They flew for a while, he had to admit it was kind of peaceful. Gon stopped complaining and was enjoying it as well, even though he was encased in the dragon's claws. "Wait a minute, where are we going?" he muttered, then cursed under his breath a few moments later. They were heading for a town. A dragon town. He could see the dragons swarming around, at least 80 of them. Killua tensed, and the dragon glanced over her shoulder at him. She removed a talon from Gon to pat his head reassuringly, then quickly encase him again. "I wanna feel the wind in my hair thoughhh" He whined.
Killua sighed, then slid down her arm and to her talons. He poked at them with a hand, then copied what she was doing with her claws and removed the hand on top. After that he pointed to her talon, hoping she got it. She blinked, then opened the top talon. Killua slid down and she cupped her talons again, Gon grabbed his hand with a smile. He blushed a little again. "B-Baka..." They started approaching the ground and Killua stood up, Gon did as well. As the dragon touched down, Killua leapt off her talons and landed. Gon was still holding his hand so he went with him, then the dragon flicked her tail at the city.
He growled, then took a step back and yanked Gon with him. The dragon paused, then frowned slightly. "Killua, let's go. She wants to take us somewhere" Gon said, trying to drag him forward. Killua let go of his hand and took a few more steps back, shaking his head. "No. Gon, that city is crawling with dragons!" he pointed to the one they'd been traveling with. "I saw ones twice this one's damn size!" He moved his finger from her to the city. "But-", "No Gon, not all of them are friendl-"
"RRRRARRRRRRLLE!" Killua and Gon both jumped, only to duck under a blast of fire. There was a roar, the dragon spread her wings to cover them and they both peeked out to see a blood red dragon with its wings flared. The golden dragon hissed, spreading her wings a little further. "Woah, that one can breathe fire!" Gon said excitedly, eyes gleaming. He grabbed Gon's shoulder. "It's also hostile" He cautioned, he was about to suggest to get the hell out of there when another blast of fire was shot and the dragon let out a pained growl. Killua and Gon had to dodge as they got into a tussle, then flinched as the golden dragon was flung into a tree.
"Hey!" Gon took a step forward but Killua grabbed his arm. "Gon" He turned to look at Killua, and Killua paused. That...intense look. Ah fuck it, there's nothing I can do. The crimson dragon was about to approach when both Killua and Gon stood in front of the golden one, feet spread apart and knives drawn. "You back off jerk!" Gon yelled, scowling. The dragon paused, then let out a rumbling laugh. The golden dragon tried to stand but her leg was caught and she couldn't, she tried to nudge them away but they stood fast. "I can't believe I'm doing this" He muttered, then placed his hands behind his head and let out a cold glare.
"get lost before I hack that giant head off your shoulders" He hissed, eyes going dark and unleashing a small wave of bloodlust. The dragon took a few steps back, appearing startled. It couldn't understand him, but the threat was clear. "Rrrrrrble?" The golden dragon growled, with a curious tone. The dragon opened his jaws and Killua gritted his teeth. "Gon" Gon nodded, then knelt down and cupped his hands. Killua stepped a foot onto his cupped hands, then they used both their momentum to launch him upwards. The dragon let out a shocked growl as he was brought a few feet above its head, then Killua landed on top of it and slashed. Shhhing the metal slid right off the scales. He growled, then enforced it with Nen and stabbed directly into its shoulder. The dragon screamed as it punctured, trying to claw him off.
Killua bounced around, slashing and stabbing. Until eventually, he was thrown off and the crimson dragon ran off screeching. Killua got back to his feet, then snarled. "Take that you bastard!" Gon cheered, "Ha! Serves you right for trying to attack our friend!" Killua paused, then glanced over at Gon as he slipped his knife back into its pocket sheath. "friend?" He nodded, then gasped. "Oh! She got thrown pretty hard" He ran over to where the golden dragon was watching with slightly open jaws, Killua following close behind. He rested a hand on her snout, then gasped and pointed. "That looks deep!" The golden dragon didn't move as they made their way over to a puncture on her arm, it was indeed deep. Well, for a human of that size at least. He wasn't exactly sure what was considered a deep wound for a dragon, it was just a hunch.
"Killua, give me your shirt!" Killua blushed. "W-What?" he snatched Killua's white T-shirt and stretched it to wrap around the wound. "hey! That's white!" He protested. Gon rolled his eyes. "whatever! You get it bloody all the time. c'mon, let's try to fix it" He sighed, then placed his hands on the now bloody shirt. Gon did the same, and they both let their Nen flow into the wound. After a few moments, they pulled back. "Damn, it didn't do much" Gon said, then hugged her arm. "Rrrr...." The dragon booped her nose into his side, he ran a hand up it and Killua rolled his eyes. "it's not a fatal wound, she can still walk"
As if on cue, the golden dragon stood up. She seemed to wince as she put weight on the leg with the wound, then gestured to her back. Gon climbed up one of her good legs, Killua followed suit. Once they were both positioned on her back they started walking into the city. Now that they had gotten attacked, he was even more on edge. "Killua, we'll be fine" He huffed, then activated En as far as he could. Killua's eyes flew wide as it shot out way more than it was supposed to. He estimated it was around 270 meters. "Gon..." he said slowly. Gon blinked, then glanced over at him. "yeah?" He deactivated his En, too much was going on and it was kind of hurting his brain. "Push out En as far as you can"
He frowned slightly, then suddenly gasped as he presumably activated En. "Woah- what the- holy crap!" He rubbed the back of his head. "There was so much happening-" Killua scoffed. "For you? Remember, I can go 5 times further. Think about what I sensed?" Gon winced. "Damn..."
"RRRrrr?" at the new 'voice', both Killua and Gon stopped chatting and looked over at where it came from. The dragon looked...like an icicle grew limbs and horns. "Woah!" Gon said, eyes gleaming. "It's an ice dragon!" The golden dragon cupped her claws again, Gon slid down into them. Killua hesitantly followed, then they were both presented before the ice dragon with a few short growls. The ice dragon growled back, like they were talking. "I swear to god if this dragon is selling us so we can be eaten then I'll stab her-" Gon smacked him. "No!" Killua hissed, and Gon gestured to the golden dragon. "We helped her! And she protected us" He rolled his eyes, then was suddenly prodded by a ridged claw. Killua jumped, then realized how cold it was.
"hey Gon...that ice dragon's pretty cold" He gasped, then held a hand out and wiggled his fingers. "Me! Me!" The ice dragon rumbled curiously and poked at Gon's chest, he slid his hands along it with an 'oooh' noise. "Your right!" He scrambled up its arm before Killua could stop him. Killua crossed his arms, not trusting this new dragon. "Rrble" He got nudged forward by a claw, urging him to follow. Killua scowled. "No" Gon sighed, then slid back down the shimmery scales and grabbed Killua's arm, before hauling him up "Oi!" He smacked Gon but he shoved Killua onto some spikey icicles on the back of its neck. "I trust him!" Killua frowned slightly. "How can you tell it's gender?" He pointed to its head. "Eye shape, snout shape, gut instinct?"
Suddenly, they were both grabbed and set down in an enclosed space. It had plants, some small bowls of water, and a few human made structures. The walls were high, higher than the average person could climb with how little footholds there were. It, was a cage. Like the ones you see at a zoo. "I knew it"
1470 words
To be continued...
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