Lunch - Part One
A/N: Hello my little fireflies! How have you all been?
Gomen! It's been four months!! I'm so lame. I guess i was busy with finishing Baby Dragon (now i've got a second part to work on). Not to mention year 10 started four months ago as well. That means first year of GCSE's and also that tests are being thrown at us like their our best friends. I've already sat through 3 different unit computer science tests and that's just one subject. I feel like these next two years are gonna make me an even crappy writer because i'll be rushing to get stuff out. T.T Also, my ARMY self has been spending hours watching BTS videos and I'M SORRY BUT KOOKIE IS TOO MUCH FOR MY HEART!!!
I should get on with the story.
I've split Lunch into two parts because it was getting too long. I'll be working on part two soon.
Lucy sighed from her seat upon a thick tree branch situated 2 and a half meters above the ground. The soft summer breeze blew through the lush leaves surrounding their warm hideout. It was a refreshing feeling for the girls while the sun beat down, clearing off any unwanted clouds that dared taint its territory.
The other three school girls were lazily bathing in the cool shade of gracious ash tree. Juvia seemed half asleep, being lulled down softly by the peace. Our smaller bluenette was gulping down a crisp bottle of coke, cold from its hours spent in the fridge. And Erza? She was having a very....intimate moment with her beloved cheesecake.
Letting out a moan on satisfaction, her head dramatically fell back against the tree trunk. "I swear to whoever created this world!" She started with sparkling eyes. "If cheesecake was a person, i would marry him and have 33 babies!"
Juvia let out a breathy laugh. "What about Jellal."
"Hmm." The red head looked up cheekily. "Him too."
"Naughty!" Juvia exclaimed while the friends laughed in good humour. "Juvia didn't know Erza was into polygamous relationships!"
Erza put her empty lunch box down. Her once bright smile filled with laughter dimmed and went sour. " I heart that Beth girl from a grade below left."
Lucy blinked in surprise. " The one with braids? Why? I only spoke to her once or twice but she was sweet."
"Lisanna." Ah. "Didn't think a country bumpkin has a right to be in a prestigious school. Bullied her like no end for a good week."
Using her orange bandanna as a hair bobble, the shortest member of the group took a deep breath, irritated from her position across the green grass.
"You know what? I want to see Lisanna getting humiliated." Levy began coldly. "I don't care that that's a really bad thing to say! I want something to happen, something I wont ever forget."
"Levy..." Lucy trailed off. Her eyes began clouded as she remember the past. A time where Lisanna was her closest friend.
12 years ago (First Day of Kindergarten)
Little Lucy stood nervously, big brown eyes shaking and hands gripping her mothers blue skirt.
Layla bent down to get eye to eye with her precious daughter. Her wise, warm eyes stared lovingly into the younger girls ones. "Lucy. Sweetie don't be scared. It's only for a few hours."
"But okaa-san..." she whimpered softly in protest.
The Heartfilia mother smiled reassuringly."Don't worry. Think about it this way, you'll be able to make lots of friends and bring them home to play with."
Lucy winged her fingers together. "But not boys."
"No." Layla laughed.
"Boys have cooties and gross noises." Lucy accused, wrinkling her little button nose, ignorant to her mothers amusement.
"Definitely. Now, go on. The teachers waiting for you." Layla nodded at the approaching plump teacher. "I'll be back in a few hours." She finished, quickly kissing Lucy's head as her eyes eyed her watch, wary of the time.
The petite blonde looked up, worried yet determined. "I'll be good mommy."
"Bye my little Zoryana."
Ms Spetto was a kind, short and plump, middle-aged lady with long purple hair in a ponytail. Her face was square and painted with soft wrinkles. Lucy admired the red mantle on her shoulders and the soft green of her dress. Her eyes were warm and Lucy felt some of her nervousness fade away as Ms Spetto's gentle hand steered her to the Heartfilia Kindergarten entrance. It wasn't until many years later that Lucy realised it belonged to her family.
The supervisor lead her into the classroom. Children where already playing with toys, reading little books, drawing and finger painting. Soon, Lucy found herself standing in the middle of the room. Alone and worried.
"Um..." She first tried a bunch or girls who were playing dress up in the corner. "C-can i play too?"
A black haired girl shook her head. "Not enough fairy clothes." her small hands indicated to their cheap sparkling outfits. "Sorry."
Lucy's little heart dropped. "Okay." she mumbled, shyly moving away to find someone else.
After several attempts, Lucy sat down in the corner. Her eyes filled with small shiny tears. Mamma, I wanna go home.
"Hello!" A high pitched voice sounded in front of her, making the sad girl jump. The little blonde girl looked up to see another girl before her. Her hair was such a light blonde it appeared white and her blue eyes reminded her of the pretty sky.
"I'm Lisanna. Whats your name?" the girl smiled expectantly.
It took a few seconds for the small girl to process her words in her surprise. "Lucy." She refrained from mentioning how pretty she thought the blue eyes girl was. Not wanting to embarrass herself.
Lisanna smiled brightly. " I like your name. It's pretty. Wanna play with me?"
Lucy felt her cheeks blush in embarrassment and surprise. Her answer came quickly. "Sure."
(A few weeks later)
Lucy and Lisanna sat at a small table, small hands dipped in paint as they made their own artistic pieces. Lucy looked up, noticing the blue eyed girls purple hands had stopped mid air and that her cheeks had turned a light pink as she stared behind her.
"Lisanna?" Lucy asked, making the blushing girl jump and turn more red. "What are you looking at?"
The red girl brought her purple paint coloured hands onto her cheeks in an attempt to relieve her blush. "That boy. With the brown hair." She pointed.
Lucy turned her head around to see the side of a boy with spiky brown hair. He looked familiar but she couldn't remember his name. Lucy didn't really pay attention to others when the teacher took the register in the morning. "Why are you looking at him?"
Lisanna twiddled her fingers. "I l-like him."
"But boys have cooties." Lucy didn't understand.
"It goes away when they are older." Oh.
"So, will you marry him like your mamma and papa when older?"
Smiling brightly, Lisanna clapped her hands. "Yup!" Suddenly Lisanna froze and eyes went big. Eyes directed behind Lucy again. "He's looking at me!"
The gold haired girl turned around to see the brown haired boy looking straight at them. His eyes were at her for a moment before turning to her friend. For a second he paused, then his cheeks puffed out in laughter as he ran off.
"W-what?...." The flustered girl started.
Lucy giggled lightly. "Lisanna. You've got paint of your cheeks."
A/N: And that's a wrap my peeps! Comments below on what you think. How to improve? I'm trying not to be too cliche with things but IT'S HARD! 'No story is original anymore'. Don't know who said that line but damn is it true. I feel like the Lisanna part didn't come in very smoothly before the flashback. Tell me what you think.
ABOUT THE HAIR!! In this, its dye. Just decided that. Its important. The Strauss siblings hair are a really light blonde that looks pretty white. A lot of schools don't allow unnatural hair colours but imma ignore that.
I have literally changed the school system! Usually in year 12-13/grade 11/12 students only do select courses. But I've kinda messed that up because it caused me a lot of brain ache trying to fit the story with that fact. I mean, would anyone of the boys take English or Maths by choice? Maybe Jellal. So basically everyone still does Maths, English and Science but have 3-4 of their own class choices. Its basically just like advanced GCSE's style.
If anyone reading this is an ARMY, comment below on your bias, bias wrecker and why you love BTS. Tribute to them being the first not from the big three companies to win the Seoul Music Awards.
Hopefully the next time we meet here isn't months away :)
~Let the Fires in Our Hearts Burn~
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