About a week passed, nothing eventful happened. Icicle had two bells, each with different tones in case he needed one of them. Gon had learned the dragon words for 'food', 'water', and 'help'. He got a hammock, some new clothes, and permission to go out hunting. It wasn't exactly permission, but he kept getting out and finding his own food so Icicle had eventually stopped trying to keep him from doing it. Well, he discouraged Killua from taking from other dragons, and if he was gone for more than 30 minutes he rang his bell until he came back. He was hunting on the 8th day he'd been there when he saw something interesting.
Killua was traveling along the water when he saw a big pile of scales. He thought it was a sleeping dragon at first, but then he got closer. Killua stared into the glazed over eyes of a red dragon, one of the 'sky dragons' Daffodil told him about. It's dead. Killua thought for a moment, then got an amazing idea. He pried open the dragon's mouth, then started breaking off some teeth. He took the longer ones, stuffing them into a plastic bag he'd had the foresight to bring. After that, he snapped off a horn and slipped it down his shirt at an angle so it would be difficult to see. It was kind of uncomfortable, but worth it. He grabbed three claws, also stuffing them into his backpack, and then noticed a ring on its claw. "Oooh" it was a silver metal with an emerald embedded in it.
Gon would love it... He slipped the ring off, then heard wingbeats. Well fuck. Humans have killed dragons before right? He activated Zetsu and ducked under a bush just as one of the sand dragons came into view, he'd seen a few of them before. They were the ones with the barbed tails like scorpions, also their eyes were a pitch black color all the way through. He thought that the golden dragon could be a sort of offshoot of a sand dragon, or maybe a deformed one. Or maybe there was a completely other breed he didn't know about, Killua had no fucking clue to be honest. "Rrawr!"
He watched as the sand dragon probed at the body, before eventually bowing it's head and rumbling a sort of...respectful phrase, he thought. He imagined it to be how a person show respect for the dead. Suddenly, he heard a crack. Killua cursed under his breath, he hadn't caused it but it was close enough to his direct location that Zetsu might as well be useless. The dragon's eyes snapped over to him, and they locked eyes. "Fuck"
"RRRR!" it reached out for him and he growled back, eyes narrowing and unleashing a little bloodlust. The dragon paused, then continued reaching for him. Killua dodged the grab and started running, ducking and weaving to avoid more attempts. "Leave me alone!" he then got an idea. The last time I did it, the dragon who was chasing me stopped- Killua was grabbed and turned, held up by the back of his shirt. Killua growled. "Rarrle!" The dragon's eyes widened, and it was then that he noticed that it was wearing an odd earring. Killua opened his mouth to call again, when the dragon turned its head. "RARRLE! RWWAAAARRRRR!"
Thank fucking god, it knows Icicle? He heard an answering roar, then Icicle turned the corner. He let out a huff, then rang a shiny silver bell. Killua scowled. I don't like being treated like a pet. But, it was pretty much one of their only ways to communicate sadly, which meant he had to suck it up. "Killua what did you do!" Gon shouted, from his shoulder. He slipped from the dragon's grip and ran over to Icicle, then leapt up into his cold cupped talons. "I went material gathering!" He heard a series of growls from both dragons, and was about to ignore it when Icicle prodded him sharply. "What?" He grumbled, glancing up. He pointed in the direction of the dead dragon, then to his knife sheath. Then, he rumbled in a questioning tone. Did I kill it? Is that what he's asking?
Killua shook his head, then made a rectangle in the air with his fingers. "paper please" Icicle nodded and slipped a paper out of a satchel, then set it on the ground. Killua grabbed his pencil, the other dragon tilted it's head and peered down as he started sketching. Killua only did a rough outline of the dragon, making Xs over its eyes and having it's tongue sticking out to show that it was dead. Then, he drew himself walking over to it. "Killua, did you really kill it?" he huffed. "Course not, I found it dead" Then, he erased the facial expression to change it to one of shock, then did it again and changed it to a thinking face. As he did that, he added a thought bubble with a lightbulb over his head. "Killua I don't think they have lightbulbs" Gon said dryly.
Killua rolled his eyes, then drew a hand on the horn. After that, he drew an arrow and completely drew the dragon again, this time missing every part he'd taken. "I- Killua why?" He growled. "Wait!" he made another arrow, then drew a fishing rod and some weapons. The dragons glanced at each other and conversated a little, then Gon blinked. "A fishing rod out of dragon parts?" He shrugged. "We need something sharp but small enough for us, I can carve some dragon bones with my knife" He heard the beating of wings, and looked over to see a black dragon flying over. "Rarrle! Rwaar! Rble RawweEer" Gon of course waved, he ignored the rest of the 'conversation' and started unpacking his materials. "Rrr..." The sand dragon reached down and tapped where he'd drawn the ring, then looked at him. Oh...right.
"Oh um..." Killua blushed a little as he slipped his hands into his bag. "W-Well..." Gon blinked, "Killua?" He pulled out the ring, then turned his head away as he held it out to Gon. "I um...I thought...you would like it" He mumbled, his cheeks burning a bright scarlet as he heard a gasp. "Oh wow! It's so pretty! You're the best Killua!" Killua turned away and covered his face with his hands. "B-Baka! Shut up. It's...it's just something nice I found, don't make such a big deal out of it..."
"Rrrr" He glanced up at the black dragon, who was doing that same face the golden dragon did. He scowled. "Don't give me that look you-" Suddenly he felt arms wrap around him from behind and Killua yelped, blushing hard. "Your my best friend in the entire world!" G-Get off me! "RRRR!" He and Gon jumped, the black dragon was staring down at them with parted jaws, seemingly shocked. What? Did I do something? Gon looked confused as well. The other dragons seemed surprised, then Icicle waved his talons a little and started 'talking' rapidly. He did that when he was excited or figuring something out. Both of the other dragons looked at them, Killua didn't know what to think.
1197 words
To be continued...
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