I didnt ask for this.
My head was throbbing.
And it fucking hurt.
Blinking my eyes, a bright light shining down in my left eye. Groaning, my vision focused and I see Levi hovering above me, concern painting her face.
"Can you sit up? Stand?" Who the hell?
I see Mira Jane's dark blue eyes and Happy's bright blue fur. Everything looks so bright and hazy.
"W-what happened? Where are we?" I can barely trust my voice to speak. What did that flame brain do to me?!
"We're back at the guild" I look towards Erza and sigh
"He's on his way isn't he..."
Erza looked down at me with, that freakin look. Damnit.
"Unfortunately yes, of course it's you two that cause all the trouble, be fucking careful next time!"
I booted up and looked at her in disbelief. This bitch be crazy!
"OH, so now it's my fault that this shitty situation happened?! You're the one who could barely hold off the flame brain! It's not my fault their stupid, sex crazed cycle comes ONCE in their fucking life! You think I asked for this?! Just becuase I'm a part of it doesn't mean I caused it, you've always been such a self centered BITCH! Just fuck OFF already, will you?!"
The emphasis in my worlds made the whole room shake with tension. Erza stared blankly at me while everyone just stood their, mouths open in surprise.
"Fuck you guys."
I stormed out of the guild, slamming the elaborate wooden doors on my way out. I don't even know what to do at this point. I just want everything to go back to normal.
As I walk back to my apartment I pass the small flowing river and tiptoe along the edge of the rocks, putting my arms out to steady myself.
If I were to allow Natsu to mate me... I would be stuck with him forever. It's not that I would mind that much but, FOREVER is a long fucking time. It has no limit.
But on the other hand, he'll die. I can't let him die from my own decision. I couldn't bare to live with myself..
Finally, I reach my apartment. It's empty, and cold.
'I thought I closed the window?..'
There's a crash behind me and I tense up.
Oh hell no.
Turning around I slap something with my hands. It felt like a face. And hair. And- what the hell am I doing?!
I swipe my hair out of my mouth and eyes and see the sex crazed fire demon. Fucking great.
"Natsu." I nod in recognition. He mimics me and....
"Look, Natsu, I'm sure you can find someone else that's totally your kinda, thing.. It's just that, I can't be with you forever..."
I twirl my hands and look down at my feet, a frown on my face while thinking about what to say next. What is there to say next?
"So. You don't l-love me?" His voice is trembling, quivering. The tears lacing his voice. My head snaps up and I run to cup his face.
""N-no! I do love you! But I just don't think that, I could become your mate. Natsu, this is serious stuff, forever is forever. What if I stopped loving you? What if you stopped loving me? We couldn't be separated and even if we tried, we would die!"
My eyes are wide with desperation and compassion.
"Natsu! This is a commitment! You may not understand this, not even now, but there is no limit to how much you can love a person, but this person, it can't be me. Plea-se Natsu, find someone else!"
My voice breaks and tears paint my cheeks. I never asked for this. I didn't want this. I may love him, but I could never be with him.
Natsu's features seemed to have hardened, he grips my shoulders and pushes me against the wall next to my window.
"What don't you get?! I love you! Is that so hard to understand?! I will never stop loving you! You are mine, I can't have anybody else but you, we will both die. I can't live knowing the woman I love, doesn't love me. If you love me then why are you doing this to me?! You're hurting me Lucy, and I just want you to love me the way I love you. Please.."
His eyes shine with tears and desperation, glazed by the sun outside.
I can't believe I'm doing this.
I level his face with mine, and kiss him.
He lets out a relieved sigh and grips the back of my neck. I never knew kissing him would be this nice. His lips are soft and sweet, gliding against my own like clouds. Hands were placed on my waist and thighs, I wanted to, but I couldn't.
"N-Natsu, wait." My voice sounded rough and deep, filled with authority and pride despite my stutter.
"Natsu, please, promise me. You will never stop loving me."
He lifts my face and kissed me once more before locking gazes
"I will never stop loving you, Lucy."
He kisses me again, this time filled with love an adoration. It's so sweet and warm, nothing could be better.
Maybe this time, I won't loose you.
Okay, so I said I would have a chapter or two by New Years, but guess what?
I ended up staying at my grandmas until 12:00 for New Years. It was great and I swear the house was like a mental asylum with all us crazy inmates. But, I fell asleep and before that my phone died cause I had NO FREAKIN IDEA WE WERE GOING TO DO THAT. So I didn't bring my charger and my cousin was a little hoe and wouldn't let me use hers. So at around 12:03 I fell asleep after popping God knows how many poppers. And I left my phone over at her house because my dad had to carry me to the car. And my mom was holding a shit ton of left over food. And my brother was, being my brother. So, I just got my phone back today. I hope you enjoyed my rushed chapter and uh, IM FUKIN SORRY. But that's all I can say.
Btw, what's the best thing to get someone something on their birthday that's under 30$. I'm a terrible friend.
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