6 - breakups and revenge
It was already a month into the term and Draco felt like he was drowning in homework. Him and Hermione had become friends - without weasel or most of the school knowing. As far as they knew Blaise and Ginny were the only two who knew and maybe potter as well.
He was currently working on his transfiguration homework when Hermione stormed in through the entrance and ran up to her room before slamming the door shut. He walked over to Snapes portrait - the one in the common room, not the one outside - and asked what was wrong.
"She seems upset and she kept muttering things under her breath like 'stupid weasel" and 'gonna kill him' and 'he'll be sorry'. She angry Draco and very upset - not a good combination."
"Thank you professor."
"Your welcome"
And with that Snape walked away. Draco walked up towatds hermiones door and knocked on it.
"Hermione can I come in?"
"No. I want to be on my own"
"Hermione. What's wrong?"
"Its nothing"
"Its not nothing Hermione."
Suddenly the door was opened by Hermione who's face was red and eyes were puffy. She looked at him before hugging him. He hugged her back and in that instant Draco felt like he could stay there forever.
However, his legs had started to go weak as all of Hermione's weight was a on him, so he picked her up and placed her on the bed. Once he had her in an upright persition he sat beside her. She moved her head so that it was resting in between his neck and shoulder.
"He cheated on me"
"Who?... The weasel?"
"Yes the weasel. Who else would it be?"
"I don't know. Who'd he do it with?"
"Lavender Brown."
"Hermione, I'm so sorry. Any guy who would do this to you doesn't deserve you"
"Of course. Hermione Granger, you are the brightest witch of our age, you are the bravest, kindest, and most loyal person I have ever met. Any guy who meets you is lucky."
"Yes Hermione"
"I need to tell you something"
"I'm listening"
"I like you. A lot"
"Hermione.. Are you sure?"
"I've been sure since third year."
"But Ron. Are you sure this isnt you just trying to get payback?"
"I'm sure. Ron and I well - we were friends, and everyone thought we were meant to be and didnt really give us an option, so it happened and I didnt get to choose what I wanted. But if I had admitted this all those years ago I would have been disowned by Ron, he would have forced me to see madame pomfrey, and both him and harry would have thought that I betrayed them."
"Hermione. I'm sorry - for everything."
"And I forgive you"
"You do?"
"I've forgiven you for everything. You're just the boy who had no choice."
Draco didnt realize He was crying until Hermione wiped a tear off His face. He pulled her onto his lap and gave her a hug. They sat like this for a few minutes before Hermione moved her head. She moved it enough that their lips brushed.
Instead of waiting for her to do anything more Draco moved his head until his lips found hers. He kissed her and she kissed him back. It was magical and it was becoming more and more passionate by the second. Suddenly he had her on her back and was placing kisses along her jaw, neck and collar bone. He heard her moan slightly at the touch.
Her hands had snaked their way around his neck and up into his hair pulling him closer by the second. Not knowing how or when it happened his shirt had fallen to the floor and the top three buttons on Hermiones shirt were undone showing off a fair bit of Cleavage.
He went back to kissing her neck. He found a soft spot and kissed it. At this he heard a slight moan escape her. This is what he wanted, he kissed her again, this time biting down on her neck, leaving a mark. Still kissing her neck, Draco started to undo the last of her shirts buttons, but their was a knock on the door.
(A/N: ha as I wrote the word door the word count hit 666. I wonder who it'll be)
The knock was ignored and then a voice called out to them.
"Hermione Granger. I know that you are in there. And since the door is locked Malfoy too. Can I come in?"
It was Ginny Weasly - of course.
"I'm coming Ginny." She said. She quickly do up the buttons of her shirt and picked Draco's up off the floor and passed it to him. He thanked her before pulling it over his head. Just as Hermione was about to unlock the door Draco stopped her and pulled her hair over her shoulders. She soon realised that this was to cover the love bite on her neck.
Hermione checked herself over quickly - she looked presentable - and then she looked over Draco - his hair. Oh well.
She opened the door and standing in front of them was not only Ginny, but blaise as well.
"Well, well, well. The ferret looks like he just had fun, but Hermione you look tired." Ginny said, before gasping. "You weren't doing that just then were you?"
"God no. Weaslette, why would you ask such a question? I dont move in on people who just broke up with their boyfriends."
Hermione laughed at Draco's comment - it was half true, she had kissed him first. At her laugh Ginny and blaise looked at them questionably, but these looks were ignored by the two heads.
"I'll believe you for now ferret, but hermione you and I need too talk revenge, boys you're helping us."
Blaose looked at her, "do We have a choice?"
The four of them walked down to the common room and sat down. Ginny and Blaise sat on identical armchairs while Hermione and Draco sat on the couch that faced the others. Hermione quickly got comfortable, which meant she was layin on her back with her head resting on Draco's upper leg - it was really comfy.
"So, revenge. What do you think Hermione?"
"Ginny, I honestly think I have the perfect idea."
"tell me or show me"
Hermione sat up from her position, before whispering to Draco,
"Can I show her the mark you left me?"
He nodded slightly and Hermione moved her hair away from her neck. Ginny gasped.
"Oh. My. God. Hermione Jean Granger is that a-a love mark." Ginny said, all but screaming. Hermione nodded. "Perfect, and is it safe to assume that you now belong to the one and only Mr Malfoy here?"
"Ginny don't be ridiculous. Of course Draco marked Hermione as his." Blaise said, "come on guys dinner time with a bit of added drama."
"Hold on blaise. What are our two lovers here going to do? They cant sit at the same table."
"Thats the point gin. Remember Ron doesnt know shes moved on."
"Right good point"
Draco cleared his throat, "we're still here guys. Although you two should go, granher and I have a few things to discuss."
Their two friends left without argument, but Ginny warned them that if Hermione didnt go down to dinner she personally would come back and drag her down there.
"Yes Draco"
"You said before that you liked me, well I just wanted to let you know - I think I like you too."
"I'm not sure yet. I think so, but I dont think I've felt this way before ever so its a bit hard for me to know."
"OK, Draco. Take your time"
He lent his head down for another kiss which she accepted and it ended up with them breathless, Draco shirtless, and Hermione with two more love bites on her neck.
And with that the two headed off to dinner.
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