"Run, Izuku! Run and don't look back!"
"Sorry kid, your ma hasn't learned her lesson of shutting up. Looks like it's time to bite the bullet!"
And the entire complex was silenced as a loud bang could've been heard in Apartment 13, before it went up in flames, as the image of a male with wild hair and a dragon next to him, could be seen with a solemn look on their face as the young boy ran off into the night, desperate to escape his attackers.
"Hey, asshat!" Speech
"That mother fucker! Mission report?" Sign language or speech over device.
'Damn she's pretty.' Thought
In the book of Khan, Hilary died a HILARY-ous death. Notepad/Phone communication
The alarm blared loudly throughout the small studio loft, it's ringing traveling through the room. Slamming his hand down on the object, his enhanced strength accidentally broke it, the wires and circuit boards flying around as the lone resident rose from his bed internally groaning at his luck.
'Damn. I just bought that one, too. Hopefully, Toby-san has more in his shop. I just wish he would stop bringing up the story of how him and Lyon managed to find his sock again.'
Swinging his legs off the bed, Izuku Midoriya started off with some simple calisthenics, loosening the joints as they grew a little knotted from the night before. Finishing up with some small hops, he began getting ready for the day, that has yet to truly begin as it was still dark outside.
'Well that's to be expected when it's still Five o'clock in the morning. Makes me a little fired up inside.' Putting on the last item of clothing, he made way to the door, grabbing his keys, phone and headphones, and wallet off the counter. Dressed in simple workout attire, his upper body consisted of a white sleeveless hoodie; he tore off the sleeves himself in the middle of the store one day as he made his way to the register. Safe to say, the manager wasn't too happy about it, but couldn't do anything as he had agreed to wanting to purchase it. On his lower body he had on polyester shorts and compression pants underneath to help the sweat increase. And his feet were covered in red and white athletic shoes shoes.
Plugging his ears in, he put on his playlist, steady lofi filling his mind as he left the building, locking the door behind him. The sounds help mellow him out and his senses aren't entirely overwhelmed.
He started off with some basic running, running through the mostly empty roads for a couple minutes before adding some platforming into his routine; climbing up light posts and swinging across them. The routine got a little creative when he gained speed and used his new momentum to run up a ten story building through an alley, though he only made it to the third story before jumping from balcony to balcony to get to the top.
The mornings would always be something he loved taking in, especially once he neared the city area and see the sunrise. The colors of the early star blending in with the water was just so beautiful in his eyes that he stopped on the current building he was on, not knowing that it belonged to the agency of Pro Hero: Death Arms. Safe to say, he was surprised when he felt his headphones ripped off by the large man out of costume; which in turn, angered the teen as he was enjoying the tune "Corners of My Mind."
In the man's eyes, when the boy was trying to speak to him, all he saw was a bunch of hand signs being thrown around and immediately thought he was threatened. In his anger, he crushed the expensive ear-wear and walked right up to the kid, demanding an answer. The greenette only rolled his eyes, took out his phone, and typed up a sentence or two before showing him. It read.
Hey asshole, what gives you any right to just take my stuff from me instead of tapping me on the shoulder? And also, you're buying me a new pair or I'll kick your ass right here.
"What're ya, mute or somethin' kid?" He only received a blank stare in return, the expression answering his question as he immediately tensed up. "Oh, uh. Sorry 'bout that."
Emerald eyes went back to the device, another sentence typed up within seconds before being shown the text.
"Now, pay me back for the headphones, before I get more pissed." The other hand was held out in a "Where's my shit" motion, as he curled and uncurled his fingers a couple times.
"Jesus. What, they cost a thousand yen or somethin'?" Slapping the stack into the boy's hand, he was fixing to turn around and go back inside before he heard the sound of a foot angrily being tapped in impatience. The kid's hand was still extended, as he brought back out his wallet. "Two thousand?" A shake of the head saying no. "Three?" Still no, with the other hand pointing up as if to say higher. "...Ten?" Still no, with the number three being shown.
