Meeting Your Star
Me: Here's Chapter four minna. Hope you like. Time for the disclaimer.
Lucy: Flame-chan does not own Fairy Tail.
Natsu: It belongs to Hiro Mashima.
Me: Natsu~(pounces)
Natsu: GET HER OFF!!!!
Four hot (very hot) teenagers emerged from the limo into the screaming fans. The first thing Lucy noticed was unruly hair. Pink hair. The only one who could pull it off and still be gorgeous. Natsu Dragneel and he was smoking. He was wearing a tight, red top with a dragon design. The shirt defined his hard six-pack and exposed some delicious (hehehe) tanned skin. Lucy held back a squeal. Black skinny jeans, leather jacket and red and gold sneakers. A pair of dark sunglasses resting on his messy, salmon hair, strands falling over his sharp. enchanting onyx eyes. Finishing the look off was a red chain around his neck saying 'Dragon Slayers ' and a scar ran across the right of his neck. Lucy would never say out loud that she had a thing for scars. (A\N: You may have noticed he isn't wearing his scarf. There's a reason that will come up sometime in the future. Just bear with it)
Saying he looked hot would be insulting and down right rude. He was... like a dragon. 'Not really sure where that came from' But he did remind her of one. 'Is it getting hot out here?' Realizing she really should look away before she lost it, she starting to have a look at the rest of the band.
Gray Fullbuster (Juvia's crush) was on the right of Natsu. He wore a plain white button up shirt with dark blue jeans. The blonde noticed majority of his buttons were open, making her blush. His jacket was blue and white while his sneakers were black and blue (he loves blue doesn't he). An identical chain on his neck but it was white.
"Gray-sama is wearing similar colours to Juvia!" The bluenette exclaimed in excitement.
"He does look pretty good." the busty blonde agreed.
The bluenette's head whipped around. "Are you Juvia's love rival?" she screeched.
"Wha-No! I don't like Gray like that." she protested. Juvia have her a look making Lucy look back at the band nervously.
Jellal Fernandez was on Natsu's left. He had short blue hair that sat blowing lightly in the wind and his eyes were a soft dark colour. A red ratio design was on the right side of his face. 'YOLO' was written in black on his dark green shirt. He wore blue jeans and a blue hoodie with a zip. Black trousers and the same dragon skaters necklace yet in dark blue. Erza melted at the sight.
Last, but not least, Levy's crush Gajeel. Lucy couldn't believe her petite friend was into such a punk (not that she minded). His jeans and top was black with a white skill printed on. A belt with metal spikes around his waist and a long thin fabric, black jacket reaching the floor. He had a metal bracelet and the recurring chain but in black (quite similar to his usual look).
Levy really likes the gangsters doesn't she?'
Not trying to pick sides or anything, but it was painfully clear Natsu looked the hottest out of all of them. Who would disagree?How can a guy who's not anime be so frigging hot? (</3 T.T) 'it's soooo not fair .' She had a mini mind tantrum.
Her best friends were practically drooling over the famous and ridiculously good-looking teenagers. The boys were surrounded by press and hyperventilating students.
Lucy's breath hitched as Natsu's dark eyes landed directly on here's. 'OMG!' The smile on his lips tugged up some more and her winked flirtatiously at the blushing blonde then looked away with a slight longing look in his eyes. 'Winked! He freaking winked!'
Eff staying calm!
" He winked at me! Me and Natsu had eye contact! " the ecstatic blonde boasted. Her friends giggled, slightly jealous of her good fortune. 'Breath Lucy'. They agreed to get to class unless they wanted to get tram led by a stampeding herd later on. As they passed the crazy crowd, the girls could hear the pink hairs voice bellowing over the cheers of admiration.
"Hey M.A!" The crowd screamed cheerfully in response making him chuckle.
"Dragon Slayers! You can slay me any day !".....what.....
"I love you Natsu-sama!" Lucy clicked her tongue.
"Please go in a date with me Gray-sama!" Juvia glared at the ground.
"Can I have your signature Jel-sama?" Erza sucked her teeth.
"Your amazing Gajeel-sama! I have your plushie!" The midget of the group rolled her eyes.
Natsu cleared his throat. "Okay guys. I know this is crappy but we really don't want to be late for class." Students groaned sand whined..
"Never though they'd be a day when I'll hear you say that kid." A voice said as the students made space for Headmaster Makarov Dreyar.
"Gramps! Now are ya old man?!" Nasty asked happily.
"Alive. Now everyone get to class or detention. Scram!" Students and press started running but not without moans of displeasure.
"Okay boys. Time for class..."
Beep. Beep. 'No'
Beep. Beep. 'Wanna sleep'
BEEP! BEEP! 'Fuuuu....'
"Damn you!" Natsu cursed as he slammed his hand on the top of his alarm clock, hearing a slight cracking sound. 'Wanna sleep but noooooo...have to go to school...' Groaning out of annoyance, the pink head zombie-walked towards his personal bathroom.
After finishing his business, he pulled his clothes out if his wardrobe and changed. Red had always been his favourite colour and he loved dragons. They were frigging awesome. Feeling like his neck was slightly bear, he styled his hair then headed out his room, chuckling silently at a message from CelestialMage. He heard a soft meow from below the steps. A naturally blue car purred happily as it strolled to Natsu and brushed against his legs.
