It was only three days until the Yule ball. Hermione apparently had her secret date, and then there were Harry and Ron.
Ron had already asked a girl, Fleur Delacour. It was not completely on purpose because she was flirting with Cedric Diggory at that time, using her part-Veela- powers. Ron, who already had an eye on her, felt so drawn to her that he had asked her in a trance. She, of course, had said no. Because she was a champion and she wanted Diggory, or another good looking, tall Quidditch player. Preferably a seeker or a captain.
Harry had another problem. He had no idea who to ask. It was like none of the girls really caught his eye. But since Harry was the champion, he was obligated to have a partner and do the opening dance. If Ron showed up without a partner, it was not as bad.
"You should hurry or all the good ones are gone." Seamus said. They were sat at lunch in the Great Hall and it was like the ball was the only topic anyone talked about anymore.
"How, though." Ron asked. He was a bit traumatized from the harsh rejection and did not feel like getting another blow into his ego.
"Hey, how about this?" Fred leaned over. "You just go up to one and ask?"
"Tried that." Ron said. "Not working."
Harry only listened half-heartedly. All this talk about the ball was getting on his nerves. And it also made him sick that this thing was only three days away and he still did not have a date.
"Both of you should get your shit together and just ask someone." George said. "You're Gryffindors!"
"I wonder why you haven't got a date yet anyways," Ginny leaned over to join the conversation. "You're a Champion. You shouldn't have a problem finding someone."
Harry just shrugged. He did not want to explain himself. Honestly, he just hoped the day of the ball would never come. He did not want to dance in front of everyone. He also did not want to ask a random girl out and get a rejection like Ron did. He felt like if he asked someone and they said yes, they would just do it because he's a Champion, or the Boy Who Lived. Not because he was Harry. No one would like him just because he was Harry.
Maybe this pessimism was because Cho Chang, the girl he had considered asking, was going with Cedric Diggory. Except for her, there was just one name flying around his head, and asking them would be mental.
He just did not want to go to the ball at all. He did not want to be a Champion. Why could his life not be normal for once?
His thoughts drifted to the weighting of the wands. Ollivander, the wandmaker, had come to Hogwarts that day to survey the Champion's wands. Ollivander could remember all wands and the people who they chose.
Harry remembered Ollivander trying Fleur's wand with, "Orchideous."
Startled, Harry flinched as a bunch of flowers burst from his wand tip. He had not realized he was speaking out loud.
"Harry!" Fred pulled him out of his own head. "That's a wonderful idea. I bet no one would say no if you conjured up some flowers."
"You think this works?" Ron asked, trying the spell himself. Out of his wand burst only a few withered, green plant-like threads.
"You have to swing it the other way round." Hermione said. Ron tried again and a few purple coloured French Mallows burst from his wand tip. His face lit up.
"Oh, they're my favourite. Well done." Hermione praised.
Apparently spurred by this, Ron stood up. "I'm gonna ask someone now." He went up to Parvati and Lavender, who were just done with lunch and on their way out.
Harry watched as Ron did Orchideous and said something indistinguishable to Parvati. The girl smiled, took the flowers and said something back. Beaming, Ron returned. "Thanks, man." He said to Harry. "You should definitely do that too. It works like a charm."
"But who?" Harry ignored his pun.
"Anyone." Ron shrugged. "I also didn't plan to ask Parvati but she was just there. And she's pretty."
Harry frowned. He looked around the Great Hall. Hermione, Ginny and Luna were the only girls who were his friends and they already had dates. And then there were all the girls who looked over at him quite often and giggled because they knew the Fourth Champion did not have a date yet. Harry knew they would not be looking twice at him if he was not a Champion.
And the other girls, either Harry knew they already had a date, or Harry did not know them at all. Harry did not want to go with someone he did not know because, what if they were awful company?
And then there were the boys... But Harry could not ask any of them. He had no idea if anyone was even into boys like he was. And no one but the Weasleys and Hermione knew that Harry was bisexual.
"Ron." Harry turned to his best friend. "How about we save the girl stress and just go together?"
"No." Ron rejected immediately. "I'm sorry, mate. But even if I didn't have a date, I don't want the school to think I'm homo."
"There's nothing wrong with being gay." Hermione scolded.