"Thirty thousand yen?! Kid, ya gotta be shitting me if ya think I'm paying that much." Izuku merely rolled his shoulders before dialing the police phone number, clearly not afraid to get any hero in trouble.
"Wait, wait, wait! Fine here!" Pulling out a fat stack of paper yen from his wallet, he handed it over to the kid. The young man smiled, and bowed in a snotty way to say thank you. But before he stood up straight, he looked at the hero, stuck out his tongue and pulled down on his eye a little bit, before jumping off the roof, using the walls of other buildings to jump to as he made his descent and ran back off.
Safe to say, Izuku had more than enough for his broken gear, and got enough for groceries and then some. Looking at the time after loading his fridge and pantry, he noticed that he didn't have long until school started. Quickly popping on some music, he got dressed, brushed his teeth, attempted to do the same for his unruly hair, before mouthing "Fuck it" and tied it back into a ponytail and dashed off to the small diner. Grabbing the order of burritos, he signed thank you to the nice old lady - who signed back that he was welcome - and made a mad dash for school.
The first bell had just rang as soon as he burst into the classroom. Some of the class giggled, while one of the snotty rich girls tried explaining to him in a rude manner that if he was truly aiming to be a hero then he should've been there thirty minutes before even the warning bell. To which, he signed something, which she was able to understand if her angry expression was any indication, and sat down.
A tap on his desk notified him of Bakugou's presense, as he started signing a couple words.
"Yo nerd. Why the hell're you late?"
"Death Arms broke my headphones on my morning run so I scammed him out of thirty thousand yen. Now do you want your burrito or not?" The blonde quickly signed yes, and the greenette handed the food over with a few things of hot sauce. Katsuki always liked extra spicy food, not that he could disagree as he threw his own sauce in as well.
The teacher walked in and started going over the day's lesson plans, as well as notifying them that their plans for after junior high were to be turned in by the end of the week. The two boys didn't really listen in, as they were weeks ahead of the schedule and were focused on their food.
The day really couldn't go any faster, but finally the last bell was rang as everyone got out of their seats and made their way home, to the mall, or wherever. Izuku and Katsuki got up and ran out of the building, heading to their training spot while sporting some insults towards each other; the two having changed out of their uniforms and into workout attire.
Katsuki's consisted of a simple black tank top and sweats. The summer sun would build up enough heat for him to use his sweat effectively without having to heat himself up. Granted, the blonde never needed that much to build up sweat anyways.
Izuku's consisted of a loose white hoodie, which ended at the middle of his stomach and had the sleeves cutoff. A black ballcap held the topside of his hair while the rest of it flowed down the back of his neck, ending at his shoulders. Black shorts and red flameproof converse sported his bottoms as his quirk could be used from anywhere on his body. Granted, he focused it to mainly his arms and legs, that way he would avoid burning through his clothes.
Once there, the two dropped their bags and began doing light stretches for a few minutes. Once finished, they set out to their own workouts in their makeshift gym, with Katsuki working on his aerobatics and Izuku on his own speed.
The greenette found some small ankle weights that were 5 kilos each. Not too much considering his strength, but line that up with his side gig of cleaning the beach by hauling it on a cart behind him to the dump and back, his top speed had gone up from 11 meters per second, to 16 (or 24.6 miles per hour to 35.8). Not only that, but his stamina built up completely from his already abnormal limits.
He found a great sense of relief in cleaning the beach, knowing that he was doing the work of three goals at once. He was helping the community in reviving a formerly famous spot, building up strength, speed, and stamina for the future, and was able to block everything out and just listen to the music that he and his mom would when they were having their jam sessions.
Having that in mind, he just passed through the gates of the dump with his latest haul, talking to the guy at the gate, when he heard a familiar explosion fill his ears rapidly.
Before he could continue his conversation, he blast forward. Cracking the ground from his dismount as he ran back to the beach. The area had smoke looming overhead as he got closer, however, his view was obscured from bystanders and a building.
