"Begin with what?" Leonie asked.
"With your teaching, of course. You have come to me, seeking help, and help you shall receive. However, have in mind that connecting with the dragon is the easy part, maintaining a healthy connection, is a whole different matter." Torras said.
His words made sense, but fear started clouding her soul like dark clouds before a storm. What if she wasn't good enough? What if she inadvertently hurt the little guy?
When she first made the connection with the little guy, she didn't think about the future, all she thought about was saving his life. Now that he was safe, Leonie couldn't help but worry about the quality of life that he would have.
What did a tiny girl know about raising a strong and powerful dragon, even if she was a daughter of a Hunter.
Hunters know more about the worlds that existed than anyone else, but that didn't mean that the daughter of a Hunter would have a perfect answer for everything.
"However, before we start, why don't you go fetch us some water to boil...hm,... a less meditative tea, shall we say," Toras said.
"Couldn't you just snap your fingers and summon water?" Leonie asked, perplexed.
"Of course I could, but being the daughter of a Hunter, you must remember that some of the things we do are not necessary. They are meant to build character or help our souls adapt to certain life truths and tribulations. In this case, I want you to get the water by yourself, so that your soul can have enough time to settle back into your body." Toras said.
Even though Leonie didn't fully comprehend the ways of the Mage, she had learned over the years to listen to him. Everything he asked her to do was for her well being even when she couldn't comprehend how it would benefit her. She was a seedling that he was nourishing till maturation. The results weren't visible instantly, but she had a feeling he would help her grow into a strong, healthy plant.
Having all that in mind, she slowly rose to her feet, with unsteady legs proceeded towards the door. Upon giving a reassuring pat on the head to Rim, she went outside.
The moment Leonie left, Toras approached the dragon looking deep into the universes that were his eyes. He was searching for that special spark that he suspected was hiding in the depths of the dragon's eyes.
Not finding what he was searching for Toras contemplate what that meant. Dragons were not his specialty, so he wanted to confirm which stage of development Rim was. He needed to know if his cursory examination was correct.
"Have you ascended yet?" Toras asked.
The strong feeling of confusion hit him like a thunderbolt before he had the chance to say anything else. Its strength made him reel for a second, which rarely happened to the mighty Mage.
He found it surprising that a dragon who hasn't yet ascended had emotions that were that powerful. Still, having in mind how unique the situation was, Toras thought it wasn't as surprising as it would have been if any other person was involved.
"Listen to me carefully and remember my words since I don't know when we will be alone next time, if ever. Once you ascend, you will know a lot more than you do now. You will be able to help her a lot more.
However, if you ever need my help or guidance, remember that I am always here to help. There might be things that would be too much for her young heart to grasp, so if you ever need advice, I will be here for you.
I know this makes no sense to you, right now, however, once you ascend, everything will be as clear as the mountain stream.
And remember, although she has the strength of a lion, in many aspects, she is just a cub herself, too much knowledge might be energy-draining for her." Toras told the dragon.
Having sensed the emotions emanating from the Mage, Rim knew that although his words were like a muddied river to him, he meant well.
That was why he nodded his head in agreement sending as many positive emotions towards Toras as he could.
"Until we meet again..." Toras said.
That was the moment the front door opened and Leonie came into the house, barely holding the bucket filled with water. She put it down carefully, and went to sit next to Rim having already missed him more than she thought was normal.
"Thank you, my dear. Self-discipline is the first step towards the emotional stability necessary to create a positive environment for a young dragon. Especially, the one who is developing so quickly that he will be able to use his fire soon enough.
That is the way of his kind, I guess. Never in my whole, long life have I met the dragons who developed faster than the Green Scaled ones." Toras said.
"Have you been around many dragons?" Leonie asked.
"Not too many, I generally prefer to keep the company of Mages, pixies, and the likes. However, I have met a handful of dragons, and only one of them was a Green Scaled one." Toras said.
"Anyway, that is the reason you have to be especially careful. You see, the dragon's fire is connected with his emotions, which means that emotional balance is a prerogative in nurturing a young one. The same way, his emotions are connected to the creation of fire, yours are as well." Toras said.
"I don't understand. What do you mean?" Leonie asked.
"Well, as you have already realized, the dragons as young as your friend communicate using their emotions. However, you and him have a special bond that makes the transfer of emotions between the two of you even more intense, more immediate.
So if you were to feel anger, it would transfer to him, and that, in turn, might lead to him spitting out fire.
You wouldn't want to burn down the barn by accident, would you?
Besides, no two beings are meant to completely share each others' emotions. You need to find the necessary distance where you will both stay separate beings but will voluntarily communicate some emotions to each other while keeping others for yourselves. Trust me, the autonomy is very important for both of your futures." Toras said.
Leonie was finally able to understand what exactly he meant, and it made sense to her. She could see how her sadness affected the dragon, and it wasn't surprising that the same would be true for other emotions. On the other hand, she needed to be able to feel, to grieve.
"Then what should I do? I can't always control how I am feeling. Although I am trying, it's such a challenge sometimes. I was always the type of person who let emotions run their course. Dad always used to say that no matter how sad the rain made one feel, we should celebrate it because it helps things grow." Leonie said.
"The wisdom of your father never ceases to amaze me, I always knew he was more than just a regular Hunter, but I am only beginning to learn how much more he was. He was correct, of course.
However, in this case, we need to postpone the rain until Rim's scales are strong enough to withstand its power." Toras said.
Finally, Leonie was able to understand the necessity of what Toras was saying. After all, humans had to learn how to crawl before they could walk. In a way, that was true for dragons, for their emotional span, as well.
"Okay, I am ready to start," Leonie said.
"Since I don't have enough time today to go through everything with you, let's drink another cup of tea and discuss what you will need to do. Also, I will give you a couple of books to take with you so that you don't lose too much time. I fear that it is a luxury we don't have. Soon enough, Rim will become a fire breathing dragon, and we have to get ready for that." Toras said.
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