Silver stared in horror if the sight in front of him. Two gleaming blood-red eyes stared at him. He was to scared to run away.
Miya, still as ice, was facing two red, unblinking eyes. She was frozen still, fear creeping along her scales.
'AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!' They screamed.
They clawed there way up the tunnel they came, flapping there wings to get up faster. They flew, hitting the walls with the claws. They turned around, seeing the red eyes chasing after them. They flew faster, until they ran into each other.
'W-where were you?!'
'I could ask you the same thing. But can't talk now. RUN!'
They clawed up the path, wings hitting the sides of the cave. They flew out, flying high into the sky. The eyes came out after them. The blizzard had subsided, so they could see who was chasing them. Big muscles, scars over their black skin. Long tail, ripped wings.
'Dragons.' Silver breathed.
They stretched their wings and flew into the air, flying level with Silver and Miya.
'W-who are you.' Miya stuttered.
'Why should we tell you. You came into our cave and disturbed our sleep. You of the Ice Seer are not welcome on our territory, much less our cave.' One of the dragons spat.
"Ice Seer? What's he talking about?" Silver questioned himself.
'Who do you mean?! We don't know any dragons in this Ice Seer you speak of.' Miya said.
'You lie! All silver dragons that are born are born in the Ice Seer. The black dragons were apart of it until war broke out among all dragon kind. The Ice Seer fled to the high mountains and all the silver dragons where apart of it. How could you not know anything about the Ice Seer.' The other black dragon spoke.
'How could we know when we've lost our parents. They never said a thing about the Ice Seer.' Silver said.
'Stop talking nonsense! Ever since the Dragons Gem was lost, all the Ice Seer protected their young and defended their mountain. How could your parents not tell you. They were the biggest tribe of dragons ever created.' The dragons spoke.
'Well, we don't know of this Ice Seer. All we know is the Dragons Gem you speak of. That's all we want.' Miya said, trying to act brave.
'Silence! You cross into our territory and now you will pay the price.' The older black dragon said.
'Umm, Silver. I think we should run.' Miya shook in fear.
'In with you.' Silver replied.
'You cannot escape. You will pay.' They said.
They gathered up breath, Silver and Miya splitting apart.
'DIE!' The black dragons let out a gust of wind and flame.
'RUN!' Silver shouted.
They flew away, the black dragons following them.
'You can't hide from us!'
They released more wind and fire. Silver and Miya flew faster and higher, dodging the dragons attacks.
'Miya! Use your water on me!' Silver said.
'What?! That's crazy!'
'Trust me!'
'You better know what your doing!' Miya gathered her breath and created water, firing it at Silver. He breathed his own fire. It hit the water, creating a bunch of steam.
'Follow me!' Silver called.
'Follow me!'
'Brother! Their over there!' One of the black dragons said.
'Good job. Let's follow!'
Steam fell down from the sky, covering them.
'How! How did they create steam?!'
'Brother! That was no ordinary black dragon. She was a water dragon! That Silver one must of used her water with his own fire.'
'Damn! Their scent is gone and they are no longer in sight! Damn you Ice Seer!'
'Yeah! Nice work!' Silver said, flying away with Miya by his side.
'I know right! How'd you know that would work?'
'Well, you know, steam is a very useful thing to cover scent and helps the users to get away!' Silver smiled.
'Are you sure your a baby dragon? You know so much!'
'All in the days work for Silver and his friend Miya!'
They both laughed as they flew away.
'I wonder what he was talking about.' Silver muttered.
'You mean the Ice Seer? I've heard rumours that is was a giant tribe of dragons. They got heaps of allies, but some dragons just didn't trust them. They started to attack the Ice Seer and ended up killing some members. This ended up in war. They fought for many, many years, until the Dragons Gem was lost. The Ice Seer lost its allies and all the dragons went to the mountains. They told the young about the tribe, but, they lost their name in the battle when they lost the Gem. Now, they're just dragons that roam the high mountains. Or so I've heard. That's only a rumour that my tribe told us.' Miya explained.
'Wow. The great Ice Seer tribe, wiped out just like that. I wonder what they'll be like. If, we ever meet them that is.'
Silver and Miya flew on for a while, going further into the cold region to find the dragons nest.
Sorry for the short chapter and the wait. I've been reading some other books so that I might get some ideas. Anyway, hope you like this!!!
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