Pushing his way through, he was surprised to see the beach they had been cleaning and the trash around it in flames. Katsuki got control (mostly) of his quirk, so why would he suddenly do this? But looking back towards the center, things became clear.
A creature made of slime had currently wrapped itself around the blonde. Normally this would only appear on the internet but this was real and not the time to make that joke out loud - not like anyone would understand him. Someone would think he's throwing gang signs.
Death Arms and Kamui Woods were already on the scene. But with the unpredictable attacks and explosions, as well as the flames being thrown about in all directions, the Punching Hero was thrown to the side, while the Wood Make man kept his distance in fear of his life being quite literally snuffed out.
"The heroes are gonna do something, right? They wouldn't leave the kid to die?"
"Mt. Lady's on her way, but she may not get here in time to do anything."
'Not that she'd be any help.' Izuku thought. And it was nothing against her. But unfortunately her size makes it to where she can't throw any counter attacks to smush the villain, and with the addition of Katsuki currently getting body-snatched, any punch or kick she does throw could squish him into a paste.
Thinking quickly, or rather, not thinking the first part at all, he jumped over the barricade that separated the crowd from the action. Police were yelling at him but he could care less. Kicking up speed, he dodged left and right, avoiding flaming debris that had been used as their makeshift gym-he's pissed because now they'll actually have to go out and get a new bench press- as he drew closer. Once he passed the knocked out Death Arms, he immediately started to inhale; all of the surrounding fire swirling into his mouth as he filled his lungs up and prepared his attack.
Luckily, despite the explosions being rocked inside the villain, he didn't seem to be fire proof, and that the slime is only reverberating the vibrations of the impact. And from the looks of it, the heat started to let loose some steam from the inside. Figuring that if he could make his flames burn hot enough, he should be able to remove Katsuki after making the villain less solid. And that's exactly what he did.
Jumping over a bar, he lit his foot aflame and flipped forward to perform an axe-kick. The heat radiating off his limb was enough to split between the villain and the trapped teen, the head of the creature being removed with the separated half. And after getting Katsuki, who was nearly passed out, away from the front line, he puffed his cheeks out and prepared his next move.
'Try this on for size! ROAR OF THE FLAME DRAGON!' Opening his mouth, a torrent of flames rushed forward, engulfing the villain whole. Cutting off the attack, he pulled on a nearby dryer with his telekinesis, bringing it forward and slamming it down on the distracted man, splattering him onto the ground. Not leaving him any time, he quickly grabbed the villain with his quirk and chucked him into the appliance, closing the door and wrapping a bungee strap around so that it wouldn't open.
It was over, and he was out. The fire breathing took more out of him than he realized and the additional strain of moving a 160 lb. appliance AND a person made it taxing mentally. But the coughing of his friend breathing air again brought him back to his senses. Rushing over to him and helping him sit up, he watched as his friend get the much needed oxygen back into his system. Had it been a minute longer, he feared he would have to tell the Bakugou household that they were now childless.
The news reporter came by, wanting to hear from Izuku what had happened and how he captured the villain. But after realizing that he couldn't speak, or rather wouldn't, they quickly moved on to Kamui Woods and the recently arrive Mt. Lady to give their statements.
Katsuki had been loaded by the ambulance. Even though his airway was no longer blocked, the paramedics on the scene still wanted to make sure that the boy did not have any lasting injuries or internal damage.
Midoriya had sat to the side, hearing the crowd disperse and say things about him that were positive, such as how cool he was to jump in without a thought or how awesome he looked taking out the villain. A couple looks from some women, and one guy, made him feel a little weird but other than that he was okay. Death Arms, after finally giving his statement, had walked over to him and sat down with the teen.
"You got your phone on ya, kid?" A nod and pulling out the device, he quickly typed that he was sorry if he broke the law.
"I mean, technically you did, but I won't hold it against you, seeing as everyone else were either knocked out or couldn't help. Gotta hand it to ya, I barely saw what happened but you looked better than most of us pros out there."
A simple thanks was all he got, as the boy quickly pulled out a bottle of water from a cooler that he and Katsuki stashed away here.