"Happy!" He exclaimed as he scooped the unusually coloured cat up in his arms. Scratching his pet behind the ears , he went down the spiral staircase and headed towards the kitchen. Laxus, Jellal and Gray were already there. Natsu inhaled the delicious aroma of pancakes and headed to his seat where a plate was laid out for him.
"Your up flamehead?"Gray said looking up.
"What does it look like stripper?" He replied while eye-raping the pancakes then began wolfing all ten down.
"What was that!?" The raven head shouted across the table.
"Fihtater etno."
"He said fight later, eat now." Jellal translated.
"What was up with all the noise?" A deep voice questioned. Gajeel made his way to the table and settled down.
"Natsu's being stupid that's all."
"Am not!" The said man screamed. His plate empty and shiny.
"How the fuck did you finish all that do quickly? You really are a monster!" Gray exclaimed in shock and realization.
"Shut up exhibitionist! I'm a freaking dragon!"
"Are we kids again or something?"
"Why you-"
"ENOUGH!" Laxus bellowed, silencing the entire house. "You boys want to make it to school on time and intact don't you? Yes? Well eat and be ready to leave in the limo in 20 minutes."
Finishing off their breakfast (Natsu had more because he's a 'growing boy') they headed out. The cold lover smirked at his phone.
"What was that ice princess?"
"Nah. Nothing. Just something RainWomanLovesGray-Sama said." He replied.
"Oh. You two friends now then?"
He hummed in response. "What about you and that Celestial chick?"
"We talk from time to time."
"K "
Chatting, they entered the car and starting heading towards Magnolia Academy.
"Wonder what it's gonna be like. We haven't been in school since we were 13. Wow, five years." Jellal said to no one in particular.
"Chaotic." The long haired teen replied shortly.
Laxus opened his mouth but was interrupted by screeches. The limo stopped at the gates of Magnolia Academy and let's say, chaotic didn't even begin to describe it.
"OH MY GOD!" Gray raised a hand to his mouth.
"This is..." Dragneel gulped heavily. How would they survive?
"Well boys." They turned their heads to Laxus," good luck and I'll pray to see you alive and well after school."
"Something tells me no amount of praying will save us. God, is that an old lady wearing a short dress?" Jellal looked scarred. Who can blame him?
"Just get out."
Scrambling for the door handles the boys stepped out into the turbulent crowd of fans. Security guards made it to their sides, protecting them from overly fanatic fans who wear trying to touch them or stroke a lock of hair. Smiling, feeling slightly touched, they proceeded through the crowd towards the middle if the field.
The singers eyes scanned the perimeter, taking in every detail. Something about it was refreshing and comforting. Like it was more of a home then a school. Maybe it was. It did have its own set if dorms after all. His onyx eyes lifted over the crowd and Natsu nearly froze , swearing he was looking at an angel.
Her silky blonde hair was like a golden halo around her heart-shaped head. The red shirt (not to mention fire patterned) complimented her figure and for the first time in his entire life, he wished a girl was wearing an ultra-mini skirt. But what captivated him the most were her eyes. They wee the colour of hot earth around a volcano. So warm and alluring. It made him want something but he couldn't figure out what. Realizing she was looking at him in shock and that he was probably staring, he did the most appropriate thing in his book. He winked then looked away.
God damnit! She probably thinks I'm a ladies man now. Not that I don't get attention but- I know what I mean so why am I explaining it to myself! Feeling frustrated he kept smiling as they finally stopped.
"Hey M.A!" The crowd screamed cheerfully in response making him chuckle.
"Dragon Slayers! You can slay me any day !"
"I love you Natsu-sama!" Natsu could of sworn someone clicked their tongue.
"Please go in a date with me Gray-sama!" Gray snorted.
"Can I have your signature Jel-sama?" Jellal simply smiled politely.
"Your amazing Gajeel-sama! I have your plushie!" The drummer grimaced slightly.
Natsu cleared his throat, slightly creeped out from the first request."Okay guys. I know this is crappy but we really don't want to be late for class." Students groaned and whined..
"Never though they'd be a day when I'll hear you say that kid." A voice said as the students made space for Headmaster Makarov Dreyar.
"Gramps! Now are ya old man?!" Nasty asked happily.
"Alive. Now everyone get to class or detention. Scram!" Students and press started running but not without moans of displeasure.
"Okay boys. Time for class..."
Lucy digested nervously as she sat down in her chair as the hometown teacher walked in. Miss Aries. Her pretty shoulder-length pink hair curled on the ends and she always wore cotton and woolly dresses. She was a shy, cute and quiet teacher that Lucy adored.
"Hello class. Today we have Dragon Slayers joining us sumimasae. They're right outside. Why don't you come in then. Sumimasae."
The wooden door opened as the said teenagers walked through the door in all their awesomeness. Lucy's breath hitched again at the sight of her crush. She really was starting to have trouble breathing since he came.
A\N: >.< Hope you liked it! Please stay tuned for the next chapter! Comment and like! Arigatou minna!
I'm such a cliffhangerer!
~Let the Fires in Our Hearts Burn~
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