"I know." Ron rolled his eyes. "I'm just not. And I don't want the rumours." Harry let out a stressed sigh.
"We only have ten minutes until Potions starts." George said. "How about you ask someone now, quick. Then you don't have to stress anymore."
"Okay." Harry stood up. He looked around the Great Hall. Many people had already left. There was a bunch of girls moving towards the exit so Harry started to hurry up to a Ravenclaw girl he knew from the lessons. "Hey, Mandy."
"Hi." The girl smiled.
Encouraged by the friendliness, Harry asked, "Do you wanna go to the ball with me?"
The smile dimmed. "Oh, I'm sorry, Harry. I'm already going with Michael."
"Oh." Harry said. "It's okay. Do you know anyone who hasn't got a date yet?"
"Well," Mandy thought for a second. "There are a few third years who are waiting to be asked. But I think most of the people from our year already have a date. Why did you wait so long?"
Harry shrugged, "I don't know. Didn't feel like it."
Mandy smirked. "Waiting for a special someone to ask you? Better make the first move. It's almost hopeless if you're waiting for the boy to ask you."
Harry frowned. "I'm not waiting-"
"See you in class. Gotta hurry. Good luck with your boy, Harry." Mandy waved and was gone.
Harry frowned. How did she know about his sexuality? And why did she think he was waiting for someone in particular. He was not.
His eyes caught blonde hair leaving the Great Hall, laughing. What was Malfoy laughing at? Was it something Harry did? Or did his stupid, hot looking friend Blaise make him laugh like that?
"Harry?" Mentioned boy looked to his side to find Ron standing beside him. "How did it go?"
"Could we talk while walking?" Hermione interrupted. "We're gonna be late."
They did as Hermione said and Ron nudged him, "Well?"
Harry shrugged. "She already has a date. And she said almost everyone has a date by now." It slowly started to sink in that he had a problem. A champion without date. That was almost as bad as a failed task in the Triwizard Tournament.
"We'll figure something out after class." Hermione said.
"Okay, Harry." Fred said. "We've told you lots of options. Third years, Maddy from Slytherin, a few girls from our year. We've even told you you could ask boys. But for all of them you have an argument against. I say, you're a coward."
Harry gaped at Fred. Ron seemed to have the same opinion as his best friend. "Fred, Harry is a lot of things, but not a coward."
"Shht..." George crossed his arms over his chest and looked at Harry. "Either you're a coward or you're so deeply in love with someone that you can't stand the thought of going with anyone but them."
"Or both." Fred added.
"I- I'm not a coward." Harry said indignantly. "And I'm also not deeply in love with someone. Who would that be?"
"Someone who you think would not love you back or you would have already at least tried to ask them." George said. Apparently the twins had an answer for everything.
"When did you become so insightful?" Ron wondered, looking at Hermione for an explanation, but she was looking down at her fingers. Harry had the feeling that this insightfulness had something to do with her. He wondered since when she talked to the twins about topics like this. Whatever this was.
"I'm not in love with someone." Harry said.
"Then you're a coward." Fred crossed his arms.
Harry looked back and fourth between the twins. A wave of annoyance banked up in his chest. "I'm not a coward."
"Then you're in love with someone." George said. "I bet it's a boy."
"I'm not-"
"Then you're a coward." Fred said.
Harry glared at the provoking twins. "I'm not any of that!"
"Then prove it." George said.
"Okay." Harry said. "How?"
"You'll go to the Great Hall." Fred said.
"First person we meet you have to ask to the ball." George said.
"With Orchideous." Fred said.
"Of course we're gonna follow." George said.
"No one will see us though." Fred said.
"If you don't ask them, our theory is proven." George said.
"Which one?" Ron asked.
"Both." George said.
"You up for it, Harry?" Fred asked.
Harry hesitated. But the twins looked so sure of themselves and Harry knew they were about to say something about their theories already proven through his refusal, so he stood up determinedly. Fred and George exchanged looks. Fred gave George a subtle nod and the latter hurried out of the Gryffindor common room.
"What is he doing?" Ron wondered.
"Ah, you have a lot to learn, little brother." Fred said.
Ron frowned. Harry knew he hated it when his brothers treated him like the small one who did not know half as much as they did. This infuriated Harry even more and he stomped over to the exit. He climbed through the portrait hole and was glad that no one was in the corridor right now. He went down the stairs, not looking back to see if the others were following or if they were subtle.