"Know this place well?" Another nod. "Thought so, ya grabbed that dryer without even needing to look at where it was. I won't lie, this place, aside from all the trash and burnt piles of heap, looks amazing at sunset."
Nothing was said, nor did anything need to be.
"Well, I understand that you probably gotta get on to the hospital. Might wanna go check in on your friend before ducking it for the night. But before ya leave, I just wanna say that as a person, I appreciate what you did out there today. As a hero I gotta reprimand ya about using yer quirk 'thout a license. But I won't press any charges against ya for that."
Standing back up and dusting the sand off his bottom, he gave a thumbs up towards the greenette.
"Say, if you make it to a hero school and are looking for internships, you can count that my name will be in the box waiting to be called. Stay safe kid." And with that, they went their separate ways.
Arriving at the hospital the boy felt a little bad. Last time he had been here was for his immunizations and before that his home had burnt down. So coming in and knowing that he wasn't going to get anything checked felt a little off.
Inside he saw Masaru, typing away on his phone and sending a message to work that he most likely won't be in the next day. Mitsuki was nowhere to be seen, but he assumed that was because the mother was with her son, probably berating him for looking lame out there but worried all the same. Of course, he didn't need to ask to figure that out. The screaming match happening a few rooms down did more than enough to give him his answer.
"Oh, Izuku-kun. I was wondering when you would get here." The older male signed to him. He signed back stating that he had a talk with a couple of the heroes which was why he couldn't go in the emergency vehicle.
"Everything okay? I assume his throat's fine if my ears are telling me correctly."
"Oh yeah. Everything's good. Doctor said he may have some light headaches here and there but nothing a few pills of ibuprofen wouldn't fix."
Before they could continue, the door bursted open, the mother and son doing what they do best at yelling at each other's throats with love.
Oh yeah. All love.
"Guys, Izuku came by to check on Katsuki." Quickly being grabbed by the younger of the family, Katsuki was immediately in his ear.
"Yeah. And your lungs don't need air to breathe."
He didn't get much out before his mother came over and smacked his head to the ground.
"Katsuki! We're in public! Don't talk like that!" With a sigh, she turned to the young man and signed with her words. "Sorry, Izu-kun. We've tried getting that temper of his under control but he's over here looking like the U.S.S. Wisconsin."
"Temper, temper." A silent laugh left his lips while a howling laughter was generated from the woman.
"Say, you got anything planned for tonight? I was thinking of taking the family out for dinner at that new bowling center that opened up recently. Wanna join us?"
Thinking about it, he hadn't hung out with the Bakugou family as a group for a couple weeks now. And since his lesson plans weren't really all that difficult, he had nothing to worry about.
So with a nod of his head, he looked up to see the mother who had a smile on her face. "Good!" And she grabbed the back off his collar and Katsuki by the scruff of his neck. "Because I wasn't taking no for an answer!"
And so, with one teen flying in the wind silent and the other the same but screaming obscenities, they had been drug all around the town. A fun night awaited them.
But in the distance, a lone woman stood atop a building, watching the greenette being flown around with hunting eyes.
"Agent Tsutsumi. What's the target's location?"
"Sir. Midoriya is currently being taken by the blonde family to what seems like a bowling alley."
"Any forms of malicious intent seen when being moved?"
"None. If anything he looked to have a smile of enjoyment on his face. If I may ask, why am I watching this kid rather than the patrol? Shouldn't this be left to Takami, seeing as he's better qualified for aerial movement?"
"We chose you for this mission since you have been in the field longer and can easily catch behavioral patterns. Earlier today, this kid had stepped in and illegally used his quirk to stop a slime creature from overtaking the body of his friend. Though he took no damage, the boy said not a single word throughout the encounter and had used what seemed to be two different quirks.
The officers that were on the scene reported that Death Arms allowed the kid to use his quirk, however, the hero was knocked down at the time he vaulted over the barricades."
"So he stepped in to save his friend, from a situation that even heroes were unable to stop? Doesn't sound like much, if you ask me."
