Having a crush on a celebrity is so unfair! I mean, the chances of you meeting them is pfftt. Concerts don't really count because they're on stage, being the hot, confident and awesome people they are, while your stuck in a crowd of millions, screaming so load you fear you'll become deaf..
Then, if your lucky enough to get a signature, before hand your thinking your gonna be cool and funny. But... you sound like a squeaking, stuttering pansy. Not to mention creepy as eff. Sometimes people say the weirdest things. Let me give you an example real quick.
"H-hi... I'm... um... oh god. I'm your biggest fan. I l-know all your songs a-and I have posters of you all over my r-room. I LOVE YOU!!! You should go on or Wattpad. My name is I'mYourBiggestFan111. I w-wrote a few stories about us! Ha... Haha..."
Blink. Blink.
"Right. Well it was nice meeting you um, whatever your name is. Here's your signature. Bye bye now!... Phew.
And scene. Straight up this happens.
If I met my crush *cough*Natsu Dragneel*cough* I bet I would be really silent then go hyperventilate in the corner. Most likely.
Well guys, that's all for this weeks blog. I hope you liked it and I'll see you next week. Don't forget to review and like! Arigatou mina.
CelestialMage over and out
Clicking the upload button, Lucy leaned back into her cozy arm chair at her desk. Lucy was your average seventeen year old girl. She had silky, medium-length, beautiful golden hair that was usually down or in pigtails. Her eyes were a soft chocolate brown that held kindness and strength. She had a very curvy and sexy figure that gained her a decent amount of attention from the opposite sex. Lucy was bubbly, fun and very intelligent. She loved music, arts, constellations and books. But don't get on her bad side . She knows karate. She wasn't a social outcast or popular. She was just there.
Her eyes drifted to the TV where a recording of Dragon Slayers being interviews was playing. She couldn't help but sigh dreamily when a certain pink-haired make replied with a witty comment. He was-
A beep from her phone broke her focus, telling her a chatroom was open for her and her besties. Levy, Erza and Juvia.
CelestialMage: Hey guys.
Bookworm15: Hiya Celeste.
TouchMyCheeseCakeIKillYou: it's great hearing from u guys.
RainWomanLovesGray-Sama: yes. Aqua agrees.
TouchMyCheeseCakeIKillYou: I read you new blog and it's so true!
Bookworm15: totally! I would have a freaking panic attack if I met...
CelestialMage: Gajeel (wink,wink).
Bookworm15: NO!
RainWomanLovesGray-Sama: lol!
TouchMyCheeseCakeIKillYou: Don't let go Celeste! Keep pulling on that rope of destiny and eventually you will make it to the top! Say aye! All if you!
CelestialMage: Aye.
RainWomanLovesGray-Sama: Aqua says aye.
Bookworm15: ...aye ...
TouchMyCheeseCakeIKillYou: Good.
4 users wish to join your chatroom
Accept Decline
CelestialMage: Should we guys?
Bookworm15: Why not Celeste?
RainWomanLovesGray-Sama: Aqua doesn't mind.
TouchMyCheeseCakeIKillYou: Sure.
(They clicked accept)
FireDragonSlayer, IceMage2, Mystogan5 and MetalHead have joined the chatroom.
FireDragonSlayer: Sup.
CelestialMage: Hey. Just wondering, r u a fan of dragon slayers or something?
FireDragonSlayer: You could say that...
RainWomanLovesGray-Sama: Hmmmm
IceMage2: Nice username! (Smirks)
RainWomanLovesGray-Sama: Thanks.
MetalHead: Seriously
IceMage2: Shut up.
MetalHead: You just... seriously?
TouchMyCheeseCakeIKillYou: I'm confused
Mystogan5: You must love cheesecake. Your username cracked me up! Lol.
TouchMyCheeseCakeIKillYou: I do... and how exactly do you mean that?!!! (Grabs a sword)
Mystogan5: Compliment! (sweat drops)
TouchMyCheeseCakeIKillYou: Good
Mystogan5: Fave flavour?