The hallways were almost empty since it was late and most students were already in their common rooms, either doing some last minute homework or just chill after the long school day.
It was not until the second last stairs that Harry heard fast steps hurrying upstairs into his direction. Harry looked back briefly to see Hermione, Ron and Fred hide behind a suit of amour. Harry's heartbeat picked up when he realized that this was it. He had to ask now.
Harry rounded the corner and his heart almost stopped. Hurrying up the stairs came Malfoy. Harry surely did not have to ask him, right? He turned to look at Fred, but he smirked and nodded at him. A clear sign that yes, he did expect Harry to ask Malfoy.
"Potter!" Malfoy hurried up the stairs until he reached him. "Potter, where's Blaise?"
"Err... what?" Harry wondered.
"Blaise, Potter. Where is he? They said he was in trouble?" Malfoy explained impatiently. "Honestly, how are you a Champion? Oh right, you cheated. Now will you tell me or stand there like you got hexed to the spot?"
While he was talking, Harry made short eye contact with George's smug face behind Malfoy, hiding behind a column. Harry wanted to punch the mischievous twins in the face at that moment. They had set this up to watch him fail. To watch him back out like a coward. Harry would not let them have this satisfaction.
"Malfoy. Orchideous." A bunch of dark blue coloured forget-me-nots mixed with some pale purple small flowers burst out of Harry's wand tip. Harry caught them with his other hand.
"What is this, Potter?" Malfoy looked annoyed. He probably thought that Harry was holding him up on purpose.
Harry gulped. For a moment, he wondered if this was worth trying to proof that he was Gryffindor enough. Who was he even trying to proof that to? Everyone knew he was a Gryffindor, a Tournament Champion and he had faced Voldemort twice already. Everyone knew he was definitely not a coward.
But he knew despite all this, the Weasley twins would not let him live it down if he backed out now. And there was a small part of him that wanted to know what Malfoy would say. He probably would not say yes anyways. "Will you go to the ball with me?" Harry said, probably much too fast but Harry had the feeling Malfoy understood. For emphasis, he thrust the flowers into Malfoys hand.
The blonde froze and just looked at Harry blankly for a few seconds. Despite his heart beating out of his chest and a ball of nerves building up in his stomach, he held Malfoy's gaze. Eventually, Malfoy broke the staring contest, looked at the flowers, then he lifted his gaze to look around the hallways like he was trying to understand what was happening.
Harry had not noticed when, but Pansy had showed up at the bottom of the stairs, watching. When Malfoy met her gaze, she just shrugged, but she had a small smile on her face and gave him an encouraging nod.
Finally, Malfoy turned his face back to Harry. Confusion, but also something hopeful lay in his eyes. "Who told you?" He sounded much less confident than usual.
Harry frowned. "Told me what?"
Malfoy looked even more confused for a second, before something seemed to be pieced together in his head and the usual cold glare was back. "This is a trap, isn't it? You're trying to make fun of me."
"What? No, I-. Wait." Harry stared at the admittedly attractive blonde, who had seemed hopeful for a minute and then suddenly got defensive. "You- you wanted to go with me?"
"What? You have such a big ego, Potter." He let out a mean laugh. "I wonder why you haven't fallen on your big head yet. Of course I don't want to go with you. Not everyone wants to go with you. I fucking hate you, Potter." He threw the flowers in front of Harry's feet angrily. With that he turned around and hurried back down the stairs and into the direction of the dungeons, ignoring Pansy calling after him.
Perplexed, Harry stared after him. He still stared when there was no sign of Malfoy or Pansy anymore. Even as the others came out of their hidings and Hermione noted, "Interesting. Who would have thought?" Harry was still staring at nothing.
"I didn't find that surprising at all." Fred said.
"Me neither." George said.
Harry was barely listening but the smugness in Fred and George's confident voices made him extremely angry. "This is all your fault!"
Their answering, feigned innocent, synchronous "What?" fuelled Harry's anger even further. "You set this all up! And now I will not only be the unwanted fourth Champion but also a laugh for the whole school because I tried to ask out the guy who hates me the most. Thank you, assholes." He ignored everyone as he ran up the stairs to the portrait, said the password and disappeared into his room.