"Perhaps not the story alone, but check out the footage we had just sent over."
The woman pulled out her phone, and sure enough, there was a video of the boy awaiting her in the messages tab. Pushing play, Kaina Tsutsumi could immediately see why he had been suspected for a future threat.
The sheer power of the flames alone had not only turned some of the sand behind the villain into pure glass, but had also been enough to burn up the water and split the sea as if he were Moses. Only people with power like that in pressure and flames were All Might and Endeavor. Not only that, the amount of control from the secondary quirk used proved to be capable of strength enough to rip through crowds. If someone like that were to lose control or go insane, the results would be devastating.
"Now you see why? Plus. We have been able to trace this boy back to the Big Flame of Musutafu nine years ago. The boy had been seen running from two criminals that you captured and put into custody. The report says that the two had broke in and murdered the boy's mother in front of his eyes, and the trauma seen awakened his quirks before they had been finished developing, giving him the powers of his grandfather and his mother.
If he were to use this experience to turn either vigilante, or worse, villain, then the damage done would be immeasurable. That is why we are having you keep an eye on him, in case we need you to pull the trigger."
"Pull the trigger? He's a teenager in junior high. Sure that sounds terrible, but you can't list that as reason alone to end his life. But I'll follow your orders. 'Even if I don't agree.'"
The bowling alley had been bustling with life. Families and friends all around were enjoying the bustling atmosphere. Granted, Izuku had been trying to block his hearing a little bit, he knew with the family he was with that the job was impossible.
The aforementioned father merely sighed as he stood up and made his way to the ball rack. Grabbing a 12, he took his position with a palm grip. Mistuki was fixing to toss shit before he started moving. Body twisting in such a manner as he threw the ball down the lane. At first rolling to the right before it took a graceful spin and turned right down the middle. All ten pins were knocked down and the mother was left speechless.
"Sorry dear. Too much?"
Katsuki was up next but he very quickly got into another argument with the woman about who's actually better. Of course, in retaliation he blasted the ball down the lane, but due to the uncontrolled force it went straight to the gutter.
Izuku however was elsewhere, having excused himself to go to the refill his drink and go to the bathroom. Granted it was actually an excuse to step outside and take a breath of fresh air, as well as to clear his ears out for a minute. He's already mute, he can't be deaf as well.
Looking at the lights, he grew a small smile at the city around him bustling about. People left and right were enjoying the nightly air and atmosphere.
"It's a beautiful night, wouldn't you agree?" A voice next to him had stated, and when he turned to look at the owner, his whole body stopped at the sight.
A teenage girl, no older than himself was dressed in a red hoodie that cut off below her bust, exposing her toned stomach. Silver ballcap covered her head with a ponytail of perfectly blonde hair venting through the opening in the back. Tight fitting blue jeans covered her legs, but leaving nothing from the imagination of their shape. And finally, a pair of white sneakers covered her feet.
But what captured him the most were her eyes. A beautiful gold with a draconic slit resembling his own green orbs. A pure curved of her lips showing her smile which could knock him out anytime.
"Well? What, did a cat catch your tongue or something?"
Of course, he was staring for too long.
Quickly signing a sentence, he immediately remembered afterwards that she may or may not know sign language and pulled out his notepad.
No, it's not that. I just don't like to speak. But yes, it is beautiful.
'But not as much as that smile you're giving me.'
"Oh, a selective mute?" A nod answered her. "I see. I apologize for the joke earlier. I meant no ill harm."
It's alright. I've gotten used to it at this point. If I may ask, what're you doing out here?
A small sigh left her lips as she started to speak. "Oh my friends can be a little much. Of course, anything they slightly do that can be seen as exciting makes them squeal their heads off, which actually hurts me but I don't say anything."
Sensitive hearing?
"Yes. I assume you're out here for the same reason?"
You'd be right. My second family is insanely loud, which makes sense as each of them have something that can make explosions out of nothing but their own sweat. But sometimes it's a bit too hard to handle where I'll have to take a step out or leave early.