TouchMyCheeseCakeIKillYou: Strawberry is by far the best.
Mystogan5: totally!
Bookworm15: how the eff this convo even start?
MetalHead: yo!
Bookworm15: oh hi...
MetalHead: something tells me your a shrimp so...
Bookworm15: WHAT!!!
RainWomanLovesGray-Sama: lol. He hit the nail on that one, am I right Scripter?
Bookworm15: shut it Aqua!
FireDragonSlayer: hehe. My friends are weird. Gomenasai.
CelestialMage: don't worry. It's funny. I haven't laughed so much in a chatroom in ages!
FireDragonSlayer: (laughs) that's good. So... You like music?
CelestialMage: Yep! Love it.
TouchMyCheeseCakeIKillYou: she's an amazing singer
CelestialMage: Titania!
FireDragonSlayer: Awesome! Going back, r u a fan of dragon slayers?
CelestialMage: there my fave band.
FireDragonSlayer: really?
Bookworm15: Actually Celeste has...
CelestialMage: you say another word and you'll be the last to read Fairy Tail!
Bookworm15: ( gasps) u wouldn't
CelestialMage: Wouldn't I?
RainWomanLovesGray-Sama: Oooooh
TouchMyCheeseCakeIKillYou: shit just got real!!!
CelestialMage: Muhahahahaha! You have no power here!
FireDragonSlayer: LOTR!
Bookworm15: oh crap! That's Gandalf's line. Celeste's turning into Sauron! Aaaaah!
RainWomanLovesGray-Sama: ... I'm confused. Gandalf to Sauron? How ?
Bookworm15: I don't know. I'm gonna die!
Bookworm15 has signed out
TouchMyCheeseCakeIKillYou: Wow... you really got her the time. Saying she won't be the first to read Fairy Tail was a dirty trick.
Mystogan5: lol. That was interesting!
MetalHead: can't... breath... laughing... too much.
IceMage2: you girls are hilarious!
CelestialMage: (bows)
FireDragonSlayer: Just out of curiosity, what's Fairy Tail?
CelestialMage: it's just a book I'm writing. Got magic, guilds and dragons and stuff.
FireDragonSlayer: that sounds so cool! How'd you pick the name? It's different.
CelestialMage: do fairies have tails? That's where. We don't know. Adds the mystery.
FireDragonSlayer: WOW!
CelestialMage: thanks. I better hit the hay. Got school tomr.
FireDragonSlayer: Awww. Shame. Good night then. Oh, can I friend you end your mates?
CelestialMage: sure thing.
FireDragonSlayer: great.
CelestialMage: bye mina.
CelestialMage signed out
Lucy got into bed with a huge smile on her face. Today's chatroom had been really funny. FireDragonSlayer seemed like a nice guy. 'I can't wait to talk more'
Little did she know just how soon she would meet him. Or the fact that a salmon-haired teenager had a grin on his face as he stared at the new username in his friends list.
A/N: Pretty obvious who everyone is but incase you didn't know. CelestialMage is Lucy H. FireDragonSlayer is Natsu D. TouchMyCheeseCakeIKillYou is Erza S. RainWomanLovesGray-Sama is Juvia L. Bookworm15 is Levy M. IceMage2 is Gray F. Mystogan5 is Jellal and MetalHead is Gajeel.
If you got confused with the nicknames, the girls have code names for when they're online. Celeste-Lucy Titania-Erza Aqua-Juvia Scripter-Levy.
And in this Fairy Tail is a book Lucy's writing. There's more to it as well but that's for later on. If you didn't know what the Japanese words I put in meant then:
arigatou = thank you
gomenasai = sorry
mina = everyone
I hope you liked my first eve chapter on Dragon Slayers an on watt pad! I'll upload whenever I can. Please review and share. I hope it's good enough. Arigatou mina!!!
~Let the Fires in Our Hearts Burn~
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