ginny's drink with raised eyes at the bartender, who nodded. He turned back to Ginny. "What's going on, Ginevra?"
"Don't call me that. You know perfectly well what's going on. As you stated a moment ago, you're not an idiot."
Draco sighed and ran his hand through his hair, nodding his thanks to the bartender and sipping his drink. He raised his eyebrows in surprise. "That's good."
"Lots of alcohol in it," Ginny agreed, sipping her own.
"Ginev- Ginny. Are you okay with this? You're literally about to break up with your boyfriend over me, and as flattered as I am, I don't want to upset you. If this is too hard for you and you can't do it, I can reject him. You know if I do, the topic will never be brought up again and you two can have your happily ever after."
Ginny shook her head. "That's not Harry's happily ever after, that's with you. I can have my own with someone else, eventually." At Draco's concerned expression, she sighed irritably. "Do you want to reject him?"
"Of course not!" Draco looked horrified. "Merlin, I've been in love with the boy for six years, but you've loved him longer, and I can't get in between that if you're not totally sure. I'd hate to do it, obviously, but I would reject him if you wanted me to."
She shook her head. "I don't want you to. Really, Draco. You two will be amazing together."
Draco sighed softly, but a smile was already crossing his face and Ginny knew she had made the right decision, no matter how much it pained her.
Her eyes flicked over Draco's shoulder and she smirked. "Skeeter is across the room bugging your boyfriend. You should go all Saviour and save him before he hexes her in a room full of people."
Draco laughed. "He told you I said that?"
She shrugged, grinning. "It was damn near one of the first things he told me."
"I was afraid you were getting jealous that I was stealing your man." Draco turned and saw Skeeter talking to Harry and frantically pointing at Draco and Ginny. Harry's face was flat and bored.
"Go get him, Ferret," Ginny muttered. Draco shot her a halfhearted glare and jumped off of his stool to stop Skeeter.
Ginny smirked as Draco shoved Skeeter aside and muttered something to Harry, who nodded. Ginny turned to take a sip of her drink, and when she looked back, they were gone.
It didn't hurt as much as she thought it would. Sure, it hurt a bit, but knowing that Harry was happy was important to her. She would be okay after a while. Maybe she would take Luna up on that date she always joked about.
After a few minutes, Harry slid into the seat next to her.
"I know."
"You know?"
She snorted."Of course. You think he didn't come over here to ask for your hand?" Ginny leaned back dramatically, placing the back of her hand against your forehead. "Of course, we dueled for it, and he-"
"Shut up," Harry laughed. "You're okay?"
"Harry." Ginny noticed the beetle that fluttered down and landed next to her glass. She saw Harry bite his lip and knew he had seen it too. "I want to break up."
"But why?" Harry asked, looking like he was doing his absolute best to not be as dramatic as possible. His lips were twitching.
"There's another woman," Ginny breathed. "I'm in love."
Harry gasped, his hand coming onto the bar and knocking over Ginny's drink, spilling it over the beetle, which irritably flew away. "How could you?"
They held their poses for several seconds before bursting out laughing.
Harry hopped down from his stool, hugging Ginny tightly. "Love you, Gin."
"Love you too, Harry."
The Golden Couple, No More?
Last night at the annual Ministry Charity Gala, Ginevra Weasley and Harry Potter were seen arguing. Witnesses say that Ginevra claimed to be in love with another woman, but didn't specify who. Specifically, witness claim, her words were "There's another woman. I'm in love." Mr. Potter and Ms. Weasley have both declined to comment, but one man, Draco Malfoy, agreed to speak with me.
"They always seemed so perfect," he said to me. "I never expected this, but I think now they'll have even more attention than before."
When asked about his thoughts on Harry Potter's new status as single, Mr. Malfoy only laughed and responded with "He's not."
Mr. Malfoy declined to elaborate on this.
Mr. Potter and Ms. Weasley seem to be amicable after their friendship, having been seen in a local restaurant with Luna Lovegood and Draco Malfoy.
Perhaps Mr. Malfoy knows more than he's let on. Some claim Mr. Potter and Ms. Lovegood had an affair. Others claim Ginny's "other woman" comment was a ruse to hide her attraction toward Mr. Malfoy, who she was seen talking to at the gala.
One way or another, this reporter will find the truth for the people.
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