"I see. It would be bad for you, having gone deaf and already being a mute."
That's what I'm saying!
And laughter followed. Well, being voiced by the girl next to him while his came out in silent bursts of air. 'God her laughter's amazing.'
"You are very funny. May I have your name? At least to know what to call the person who can make me laugh without effort."
You know, it's not well mannered to ask for name without giving yours first.
And an open smile graced her face, pearly white teeth with sharpened grooving once again giving off the appearance of a dragon. And that smile immediately stopped his heart for a split second.
"My name is Ryuko Tastuma. And yours?"
And with a sharpened smile of his own, he answered.
Izuku Midoriya.
End Scene
And that marks chapter two! Already, I had decided to display Izuku's power in a more controlled way. Not only that, but without the interference of All Might. In this chapter we were able to see into the life of this version of Izuku. The mute teen obviously doesn't trust others and only talks to those he considers friends or family, but in public it's purely sign language.
Katsuki's more reeled back. Obviously not to a high degree but enough to where he's least likely to throw an explosive punch every ten minutes.
But, as you see at the end there, I am bringing in two more characters. Let's get on with the obvious being Ryuko Tatsuma, better known as the No. 9 Dragoon Hero: Ryukyu. If you couldn't tell, this is going to be more than likely a Izuku and an aged down Ryukyu story. I find her absolutely fascinating and I feel as if her and my version of Izuku will get along greatly.
And if you couldn't tell, Kaina Tsutsumi, or better known as the Lovely Hero-Gone-Villain Lady Nagant, will also be playing a big role. At this point it's still a concept as to which map I want her to take, but as you can see, this is Nagant who still works for the commission.
But let me know what you think! And as always, see you next time!
Having start the morning with basic cardio, Izuku thought it best to take it a step further with some swinging on lampposts and streetlights. Little bit of parkour never hurt anybody.
Except if you're a greenette who was trying to run up a ten story building. Because as he reached the third floor, the renter of the apartment he was passing by, someone slammed open the shutters, throwing him off the building and flat on his back.
Death Arms came by, stopping to ask if he was okay, but only received a middle finger in response.
"Fuck you, kid." And the hero slammed his fist into the boy, digging him further into the ground.
Blooper end
Mt. Lady Arrives a Little Too Early
Having charged up his attack, Midoriya slammed down an axe-kick that split through the villain. But before anything else could happen, all three people were immediately squished into the sand by a large purple foot; the limb doing more damage as it twisted a little bit.
"Good thing I got here in time! Don't know what I would've done without your guys' ASSistance!"
Her joke unfortunately fell flat, as everyone was too focused on the pool of blood and slime beneath her feet. And when she finally noticed, she used the ocean as a toilet for a drunk girl, and blew chunks.
Blooper end
Deleted Scene
You Still Owe Me Money
Looking back at the raging waves of water, Izuku felt a small calm wash over his features as Death Arms stood back up. The sound of the crashing waves just put him at ease.
But before he could settle into a rest, the Punching Hero came back one last time.
"By the way. Where's the twenty thousand yen ya stole from me?"
And just like that, Izuku felt revitalized and blasted off towards the hospital. Not allowing any words for the hero.
"Fuckin' brat."
End DS
Deleted scene
Izuku's the Best at Bowling, So It Would Seem.
Everyone started to gather around lane 7. If you were just coming in you'd think a tournament was happening but no.
What everyone came marching over to see was for the Greenette to get his tenth strike in a row. The previous nine were all perfect shots and no one could understand how anyone was that skilled enough for that to happen.
"Guy's that girl's got huge tits!" And that took the attention of over half the males and a quarter of the females to the tan woman outside who had long brunette hair, flowing all the way down to her back. In one hand was the hand of what seemed to be her boyfriend and the other a... entire keg of beer? Yea that's about right.
But when the slamming of pins all meshed together, they all turned right around only to be disappointed to see that all the pins were knocked over. Having missed the moment to see a drunken lady who was too far gone to even know what was going on.
"I want a refund."
End scene
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