His heart hurt, and it was not only from the sprint. Harry was angry and confused, but most of all, hurt. He had not expected it to hurt like this.
It was hard for Harry to wake up the next morning. He knew Hogwarts and he knew everyone would know what happened yesterday evening. He really did not want them to have another reason to give him attention. First The Boy Who Lived, then his name in the cup even though he was not even old enough to join the Triwizard Tournament, and now this.
Harry hoped if he just took long enough, most of the people would be gone. To his surprise, Hermione and Ron were still waiting for him in the common room.
In silence, they left through the portrait hole and went down the stairs to get to breakfast. Harry almost turned away from the Great Hall, deciding that he was not hungry, but Ron took his wrist and pulled him along. He was never one to miss a meal and he did not accept his friends skipping one.
Keeping his eyes on the ground, Harry let himself be led by Ron to a place on the Gryffindor table. Anxiously, he listened to the conversations around him. He had the feeling that every laugh he heard was at him, although he never particularly heard his name.
"I don't think you have to worry, Harry." Hermione said when they took a seat. Harry still did not move his eyes further than to the plate of toast in front of him, which did not look very appetizing to him.
"I agree." Ron said. He was already occupied with piling his plate. "I have to admit I'm surprised though. I thought Malfoy would tell the whole school-"
"Psst." Harry hissed, but now he risked looking up. As he moved his eyes further around the hall, he was surprised to see no one looking back at him. Not even at the Slytherin table. Except-
Harry quickly looked away when he saw Malfoy's eyes staring back at him. He could still see Malfoy quickly averting his gaze too. Weird.
Hermione leaned closer to them and said lowly, "I'm not very surprised."
"Oh, of course not." Ron said, not bothering to lower his voice. "Because you know everything. Even things that have not happened yet."
"Don't be stupid, Ron." Hermione said, then lowered her voice again. "Haven't you seen how Malfoy reacted yesterday?"
"Yeah, he laughed in my face." Harry snapped, not wanting to be reminded. "Can we please change the subject."
"He laughed at your face after he thought you were making a joke." Hermione ignored his request. "Before that, he was shy and... I don't know, positively surprised?" Harry and Ron looked at her in disbelief. "Have you really not seen that?"
"What are you talking about?" Ron asked.
"If you ask me," Hermione looked over at the Slytherin table briefly before focusing on them again. A small smile was on her lips. "Malfoy wants to go to the ball with Harry."
"Are you crazy?!" Ron almost shouted.
"Shht." Harry hissed, but a lot of people had already turned to them.
"Sorry." Ron whispered, waiting until the normal chatter went on before he hissed at Hermione, "What a stupid statement."
Harry dared to look into Malfoy's direction again, only to catch his eyes shortly before Malfoy looked away again. Harry watched as Pansy threw a look into his direction before saying something to Malfoy. Harry's heart rate picked up when Malfoy looked up again. For a short moment, Harry could see Malfoy's face. He looked... anxious?
Harry quickly looked away to Hermione, who was saying, "It makes sense. He looked so sad when he thought he realized it was a joke."
"But it was a joke." Ron said.
Hermione looked at Harry, who quickly looked down at his plate to escape her questioning, calculating gaze.
"Maybe." Hermione said. "That doesn't disprove my theory. Which in my opinion is already proven. He keeps looking over here."
Harry and Ron looked over at the Malfoy at the same time. Just like the before, Harry saw him look away quickly, but this time he stood up with Pansy to leave breakfast.
"It doesn't matter." Ron said, turning back to Hermione. "Because Harry would never want to go with him, right mate?" He did not wait for Harry to answer and continued to eat, assuming he was right anyway. Harry looked down at his plate guiltily.
He had briefly thought about asking Malfoy many times. Mostly when he was in bed and alone with his dreamworld. But he had never let himself hold on to the thought for too long, thinking it would not be mutual anyway.
Hermione's word's though... Hope...
"Right, Harry?" Hermione repeated Ron's words, obviously waiting for confirmation or protest.
Harry briefly looked up, seeing Hermione watching him curiously and Ron looking from Hermione to Harry in confusion. Harry looked back down at his plate again, deciding to finally take a toast and stuffing a huge chunk into his mouth.
