Church Bells
Narrative: when the music ended, the bride and groom turned and faced each other.
Priest: "Do you take this bride to be your lawfully wedded wife, through sickness and through health?" He turns toward the groom.
Thomas: smiles happily as he stares at Maria, his bride to be. "I do."
Priest: turns toward the bride. "And do you, Maria, take Thomas, to be your lawfully wedded husband; through sickness and through health?" He asked her politely.
Maria: gives a soft blush as she was majestic, knowing this was their day. With a shy smile she says: "I do."
Priest: Looks up to the crowd. "Before I officially wed these two, anyone who wishes for their happiness to not be and to not get married, please say now or forever hold your peace." Notices no movements or objections, so he then continues. "With the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Motions hand towards Thomas.
Thomas: With a quick movement, he found himself cupping his hand on Maria's cheek as he passionately kissed her for what felt like the first time.
Narrative: After many cheers and congrats, the after party however, was just as majestic as the two becoming one soul, bound to love one another till death due them part. Maria and Thomas had their special dances with their parents and a few guests. Jade, one of Maria's bridesmaid's had seemed to be very rude to Maria ever since the start of the day. Maria wasn't really paying it no mind for it was usually how Jade acted towards her sometimes when Jade had done something she had planned on doing and successfully done it well. Maria was walking to get a fresh cup of punch when Jade kept calling after her.
Jade: "Maria! Maria, darling!" Jade called after Maria in a high pitched, annoying tone as she waved her hand in the air as if to try and catch a taxi.
Maria: "Hm?" Turns around to see Jade fast walking towards her with an hesitated look.
Jade: smiles as she pants and stares at Maria. "Wow! So breath taking you are, Maria!" Jade eyed Maria's dress, a hint of envy in her eyes. "Who made the dress?" Asked in a sarcastic tone.
Maria: "My mother-in-law. She really fancies making dresses, especially wedding dresses. Thank you so much Jade. I'm glad I chose you as my bridesmaid, and even more, a close friend." Maria smiled as she hugged Jade.
Jade: hugging Maria back, she thought this was the best time to tell Maria what happened the night before the wedding. "Mari-" she got cut off.
Bystander: "Come cut the cake with Thomas, Maria!" Shouts.
Maria: her eyes widen as she jumped slightly, almost forgetting. "Of course! Coming!" She slightly shouted back. " Tell me later Jade, right now I'm busy." Maria gripped her dress to keep from tripping.
Jade: "But Maria, this is really important!" She goes chasing after Maria who apparently isn't listening to her as they weave through the tables and crowds.
Maria: Waves Jade off. "Tell me when I finish, okay?" Maria tried to softly shout over her shoulder towards Jade.
Jade: getting frustrated, Jade was about to lose it. "MARIA!" She shouted, not realizing she had caused everyone to go silent, even Maria.
Maria: She turned around slowly, shock on her face as Jade and her now were the center of attention for the bystanders. "Jade, dear. Are you alright? Why the sudden shouting?" She asked, concerned for Jade as she never had outbursts like this before.
Jade: "You shouldn't have married him!" She shouted, her face becoming flustered as Jade stared Maria dead in the eyes.
Maria: "Jade! Why do you say such things?!" She gasped, bringing the palm of her hand to rest on her chest, gasping softly.
Jade: "Because he's a dog!" She tightened her fists as she stared at Maria with jealous eyes. "Yesterday night, me and him had a-" she was cut off.
Maria: "Don't call my husband a dog, Jade-"
Jade: "WE HAD A DRUNKEN FLING!" she finally shouted out of frustration and a stomp of her foot.
Narrative: Everyone around the two gasped out loud, completely shocked and absorbed into the drama. Thomas decided to stand between the two.
Thomas: "Jade, please excuse yourself from this reception party. Now." Sternness was in Thomas's voice just as he glared at Jade.
Maria: in complete shock and confusion, she became teary eyed. "Thomas... Oh Thomas... Please tell me it isn't true..." Maria asked, her voice cracking as she tried to keep herself together and not ruin her makeup.
Thomas: he went quiet, not answering Maria until Jade left.
Jade: "I'll leave, but remember you did this to her." Jade gave a soft grin as she saw Maria weakened. "Through better or worse~" She told the newly weds.
(Scene Cut To Them On The Plain Ride To Hawaii)
Narrative: it was that very night when Thomas and Maria got on the plain to head to Hawaii for their Honey Moon. Maria wanted to cancel the trip, but the reservations had already been paid for so they couldn't waste the trip due to Maria's parents actually paying for it as a surprise wedding gift.
Maria: sat on the opposite row of plain seats from Thomas as silence devoured the awkwardness between the two, until Thomas spoke up.
Thomas: "Maria...?" He was looking at her, feeling her tension through the awkwardness.
Narrative: Maria was so devastated that on the best day of her life would turn out to be the worst as well. Maria was debating on making a hard choice at that moment. After Thomas told her it was an accident and he was drunk, she was thinking of giving him a second chance. Their marriage was in her hands now, knowing that Thomas still wanted things to work out. After a long, silent flight in the daylight, it got dark out. They had still a lot of time till they reached Hawaii, so of course they had to sleep.
Waiter: walks over to them. "Excuse me. But your rooms await you. Is a king size good?" She asked smiling brightly and sweetly.
Maria: after hours of not speaking, she finally said: "- together?" She seemed a bit surprised. "Was the request for two separate rooms not heard?" She asked a bit uneasy, glancing over at Thomas who was looking at her concerned.
Thomas: he looked at Maria a bit hurt by those words, but he understood. "..."
Waiter: "Ah! Yes... That..." The waiter did an accidental eye roll." That isn't an option... We only have 3 rooms on this tiny private plain, but the only one available for two is the king one. I'm so sorry, Mrs." The waiter bowed slightly and left Maria in silence.
Narrative: with no choice but to sleep in the same room, both went to the bedroom, getting ready to sleep.
Thomas: "I'll sleep on the floor to give you space... I understand your upset with me, Maria, and I'm sorry. I wasn't in the right state of mind, I was drunk, sweetheart. If I was able to think correctly, then it would have never happened. Please. Just think about givin-"
Maria: cuts him off: "Thomas..." She spoke softly, her voice so gentle that if touched it might break. "Oh Thomas... Don't torture yourself no more. I'll give you another chance. Just give me time to get over your careless mistake. We made a promise to stick together... Through better or worse, right?" She smiled a bright smile that was slightly weak, but full of hope.
Thomas: "Oh Maria! Your words are so delightful!!" With a sudden remorseful happiness, he went up to her and wrapped his arms around her and swung her as he lifted her up and kissed her passionately and rested his forehead against hers. "Through better-"
Maria: finishes his sentence: "-Or worse!~" she giggled softly as her cheeks became a soft tone of pink. The End
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