Silver and Miya flew around some mountains, before landing.
'I can breathe again.' Miya sighed with relief.
'Sorry. Guess using your water power really took the breath out of you.' Silver said.
'It's ok. I'm just not use to using so much water, that's all.'
'Hey! Look! Over there!' Silver pointed with his tail.
'What is it?'
'It looks like a, a temple!'
'Yeah! Let's go over there now!'
Both dragons got back up, stretched out their wings and flew over to the temple.
'Do we go inside?' Miya asked. 'It's quite dark in there.'
Silver ignored her and walked in.
Suddenly, flames lit up the room.
'Greetings. I am Linthia, fox of fortune. If you seek guidance, you've come to the right place. If not, then please leave now.' A voice sounded from all around the room.
'Hello, Linthia. I'm Silver, a dragon. And this is my friend Miya. What we seek is more dragons, but we don't know where to look. Could you please help us?' Silver asked.
"Woah. Did he script this or what? He's good." Miya thought.
'You say you've come seeking dragons. I might be able to help.'
'Really?! Thank you.'
'I said might. Though, before you go out on your journey, I'd suggest putting it on hold for a more serious matter.'
'What do you mean "more serious"?' Miya and Silver asked.
'My, my. If you hadn't noticed yet, your power, Silver, is above that of an ordinary dragon for your age.'
'Above?' Silver repeated.
'Yes, above. It's like this. In each and every dragon lies an orb that contains their power. Young dragons like yourself's have a half filled orb. Older and more experienced dragons orbs are full. Yours, however, is almost full.'
'I-it is? Then, is there a way to fix it? What'll happen if it completely fills up?'
'If it completely fills up at your age, then the power within it will engulf your body, leaving nothing but ash.'
'A-are you serious?! Please, there has to be a way to stop it.'
'There is. I'll come to you.'
Suddenly, right in front on them, a circle started to shape. The ground rumbled as the circle started to rise. It rose high, and below it was a stair case that could lead anywhere. And coming up the stair case was Linthia. Her shiny red pelt appeared, long, fluffy tail. She climbed up and sat in front of the dragons.
'L-Linthia. Please tell me what I should do. I don't want to become ash.' Silver stuttered.
'Don't worry young one. There is a way.'
Linthia walked over to one of the walls and pulled out a scroll.
'Here it is.'
She put the scroll down and unraveled it.
"Legend speaks of an ancient gem that was handed down through generations of dragons. It was sacred and could control the power they held. It was treasured and given to ever offspring that was born in order to keep their powers in check. But, about a decade later, the Mortals heard rumours about the gem and decided to take it for themselves. They went in search, looking in every place they could think of. The dragons, noticing what they were doing, fled to the high mountains with the gem. The mortals saw this and chased after them. The dragon carrying the gem started to falter, and fell down. The mortals took this chance to take the gem for themselves. But, the gem was to powerful. It consumed the mortal, and then the dragon. Out of fear, the other dragons fled, leaving the gem there. The mortals backed away, then ran to their village. The gem was left there for years, until a strong wind blew it into a ravine, losing it forever. But, it wasn't gone. Another creature was said to of found this gem and now protects it. Any creature that came near would be attacked by this protecter, so no one dared to go near."
'The gem has been there for years, and still, no body's taken it. If you want to survive your fate, then find this gem and take it. Take it to the dragons nest in the cold region. Your power will be normal and you will be saved. But. You only have until the 4th full moon to do so. Any later, and your as good as gone.'
'Hmm. Can we take the scroll with us?' Miya asked.
'Sure. But you have been warned. Don't take the gem lightly. It could just consume you too. Well, you best be off. Farewell and good luck on your quest.'
'Thank you Linthia. I won't forget this kindness.' Silver said.
Linthia bowed her head and the dragons took flight.
I won't die. I won't perish. I wok find this gem and survive. Just you wait.
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