"Harry?" Ron asked carefully. Damn, Harry thought. Even Ron seemed to catch on.
"Shouldn't you be on your way to your class?" Professor McGonagall's strict voice came from behind them. Harry took a look around the Great Hall to see it almost empty. He had not even noticed with his thoughts so full of grey eyes and blonde hair.
"Sorry Professor." Hermione quickly jumped up, her friends following. With them being in such a hurry, Harry was glad that the interrogation had to pause.
Pause because Harry knew that this was not over. Especially because it was only two more days and he still needed a dance partner for the ball.
Speaking of which, Professor McGonagall asked him to stay after the Transfiguration lesson. "I haven't heard any whispers about who your dance partner is yet. Do you have one?" She seemed to get the message by the way Harry was biting his lip guiltily. "Mr Potter. The ball is in two days."
Harry looked away from her. The door opened and a few Slytherins walked in. It seemed like they had Transfiguration after the Gryffindors. Harry looked at Professor McGonagall uncomfortably. She was waiting for an answer with a strict look on her face. "Yeah, I'm-" The door opened again and Harry caught grey eyes. Malfoy looked away quickly and ignored Harry. "Working on it." Harry finished breathlessly.
Professor MacGonagall either seemed to not notice or not care about the tone because she scolded. "Well, you better work faster. At the ball you're representing Hogwarts. You can't show up there without a partner."
Harry saw Malfoy freeze in his steps. He looked back at Harry briefly, then straightened up and walked to his seat. Sitting down, he looked back at Harry, who did not look away this time.
"Well, Mr Potter. You have to go to your own class now." Professor McGonagall called his attention again. "And I hope you know that your choice of dance partner will be a special point of interest in the rumour mill."
So she did catch on, Harry thought as he nodded and left the class room.
But he had made a choice. After this class they had Potions with the Slytherins. Then, he would ask him. He would ask Malfoy to be his Yule ball date. He just had to make him believe that this was not a joke or a prank.
Harry had told Hermione and Ron briefly that he had something to take care of before hurrying along the corridors. He hoped to catch Malfoy alone. But he finally reached the Potions class room and had not met the blonde. Just a bunch of other Slytherins making their way there.
Harry opened the classroom door and looked inside. A few other students, but no striking blonde hair among the green uniformed groups.
"Potter." He heard behind him. He turned around, letting the classroom door fall closed again. His face lit up when he saw Parkinson. He did not even have to ask when she told him, "Next corridor, second door on the right."
Harry nodded, already hurrying to where she had told him. Reaching the door, he realized that this was the Arithmancy classroom. Harry knew Malfoy was taking this class. And from what Hermione had told him, he was not bad at it.
Carefully, Harry opened the door and looked inside. It was a nice, bright classroom. But Harry could not focus on it for long, because there, in front of the board with his back to him, stood Malfoy. Alone.
Harry stepped inside and closed the door. For a few seconds, Harry did not know what to say and Malfoy did not move.
"Malfoy?" Harry finally said. Now, that this moment was there, Harry felt more nervous than he had anticipated.
"Potter." Malfoy finally moved and turned to him. For a few seconds, they just stared at one another, calculating, anticipating. Finally, Malfoy took a few steps forward and crossed his arms. He straightened his back and held his nose high. Damn, Harry thought. Why was this so attractive? "I've thought about it." Malfoy said, seemingly indifferent. "And if you must... You can take me to the ball."
"If I must..." Harry repeated. He knew what Malfoy was doing. He was telling him that he wanted to go to the ball with him, but in a way that would make him less vulnerable in case Harry was indeed just pulling his leg. "I'm not joking, Malfoy. I want you to be my... date."
A slight smile pulled at Malfoy's lips and for a moment, Harry could see the happy stars dance around his eyes, as cheesy as this sounded.
"Well then." Malfoy said. "Meet you in two days in front of the Great Hall."
He passed Harry and went to the door.
Harry frowned, "Wait, Malfoy-"
But he was already gone.
A wide grin grew on Harry's face as he shook his head. This boy was a hand full. Harry loved it.
This was going to be a great Yule ball.
A/N: So... I know this is not an entirely satisfactory ending. I just had this idea but I was not actually planning on writing the ball scene. Maybe you can let your imagination flow a bit. I may write something about the ball at a later point:)
Let me know what you think.
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