7 - dinner and drama
As they made their way down to dinner him and Hermione talked about a ball. Quite similar to the yule ball except that it would only be for the 7th years - new and old.
"We could have it in the great hall."
"There's enough room for it at least."
"And we could have a live band playing"
"And have a huge dance for.."
"And food and drinks."
"Deco. What's the color scheme?"
"Ginny and blaise"
"Yes. Why didn't we think of them sooner"
"Me and blaise on food and drinks"
"And me and Ginny on deco"
"We make a pretty good team granger"
"That I can agree with Dr - Malfoy"
He gave a small laugh before calming and making his face void of all emotions. They walked into the great hall together before parting ways and going to their separate tables - which happen to be right next to each other. Draco sat down on the far side of the Slytherin table with his back to the wall - that way he could keep an eye on Hermione at the gryffindor table.
He noticed that she had sat on the side if the table closer to the middle - so she was facing him. To help them Ginny and blaise sat across the table from them rather than right next to them. Thus was to make sure that when they were looking at each other it would look like they were only looking at their best friends.
Professor McGonagall didnt say anything tonight kther than the wotds to begin the feast. But Draco didnt care about that, he cared about the brunette gryffindor princess that was currently talking to Ron. He had a look of victory on his face when he noticed that hermione was there and not next to Ginny. Apparently he thought his sister sided with him or just didn't care, but as their conversation went on his face became one of pure disgust.
Hermione had sat down on the opposite side if the table to Ginny. This swas so that when she looked at Draco it looked like she was only looking at her best friend. It looked like Draco and blaise had the same agreement.
Ron and harry had just walked in and strolled over to the table when Ron noticed that hermione and Ginny were on different sides of the table and not talking. The look of triumph on his face was comical.
"So I take it Ginny knows about us and has sided with me and agrees that you're nothing more than a lazy nerd."
"Actually Ronald. Ginny and I are just playing a game, its called who can wait longer to bash Ron"
"B*****, I am so lucky that I left you. You do realise that you are going to be single forever dont you. No ones ever going to want you."
"Sure Ron, sure." Hermione said with a purposeful flick of her hair. Ron gasped and said to harry,
"Look at her neck. Hermione I see you only wanted me for this sort of thing - only to get me in bed, but guess what who ever the unlucky person is I bet they hated whatever went down. Well then - who is it?"
"Ronald Billius Weasly. You have no idea who the guy even is. And if you really want to know something about them well - Ginny and I are both really good friends with him."
"So its a gryffindor then, that makes it easy"
"Then tell me Ron, who in gryffindor Was I kissing before I came down to dinner today."
"Ginny will tell me, won't you sis?"
"No. I don't even count you as my brother anymore. I'm not sure George would either or charlie or bill."
"Fine, I never liked Hermione anyways. I was using her to make lavender mine."
"You ******"*** ******* ****** ******** ****" Ginny yelled at Ron
Hermione stood, pulled out her wand and pointed it at his throat. "Ronald. Weasly. You are nothing but a bit of scum on the bottom of a hippogryphs hooves. If you are not out of my sights in the next 10 seconds I will stupefy you into next term..."
"1...." Blaise stood up from his chair at the Slytherin table
"2...." He ran all the way around the gryffindor table
"3...." Until he reached hermiones side
"4...." He tried grabbing her wand
"5..." She hit him with her free hand
"6...." He kept trying to calm her down
"7...." It didnt work.
"Hermione Granger. Dont do this to him, what's your special man gonna think of you now. Trying to kill you best friend, seriously granger. Just calm down... That's it lower the wand.... No killing the weasel.."
"I am not a weasel"
"SHUT UP YOU DUMB WEASEL!!!!" Hermione yelled, her calm self being thrown out the window.
"To much time with malfoy for you, you dumb b*****"
Blaise jumped back into the role of calming her.
"Hermione, you really need to just breathe. Let the wand come down... Good girl,,, calm down and breathe... Go-"
"Call me a good girl once more blaise and I will turn my wand on you instead and then there will be no calming me down."
"Hermione just go for a walk with Ginny, she'll take you where you need to go and I will come find you both later, with a little company of my own."
With that hermione left the great hall Ginny by her side the whole way.
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